Sail With Me (17 page)

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Authors: Chelsea Heights

BOOK: Sail With Me
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“Well, it’s nice talking to you too, Delaney.
I’m at the market picking up bread and produce for dinner. How are you?”


“I could be better.
I’ve been shot and I’m in the hospital.”
She waited for her dad’s response.


When did this happen?
Are you okay?
Your mom and I will be on the next flight to the States.”


“No, don’t come. I’m coming to you but I need your help.
Do you still have your contacts in the National Security Agency?” she asked.


“A person never really leaves the NSA, sweetie.
I still keep in contact and on occasion they call me for small jobs.
What do you have yourself involved in?”


Delaney gave him a quick rundown with the names and descriptions of the couple she was looking for.
“I’ll see what I can find out.
I’ll have a tap on their cell phones up and running in no time.
Our government listens to private phone conversations of its citizens all the time.
You would be shocked at all the laws we break.
I love it.”
She told her dad how much she loved and missed him and her mom.
She told him she would be arriving in the next few days and would call upon her arrival.


She watched the slideshow again.
This time tagging the pictures as evidence.
She then went into editing and enlarged the pictures, zooming in on Dr. Wu.
Using the sharpening tool, she enhanced them until they were crystal clear.
She didn’t want any mistakes made this time around and it was important for them not to know she was on their trail.
She minimized the pictures and opened her e-mail.
Clicking on her dads e-mail, she attached the images and video from the hospital security camera.


Next she logged onto Newark International Airport and scoured the site for the next available flight leaving for Paris.
She tapped her credit card information into the computer with her good hand and bought two one-way tickets.
Then she checked the availability and booked the most luxurious suite at the Hotel Du Louvre in the heart of Paris.
She logged off the computer and closed the cover.
She called for the nurse to bring her more pain medicine.
Before she had the opportunity to even ask, Delaney said, “It’s a ten.”
She waited for her to walk out of the room and watched Jake softly snoring in the corner, all curled up.
This time she fell to sleep with a smile on her face.


Delaney and Jake argued for an hour.
She called the nurse to her room and requested the forms to sign herself out of the hospital
Against Medical Advice.
Initially the nurse refused to bring the paperwork in but Delaney threatened to call the patient advocate number listed on the back of the door.
She had been reading the poster her entire stay, and knew her rights by heart.
One of those rights was to sign herself out of this place.
Caving in, the nurse stormed from the room loudly complaining about her as she walked down the hall.
Jake was furious but she gave him a choice.
“You can come with me or stay here.
It doesn’t make a difference to me; I’m going with or without you.”


Jake stood over her begging her not to go. “You’re not better yet. You’ll never be able to handle the flight let alone chase kidnappers.
You’ve lost your mind.
I’ll go and I promise to call you with updates; we’ll be in constant contact.”


“Think about it Jake.
How much French do you speak?
You won’t even be able to rent a car without drawing attention to yourself.
Remember this is my case, your only here because I asked for your assistance, I don’t need you.
You can be easily replaced.”
She instantly regretted her choice of words.
The hurt on his face was unbearable and she turned away before continuing, “There’s no way I can’t go.
Plus I already have my dad tapping their phone lines.
My parents live in Paris and they’re expecting me.”


Jake stared down at her. “You speak French?
Your father listens to people’s private conversations?
You’re willing to replace me just because you don’t get your own way?”


Growing more frustrated, she snapped, “I already paid for your ticket.
You’re either with me or you’re not.
So get your panties out of a ruffle and help me.
I’ll tell you about my dad on our way to the airport.
And for your information I speak several languages.
Now help me get these monitors off and get dressed.
I’m going nuts lying in this bed.
Our flight leaves in four hours.
I hope big red can make it to the airport fast enough.”


Delaney had enough foresight to book first class seats.
The extra space was good for her arm, which now hung in a sling and was visibly bandaged from the shoulder to her wrist. She let Jake take the aisle seat, giving him enough room to stretch his legs.
When the stewardess went by Delaney ordered a glass of white wine.
She took a drink then threw two pain pills down her throat.
He glared at her.
Closing her eyes she said, “Wake me when we get there.”


He was angry and tired.
Unable to get comfortable, he finished her wine and ordered another.
Pulling a blanket from the overhead bin he thought he would try watching a movie.
When the stewardess returned with his drink, he asked, “What movie are you showing?”


She looked down and replied, “Steel Magnolias.
Can I get you some headphones?”


Jake thought the only thing worse than having to watch a chick flick would be falling out of the sky.
“No thank you.
I’ll just take my drink and try to get some sleep.”
Looking at the bottle of Percocet in Delaney’s bag, he couldn’t resist and removed two of the pills.
He tossed them back with the wine and closed his eyes.


Landing in Paris, he got their luggage from the carousel and headed to the car rental desk.
He carried their one bag and she did all the talking.
He had no idea she spoke fluent French and it sounded so beautiful coming from her lips.
He listened closely, but had no idea what she was saying.
He watched as she handed over her credit card with an international driver’s license.
She turned to him and winked before finishing the transaction.
Even with a bandaged arm Jake thought she looked good.
“Are we staying with your parents?”


“Are you kidding me?
We’re in Paris for crying out loud.
I booked us a room at the most exclusive hotel in France.
We have a suite with a view of the Louvre Museum courtesy of the Mullica Township Police Department.
Not that I plan on spending all my time in a museum when I can be taking advantage of you.”
She gazed down at his bulge then back up at him.
His blue eyes were sparkling in the light and his slightly crooked smile said it all.
He wanted her as much as she wanted him.
“Babe, I’ll follow you wherever you go,” he said.


Crossing into the parking garage she threw the keys at him.
“Good catch.
That’s our car over there, the red smart car.”


“No way.
I can’t drive that; I won’t even fit in it.”


“You have to fit.
We’re in Europe.
You’re not going to see people driving big red trucks over here.
Or SUV’s for that matter.
And by the way, it’s a stick. Be grateful I didn’t rent a moped; that was an option but I wouldn’t be able to hang on to you with one arm.”
She started laughing and couldn’t believe how huge he looked next to the car.
She almost felt sorry for him.


Squeezing in, he started the engine and backed out.
Shifting into first gear, the car lurched forward and he hit his head on the ceiling before stalling out.
Delaney gave him a sarcastic look and said, “Oh this is going to be a real adventure.
The French drive like maniacs; I hope you don’t get us killed.”


“You’re a real comedian.
I haven’t driven stick since college.
Just tell me how to get there.”
Then he turned the engine over again and away they went.
Tugging on her seat belt to make sure it was working, she told him where to go.
As they approached the rotary at the Arc de Triomphe Jake started to sweat.
It was eight lanes of traffic speeding around a circle, and there didn’t seem to be any order.
Everyone drove as if they had the right of way and headlights were flashing all around them.
“Why is everyone flashing their lights?” he asked.


“It’s a French thing.
Americans beep our horns, the French flash headlights.
Just hit the gas and go.
Cars coming from the right have the right of way, if it matters.
It’s really about who can cut off the other driver faster.
Just don’t stall out.
I don’t feel like getting killed today.”


Jake did as she said and made it to their exit.
Thirty minutes later he pulled up to their hotel and spent twenty more minutes finding a place to park.
He grabbed their only bag and followed Delaney to the hotel.
It was magnificent.
The stone walls rose from the center of the city with long windows wrapping around all five of its floors.
Entering the lobby they were greeted by staff and he listened to the cadence of her voice as she checked them in.
The walls were all a vibrant yellow with a grand staircase that broke off into opposite directions.
The floors were marble with huge blue pillars throughout.


Opening the door to their fifth-floor suite, they were both giddy with excitement.
Immediately Jake eyed the king size bed with its silk sheets and lush comforter.
He threw himself into the center of the bed and patted a spot next to him for Delaney to join.
“No way.
I’m taking a bubble bath first but feel free to join.”
He had the tub filling before she could even undress.
He opened the complimentary wine and poured two glasses.


Looking up, he could see her image in the mirror while she undressed.
She wasn’t aware of his eyes on her and he felt like he was doing something wrong, but it was too erotic to turn away.
Slowly he went to her, undressing as he walked.
Lowering the two glasses onto the table, he took her hand and helped her into the sunken tub.
He climbed in behind her, and leaned against the tub as she slid perfectly between his legs.
He rested his large hands on her breasts.
Her nipples were already like hard little candies and he couldn’t wait to let his tongue dance around them.
He wrapped his long strong legs around hers and gave her soft kisses along her neck and shoulders.
She tasted so good and he felt as if he could never get enough of her.

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