Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)
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Aunt Ellen had passed away several years ago and left the old farmhouse to Sally. The buttery lights from inside the house were inviting as Sandy pulled into the driveway. White smoke filtered slowly from the two chimney stacks on either side of the house. She loved the old place. It was home. The front porch light flipped on, and before she could open the car door, Baldric was there.

He lifted her out of the car with one swoop and Sandy giggled like a schoolgirl. They didn’t need a flashlight because Baldric emitted his golden light at least three feet in front of their path. Baldric ducked his head under the doorframe as he carried Sandy over the threshold.

True to his word, Baldric had both hearths blazing with fire. He was breathing hard, and Sandy noticed his hands shook as he sat her on the couch. The silence was too loud. She said, “We don’t have to be nervous with each other. Is that glass of wine for me?”

Baldric reached for the glass and nearly toppled it over before handing it to her. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I guess because this seems like a dream and any minute Seneca or Ralph is going to hit me on top of the head with a club.”

Sandy took a sip of her wine and then set it on the coffee table next to a bowl of red apples in the center and her dad’s
TV Guide
tossed to the side.

In a quiet voice, he said, “My love for you could place you in harm’s way.”

Sandy reached over and brought his hand to her lips and pressed a kiss. “I don’t want you to think about protecting me. I want you to love me. Throw caution to the wind and give yourself to me. I want you to make love to your wife.”

Baldric fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist. He looked up into her eyes and said, “It is as you wish, my love. I am yours.”

Sandy twisted her fingers in his thick blond hair and joined him on the floor. She kissed him, tenderly at first, before she savagely consumed him with kisses.

Baldric pulled away slightly, searched her eyes, and held her hands. The room filled with his decadent scent of cocoa. Golden sparkles like tiny stars released from his body into the air and onto her skin. Sandy began to glow with the warmth of Baldric’s love. He said, “I want to make love to you, my Daireann, my wife. It sounds strange to my lips to call you my wife, but I’ll get used to it.”

Baldric lifted her in his arms, took the stairs two at a time, and strode to her bedroom. He kicked the door open with his boot, and it ripped off the hinges. He threw Sandy on the bed and stared down at her. Throwing his head back, Baldric opened his mouth and roared while he ripped the armor from his chest until he stood before her, magnificent and naked. The hardwood floors shook under his feet.

Baldric jumped on the bed, and the slats fell out from the mattress, throwing them to the floor. They both laughed. Then he looked at her with raw hunger in his eyes, and she wet her lips. His golden skin gleamed and shimmered as he tore the buttons from her shirt and exposed her breasts. He pulled her blue jeans off as he devoured her with his eyes.

Breathlessly, Baldric said, “I’ve dreamt of this moment.” He lightly traced the outline of her lips with his tongue before he sucked and pulled on her bottom lip. Sandy began to bloom as his kiss lengthened. He trailed kisses along her throat, down to her breasts, and continued to her firm, flat abdominals. Baldric ran his fingers in between her legs over her soft folds of skin, and he growled. She trembled with desire from his touch.

Sandy couldn’t quite believe this beautiful immortal being was making love to her. Real love, not lust. Sex she knew and understood. But even great sex was nothing like the feeling she experienced combining her soul with Baldric, the only one to whom she’d given her whole heart. The titillations of combining their arousal for one another wasn’t about her or him. Making love to Baldric held the promise of all her hopes and dreams for a future she’d never allowed herself to dream about before. Sandy had no desire or impulse to run away, as she frequently felt halfway through copulation. No, on the contrary, Sandy wanted the feeling of her and Baldric, in this Oneness experience, to last forever.

* * *

Baldric consumed Sandy’s body with the essence of his soul. The smell of her arousal drove all thoughts from his mind except for the incredible need to be inside of her warm, intoxicating body. He wanted to taste every inch of her. Sandy was his for all eternity, and he would never give her up.

Baldric devoured her with kisses, and she gave him what he needed. His hands roamed gently over her legs to the back of her knees until he held her foot in his hand. He kissed the arch of her foot and trailed his tongue along her toes, and Sandy moaned in pleasure, which drove him further to ecstasy.

Baldric kissed and trailed his tongue up along her beautiful body until he whispered in her ear, “I’m going to mark you, Daireann. Upon my entry into your womanhood, the marking process of our pairing will begin, and I won’t be able to stop once the process starts. I’ve only heard stories about pairing couples. Some of the chemicals released and shared between us create a type of euphoria.” He kissed her and cradled her face in his hands. “I tremble for you, my love.”

With a throaty sigh, she said, “You’re so much more than I ever imagined. Take me. I’m yours.”

A burst of warm air filled the room. Energy started from the top of his head to the base of his spine as he entered Sandy, and she screamed his name. Baldric had held himself in check with regards to Sandy’s sexuality for years. But she belonged to him now, and every man, every angel, and every demon angel in the universe would know Sandy belonged to him from this moment forward.

Baldric’s essence marked Sandy physically through the contact of their skin, sexually through intercourse, and emotionally as their souls became one. Their pairing took him soaring to the highest mountain peak, and the beauty of their union was beyond any sex he’d ever experienced. It wasn’t just the sex that was otherworldly; it was the combining of their spirits, making him whole for the first time in his existence, and the transcendental discovery of finally finding out what he knew he’d been missing in his life.

There was a magical and emotional intertwining, as well as the physical, combining his DNA into hers to seal their pairing links. The continual hum of the electrical current ringing in his ears nearly made him deaf. The light of their love had been intense, temporarily blinding him before the pairing was complete. Making love to Sandy was the most incredible and intimate experience of his life.

Later, Baldric watched the steady rise and fall of Sandy’s chest as she slept in his arms. He stroked her soft, peachy cheek and ran his fingers through her silky hair. He loved her more than his life and would gladly suffer the consequences in the morning. Tonight with her had been worth an eternity of consequences. He’d have to answer to The Creator for pairing with his assigned ward. Baldric prayed He would understand and sanctify their union. At least they had the support from the Spirit of Man on their side.

Sandy snuggled further into his arms, pressed her lips against his neck, and muttered, “Make love to me again, husband. Make me glow with your love again, warrior.” She arose and sat on top of him, and he arched his back and released a roar loud enough to reach the heavens. Tomorrow would come too soon.

Chapter 7

Broken Wings

The sunlight of morning broke through the Chantilly lace curtains. Sandy rolled over and opened her eyes. She hadn’t dreamed it. Baldric smiled down at her and brushed his fingers down her spine. She lay in his arms naked. She quickly looked under the covers and smiled.

“Yeah, I’m naked, too,” he chuckled.

Sandy propped her hands on his chest and kissed him. “So I didn’t dream it. We’re married.”

Baldric kissed her lovingly while stroking her long hair down her back. “We’re married or, well, paired. Either way, you’re stuck with me. Any regrets?”

Sandy began trailing her fingers up and down his massive chest. “I thought I’d dreamed making love to you. But making love doesn’t describe this kind of dreamland. You’re spectacular. You’re stupendous.” Sandy threw the covers off the bed so she could inspect Baldric fully in the light of day, and he didn’t need much encouragement.

“Keep the compliments coming, baby girl.” He growled and rolled her onto her back and dove between her legs, and the fireworks went off again.

The little golden stars were like hits of adrenaline and pheromones rolled into one powerful formula of yum. She grabbed his head and pulled him up to her. “I could spend the rest of my days in bed with you. I love you so much, Baldric, and I’m not afraid to say it out loud. Isn’t it grand? I’m not afraid to love you.”

Baldric entered her and slowly began to rock back and forth into a steady rhythm. “I’m so glad you’re not afraid anymore. You and I are meant to be together. I love you, and you make me feel as though I could move Mount Everest with my bare hands.”

Sandy and Baldric made love while they continued talking to each other. Sandy never talked during sex. Now she couldn’t stop. “I want to have your babies.” He froze.

She frowned and said, “Is that wrong? Or is it impossible?”

Baldric took a deep breath and sighed, then moved away from Sandy. He stood and began to put on his warrior gear. She sat up and said, “Please don’t stop talking to me. What did I say wrong? I take it back. We don’t need kids. I just need you.” She crawled out of bed and draped her arms around his neck.

Baldric pulled her arms away and sat on the edge of the bed. “I love you, and I’m going to fight for our sanction. I have to face the Commander in Chief this morning, and then I’ll have to meet with The Creator Himself. Our pairing will be brought up to the council of nine, and we’ll no doubt be the main buzz in heaven. Angels and humans consummated in antiquity. A superhuman species developed out of the union and The Creator wiped them out in the great flood.”

Sandy wrapped the blanket around her and tucked it into her armpit. “I’m on birth control. I don’t want to make it harder on you.”

Baldric turned and pulled Sandy into his lap. His forehead touched hers. “You may be with child. Your birth control doesn’t work on angels. I should’ve been more careful. I had no idea how powerful the pairing chemicals were between us until they were released. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t help marking you and making you mine.”

Sandy kissed his neck, reached up, and tugged on his sweet, full lips. “Well, let’s just cross that bridge when we get to it. I’m chosen. I’m not a regular human and the Spirit of Man married us. She’s on our side.”

Baldric brushed the hair away from her shoulders. “I love you no matter what happens today. I love you. No one can take that from us.”

Sandy’s voice quivered. “You’re scaring me. Do you think they’ll separate us?”

“We’re paired for eternity. I’ll find a way to you if they take my guardianship. I’ve served the AAF faithfully for two thousand years; surely my service and loyalty will mean something. You must have faith and be strong while I’m away. Michael or Gabriel will send messengers to watch over you until I get an answer. The warrior angels will watch over you. Don’t give up on me.”

Sandy wrapped her arms around him. She put on a brave face for him because he wanted her strong. “I’ll never give up on us. I’ll wait for you. Just keep in mind, I’m human and humans die every day. If something happens to me, you must promise to find me in the Everafter.”

“You’re not dying anytime soon. You have a part of me from last night. The tiny sparkles, they’re a part of my DNA, and now they’re a part of yours. I could find you if worlds and years separate us, Daireann. Michael has summoned me. I have to go.” Baldric kissed and hugged her, and then he was gone.

* * *

Caiojezeal watched from the bedroom window the tearful exchange between Sandy and Baldric. He knew the warrior was attached to the female, but to pair with her for eternity? What a dumbass. She was beautiful, no doubt. But the earth had millions of beautiful women. Why be tied to one when there were so many to sample?

It was no skin off his ass. Caiojezeal had a job to do and ported to Lucifer’s estate in Arrington. Luc’s property stretched miles in the underground caverns. Caiojezeal found Luc lounging with his latest ingénue near the warm pools of Idema. Lucifer never mated with humans. He only slept with purebred angels or descendants of purebreds out of heaven.

Caiojezeal bowed on one knee. “Sire, Baldric has paired with his human ward. He’s been summoned by Michael.”

Luc jumped up from the blue suede chaise and knocked the female demon to the ground. “You’re joking. Caiojezeal, you better not be shitting me, or you can say goodbye to earth and hello darkness.”

Caiojezeal stayed on bended knee. “Sire, you asked me to report to you when Baldric left the human. I watched the Spirit of Man pair the two in a human church. He mated the female last night, and the AAF summoned Baldric this morning.”

Luc clapped his hands and Taste of Honey’s “Boogie Oogie Oogie” bounced off the cave walls. A disco mirror ball and strobe lights materialized out of thin air. Luc danced and sang. He pulled the demon female from behind the couch and twirled her around. “This is the best news I’ve had since the Spanish Flu outbreak. Get Cole and the others upstairs. I have to get my groove on, and I’ll join you later. You’re dismissed.” Luc grabbed the female and ripped off her clothes. Caiojezeal dematerialized upstairs.

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