Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels) (21 page)

BOOK: Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels)
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She stood there dripping wet and
as he continued to stroke her
a shiver
over her
body. Adam smiled as it
had caused goose
bumps, which
her nipples to harden. He dipped his
head down
and bit
at her breasts. She moaned again.

“Please,” she begged.

“What is it angel?” Adam continued to kiss and nip at her breasts.

“Please, I want
you.” She tightened her grip on his hair.

Pleased with her need for him,
picked her up and carried her to the rug in front of the fireplace.

Adam whispered, “I love you,” as he laid her down.

“I love you,” she replied softly.

Finally, he knew
. She does love him.

had so much more to tell her, but those feelings
could wait.

Adam hovered over her as she pushed his shirt
him and as she
she traced the edge of his tattoo with her fingers.

She leaned forward
the head of the dragon on his shoulder.
Slowly, she moved her lips down his bicep. He
could not
help but suck in a breath of air as she moved to finish undressing him.



Eve woke up with the comfort of a very soft bed beneath her
and Adam’s arms wrapped around her.
must have
carried her
to the bed during the night because the last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the rug in front of the fire.
Her energy spent, it hurt just to keep her eyes open at that point.
She hated to wake him, but she had to pee. Slowly, Eve scooted out of the bed and went to
the bath

Clothing would be her next priority. Quietly, she walked back through the bedroom and grabbed Adam’s white long sleeve shirt. Wrapping it aro
und herself, she could smell him
. The masculine scent tempted her to go back to bed and wake him, but she was starving and
toward the kitchen.

The kitchen was fully equipped with state of the art appliances that matched the cherry cabinets.
found eggs, potatoes an
d oddly enough, a can of Spam. She smiled as she
placed the can of pr
ocessed meat on the counter. O
, she
would buy it
as a treat for her
self and fry it with eggs.
Her mom had made it on the weekends when she was a child and for some strange reason, she loved it.

to find it in Adam’s cabinet.
started peeling potatoes and making hash browns. They
would take a while to cook so she
got them going first and then started a pot of coffee. As
finished cooking, Adam appeared in the kitchen.
He had on a pair of boxer
briefs and she almost dropped her kn
ife as he sauntered over to her
hen sh
e looked at his mussed up hair and the way those boxers fit him,
her mouth salivated.

“Good morning,”
said smiling. He replied by wrapping his
arms around her and kissing her

he replied.
finished preparing breakfast and
went to
eat in front of the fireplace. She
took in the beauty of the intri
cate details of the room while they
sat there.

“How did yo
u get this place?” she asked him as she
took a bite of hash browns.

“Well, I guess you could say I had first choice of the building when it was remodeled,” he replied.

“Really? That’s lucky,” she

“Sort of,
I own the building,” Adam was just full of secrets and surprises. “I didn’t lie completely when I told you that I acquired real estate,” he added nonchalantly.
As Adam got a bite of his
grabbed one of the pillows on the sofa and hit him wi
th it. He laughed and grabbed her
arms to st
op her before she
could do it again.

“And I was going to compliment you on your cooking. I wondered what this stuff t
asted like,” he told her

“What, the Spam?” Eve

“Yes, I’d never tasted it. I was going to try it and see why you liked it so much.”
This was just
another interesting fact that Eve
was discoveri
ng about Adam, he had watched her
habits for so
long that he was intrigued.  They laughed and finished their
breakfast, and then reality kicked in.

“So what’s on today’s agenda?” Eve
asked knowin
g that there was work to do

agenda is to stay safe,” he replied.

“What do you mean
agenda? You’re not going
anywhere without me are you?” she
knew what the answer was going to be just by the look on his face.

“This is the safest place for you if you’re going to be alone.
No one
can get in here. I need to find out what’s going on and that will be easier done without you,”
he stated in his cold business-
like manner.

“Not that I doubt you but what’s to prevent someone from coming into this building, coming up the elevator, code or no
t and breaking the door down?” she
asked seriously now.

“You saw Sara
at the desk right?” he asked. Eve
nodded once. “Under her pleasant deme
anor, is a Glock nine millimeter pistol
that will stop just ab
out anyone, especially by the time she’s
the clip. Then there’s the fact that the elevator shuts down if even one number is entered wrong on the code to
this floor.” Adam stood up
and extended his arm down for her

“Speaking of the code, am I going to be privy to that i
nformation?” Eve
She didn’t rea
lly expect to get the answer she got.

“It’s zero-five-
-three and then the star key.” Adam stated without hesitation.

wasn’t sure that
would ever use it but it was nice to know, just in case.

“Come with me,” he said as she took his hand.  Adam led her
to the door, “When I leave you will need to lock the door.” Just to the left of the door was an
panel that matched the trim of the house, he opened it and flipped a switch inside. Immediately a metal panel slid across the doorway
completely sealing the exit. Her
eyes widened.

“The walls from the hallway are reinforced as well, so even if someone got to this floor, they aren’t getting in,” he added.

“I suppose not! Do you usually have a prob
lem with unexpected visitors?” she

“Not usually,” he said as his mouth curl
ed into a smile. Adam showed her
the panel
and three switches.

What are the others for your machine gun flowers in the hall
?” Eve asked
. Adam
laughed as he told
that they were for the lights.

How was I supposed to know they were
switches?” Eve huffed.

“Now, you should never need anything like this but let me show you anywa

as he led her
back through the bedroom to the bathroom. There on the west wall was the sink and a mirrored medicine cabinet above it. Adam pulled the mirror back to reveal yet another keypad. “Same code,” he said as he pressed the buttons.

As soon as he pressed the last button
a series of clicks
lock. The tile wall suddenly revealed a hidden door that opened inward. He pushed it in and pull
ed her
inside. As
stepped in the florescent lights flicke
red on revealing a room about
eight by eight feet. It was like a workshop of sorts, not the kind for woodworking
but the kind with guns, knives and ammunition.

eyes widened as
took in the
. Adam showed
one handgun and its ammunition. Once show and tell was over Adam showered and dressed.

Adam handed her a cell phone as he kissed her and told her
that he would be back in a coup
le of hours. After he was
Eve showered. The hot water soothed her mind and relaxed her muscles.

e morning was all but gone and she had become bored.
ecided to use Adam’s computer.
There was the usual stuff, stock prices, politics, and sports.
clicked on the Hollywood en
tertainment link and read
an article about the various new movies coming out when the cell phone rang.
Startling her, she
jumped as it rang a second time before
answered it

“Hello,” Eve

“Eve?” It was Adam.

“Yes, of c
ourse. Who else would it be?”  She thought h
e sounded a bit odd, worried.

“You’re okay right?” he asked.

He was worried

“Yes, I’m fine,” she
reassured him.
“What’s going on?” 

“I just needed to hear your voice,” he said smoothly.
Even in the short amount of time that she had known
she felt certain
that he
was not
telling the whole truth. Something was wrong, but what?

“Adam, where are you at?”
As Eve spoke she
heard something on the phone that sounded like popping in the background.

“Adam?” she asked again.

“Eve,” he said loudly. “I’m at the L-station. It’s really noisy here. I’ll be home soon. I’ll call you whe
n I get there so you can let me in

That seemed a bit
, but then again
nothing over the last few days had
exactly been normal.
waited impatiently for Adam to arrive, pacing back and forth from the kitchen to the living area and back.
looked out the windows occasionally
to pass time.
he view was spectacular. The building
overlooked a nearby park where she
could see people walking their dogs as well as all of the traffic on the nearby street.

Suddenly, she
felt as if
were captive
would have to talk to Adam about

phone rang again.
ran to the door and flipped the switch that retracted the metal barrier. He smiled as he walked in quickly. He had a large paper bag in one hand and sat it down next to the door.

“What’s going on? You sounded concerned on the ph
one?” Her pulse was racing now and she couldn’t control her anxiety.

“We’re going to have to changes plans,” he replied curtly. Adam was in business mode giving short cold statements.

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