Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)
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The interior walls shook as Luc shouted, “Baldric, the warrior angel from the AAF, has my book, and I want it back. You’ll see I get my book back, or you’ll be taking a trip down memory lane. To, ah, let’s see, 1929, as you sat in your bedroom after killing your wife. Yes, that’s where we’ll travel if I don’t get my book back soon.”

Luc stepped away from Cole and glared at Hammer, Carson Jones, and Walt Reese. “All of you face a fate worse than death if I don’t get my book soon. Do I make myself clear?”

The men stammered their apologies and reassurances. Luc waved his hand in the air to silence them. “Why are you standing around with your thumbs up your ass? Leave now, and find my book!” The four men rushed from the room. Luc watched from the wall of windows as they flew down the snow-covered sidewalk, slipping and sliding along the way. They jumped into the black Ford Explorer and sped away into the night.

Luc glanced up to the shimmering stars dotted across the black velvet sky. As soon as Caiojezeal gave Luc word Baldric had left earth’s realm, Luc would take Sandra Daireann. Capturing her would be the best way to recover his book of souls and incantations. It took Luc centuries to create his version of the Bible, and he would be damned if Baldric kept it. He thought of Baldric. Baldric and Luc had been friends once before he’d been cast out of heaven.

* * *

After the worship cycle, Luc made plans with Baldric and Michael to spar in the courtyard. Luc, a warrior angel, had been relegated to leading one-third of heaven’s angels in daily praise of The Creator. He didn’t want to lose his edge, so he frequently met with the two best warriors in all the known universe to train.

The Creator made the courtyard for a variety of reasons, such as sparring, theater, and festivals. At the end of every work rotation, angels gathered to socialize along the walls and immaculate lawn with its ancient trees.

Baldric entered the arena with a scowl on his face. Luc had watched him grow into an elite warrior angel. Angels never aged past the date of maturity. Luc teased him on occasion but had never seen Baldric angry.

Baldric withdrew his sword and held it in his right hand. He went into a battle stance. “You’ll pay for what you did to Barbellina. Her parents promised a pairing between us, and you took her innocence.” The young angel glared at Luc.

“A female is why you’re so worked up? Come on. Baldric, son, there are many untouched angels to choose from for a mate, and Barbellina came to me, not the other way around. Back down or I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” Luc withdrew his sword and presented himself in the on-guard position, extending his right arm toward Baldric.

Michael stood between the angels and threw up his hands. “Drop the swords. If you’re to fight, do it with fists. I’ll not allow injuries to either of you that’ll require treatment.” Michael turned to Baldric and said, “Did you talk to Barbellina? Did she tell you Lucifer took her innocence or are you assuming that’s what happened?”

Baldric glanced at Michael as blood rushed to his cheeks with anger. “I didn’t have to ask her. Every angel in heaven including the outbound angels knows Lucifer snares the females in a trance and leads them like lambs to the slaughter. Lucifer has no honor.”

Lucifer threw down his sword and charged Baldric. He lifted the young warrior off the ground and body-slammed him against the stone wall. Baldric ducked and weaved out of Lucifer’s grasp. He punched Luc hard in the left kidney, making Lucifer’s knees hit the ground. Baldric hit Lucifer with quick jabs, each finding a spot on Luc’s body. Baldric pinned Luc to the field. The crowd of male angels let out a roar of applause and whistles.

A smile curved the corners of Baldric’s lips. “The next time you take a maid be sure to ask if she’s promised first. It may save your ass getting whipped in front of the legion.” He released Luc and dusted off his hands.

Luc jumped off the ground, grabbed Baldric by the arm, and flipped him around to face him. “I will lay with any female I choose, especially if she’s promised to you. If you can’t keep your woman, don’t blame me. She’s evidently looking for something you don’t have.” The male angels watched the scene unfold. The crowd began to laugh at Baldric, and several angels made snide remarks. Baldric stormed away, and Lucifer raised his arms to the crowd. “Females love me, what can I say?”

* * *

Luc began to chuckle. “Oh, Baldric, it’s finally time for a little payback. Hmmm, if memory serves, Sandra is quite beautiful and promiscuous, too. Oh, I’m going to have some fun.”

Luc opened the door to the caverns under the estate. The mysterious underworld belonged to Luc, and he would enjoy introducing Sandra to its unique properties.

* * *

Sandy took Lee up on her offer to spend the night. After Baldric’s intensive fencing workout, her legs and arms felt like jelly. Unfortunately, sleep didn’t last long, and a few hours later, Sandy delved into Luc’s Testament along with her master copy of the Ditch Lane Diaries. Her journal documented dates and times of crimes related to business takeovers and suspected corruptions in local government leading to the disappearance of Councilman Stevens. Sandy also discovered Cole’s partners were listed within Luc’s Testament.

A dated entry into Luc’s Testament on November 10, 1929, was about Cole. Notes in the side column stated Mr. Steele had shot his spouse and placed the gun to his head when Luc arrived on the scene. Sandy put her hand on the page and closed her eyes to see what transpired between the two.

Luc appeared before Cole. At first, Cole thought the angel was a hallucination brought on by a state of shock, but then Luc said,”You have no need to put a bullet in your brain. You were rich, and no doubt your wife has seen better days. What if I said you could be truly wealthy beyond your wildest dreams? Would you shoot yourself or would you come and work for me?”

Cole laid the gun on the nightstand next to his bed where his wife’s body oozed the last of her life force onto the mattress. Without giving it a second thought, Cole said, “How rich are we talking?”

Luc laughed and slapped Cole on the back. “Filthy, stinking rich. It comes with a price. Are you interested?”

Over the last twelve days, Cole had watched billions of dollars disappear in the stock market crash. Cole made the decision to kill Maggie first and then himself because his creditors weren’t friendly people. Death seemed the preferable answer to torture. He couldn’t bear what the sharks would do to Maggie. Rape and prostitution were on the top of their list. So he shot her in the head without warning as she slept.

Cole glanced over his shoulder at his dead blond bombshell with great gams. Maggie had come on to him nearly five years ago because he lived in a Manhattan penthouse suite overlooking the Hudson and had money to burn. Maggie hadn’t loved him, but when she made love to him, she’d been worth every penny. Cole asked, “What’s the price, Big Cheese?”

Luc walked over and peered out the window. His wings spanned the width of the room as he turned back around. He held a thick brown leather book in his hands. Luc said, “I require your soul. You’ll remain immortal and serve me personally while I train you. In a few decades, after I deem you can handle the dough, I’ll set you up. I’m looking for a human soldier to run my Southeast Division in Nashville. You will agree to do anything and everything I ask with no arguments. Agreed?”

Cole placed his hands on his thighs. He looked up into Luc’s eyes and raised a brow. “Who are you again?”

“Atta boy, ask those questions now while you still have the chance. I’m Lucifer. Earth is my domain. The way I see it, I have your soul either way. You’ve committed a mortal sin, and you were at the point of eating a bullet. I can use your body, and you will enjoy the fruits of my labor. Do we have a deal?”

Cole nodded and said, “Well, when you put it that way, cash or check?”

Luc laid the mysterious book with a quill and inkwell on Cole’s nightstand. He punctured Cole’s forefinger and squeezed Cole’s blood into the inkwell. “Sign and date, please. I’ll fill in the particulars.”

Sandy released the book and shook her head.

There was a soft knock, and the door opened. Lee stuck her head inside. “I saw the light when I got up to pee. Okay for me to come in?”

Sandy leaned against the headboard and waved Lee inside. “I’m getting into some deep shit.” She quickly relayed her vision to Lee. “Cole’s associates have signed the book. The downtown area is a coverup for a larger conspiracy. Luc’s using the area as one of his home bases, and Cole’s using it to line his pockets. Several judges, a couple of legislators, and the chief are working with Cole to keep Luc’s cover. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

Sandy crossed her legs and said, “I have enough information from my journal to tie Nick’s murder and the disappearance of Councilman Stevens to Cole. I’m going to drop off what I have to the D.A. to investigate further. I’ll use Luc’s Testament as one of my sources using my reporter’s privilege to keep it confidential. The story should air tonight.”

“I understand your need to air the story. I even agree with it, but you’ll be placing a price on your head. You know what I’m saying?” Lee squeezed Sandy’s hand.

“Airing the story is my best protection.”

* * *

Sandy walked into Steele Enterprises to request an official comment before her story aired tonight. Hammer met her at the elevator door. Her ankle turned, and she reached out and grabbed Chip’s forearm to prevent her falling headfirst into the door. Another astounding revelation swept through her mind with detailed moving images.

Hammer slung the body of Councilman Stevens onto the back of the boat. He wrapped Stevens in burlap purchased from a local feed mill store and secured Stevens with a rope. Cement blocks dropped off the sides of the Bayliner bumper rails just below the surface of the water. Walt had obtained the bags earlier in the day.

The engine silently purred as Hammer backed out of the slip and drove past the dock restaurant before slamming the boat full throttle past the no wake zone. The crescent moon and cloudy skies gave him the perfect cover. He drove down the channel until he reached the deepest part of the lake.

Hammer placed the boat in neutral and threw out the anchor. He lifted the body and tossed it over into the water. The body bobbed back and forth in the waves until he secured the cement blocks to the body and then he released the blocks into the lake. In a matter of minutes, the councilman disappeared into the murky black water.

Hammer turned his ball cap around backward and jumped behind the wheel. He drove the boat to a different dock several miles downriver. Hammer pulled into a vacant slip, turned off the ignition, and secured the boat. He hopped out onto the boardwalk and strolled to the waiting black BMW at the top of the hill.

Hammer’s eyes widened as he pried Sandy’s fingers off his forearm. “Let go of me, you crazy bitch.”

Sandy released his arm and stepped away from him. She’d add her latest vision of Councilman Stevens’ demise to a growing crime list from Cole Steele’s goons.

Minutes later, Sandy stood in front of Steele Enterprises while Eddie, her camera operator, videotaped her story. “Federal and state investigators issued search warrants today for Steele Enterprises and Cole Steele’s home in Arrington on the disappearance of Councilman Stevens and the murder of Nick London.

“Both Stevens and London had documentation listing times and dates of meetings with Mr. Steele, and shortly after, Mr. London was found shot in the chest on Music Row while an ongoing investigation continues into the disappearance of Councilman Stevens.

“District Attorney Matthew Dillard has requested additional help from the TBI to investigate General Court Sessions Judge Rogers, Chief Dyer, and business associates Chip Hammond, Carson Jones, and Walt Reese. Records indicate the named individuals are listed as partners in the newly formed Steele Construction. The company’s recent acquisitions of the downtown properties are the site for the proposed Steele Hotel.

“Please keep in mind, the federal investigators become involved only when public corruption is suspected. Everyone noted in this story is presumed innocent until proven guilty. I’m Sandra Cothran, Channel 3 News.” Sandy dropped the mic and asked Eddie, “How was that?”

Eddie turned off the light and smiled. “Looks like another AP for Ms. Cothran. Let’s book it back to the station and get this baby live for the evening news.”

“I like the way you think, Ace.”

* * *

On any given day, the chaos of a newsroom would drive a sane person mad. There was a constant battle against time to shoot, edit, and get approval for a story to go on air. Sandy and Eddie worked feverishly to edit her piece in the control room before handing it over to the news director, Art Hayes.

Sandy watched the ten o’clock news from inside the control room with Eddie as News 3 weather girl Dawn Frost wrapped today’s forecast. Camera A switched to the anchor, Adam Wesley. “Bringing you a breaking investigation, here’s Sandy Cothran.”

Sandy held her breath as her story aired, and when it was over, she didn’t feel relief. Baldric materialized beside her as she walked downstairs to her cubicle. “The story was excellent. Why the sad face?”

She tilted her head and answered, “I have a target on my back. They’ll come after me.”

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