Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels) (24 page)

BOOK: Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels)
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“Agh!” he growled.
The feeling of her tonguing him hardened him further and
his pulse raced. H
e realized he coul
d only hear his rapid breathing as she
him further into her mouth again and again.

She was too good at this and by the look on her face, she enjoyed it all too well.

Adam began to rock with her movements as he felt his body begin to reach its climax. Grabbing the back of her head, he held her there as he thrust into her mouth. He knew he
didn’t have much time left
and tried to stop, but Eve reached up and grasped him. With a vigorous rhythm, she continued, licking and sucking.

“Eve, you have to stop or I’ll come in your mouth.” Adam didn’t expect that she would want that.

Instead of her halting, she grazed her teeth against him
and it sent him over the edge. She pulled him back in and
it was the final time as he came in her mouth.

“Fuck!” he cried out. Eve forced him further into her throat for a moment before releasing him.

Adam dropped to his knees in front of her, satiated. Eve sat there staring up at him with those big green eyes and he
thought he might pass out.
Adam was breathless and speechless for a moment. He watched her lick her lips and with one finger wipe the corner of her mouth.

“Was that what you had in mind?” Adam noted her sarcastic tone and laughed.

“Are you mocking me?” he asked. Grasping her by the waist, he pulled her into a kiss. Adam probed her mouth with his tongue, but she pushed at him.

“You could let me brush my teeth for you first.” Eve looked into his eyes and Adam smiled.

taste overpowers the taste of me, so quit squirming and come to bed. I think it’s your turn, now.”




That night as
she slept in Adam’s arms, she dreamed. She
was at work in the ER, Michael came in on a gurney, but he didn’t appear to be injured. There were no burns on his body this time.
he actually seemed to have an aura emanating from him.
smiled as
looked at him. He s
miled back and reached toward her
, his touch was so light that it tickled.

“Eve,” his voice r
ang throughout the room.
stared at him wondering why his voice was different. “Eve, you’re going to be safe now,” he said.
tried to speak but there was no sound. “It was fate that brought us together and now it is fate that intervenes again and brings you to a new love. He will protect you and care for
you in ways that I couldn’t.” She
felt the tears flood
eyes now.
tried to tell Michael that he would always be in
her heart, but she couldn’t speak
. Suddenly the room was dark.

“Eve,” a voice said. She
thought it was Michael still speaking
but then
she realized that he was gone. She
had been dreaming and was trying to wake up.

“Eve, please what is it. Why are you crying?”
Adam asked as he leaned over her
her eyes to see Adam St. James, her
love and
her life. She smiled as she threw her
arms around him.

thank you, thank you so much!” she

“Thank me f
or what?” he asked as he held her

“You didn’t have to take the job and you didn’t have to watch out for me. But I’m so glad that you did and I’m even mo
re grateful that you love me,” Eve
rambled as quickly as
could get the words out of
Keeping her grip
around his neck
the tears flowed, but they were tears of joy.

“What? I don
’t understand,” he stated, but she
interrupted him.
kissed his lips
and then his cheeks, his eyes and his neck frantically.

wasn’t sure that
could choke out the words to explain the dream right then.
Adam held
her tightly.



Morning came too quick. She
woke to find the other side of the bed empty.
went to the kitchen expecting
to find Adam there but instead she
found a note by the freshly brewed pot of coffee.



I’ll be back shortly. I went to make arrangements for our trip.

Have so
me coffee and I’ll cook you lunch when I get back.




smiled as
read the note. He was so sweet, even though he probably didn’t thi
nk so.  As she sipped the hot coffee, she thought about what she could possibly get Adam for his birthday. Nothing came to mind, but
had to think of something.

ressed in
jeans and a long sleeve shirt as
stepped in front of the mirror in the bathroom
decided that it was definitely a day to pull
hair back.

It was an,
I’m happy and free
kind of day. As
she fixed her
realized that she hadn’t been this happy
in a very long time. With her mind
d with sadness for so long,
she struggled to think of a happy moment even before Michael had died.
Her life had been good before, but i
t didn’t matter now, Adam was her future and she felt confident that they would be happy together.

Smiling as she finished her hair, her thoughts
to Adam’s birthday and what she could possibly
get him as a gift. The man owned multiple hundred-thousand dollar cars, or least he had before one
up, and then there was the apartment building, a jet and a yacht. She couldn’t think of anything that he could possibly want.

Eve walked through the apartment trying to get an idea by looking at the personal items that were there. It was then that she realized there wasn’t any point in getting him something because they would have to leave it behind.

Letting out a sigh, she decided to surf the net for a bit while she waited for Adam to return. She checked her email and looked at some online stores out of boredom. She came across a site and it gave her an idea so she searched online for the closest
store that would have what she wanted.

With a goal in mind, Eve wondered if she could find what she wanted at the nearby store.
The only problem was that sh
e needed to go to the store, preferably without Adam. Stupidly, the excitement of getting him a gift enthralled her beyond reason. Eve tried to mentally calculate the risk of safely getting back to the building and decided that if she went in a cab
she should be able to get there and back unscathed.

Quickly, she pulled on her boots and went to the elevator. Within a few moments she arrived in the lobby of Adam’s building. She hadn’t been outside in almost three days and looked forward to the rush of the brisk air.

Eve passed through the lobby and toward the door when she heard someone call her name.

“Ms. Nash!” The unfamiliar voice startled her and she turned back to see Sara running toward her.

“Yes,” Eve replied coldly.

“Ms. Nash is everything all right? You shouldn’t be down here. Mr. St. James said that you were not to leave the building.” Sara’s tone sounded a bit disturbed to Eve and she wondered if Sara was hiding something from her.

“I’m fine. I just need to go to the store and I thought I would take a cab.”

“I will have someone go to the store for you as Mr. St. James gave strict orders that you are not to leave this building unless he is with you. It is for your own protection.” Sara stared her down, but Eve didn’t take offense. She knew the idea of leaving the building was stupid but Adam had given her so much and she just wanted to give him something in return.

“It is a personal matter, if you know what I mean.” Eve thought she might be able to convince Sara that it would be fine.

“If it is
kind of personal matter, I have some in my purse.” Sara smiled and it took Eve a moment to realize that Sara was referring to tampons.

“No, it’s not that.” Eve realized that this idea was not going to come to fruition. Sara was armed with a gun for crying out loud, so there was no way she would let Eve out of the building. Eve dropped her gaze to the floor trying to figure out how to get Adam’s gift, but it
was personal and she wanted to go buy it herself.

These assassins were seriously starting to piss her off. She swore that if she encountered even one more person trying to kill her she would make them regret the day they were born.

Sara must have sensed her frustrations because she reached out and placed a hand on Eve’s

“Ms. Nash, whatever it is you want I will get it for you,” Sara said. Her soothing tone comforted Eve slightly. Looking back up to Sara, she let out a sigh.

“I wanted to get Adam a birthday present.” Eve felt tears burn her eyes and she didn’t know if she could hold them back. Then strangely, Sara leaned to her and hugged her.

“I know it is all overwhelming, but it will be all right.” Sara paused as Eve let the tears flow. She reached up and held on to Sara as if they were best friends. “Now, if you’ll tell me what you want I will get it for you, but you have to go back upstairs,” she added softly.

Eve shut off the waterworks and straightened herself. Her nose had started to run and she had no choice but to use her sleeve cuff to dab it. She could only imagine what Sara thought of her.

“I’m sorry,” Eve sniffed. Sara smiled and led Eve to her de
sk and offered her a tissue.

quite all right. I really would like to help
.” The sincerity in her tone convinced Eve to divulge her request.

“I wanted a leather bracelet with a silver medallion on it for Adam’s birthday. I found one on a website and wanted see if I could find one here and have it engraved.” Eve knew it was a whimsical gift, but it meant something to her.

“I see. Well, if you show me one online and then write down what you want engraved on it I will see if I can find it for you.” Eve felt relief from her abnormal circumstances and some excitement returned to her. She couldn’t help but smile.

Eve stepped around Sara’s desk and found the bracelet that she had liked. Scribbling the inscription
she wanted on a piece of paper.

“I’ll call you when I’m back.” Sara smiled at her and Eve agreed to go back upstairs and wait.

While it was only a small token, Eve was anxious to find out if Sara could find a similar bracelet and get it engraved. Eve’s perception of Sara had been all wrong. Obviously, she liked Adam, but it was more out of respect than anything else. It warmed Eve’s heart to know that Sara had actually
offered to get the gift for her.

About two hours had passed when her cell phone rang. Sara was back with the bracelet.

Eve road the elevator downstairs, giddy as a child the entire way. Once she
reached the lobby, she quickly walked to Sara.

“It’s perfect! Thank you so much.” Eve was ecstatic as the bracelet matched what she had seen online exactly and the inscription fit perfectly.

“I’m glad it is what you wanted,” Sara said. Eve couldn’t contain herself as she pulled Sara into a hug. Once she released her, she took a second look at the bracelet and felt that familiar
surge of energy move through her. Eve looked toward the doorway to see Adam entering the building.

Smiling at the sight of him, she quickly walked toward him.
All six-foot three of him made her body sizzle and she wanted to kiss every square inch of him.

“What are you doing down here?” He hissed the words through clenched teeth and
Eve’s body tensed with fear.

“I was asking Sara to get something for me since I can’t leave the building.”

“You shouldn’t be down here at all.” Adam’s tone grew louder and the handful of people passing through the lobby turned toward them.

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