Samurai Son (55 page)

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Authors: M. H. Bonham

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Samurai Son
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Note to my Readers

Samurai Son
is a Japanese fantasy, but it is not set in Japan nor is it Japanese history any more than
Lord of the Rings
is set in Europe or is a history of England.
It is not an attempt at retelling Japanese myths and legends. While I try to maintain some authenticity in the culture, I frequently do modify the story, language, names, and other conventions to suit my needs.


Naming Conventions


I try to follow standard Japanese naming conventions where the last name begins first, followed by the given name.
So, “Takeshi Akira” is last name followed by given name.
In prominent families, it is typical for the head of the household to simply go by the last name.
So, Takeshi is Akira’s father, Takeshi Isao.

Titles follow the name.
So, Takeshi Isao’s title of daimyo is actually “Takeshi Isao daimyo.”
Honorifics such as –san and –sama follow the name, such as Akira-san and Akira-sama.
–san is simply a polite way of addressing a person, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.”
-sama is used for lords or someone with a higher station above the person addressing him or her.
–kun and –
are terms of endearment.

In Japanese, there is no plural and singular with nouns. So the word, “ninja” is for both singular and plural and it is up to the reader to discern whether one is talking about one ninja or several ninja.
“Ninjas” is incorrect.


Guide to People, Places, and Things


Takeshi Clan


Rokuro sensei – Akira’s training master.

Takeshi Akira – Akira, son of Isao and Ikumi.

Takeshi Ikumi – Wife of Takeshi Isao.
Acts in the Takeshi’s absence

Takeshi Isao daimyo or Takeshi – Lord of Tsuitori, father of Akira, Samurai lord.

Nanashi Clan


Nanashi –
daimyo and samurai lord.

Naotaka – Samurai sworn to Nanashi.

Naotaka Jiro – Son of Naotaka samurai. Half-brother to Kasumi.

Naotaka Kasumi Neko – Daughter of Naotaka and Keiko Neko.

Neko Clan


Kanayo Neko – Guardian of the

Naotaka Keiko Neko – Mother of Kasumi Neko.



Shinobi Hiroshi – ninja.

Shinobi Shigeko shonin – master ninja.


Tsuitori Denizens


– Female Tengu.

Tenko – kitsune and wizard.

Windcatcher – Male Tengu.

Windstorm – Female Tengu.


Other Creatures and Things


Akuma – fire demons

Amaterasu – Goddess of the Sun.

Bakeneko – demon cat.

Kami – supernatural creatures, encompasses everything from oni to gods

Kappa – a creature similar to a kelpie. It will lure, drown, and eat those who enter the water.

Karasu-Tengu – Crow Tengu.

Katana – long samurai sword.

Kimon – The demon gate.

Kuan Yin – Goddess of Mercy.

Kyotori-jima – Imperial Island.

Naginata – A type of pole arm.

Ninjato – A straight blade with a climbing platform used by ninja.

Maneki Neko – The Summon Cat, god of good fortune.

Neko – cat.

Neko-shima – Home of the Neko.

No-dachi – long sword, bigger than a katana.

Oni – demon.

Oni-jima – Nanashi’s Island.

Shinobi-jima – Ninja Island.

Suijin – water kami.
Also the lord of the water kami.

Taka-Tengu – Hawk Tengu.

Tanto – dagger.

Tengu – means “Heaven’s Dogs.”
These are creatures with heads, wings, tails and feet of birds and bodies of men or women. Tricksters, they are highly skilled at martial arts and can control the winds.

Tora – tiger.

Tsuitori-jima – Home island of Takeshi Akira.

Wakizashi – short samurai sword.

Windspirit – Akira’s sword.

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