
Read SafetyInNumbers-Final Online

Authors: Jessie G

Tags: #abuse themes, #mm romance, #blue collar, #gay romance, #glbt, #romance, #lgbt romance, #gay love, #gay contemporary romance, #contemporary romance, #mild bdsm elements

BOOK: SafetyInNumbers-Final
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Safety in Numbers

By Jessie G


We are stronger together than we’ll ever be apart.

— Owen Connor, Sizzling Miami Series


Safety in Numbers
Copyright © 2015 Jessie G

Special thanks to:
Jessica McKenna, Literary Editor


Andrew Reyna, Dynamic Craft Studios

Published by
: Jessie G Books

All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Jessie G Books,
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Safety in Numbers is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

Trademark acknowledgement
Publix, Step by Step, Disney, Nerf (Doominator & Flipfury), EPIC Hotel, Area 31 Restaurant, SunTrust, UF - University of Florida, Gainesville, Valencia, Florida State Prison, Metro West Correctional Facility, Shell, Facebook, Goodwill, Justin Bieber, MMI Technical School, Jameson, Guinness, Ultra, ADA, Sundowner, Miami Dolphins, The Hulk (Bruce Banner & Rick Jones)


Safety in Numbers
Sizzling Miami Book 5


“Bros stick together no matter what.”

When Chris and Liam made that promise, they had no idea how important it would become or how it would be tested in the most brutal way. Nine years later, their bond cemented in blood, that relationship is all they have to hold on to.

“No matter what happens, this friendship will be the one constant we can count on.”

When Billy and Owen made that promise, they knew exactly how dangerous the world could be. They survived prison by protecting each other and they survived freedom by holding that promise sacred. Now they want more than just to survive and they want it from the brothers whose bond is as strong as their own.

“We are stronger together than we’ll ever be apart.”

When Owen reaches his breaking point, Chris jumps at the chance to make things right for all of them. With the future in their grasp, will they realize their strength is in their numbers and finally become the family they crave?

Author’s Note:
This is NOT a foursome, but the story of two couples that needed to be told together.


Try these other books by Jessie G

Sizzling Miami Series

Past Hurts – Alaric & Davin’s story

For A Reason – Bull & Red’s story

The Protector – Saul, Javier & Kyle’s story

Their Reason – Sequel to For A Reason


Devils Pride MC Series

Tricking Chase – Master Ty & Chase’s story


My heartfelt thanks to the wonderful beta readers who provide constant support and awesome feedback—
Linda, Denise,
. When I released
Past Hurts
, I didn’t know what a beta reader was, but I wised up quickly and you answered the call when I was getting ready to release
For a Reason
. Even now, I can’t believe we’ve been doing this together for five books. I hope you never get tired of my guys. And to my newest beta reader,
, well, you know!

A special thanks to
Wendy Maples
, who won an appearance in
Safety in Numbers
and provided the perfect opportunity to introduce a new employee at Bull’s Garage. Honorary mention goes to
Denise Shirley Carter
who submitted a hilarious Halloween-themed entry to the same contest. I really wanted to put it in, but Ty took over that scene and I had to run with him.

Finally, to
. For those that don’t know, my son is the graphic artist responsible for my amazing covers. He has a dream that he refuses to let go of and it was his tenacity that reminded me that I had a dream that got pushed to the side as life intruded. These books would not be possible without his encouragement and inspiration.



August 10, 2008 - Chris

Chris Bishop looked around at the small crowd that was gathered to celebrate his mother’s recent marriage. He only recognized a few people, but that was to be expected. His mother came from a small family, while his father’s family was extensive. Extensive and really unhappy that Martha Bishop was remarrying. His father had only been dead a year, so Chris understood the anger, but his mother looked happy again and that mattered more to him than their hurt feelings.

“So, we’re bros now, huh?” Liam Ellis nudged his shoulder and gave him a friendly smile. Chris knew him from school, everyone did. A year older than him and star of their high school football team, Liam was something of a local celebrity. Not that you’d know it from talking to him. There were a lot of people in awe of Liam and the whole football team. They were winners, larger than life, and they always seemed to be surrounded by admirers. Since his mother started seeing Liam’s father, David Ellis, he’d gotten to meet the boy behind the public image and was impressed. Liam was on the fast track to a dual scholarship for college, but it was his personality that really surprised Chris. Liam was down to earth, super friendly, and seemingly eager to know his new little brother. Not at all the stuck up star athlete everyone portrayed him to be.

“Congratulations,” Chris teased. “It’s a boy.”

“Smart ass.” Liam nudged him again. “You cool with all this?”

Only six months ago, their parents’ shopping carts collided in the grocery store and it had been a whirlwind romance ever since. Since the vows had already been said, Liam’s question was a little late, but Chris understood the sentiment. No one could have predicted how quickly they’d become a family. “Yeah, sure, what’s not to be cool with? Mom’s happy. Your Dad seems happy. We don’t hate each other or anything. Could be worse, right?”

“Yeah, lots.” Liam shivered a little. “One of the guys on the team has a new step-dad and the guy’s a real prick. Abusive, really. He’s afraid to open his mouth though because, like you said, his Mom’s happy. What I don’t get is how she can be happy with her new husband abusing her son?”

“That sucks.” Chris looked across the room to where their parents were slow dancing. The guy had been decent to him. Not exactly warm and fuzzy, but polite, like he wasn’t sure of his footing yet. Chris just assumed that would smooth out over time. Real life wasn’t like television where families seamlessly blended together. It took work, and he was okay with doing his part. He couldn’t imagine what Liam’s friend might be going through or having a mother who stood by and let it happen.

“Yeah, it really does.” Liam nodded thoughtfully. “I was talking with a few of the other guys and we’re thinking of taking our concerns to the coach. He won’t let anyone get away with hurting one of his boys.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” Chris looked over at Liam, feeling his respect for his new older brother growing. “You’re a really good guy, Liam. I’m glad to call you brother.”

“Yeah?” Liam got him in a headlock and rubbed the top of his head. Chris just laughed. He could have tried to wiggle away, but he didn’t have the muscle to best Liam and didn’t care to try. Having a new brother to horse around with would be fun, something he hadn’t had as an only child. “Still want to keep me?”

“Yeah,” Chris agreed as he straightened his clothes and smoothed down his hair.

“Cool.” Liam chuckled a little. “I always wanted a brother when I was younger. Always bugging my folks for a playmate, ya know? It never happened and then Mom died in that car accident. Dad just never seemed to recover. I’m happy to see him finally look at peace. Your Mom’s good for him.”

“I think that goes both ways. I haven’t seen her laugh this much since my Dad died of cancer.” Liam smiled at that, but he could see the concern in his new brother. Chris understood and rushed to reassure him. “She’s pretty chill. Not big on yelling or being real strict. If I screw up, she usually just wants to talk about it. She sucks at telling jokes and always gets the punch line wrong, but she cooks real good and her cookies…man, her chocolate chip cookies are to die for.”

“Yeah? Damn, I haven’t had homemade chocolate chip cookies since…” Liam trailed off and shook his head. “Thanks for that. She’s been cool to me, but after seeing what my friend’s been going through, I got worried. When the prick was dating his mom, he was totally different. Real friendly, showering them with gifts and shit. Then he just turned on him.”

Chris knew his Mom and could promise with total confidence that she would never turn on Liam. “Naw, man, my mom’s not like that.”

“Cool. My dad’s not either,” Liam assured. “He’s not real touchy feely or anything. Or much with the hugs and the sappy words, but he’s always totally supportive. Never misses a game, always cheering the loudest, always saying how proud he is. He might yell a bit if I do something real stupid, but I know he’s just looking out for my future. I can’t afford to blow my scholarship options.”

Chris was grateful for Liam’s words. He wasn’t the star of the football team or looking at dual scholarships, so there was always the concern that Mr. Ellis would find him lacking in comparison to Liam. That he would somehow screw it up for his Mom. “I guess neither of us have anything to worry about.”

“You were worried too, huh?” Liam asked. Of course they were both worried—high school and figuring out their futures was tough enough without adding home problems to the mix. “Chris?”

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