Sail With Me (20 page)

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Authors: Chelsea Heights

BOOK: Sail With Me
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Delaney left Andrew with Jake and her parents and excused herself.
She sat in a room by herself and placed a call to Caroline.
She knew the media would pick up on this and she didn’t want Caroline to hear the news from a reporter.
All she said was, “I’ve got Andrew. He’s alive and coming home.”
Delaney listened to the sobbing coming through the receiver before she asked if Dr. Green was the father.


There was a pause and she could hear the final breath Caroline took before answering.
“Yes, he’s the father.
I was having migraines and my doctor referred me to him, said he was the best neurologist around.
I made the appointment and saw him the beginning of November.
We were in his office and he gave me a pill to take.
He said it would help me relax so he could examine me more thoroughly.
He began massaging my shoulders, telling me I was too stressed and needed to focus on him.
Before I knew it one thing led to another and we ended up having sex.
The whole thing seemed like a foggy dream.
It never happened again.
Two months later I realized I was pregnant.”


Delaney asked, “Did you tell him about the pregnancy?”
A silence filled the phone line before Caroline finally answered.


“I told him right away.
He said it wasn’t his problem and told me I could stop by his office, his secretary would give me an envelope to pay for an abortion.
He has no idea I didn’t end the pregnancy.
I just figured he didn’t want Andrew, so what did it matter?” Delaney wondered how many other victims were out there but she would worry about that later.


“Caroline, it doesn’t matter now.
Within twenty-four hours you and Andrew will be reunited.
We will see you soon.”


Hanging up she quickly dialed the phone again. “Cecily, I’m sending you an e-mail with an attachment of pictures.
I want you to use your creative genius and make a baby book to give Caroline.
She’s never seen any of his birth pictures.
It’s going to be a new start for them.”
This was going to be a great reunion.


As they said their good-byes before heading for the airport, Richard pulled his daughter aside and said, “Delaney, I know love when I see it.
You have it written all over your face.
I’ve never seen you look so good, you’re glowing.
And Jake is absolutely crazy for you.
He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you the entire time.
He told your mom he fell in love with you the night he took you sailing.”


She thought about that evening on his sailboat and felt a smile come across her face as she remembered what he did to her body.
She told her dad, “I’m in love too, for the first time in my life.”
She leaned in and kissed her dad on the cheek and promised to call when they landed before briskly walking away to catch up with Jake and Andrew.
After passing through security, she turned to wave good-bye to her parents.
They suddenly seemed so old and in love as they held onto each other and waved back.
She wondered what it would be like to spend the rest of her life with the hottest man on the planet.


The returning flight went quickly; they were both exhausted and looking forward to getting home.
Andrew sat in between them, nestled in a soft white blanket that he rubbed against his cheek as he sucked his thumb and slept.
Reaching across the toddler, Jake placed his warm hand on Delaney’s and stroked her wrist with his thumb.
She felt a wave of dizzying warmth passing through her and gazed into his eyes before drifting off to sleep.


Thank you for reading my book.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you’re feeling up to it please leave a review and let me know how you liked it.
Coming out soon is
a romantic flirty tale of Olivia Jones and her quest for Mr. Right.


























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