SafetyInNumbers-Final (10 page)

Read SafetyInNumbers-Final Online

Authors: Jessie G

Tags: #abuse themes, #mm romance, #blue collar, #gay romance, #glbt, #romance, #lgbt romance, #gay love, #gay contemporary romance, #contemporary romance, #mild bdsm elements

BOOK: SafetyInNumbers-Final
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“Sure you do, because the answer is all the same.” When he just stared blankly, Chris said, “No.”

“So you think they all trust me because I proved I was trustworthy?” What could he have possibly done to earn their trust?

“Of course I do. You proved I could trust you with Liam.” Chris said it so matter-of-factly, that there could be no doubt that he meant it.

Since that was the whole reason he asked for this meeting, Billy was floored. He was prepared to beg for a chance to prove himself and ask for accountability so he didn’t screw up. How could he have missed the fact that Chris already trusted him? Or that any of them trusted him? “I think I need a second to process.”

“Sure, take your time.” Chris leaned back and took out his phone, giving him the space he requested.

Only Billy didn’t know what he needed the space for. “Do you really believe everything you just said?”

“Wouldn’t have said it otherwise,” Chris answered without looking up. “In case you hadn’t noticed, words aren’t my thing.”

“Tell me something, Chris.” Billy waited until Chris set his phone aside and gave him his full attention. Chris trusted him, but would he hold him accountable? “What happens if I hurt Liam?”

“I’ll kill you.” Chris didn’t smile to pretend that he was joking. He didn’t even blink. Just for a second, the man sitting across the table from him was the same one capable of killing David Ellis and Billy was pleased to meet him. This man would hold him accountable so that he never hurt the one they both loved. It was everything Billy needed to move forward with his life and his future with Liam.

“Thank you.” He had never meant the two words more than he did in that moment.

Chris offered his hand across the table and Billy took it gratefully. “Welcome to the family, brother.”

Billy grabbed up his beer to cover up the emotion suddenly threatening to spill over. He’d started this meeting squirming and sweating. He would not end it crying. “ think we should call the boys? Maybe have them meet us for dinner.”

“Yeah, good thinking.” Chris started to slide out of the booth and sent him one more reassuring smile. “Make the call. I’m gonna hit the head.”

Billy watched him walk away as he fished out his phone. He couldn’t wait to see Liam, even if he did get his ass chewed for leaving the garage without a word. If all went well, he’d return the favor and Liam would definitely enjoy it.


Chapter 9


“Are you sure Chase and Ty know I’m coming?” Owen asked as he climbed out of the truck and started up the driveway. “I know they trust you to watch the kids, but that doesn’t mean they want me hanging around them.”

Chris grabbed his hand, pulling him to a stop a few steps from the door. “Why wouldn’t they want you hanging around?”

Owen reached up to adjust his ever present beanie and came up empty. It might not be a traditional date, but Chris insisted he leave the thing behind. He was a big fan of Owen’s hair and was tired of seeing it covered up. “They only know me through Bull and it was great of them to hire our company to do some remodeling, but it’s not like we’re friendly or anything.”

“Is that true or just something you assume?” Chris knew Owen’s standard procedure was to assume no one wanted him in any capacity and hold himself apart before they had a chance to reject him. “Because I really can’t imagine you working here for weeks and Chase not inviting you for dinner.”

“Yeah, he did that when I lost track of time and worked into their dinner hour. It’s just a polite client’s way of reminding you that it’s getting late and they want some peace for a few hours.” Owen reached for the beanie again and huffed when he remembered it wasn’t there. “At the end of the day, I’m all sweaty and covered in paint and dust and who knows what else. Not exactly the guy you want sitting at your dinner table.”

“You should try saying yes once in a while.” Chris knew that wasn’t likely to happen, but he was sure not all of those clients were just trying to get him out the door.

“I did once.” Owen beamed as if he done something right. “We were doing an ADA remodel in the Shores for this cute old couple. This was back when we were first starting the business and had gotten certified for that type of work. They were real nice. We still go check in on them once in a while.”

Real nice and probably non-threatening. “Well, as long as it’s not some hot guy, I think you should try saying yes more often.”

“We’re just glad to get the work that we do, what with our records and all. People are taking a chance on us, but we don’t want to overstay our welcome.” When that hand reached for the missing beanie again, Chris grabbed it and held them both tight.

“You tell people about your record?” Chris couldn’t see how that was beneficial at all.

“Sure. Better that they reject us upfront than they find out halfway through the project and risk having them accuse us of misrepresentation or something.” Owen shrugged like it was the most natural thing in the world. It reminded Chris of Billy’s comment that his record would follow him for the rest of his life. Technically he didn’t have a record and couldn’t imagine having to start every new job with a list of past mistakes. “It’s gotten easier though. Most of our clients come to us from other clients, which is pretty awesome, so they might know our records, but they’ve also seen our work. I like to think that speaks for itself.”

“I’m sure it does.” No one could argue that the work he and Colin did was top notch and, as far as Chris knew, their clients were always happy. It still bothered him that Owen felt he had to relive his crimes every time he took on a new client. His self-esteem was already pretty low. Recounting the reason he’d been to jail would only make it worse. It was no wonder he thought those invitations were just people being polite.

Chris saw the blinds move in the front window and tugged Owen toward the door. There were a lot of things they needed to talk about it, but he wasn’t open to doing it with an audience. It swung open before he could knock and Ty’s grin was pure evil as he stared at their hands. Ty could smell blood in the water from a mile away and wouldn’t be able to resist interjecting his words of wisdom. Owen was so not ready for that experience. “I’m not gonna have to remind you two horn dogs that you’re responsible for underage children tonight, am I?”

Owen’s ears turned pink and he ducked his head. Chris knew Ty was teasing and had probably been bursting at the seams waiting for them to arrive. Now he had to convince Owen that it was all in good fun. “You’ve been waiting all day to say that, haven’t you?”

“Practiced it in front of the mirror and everything.” Ty laughed outright and stepped back to let them in.

Owen tried to hang back a step, but Chris was having none of it. He shortened his stride and tightened his grip, forcing Owen to stay at his side. “Your man thinks he’s funny, Chase.”

Chase was at the counter organizing an insulated picnic bag. Ty had no filter, so Chris knew that their rides usually included dinner and other “adult only” activities wherever the bike needed to be refueled. The fact that he knew Ty and Chase arranged as much “adult only” time as they could should have embarrassed him, but he envied them more than any other couple he knew. Not that he didn’t envy Bull and Red’s relationship, or even Saul’s relationship with his boys, though Chris couldn’t imagine having to worry about two lovers. There was just something special about Ty and Chase’s connection that spoke to him the most.

Building a relationship with Owen scared him a little. His sexual experiences included several forgettable one night stands and a brief weekend fling, so he wasn’t concerned so much about the sex. Relationships were a whole other hurdle. From what he remembered, his parents had had a good one, but he was young and wasn’t sure if that wasn’t just a child’s perception. Everything after that had been shit and there certainly hadn’t been anyone who cared enough to show him what a good relationship looked like or teach him how to treat a partner. He was winging it and only had their friend’s relationships to guide him.

“He’s definitely funny.” Chase came over, the bag slung over one shoulder and his helmet dangling from two fingers. “And that voice exceeds my expectations. Deep, smooth, and very sexy. You’re a lucky man, Owen.”

“Oh, thanks.” Owen’s blush reached his hairline and he looked down at the floor like he was hoping a hole would open up to swallow him.

“Aww, I remember when you blushed like that.” Ty slung an arm around Chase’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head loudly. “It was so cute with your stutter.”

“You thought my stutter was sexy.” Chase batted his eyelashes and Ty’s teasing grin turned predatory. With a very unsubtle tug, Ty pulled Chase toward the garage as he gave them the rundown. “The kids left your weapons on the stairs. You know where the emergency numbers are, the keys to the papa-mobile are on the hook, the guest room’s all made up, and we’ll be back before the sun comes up.”

They both stood there as the door slammed shut on Chase’s last words. Owen shifted and Chris held him still as the door cracked open again. “And thank you!”

The rev of Ty’s bike followed and only then did he let Owen’s hand go. “That was...interesting”

“Aren’t they great?” Chris heard giggling from the second floor and indicated that Owen should follow him. “Come on, let’s go see what the kids left for us.”

“Don’t you think it’s odd that they didn’t say goodbye to the kids?” Owen’s tone was chock full of censor.

“Uh, first, there’s no way either of them would leave without saying goodbye. Second, the kids are waiting for me to find them. Oh, check this out.” Chris grabbed up the two Nerf guns, weighing one in each hand. “You want the Doominator or the Flipfury?”

Owen just blinked up at him in confusion. “I don’t...are those Nerf guns? Shit, I haven’t seen one of them in like twenty years.”

Chris could relate. He hadn’t played since he started hanging out with Ava, Luc, and their big kid guardians. “Well, those two are expert marksmen and these aren’t our generation’s Nerf guns.”

Owen listened intently as he explained how both guns worked and finally settled on the Flipfury. “Okay, is there like a bet or something?”

“Tonight’s winner gets to pick dinner.” Chris eased up the stairs and glanced back just before the second floor landing. “I’m counting on you to have my back.”

He meant for more than just this little Nerf war to decide dinner and hoped that Owen got the message. They all had this impression that he could somehow make their lives better, and he’d do his best, but he really needed Owen to do the same for him.

“I won’t let you down,” Owen whispered seriously.

He nodded and continued up the stairs, but his head wasn’t in it. They’d been coasting along until a few days ago and the slow burn had been frustrating. The days following his decision to break his silence had been a rollercoaster, first with Liam and then with Billy. Both encounters had been necessary and promising, but it kept him from working on the much-needed connection with the man currently following him into battle. Then, instead of taking Owen to some fancy restaurant and wooing him with hearts and flowers, he took them on a playdate with a pair of five year olds.

“Duck left!” Owen called and he instinctively rolled into the bathroom doorway. He looked at Owen who was in a similar crouch across the hall and saw the rush of excitement in his expression. “Get your head in the game. You almost got taken out by a girl.”

Ava’s giggle gave away her position, but Chris loved hearing it. He’d never given thought to kids of his own until he started hanging out here, which seemed to be a growing theme in his life. Everything in this house made him want something for himself. It was a real family with loving parents, amazing kids, fun, love...kind of what he thought he had before his real dad died. Or what Liam thought he had before Chris ruined it all.

“Chris?” Owen belly crawled across the hall, taking a dart to the ribs before tucking in behind him. “You with me here?”

He looked down and saw the concern in Owen’s eyes. Did Owen want children? Even without relationship experience, he knew it was probably too soon to bring it up, but he’d been afraid to dream of his future for so long. Their future didn’t hinge on a yes answer because his desire for a life with Owen would always be paramount, but little green-eyed Bishops would make that life just a little sweeter.

“I’m with you.” As much as he wanted to know, the kids were only a few feet away and had big ears. Last thing he needed was to give Ty ammunition to tease them with later.

“Okay, good.” Owen judged his expression for another second before sharing his intel. “Luc’s standing on the dresser in the guest room, taking aerial shots. Ava’s behind the door in the master bedroom, shooting through the crack under the door.” Owen leaned out, took a quick look, and ducked back in as a Nerf dart came whizzing past. “That little five year old girl can precision shoot through a two inch gap under the door. What’d you get me into?”

“You’re having fun.” It wasn’t a question. Some of the concern was still there, but there was no denying that Owen was enjoying himself. Maybe fun made a good date.

“Well, yeah. I can’t remember the last time I played. We gotta get some of these for the house.” Owen held up the gun and waggled his eyebrows. “Imagine the epic battles we could have. That house needs a few epic battles and a whole lot of fun.”

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