Salvation (61 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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He was serene in repose, his upper body raised slightly by the pillows at his back, the longer strands of his hair falling haphazardly onto the pillow. All that gave away our lengthy crazed lovemaking the night before were the dislodged comforter barely clinging to one corner of the bed, and our clothes strewn across the thick pile carpet.

I was wearing his shirt and pulled the collar up to my nose so I could smell his addictive scent. Nate shifted, his lips parting to let out a small murmur not dissimilar to the gentle sighs he breathed into my ear when I was pinned beneath him. The innocence of his mouth hid the fact he’d given me two orgasms with it last night.

As I wandered down the narrow hallway, passing the closet on my way to the bathroom, I was more than a little impatient to see my man in his tux tomorrow night. Undoubtedly, he would scrub up well.

Nate’s lazy smile greeted me when I returned to the bedroom. From the threshold of the room, I studied the glorious sight of him lying there, still half asleep, with the sheet pushed just below his navel. Without a word he straightened, and with a curl of his index finger and a sexy smile, beckoned me over, patting the vacant spot in his lap.

I crawled up from the foot of the bed until I was straddling him. Warm hands slid up my thighs and beneath the tails of his shirt, settling on my bare arse with a squeeze.

“Why are you awake?” he asked, angling his head in invitation to his mouth.

I obliged with a sweet kiss, running my hands over his chest, down to his waist. Grinning, I replied, “Too excited.”

“You must be very excited to wake before me.” Continuing to work his lips over my face, he murmured, “I’m excited, too.”

excited in the morning.” The impressive tenting of the sheet at the apex of my spread thighs proved me right.

“Good point.” He smiled widely. “I’m loving your choice of outfit.” Without breaking eye contact, he began to pop the few buttons I’d fastened.

“And yet you’re so keen to relieve me of it.” The quiver of my voice gave away how easily Nate turned me on. My hips shifted forward, seeking the ridges of his cock.

“Because I’ve been privy to the beauty hiding underneath.” With the tips of his fingers, he trailed over my collarbone, then down between my breasts to my navel.

“You don’t have time for this,” I murmured, quite unwilling to put up any sort of real fight. Nate pushed aside his shirt, his feather soft touch setting off all the nerve endings in my body until it felt like an electric current was being passed under my skin.

have time for you.” His tone was intimate and raspy, commanding my full attention. I buried my nose in his hair as he cupped both breasts, circling the nipple of one with his tongue before sucking the hard point into his hot, wet mouth.

“What about your breakfast meeting?” I reminded him, my breathing laboured. The last of my coherent thoughts scattered when he eased a finger into me, causing another instinctive rock of my hips.

“Breakfast?” He fixed me with smouldering glazed eyes. After a few languid strokes of his finger, he brought it to his mouth and sucked.


Nate pulled my head down and sealed his mouth over mine. It was tender, loving yet wildly erotic. After luring me into a state of delirium with his lush kiss, he flipped me onto my back and was over me before I figured out what was happening. “Well, it is the most important meal of the day.”

His hips circled, his cock rubbing against the delicate folds of my damp flesh, using me to masturbate. He’d barely touched me, yet in a few short minutes I was aroused and soaking wet.

Nate was down my body in a flash, the overnight growth tickling my breasts as he paid them brief attention before sliding between my legs. Those bright eyes glanced up through heavy lids, alive and dancing with hunger. “And you, are definitely the most exquisite delicacy I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting.”

I cried out as the tip of his tongue circled my clit. He licked down, and when he reached my opening, hummed his enjoyment. The sheet twisted in my grip, my legs draped over his shoulders, heels digging into his back. He started slow, building my anticipation, focusing entirely on my own needs.

Suddenly, he froze.

“Please…keep doing that,” I begged, my brain too focused on preparing for the onslaught of orgasmic pleasure to think of anything else.

“Shhh,” he warned, raising his head.

My mind raced back to full cognisance as the sound of a woman’s voice intruded into my impure thoughts.

“Fuck!” Nate jerked back, his eyes wide with shock.

I still didn’t comprehend what was happening. He called out in Spanish, and after a reply came back, he relaxed with a smirk. “Maria.”

“Shit!” I scrambled out of his hold and shuffled up, dragging whatever I could grab of the sheet with me. “Why is she so early?”

“She probably thought we’d left already. I’m usually downstairs by now.” Nate slipped off the bed and leisurely strolled, butt naked and with an impressive erection, over to close the door. I darted off the bed and sprinted down the passageway. He shouted one more thing to Maria before I heard the bedroom door close.

“Kara,” he called. A tap on the now shut en-suite door followed. “Let me in.”

“Nothing like an unwelcome visitor to kill the mood.” The flushed face of a woman in a state of high arousal stared back at me as I braced my hands on the vanity.

“But I haven’t got you off,” he moaned through the door.

“And that is
not happening now.”


JUST after 1 p.m., I stepped into the luxurious cabin of Nate’s private jet. Tastefully decorated in neutral tones with fern green accents, it was deceptively bigger than the outside had led me to believe. Four cream leather seats around a walnut table were to my right, behind them a matching sofa in the lounge area, complete with television. On my left was a workstation, decked out with the latest technology for the business savvy entrepreneur gripping my hand as he followed me in.

“Welcome aboard again, Sir.”

I turned towards the suited young man holding two flutes of champagne aloft on a silver tray behind us. “Miss Collins,” he said, nodding and smiling.

Nate waved me into one of the four seats, then joined me. At some point between dropping me home, attending—late—his breakfast meeting, and going into the office, he’d changed into jeans and a navy polo shirt. “Thanks, Anthony,” he said to the man placing the bubbles in front of us.

“You’re welcome. Lunch will be served as soon as we reach altitude. Anything else you need?”

“I have everything I need right here,” Nate said, giving my hand a squeeze. Of course, I blushed. With his lips twisted in humour, Anthony disappeared towards the back of the jet and shut the partition door, giving us absolute privacy.

Andrew, the pilot I’d been introduced to in the private lounge before boarding, made an announcement through the overhead speaker. Then I felt a small jolt as we slowly started moving. I buckled up and relaxed into the soft leather, placing my hand over Nate’s.

“To the weekend,” he toasted. I raised my flute to his, giving an excited murmur of approval as I took a sip. I felt like a child the night before Christmas, so eager to spend our first trip away together.

Leaning into his shoulder, I kissed his cheek. “Thanks for showing a girl a good time.”

“We haven’t been yet.” He smiled widely. “You might hate it.”

“I’m with you. I’m going to love it.”


WE followed the coast north. Anthony served a delicious poached chicken salad and strawberry tart for dessert. Nate declined his own but happily shared a bite or two of mine as we moved to the sofa and got comfortable for the rest of the short journey. I hadn’t forgotten our earlier failed attempt to make love, and couldn’t wait until we arrived at the hotel to finish what we’d started with no more interruptions. In the meantime, a little foreplay at thirty-thousand feet couldn’t hurt.

I removed his hand from my legs and pulled myself onto his lap, mentally congratulating my last minute decision to wear a black printed ruffle miniskirt with my white tank. Nate’s head fell back, the sparkle in his eyes telling of the impurities running through his mind.

“I’ve never joined the mile-high club before.” With a smile of intent, I hitched my skirt up just short of revealing my underwear.

His eyes dropped immediately, lips parting with a sigh. As always, his hands came to my thighs, as though he could never resist touching me. He swallowed. Then made a point of dragging his eyes ever so slowly back up to meet mine. “You want to take this to the bedroom?”

“Here works for me.”

The astonishment in his eyes was clouded with desire, his cheeks pinked, his smile wide and daring. Accepting his challenge, I ran both hands down his chest, skimming erect nipples, until I reached his belt.

Nate lifted the satellite phone from behind his head to his ear. “How much longer Andrew?”

The one hand gripping my thigh tensed as I rubbed against his crotch and let out an intentional moan low into his ear. When I sat back, his gaze was fixed on me. He nodded then hung up. “We have ten minutes.”

“Okay.” I shrugged, slipping the end of his belt through the loop on his jeans and tugging it through the buckle. “Sometimes, quick is good.”

A single brow rose, before a wicked smile touched his lips. I popped open the button of his jeans and slid my hand inside. Over the cotton of his briefs I started masturbating him. There was little need. He was hard as stone, pulsing in my hand.

I felt brave and wanted to maintain eye contact whilst touching him, but Nate had other ideas. His eyes closed as his head rolled back. A groan of content escaped his mouth as, with the tip of my tongue I traced along first his upper, then lower lip. Before I could move my head back to tease him, Nate grabbed my face and slammed his mouth to mine, sucking my tongue into his mouth.

The jet jolted as we hit turbulence and shook before dropping. The sensation in my stomach was exactly the same as when we kissed.

“Fuck,” Nate bit out, firing scorching hot eyes at me. “This is going to have to wait. We’re about to land.”


“EXCUSE the cliché.” Nate nodded to the shiny red two-seater convertible Ferrari waiting on the tarmac. “Will’s idea of class.”

I laughed. “It’s not that bad.”

“Think yourself lucky, wearing that skirt,” Nate said, opening the passenger door. “He could’ve sent the Harley.”

It wasn’t long before we were driving through a landscape covered in grapevines. Nate handled the car with precision, but the cut of impatience had me wondering if he was experiencing the same level of sexual frustration I was. The music playing on Nate’s phone through Bluetooth only added to the flames of desire licking my insides.

“This music is very sexy,” I purred, stroking Nate’s thigh from knee to crotch. Slowly.


I nodded. “Very.”

Without another word, he curved his fingers around my knee and unhurriedly ran his palm up my thigh, under the hem of my skirt. I didn’t care in the slightest that the wind blew my skirt up, flashing my underwear. Craving his fingers, I pushed my hips forward and shoulders back.

“Open your legs,” he ordered roughly.

I glanced sideways. His sight was firmly fixed on the road ahead, but his mind was clearly on a different track. Without shame, I did as he’d asked. I made an embarrassing mewing sound when his middle finger pushed against the silk of my panties in a slow, torturous circle.

Nate blew out a breath and shifted a little closer. Pushing them aside, his fingers settled against my slick folds of skin. “Christ, you’re soaking wet.”

“Do it!” I urged, unable to withstand the wait. Given the foreplay that had been going on since this morning, I had no idea why he was shocked. Because of the awkward angle, he only just penetrated me with the tip of his finger, but it was enough.

Nate looked cool as anything. I looked closer, noticing the throbbing vein in his neck and the beads of sweat dotting his upper lip. His knuckles were white around the steering wheel. When my eyes reached his groin, his erection pressed into the crotch of his jeans.

I wanted to lean over and return the favour. But I couldn’t move. His touch was too masterful, too good to let him stop.

I pushed my ankle boots to the floor and rocked my hips, riding his finger, hungrily seeking more. I tossed my arms freely over my head, feeling the wind catch through my fingers.

Nate was finger-fucking me in a convertible car, where anyone could see as we drove along, and I couldn’t care less. That’s how carefree and abandoned he made me feel. That’s why I adored him so desperately.

I was only aware we’d stopped when Nate awkwardly reached across and shifted the gearstick into park, his right hand still occupied with pleasuring me. He silenced the engine but left Maxwell singing his sexy song.

“We’re here?” I panted out—on the verge of coming like crazy— and sucked in some air, straightening to look around.

“You need an orgasm,” Nate growled. He removed his hand from between my legs and took off his sunglasses.

“I would have had one, too if you hadn’t stopped.” My heart thundered in my chest, the whir of traffic rushing past on the main strip behind us mixing with my heavy breathing. We were on a small side road, nowhere near civilisation, with the sun beating down.

Nate unclipped both our seat belts, then pushed his chair back as far as it went. “Climb onto me.”

“What? We can’t have sex…here?”

“You’ve been tempting and toying with me since I woke and found you half-dressed in my shirt.”

“I have not!” I spluttered. Nate cocked his head, brow raised. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”

“You want me to fuck you. I know it—you know it. Get your sassy little ass over here so I can.” With a tug of my arm he pulled me out of my seat. I was about to wedge my knees either side of his hips when he stopped me. With a twirl of his finger he ordered, “Other way.”

Ungracefully, I turned in the tiny space and faced the windscreen. Catching the string of my panties, I giggled as I fidgeted to take them off. Nate was equally as frantic in freeing his cock.

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