Read Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) Online
Authors: D.F. Jones
Caiojezeal grabbed her hand and spun her around. His handsome face distorted with anger. “Dear God, woman, you do have a death wish. Do not attempt to cast a spell or any other. I’m thousands of years old and have conquered many humans with much more experience than you. I do commend your effort.” He grabbed her shoulders and said, “I bind you, Sandra Daireann, from using witchcraft. I bind you from astral travel on the ethereal plane.”
Sandy shook forcefully out of his grasp and, just for spite, kicked him in the shin.
Caiojezeal eye’s brightened again with a flickering light, which Sandy interpreted as compassion or curiosity. He chuckled and said, “So, I see why Baldric likes you. You’re quite a handful, aren’t you, Ms. Cothran? Now open the damn box.”
Sandy placed the key inside the lock, but before she opened the drawer, she said, “You’re not like the other demon who escorted me to take a shower. You seem different.”
Caiojezeal threw his head back and laughed so hard he held onto his sides. “Well, then you’re seeing a side of me I haven’t seen since being cast out of heaven. I was once a member of the AAF until Luc recruited me. Luc is an amazing and charismatic angel but very dangerous. Make no mistake. I’m dangerous, too. Quit stalling and give me the book.”
With a heavy heart, Sandy opened the lockbox and pulled out Luc’s Testament. She held it in her hands for a moment before relinquishing it to Caiojezeal. She sighed and said, “What happens to me now?”
“Luc has requested your presence. I cannot read his thoughts as I have yours. Heed my warning, Ms. Cothran. I suggest you cooperate with him. Luc is cunning and ruthless.”
Sandy narrowed her eyes and said, “I am a ward of The Creator. I am wife to Baldric the warrior, guardian of Campbell Ridge. I am not afraid. Baldric will come for me, and Luc will rue this day.”
Caiojezeal placed his hand gently on her shoulder. “Yeah, keep thinking that. It just ain’t going to happen. Everglade Farms and all of the AAF’s faze doesn’t prevent us from knowing who and what we fight. I hate to see you broken, but broken you’ll be.”
Sandy walked out of the bank the same way she walked in. If she screamed or made a scene, the people would only think her mad. She prayed while walking to the Suburban and continued as she stepped inside. Caiojezeal sat beside her and touched the side of her neck. She slept.
She awoke sometime later on a satiny black leather couch. Around the room, black and white marbled columns shot up to twenty-foot ceilings. There were golden sconces anchored to dark plum walls illuminating the room. She looked over her head at what surely must be a replica of Peter Paul Rubens’
Massacre of the Innocents
. The grandeur of the interior was museum quality.
She quickly glanced around for a way out but couldn’t find any doors, windows, or openings of any kind. Food and drink were laid out on a large black buffet across the room against a stone wall. Her stomach growled, but she had no intention of eating until she could figure out where she was. Odd, she didn’t have any recollection how she got to this place, and most frightening of all, she couldn’t remember her name.
In the corner of the room, someone watched her. Red eyes like fire peered at her from the dark, and the room became increasingly warm. She stood up and caught her reflection in a large gilded mirror. She wore a sleeveless white evening gown accentuating every curve. An incredible being stepped out of the darkness and appeared behind her, and she couldn’t move, even though she tried. She seemed frozen in some state of paralysis.
Long, shiny black hair fell over his shoulders in waves. He was beautiful, magnificent, but something behind his blinding smile sent chills straight up her arms. He wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other to push her hair away from her neck. He kissed and sucked on her neck softly, gently, and she became aroused. It seemed wrong—all wrong as she responded to his touch while he caressed her breast.
His smooth tongue ran along her neck up to her ear, and he whispered, “Welcome home, Daireann.”
* * *
Luc whispering her name broke her hypnotic trance, and Sandy wheeled around with the palm of her hand to smack him across the face, but he grabbed her wrist. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, one mustn’t hit The Dragon if one is to remain whole.”
Breathing heavy, she glared at him and said, “You filthy snake. You low down, dirty, rotten snake.”
Luc laughed and waved his hand in the air. “Witchcraft” by Frankie played around the room. Luc sang Sandy the words and pulled her up into his arms, making her look at their reflection in the full-length mirror. “Just look at the two of us. We’re a stunning couple. You’re a rare beauty and, well, I’m me. Ah, what were you thinking? Oh yeah, I remember. You think I’m beautiful, magnificent.”
“Go to hell!”
Luc roared with laughter and kissed her on the mouth. She remained impassive. He ran his hand over her breast and squeezed her nipples hard. “Darling, I’ve seen you in action. I know how to please a female like you.”
With all the force Sandy could muster, she shrugged out of his grasp and pushed him away. “I’m paired with Baldric. How did he taste in your mouth?” Baldric marked Sandy the night of their pairing. Every man, angel, and demon angel would know she belonged to Baldric.
Luc shrugged and threw his hands, palms up, in the air. “
Comme ci, comme ca
. Yes, Daireann. I know you’ve paired with what do you call him? Oh, Big B. But The Creator will never sanction your union. So, it’s neither here nor there to me. And speaking of Baldric, did he tell you of Barbellina?” He moved swiftly to her ear and whispered, “I didn’t think so. He and Barbellina were supposed to pair when she slept with me. It destroyed Baldric for centuries. He was very much in love with her. She had been his match in every way. Unfortunately, she desired me, and I couldn’t let her down. I do have a reputation with the females.”
Luc went to the buffet. He poured red wine into crystal goblets and handed one to Sandy. “Here, you look like you need it. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Baldric should’ve told you.”
Sandy’s hunger and thirst, coupled with the news of Barbellina, made her turn the wine up, and she emptied the glass. Sandy poured another drink. Baldric loved her. Luc was just messing with her head.
Luc made his voice sound like hers. “Day-yum, girl, you know that’s what I’m talking about.” He chuckled and then poured another glass for himself. His normal voice returned, and he said, “I hate to add insult to injury, but no one has come for you. No one has even inquired of your disappearance. You’ve been here a month, and it’s like no one gives a shit.”
Sandy had researched convert hypnosis on a piece she’d worked on a year ago on cults. Luc was using the same technique to discredit her love, her friends, and her family. Sandy couldn’t decipher if Luc was telling her the truth or just blowing smoke up her ass. She wouldn’t play his game. She had a few tricks up her sleeve, thanks to the book.
Sandy walked over to the couch and sat down. “Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Why don’t you tell me why I’m here? Whether anyone is looking for me is irrelevant. I want to know what you want with me.” Sandy flipped her hair off her right shoulder and pinned him with a look. She wet her lips with the wine, and Luc did a double take at her mouth.
Sandy learned from the book how to relax her mind. She’d been too flustered to use the cords of light with Caiojezeal, but she was hitting on all cylinders now. The cords of light ran through her mind, sending mixed signals to Luc. He was trying very hard to read her thoughts, but the multicolored strands thickened and blocked his encroachment into her mind.
Luc sat down and stretched his arm on the back of the couch while he studied her. “Hmmm, aren’t you the clever one. Don’t get me wrong. Ruby, Anna, and Jerry all have amazing gifts humans don’t deserve. But you’re taking what The Creator gave you plus the info from my book to block your thoughts. Touche. You and I are going to have fun. Did you know every time you use one of my magic spells you get a little closer to the dark side?”
Sandy crossed one of her long legs over the other one. Luc’s eyes widened, and he licked his lips. She rolled her eyes and said, “Oh, for the record, I’d rather die than sleep with you. You have human envy because we have a connection with The Creator you’ll never have again.”
The couch turned around in a circle and then slammed against the wall. Before Sandy could blink, she was on her back, and Luc was on top of her. He growled and held her face with one of his huge hands. “If I wanted to fuck you there wouldn’t be a thing you could do to stop me. So don’t flatter yourself, human whore. I never sleep with humans. You disgust me. You angel wannabe. And for the record, you want to know why you’re here? You’re nothing but a big piece of cheese placed in a trap to catch a gigantic rat. I want Baldric, not you, slut. But you have given me an idea.”
Sandy didn’t budge. She kept her eyes locked on Luc’s as she worked the cords of light to make them thicker and stronger. She didn’t want Luc to see or sense her fear. Sandy stretched the cords further to her home, searching for Baldric. She had to try to warn him.
Sandy blocked her thoughts as she screamed for help. She traveled on her cords of light to the Campbell Ridge Cave, looking for the source of her power, and a portal opened in her mind. Sandy stretched the cords further into the cosmos, passing into another realm. A massive white structure stood in front of her eyes, and she screamed Baldric’s name.
Baldric, be careful. Luc is using me to trap you. Baldric!
A legion of angels turned toward her voice.
Thank God.
Sandy narrowed her eyes and said, “Baldric will rip you to shreds.” She hockered up a loogie and spat in his face.
Luc wiped his face then brushed his lips across hers. He said, “You will come to regret that, my Daireann. I will use you to destroy Baldric. You will fall in love with me, and you’ll beg me to make love to you. You’ll open for me like the petals of a rose, and I’ll devour your body and your spirit. You will break your vows to Baldric. Then I’ll pass you around the division as the whore you are, and I’ll use you against your friends and family one by one as I bring down the wards and guardians of Campbell Ridge.” He turned into a dark wind tunnel that blew debris about the room, and Sandy was forced to hold onto the back of the sofa before Luc dematerialized.
Sandy trembled with fear. She barely held it together in front of Luc. Sandy prayed for help. She prayed for Baldric.
Caiojezeal entered the room and reached out his hand to her. “Come, I’ll show you to your room. You’re either the bravest human in the world or the dumbest. You’re lucky. Luc sees you as a challenge, and that’s the only reason you aren’t being tortured. You’re not the only ward in the caverns. Some of the places down here are gruesome. I told you to accommodate him, not thwart him. I have instructions to wipe your memory, and your call to the In-Between has been scrambled in the control room. I’m sorry.”
Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “Please don’t take my memory. Please. I won’t call out again, I promise.”
Caiojezeal shoulders slumped, and he shook his head. With sadness, he said, “I cannot go against a direct order. I’m sorry. When you’re in his presence, Luc will return your memory, but when you aren’t, you won’t even know your name. I will make your stay here as pleasant as I can.” Caiojezeal raised his hands, and she tried to run, but he immobilized her. Sandy looked into his blue eyes full of sadness and then she was no more.
* * *
Caiojezeal released his hands from Sandy. She tilted her head and asked, “Where am I?” She scratched her chin and said, “And for that matter, who am I?”
Caiojezeal placed his palm on her cheek and replied, “Your name is Dee. I have a lovely room for you. Would you like to go for a walk after you’ve settled?”
Dee replied, “Yes, I would love to check this place out. What’s your name?”
“Call me CJ.” Caiojezeal led Dee through the caverns under Luc’s Arrington Estate. He opened the door to a room attached to Luc’s personal quarters at his request. Caiojezeal had been assigned as Dee’s jailer. He’d never known Luc to place any human within such close quarters to his own. Caiojezeal liked the human female and dreaded what Luc would do to her.
Caiojezeal used magic to give the illusion her room looked out over the Smoky Mountains, a retreat away from Luc for the time she would spend here. The room held a comfortable sitting area, kitchen, and large master bedroom and bath. The interior design reflected earth tones in the rustic furniture and art, and the light from the fire cast a soft glow around the room.
Dee ran to the window like a child and turned back to him with a big grin. “It’s beautiful. Thank you, CJ. Do you know if I have any other clothes than this gown?”
Dee’s smile touched a part of his soul, making him melt. Why was this human making him soft? He respected Baldric even though they played on opposing teams, and Sandy was his paired partner. He’d need to stay on his toes, or Luc would sense his weakness. Another demon angel assigned to Sandy’s case wouldn’t offer kindness, but cruelty. He said, “Come into your bedroom.” Dee followed as he opened an enormous walk-in closet filled with clothes, shoes, purses, and undergarments along with a dressing table stocked with toiletries and cosmetics.
Dee squealed with delight as she ran her hands over the clothes. “Oh my goodness. Look at all of the clothes.” She turned and hugged Caiojezeal, which made his chest tighten. “Thank you, CJ. Is it okay to shower and change clothes? I’m at a loss as to what I should do. I’m a little confused.”