Salvation (2 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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“Jonathan.” A smooth, polished voice flowed through the air. Mr. Booth stood and shook hands with the man who honestly looked like he’d stepped straight from the catwalks of Milan.

“Mr. Blake! Your gift was very generous.” Jonathan proceeded to talk about Marcus—his partner—and their recent wedding and honeymoon. Blake listened, but he wasn’t paying attention.

His gaze had snagged on me, as if I were a far more interesting subject.

“How’s everything with you?” Jonathan asked once he’d paused for breath.

“Well, it appears my afternoon has just taken an unexpected turn for the better,” Blake answered. I sat enthralled, blindly placing my water back on the table as he leisurely weaved his way around it towards me, smoothing down his tie.

“I don’t believe we’ve met before?” He offered his hand, exposing a simple, but expensive watch on his right wrist beneath the French cuff of his shirt.

“This is Miss Collins, our new Finance Officer,” Jonathan muttered behind his back.

Ignoring that dismissive introduction, I stood and nervously took the long-fingered hand still extending out to me. There was no denying the jolt of electricity that sparked through our fingertips, nor the tightening of his grip as his left hand closed around mine a second later.

I sucked in a breath as the aftershock bubbled through my veins. Heat slowly radiated up my arm, spreading throughout my body, reawakening something dormant low in my belly. His grip was strong and firm, yet somehow possessed a reassuring quality with its caress.

“Nate Blake,” he offered as an introduction, regarding me shrewdly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The entire tone of his voice had altered, quietening to a soothing, sexy whisper. It was so…

Blake definitely had a voice for sex.

“And you,” I murmured, all breathy and weak. It was all I could manage, rendered speechless by this impossibly handsome man standing in front of me. It was rare to find a man much taller than me when I wore heels. Given the few inches he had over me, I’d guess he was around six-three.

I found myself staring into clear blue eyes as deep as the ocean and likely just as dangerous. Unaware of what hid in their depths, I found them strangely calming.

Then—they darkened.

I felt the impact right between my legs. I licked my dry lips and turned my focus to his mouth, now slightly quirked at the corner. The sudden urge to touch the dimple presenting itself in his cheek had me clutching my tablet tight to my chest to stop myself.

“Are you okay?” His smoky voice broke through my daze. “Do you need your water?”

I blinked and raised my eyes back to his amused ones.

Those eyes.
That photo hadn’t done them justice at all. They were even more breathtaking in reality.

I couldn’t look away. Had I been thinking straight, his smirk would’ve told me he knew the effect he was having on me. But I wasn’t, because I’d been blinded by the gorgeous man in Prada, who still had a firm hold of my hand.

The arrival of two Brand Managers brought me crashing back to reality. Abruptly, I withdrew my hand, flustered I’d held his for longer than was politely acceptable.

With a cocky raise of his brow, Blake adjusted the knot of his tie. “We’ll talk soon, Miss Collins.”

Evidently unaffected by our encounter, he strode confidently towards his office. His shoulders were broad, waist trim, and his legs long and lean. He moved with such an easy, sexy swagger, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. When he glanced back over his shoulder, a small frown marring his exquisite features, I knew in that instant he
felt that strange charge between us.

“Kara,” Jonathan urged, pulling my concentration back, “Room 2?”

I got the impression he’d been talking to me. I quickly greeted the gentlemen who had joined us, keen to return my attention to the office in the far corner. When I did, Blake had removed his jacket and was sinking gracefully into the black leather chair behind his desk. Leaning forward, resting both elbows on the desk, he brought his hands to his mouth thoughtfully.

Piercing blue eyes found me again, and as I dragged my own away from him, was conscious of his lingering stare, following me as I walked into the meeting room next door.


AS expected, the meeting was relatively straightforward. I ran through the revised financials and was pleased the budget amendments were accepted without argument. Once all parties were satisfied, I took a back seat whilst Jonathan discussed other matters.

It gave me time to think about things I shouldn’t. Like a certain gentleman I’d met some forty minutes ago. I made an absolute fool of myself, barely stringing two words together, gaping at him like a smitten teenager rather than the mature, professional woman I was. The only consolation—I suspected he received that reaction all the time and wouldn’t have taken any notice—but it didn’t lessen my shame or humiliation. I rubbed my palm, recalling the feel of his smooth skin, and the heat that flooded my body when we’d touched.

Mai warned me Blake was good-looking, but
, up close he was a work of art. One glimpse of those sculpted lips told me he’d be a great kisser. And the way he moved suggested there was no way on earth he’d be crap in bed. I fumbled with my stylus pen, fidgeting in my seat at my errant thoughts, whilst the conversation around me faded away. I couldn’t help glancing behind me, conscious he was sat the other side of the room.

Finally, the meeting concluded.

“Miss Collins?” a warm, masculine voice demanded behind me as I made my way to the lifts. My steps faltered, thus causing the Brand Manager following me out to stumble into my back. Muttering my apologies to him, I turned, and was greeted with the sight of the man who’d sent my pulse soaring again.

“I need a word. In my office.” Blake stepped aside in his doorway, gesturing inside with one hand. What did he want to talk about? Perhaps he had one-to-one chats with all new employees, though nothing had been mentioned to me before.

“Um…” With a panicked glance over my shoulder, I noticed Jonathan and the two gentlemen disappearing into the lift. They hadn’t given me a second thought, abandoning me here with possibly the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes upon. I was hit with his fiercely expectant gaze when I turned back. “…Okay.”

With my stomach spinning nervously, I moved towards him. He wore an expression I imagined him using when he was about to negotiate the terms of an important business deal. Focused, determined, not willing to budge until he was satisfied with the outcome. I tried ignoring the fact that, as I stepped into his expansive office, he moved forward, causing my arm to brush across his rock hard abs.

“Take a seat.” He pointed to a modular sofa on his right as he closed, and
, the door behind us. I sat, feeling edgy and slightly awkward as I balanced my tablet on my knees and quickly hid my glasses under the leather cover.

The external décor flowed seamlessly into his office, and the rich wood furnishings added warmth to the light, airy space. The walls of windows, with unobstructed San Fernando Valley views, must ease the isolation of being the only person, aside from his assistants, on this level.

“How was the meeting?” Blake asked, making his way to a built-in dresser spanning the length of the wall. Standing with his back to me whilst he organised drinks, I couldn’t help but admire his pert backside. Two splendidly rounded globes of delicious taut flesh, the thought of running my hands over them made my skin heat.

Blake glanced over his shoulder and caught me drooling, enhancing my embarrassment ten-fold. I tried occupying my mind with something else, but struggled to ignore him.
As if I could.
Being in his presence, just the two of us, I was extremely aware of the strange, unseen energy between us once more.

“Good…I think,” I managed to say. “I didn’t contribute a lot, actually.”

The sound of ice hitting glass ceased as Blake stilled. “You’re English?”

He didn’t turn so I answered, “Um…yes?” to his back. “Is there a problem? I have all the necessary paperwork and visas.”

“No.” He cleared his throat. “No problem.”

Without another word, he finished making the drinks then made his way over. He set a tumbler of clear sparkling liquid in front of me and sank into the sofa opposite, draping an arm casually along the back, appearing unfairly relaxed. I eyed the square crystal glass, resisting the urge to gulp whatever it was down. Blake didn’t need to know how uncomfortable I was in his presence.

“I’m sure you made a valuable contribution,” he offered. “You impressed those gentlemen, judging by the contented smiles on their faces.” His mouth twitched as he fought his amusement. “Never underestimate your worth, Miss Collins. I only employ the best.”

He looked away, towards where his fingers stroked the back of the sofa. After a brief moment of silence, he sat forward and clasped both hands together, elbows resting on his knees. Those brilliant blue eyes fixed onto mine.

“Have dinner with me.”

MY MOUTH FELL open, stunned by his words. “Dinner? You mean like a business dinner?”

“No.” A small smiled teased his mouth as he kept his curious gaze upon me. “No business talk.”

“A date?” Panicked, I pressed my fingers to my lips to prevent any more ridiculous presumptions from pouring out.

“That’s what I’d call it, yes. Do they call it something different in England?” He still had that sexy half-smile tempting his mouth, whilst his eyes burnt into me expectantly. Somehow, I broke free from the inexplicable hold he was having over me, and took a much-needed gulp of what I sadly discovered was only sparkling water.

“Dating the boss isn’t really my thing.” Thank God my head was talking, gratefully overruling any irrational ideas my heart was having. Because, for a split second, I actually wanted to say yes.

“You don’t work for me. Well, you’re not directly beneath me. Which is unfortunate…”

The arrogance of his smirk made my skin bristle with irritation. I tried thinking of a smug response to his blatant innuendo. “You know what I mean,” I muttered, failing miserably.

“We can do lunch if you’d prefer?” Blake stared at me with interest, like he found our conversation utterly fascinating.

I laughed and shook my head. “I don’t think so.” Drawing my eyes over fine, symmetrical features, I noticed his jaw working beneath the contours of his clean-shaven face. He rose to his feet and turned, giving a close up view of that arse.

“It’s only a date, not a proposal,” he stressed, sauntering away. “We’d have a great time together. Wouldn’t you agree?” When he reached his desk, he turned, and locked eyes with mine.

His words were arrogant, but the suggestive way he purred them made my skin flush. I wiped my damp palm down my thigh as X-rated images replayed in my mind. I couldn’t ever recall being so turned on.

“I want to discover everything about you,” he declared. “How do I make that happen?”

“Are you always so forward?”

“I don’t play games.” He started coming towards me with more than an alluring edge of confidence. “If somebody has something I want, or need, I’m prepared to make sacrifices in order to get it.”
What the hell was he sacrificing by coming after me so blatantly?

“And you think I have something? Why, exactly?” I raised a brow, challenging him to come up with something more inventive than breasts and a vagina.

Blake shrugged noncommittally, stopping just short of where I sat. “Something in your remarkable eyes tells me you could be good for me.”

I lowered my gaze, crossing my legs. The roguish glint in his eyes told me he’d be really
for me. “Well, I’m not interested.”

“I think you are, Miss Collins.”

His overconfidence was fully justified. I had to end this somehow, but the force of his will had knocked any coherent thought from my brain. I stood, and sidestepped towards the door. It happened at precisely the same time he moved around the sofa.

Standing not two feet in front of me, one hand tucked casually into his trouser pocket, Blake asked, “What do you say?” in that muted, sexy tone.

Sexual attraction charged the air between us, the draw towards him stronger than anything I’d experienced before. I dragged all the air I could into my lungs, my heart racing in my chest. Whilst extremely tempted, I wasn’t about to back down anytime soon. This situation was a disaster waiting to happen.

“Thank you, but I don’t think it wise to mix business with pleasure.” I rushed to the door, desperate to get out.

“You’re saying no?” he scoffed behind me.

“I’m saying no.” I rattled the door handle, remembering too late that he’d locked it. “I don’t really have that big an appetite.” I cursed under my breath at how obvious my discomfort was in my voice.

The sound of his luxurious brown wingtips moving across the polished wood grew louder as he shortened the gap between us. Then, a light outdoorsy fragrance, woody and clean—not as heavy as cologne—swept over me. Blake was right behind me. Feeling his breath tickle the back of my neck, and the light touch of his left hand at my hip, told me exactly
near he was.

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