Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) (28 page)

BOOK: Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)
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After the burial service, Sandy, Anna, and Ruby sat in the chairs under the funeral tent, staring as the cemetery maintenance crew shoveled fresh dirt into Lee’s grave. At the edge of the artificial grass carpet rug, Reed stood with a cane talking to George while Lizzie held little Joe in her arms. Harry spoke with Hugh, Sally, David, and Christine at the back of the tent.

Ruby smoothed out her dress. “I had a dream last night. I met Mama in the In-Between.” Ruby began to tell them about her dream.

Ruby woke to the pleasant aroma of peach preserves and music from the 1940s playing on the radio. Ruby was back in the old cabin lying on the couch in the breezeway with the old rotator fan blowing from her granddaddy’s old desk.

Ruby sat up on the sofa and looked around for her grandmother. A warm breeze flowed through the cabin, and suddenly she was caught up in an embrace. Ruby blinked back her tears as Lee held her in her arms. Granddaddy and Grandmama Campbell stood behind them, smiling.

Lee said, “I’m so proud of you, Ruby. Taking over when I know you wanted to stop. I came to tell you a secret you can share with Reed and your dad. Tell them you’re going to have another baby. A little girl named Alisa after Harry’s mother. And tell Harry that I will see him in his dreams.”

Ruby wiped the tears away with her hands and asked, “I’m pregnant?”

Her mama smiled and said, “Not yet, but soon. Joe’s going to have a baby sister.”

Ruby’s eyes widened, and she hugged herself. “Will she have power?”

Granddaddy Campbell said, “Not this little ’un. She’s a regular human. But she’ll break hearts just like her mama.”

Ruby went over and hugged her grandparents. “I miss you. I’m glad Mama is with y’all.”

Lee said, “Ruby, we’ll always be here. We never left. Love never dies but lives forever.”

Sandy said, “Have you told Reed and Harry yet?”

Ruby turned to Sandy and then looked over at Reed and smiled. “Not yet. I have life and death dreams. I want to wait until I know for sure. I’ll tell Dad about the dream and how I spoke with Mom. I’ll let him know she’ll visit him in his dreams. That’s the best part about my power. To see my loved ones and know they still exist.”

Anna reached over and squeezed. “Maybe you should stop by the office next week, and we’ll draw blood.”

Ruby raised a brow and said, “I didn’t think I could get pregnant while I was breastfeeding.”

Anna hesitated and said, “Well, if you’re breastfeeding full-time, you shouldn’t have a period or ovulate, but the last week or so hasn’t been typical. I promise to give you a sticker and a lollipop.” Ruby elbowed her, and Anna elbowed her back.

Sandy grinned and stood up. “Let’s go to the house. People will get there before we do.”

Sandy went over and kissed Harry on the cheek. “Love you, Harry.”

“Love you, too, pumpkin.”

Chapter 18

Take My Breath Away

The next day, the guardians called a meeting in the red barn. They requested that the wards bring Harry and George. A shiver ran up Sandy’s spine as she stepped across the threshold into another realm. A choir of angels raised their voices in the sweetest song she’d ever heard. Sandy couldn’t understand their words, but it was beautiful nonetheless. The light of love wrapped her in a cocoon of warmth.

The alternate realm seemed like earth, but the grass was too green and the sky too blue. The lush forest had hills and valleys, and in the distance, there was a mountain with a cascading waterfall. A brilliant light Sandy thought was the sun rising over the hill began to move toward them. As the light came closer, Sandy watched as one by one the angels fell on their knees and bowed their heads while stretching their hands toward the light in song.

Sandy turned to her left and right. Following the angel’s lead, everyone in her group dropped to their knees and fell face first to the ground without looking up at the light. Without being told, she knew they were in the presence of The Creator.

The Creator’s light moved over them, and at once Sandy knew, no matter how bad things got on earth, in the end, everything was going to be all right because they were going to return to the light which created them.

Then He spoke. “I come today to pay honor to Lee who served humanity well. Please rise, my wards. You may look upon me in my human form. Walk with me.”

On the ground, Sandy cut her eyes toward Ruby, who nodded and raised her head. Sandy did the same. Sandy’s breath escaped as she looked into the sparkling sapphire eyes that glowed with the same intensity as the first time she had held the totem in the Campbell Ridge cave. The Creator smiled at her, and she wept with joy.

Anna and Jerry, George and Harry, and Ruby and Reed walked with the light, and Sandy brought up the rear. The Creator walked to the most incredible tree. Its outstretched branches resembled arms, and the bright leaves began to sway in the wind as if the tree greeted The Creator. The tree had a chair elaborately carved into the massive trunk out of a material that resembled ivory.

The Creator wore no shoes, only a long sleeved white linen tunic hitting at His ankles with a golden belt gathered at His waist. His silver-white hair shimmered like tiny diamonds in the light of love. He turned and sat down in the tree’s carved chair. The Creator motioned with His hands for them to sit on the plush grass. Sandy glanced over her left shoulder, and as far as the eye could see there were rows and rows of angels—all except her angel, Baldric. She didn’t see Baldric with any of the other guardians. Sandy’s chest tightened, and tears rolled down her cheeks as she grieved for her love.

The Creator opened His hands and said, “Lee is a remarkable creature, and she is alive and well with her family in heaven.” He waved His hand in front of them. “We sit at the gateway to the Garden of Eden. You’re the chosen few to gain access to this sacred place. I see the questions in your eyes. Why? I’ve watched the love you have for each other and the sacrifices you all have made on my behalf. Lee’s sacrifice received a standing ovation when she entered the courtyard in heaven, which is a place where angels gather. She earned their respect, as have each of you.”

The Creator motioned to the guardians. “Erinelle, bring your team to me.”

Erinelle along with Raphael, Luwenia, Seneca, and Simon approached The Creator and went down on one knee. She said, “Your Grace, we are here to serve.”

The Creator grinned and said, “Good, I’m glad to hear it. Erinelle, you’ve earned a rest after serving consecutive terms on Campbell Ridge for the AAF with exceptional valor, and your impeccable reputation will make your shoes hard to fill.” He turned to Seneca and said, “Seneca, you’ll take over the command of the Campbell Ridge. I have every confidence you’re up to the task. But we’re missing someone.”

The Creator turned to Sandy, and she held her breath. “Sandra Daireann, I have heard your prayers. I believe you’re missing your guardian.” He turned and shouted over His right shoulder, “Hey, Michael, bring Baldric to me.”

Michael and Baldric materialized in front of The Creator and bowed before Him. “Baldric, you and I were having a conversation that was cut short. I believe you had just pleaded your case for pairing with Sandra. I’ve given your predicament much thought. While I’m not prepared to relinquish the law forbidding angel and human pairings, I have seen the genuine love you share with Sandra. I’m willing to sanction your union to watch and observe your lives. Baldric, you must, however, give up your guardianship, and you will remain on earth aging as a mortal. I will allow you to retain your powers and stay a part of the Campbell Ridge team. How well you live with Sandra will determine if the law should change. What say you?”

Baldric wiped the tears from his eyes with his fingers and bowed before The Creator and kissed His hand. “Thank you, Father. I agree to your terms.”

The Creator pointed to Sandy and said, “You may approach, Sandra Daireann.”

Sandy couldn’t contain her excitement as she approached The Creator and Baldric. She noticed Baldric’s rapid pulse beating along the cord of his neck and the tears glistening in his eyes. Baldric tried to hold himself in check, but as she grabbed his hand, he released thousands of shimmering, glittering golden sparkles into the air and onto her skin.

The Creator burst out laughing as He rose. The tension in the air released, and everyone laughed, with a few whistles and catcalls from George, Jerry, and Reed. The Prince and the Spirit of Man materialized and stood on either side of The Creator as He lifted His hands. “May love light your way. May the love of light guide and direct each of you.” The Creator smiled and nodded to Baldric. Happy crinkles surrounded His eyes, and with a raised brow, He said, “You may kiss the bride.”

Baldric bent Sandy backward as he sealed the sanction with a pretty spectacular kiss to the roar of the crowd. More golden sparkles released into the air like confetti from a parade.

The Creator turned to Harry and the other wards. “Love and laugh often throughout your life.” He bowed before them and pressed His hands into prayer mode. “Blessings and Thanksgiving.”

They replied, “Blessings and Thanksgiving.”

In the blink of an eye, Sandy and Baldric, along with her friends, returned to the center alley of the red barn, each looking around in what Sandy could only describe as wonder.

Baldric picked up Sandy and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Hi, there, baby girl.”

Sandy circled her arms around his neck. “Hey, Big B.”

Jerry coughed and kicked up dust from the floor. “Um, I think maybe we should retire to the house and help Harry finish off that apple crumb cake.”

Harry draped an arm around Jerry’s shoulder and said, “I’m with you, brother.”

Sandy tossed a glance over her shoulder and said, “I think Baldric and I will pass. We have some catching up to do.”

Anna and Ruby started singing, “Baldric and Sandy sitting in a tree…”

To which Sandy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, and then some.”

Reed took his cane and ran it up Ruby’s dress. Ruby turned around and said, “Looking for something?”

Reed raised his brow and with a sideways grin, he said, “Oh yeah, baby. I’m looking for something.”

Anna grabbed one of Jerry’s hands and one of Harry’s. “Let’s go. The crap in here is getting knee deep.”

Sandy yelled out, “Love you, too!”

Sandy and Baldric walked hand in hand out of the barn and to her car. Before opening the door, he kissed her hand. She melted and sighed. “Let’s go home. I’ll even stop by the store for some bubbles.”

“Aw, you remembered.”

On the drive into Nashville, Sandy and Baldric talked about Lee and the beautiful example she made out of her life. How one person’s life could touch so many other lives. Sandy relayed the events of Reed’s injuries and recovery. The supernatural wound would take time to heal, but he would eventually experience a full recovery.

Baldric alternated holding her hand or touching her thigh. “I had to meet in front of the council of nine. They battered me with questions about why I would want to pair with a human.”

She cut her eyes to him before going back to the road. “What did you say?”

Baldric smiled. “Your beauty is more precious than the rarest of gemstones. But your spirit, compassion, and sick sense of humor are why I fell in love with you in the first place. The night in the elevator last December, I knew, and when your sassy ass stripped in front of me? Oh man, I shook so bad I thought the building would collapse. You said—”

“I couldn’t see you, and I said, ‘You might as well show yourself because you smell like hot chocolate, and I could smell you even if I were standing on Capitol Hill.’” She laughed.

Baldric chuckled and said, “I released my paring scent, and the golden sparkles floated in the hallway. I couldn’t materialize until I gathered my thoughts. I love you so much that I can barely breathe, and my heart is beating so hard I may not be able to contain it.” She sighed.

Sandy stopped quickly at the corner store to pick up champagne and orange juice. She ran out to the car and then drove to the parking garage across from her building and parked in her spot. Turning off the ignition, she turned in the seat and cradled Baldric’s face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs along his square jawline. “My sweet and beautiful warrior. Your words seep into the marrow of my bones and heal the wounds from the last week. I was afraid, but I held onto our love and replayed our wedding night over and over with the cords of light that gave me hope and strength.”

Baldric leaned in and kissed her gently and slowly, kindling a fire deep inside her. Breathlessly, Sandy released him and said, “I want to make love to you, husband.”

Baldric swiftly made it to her door and opened it. His armor materialized into street clothes: jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket paired with black boots. Her eyes widened, and she wet her lips. “Baby, I’ve never seen you in jeans, and me likey a lot.”

He reached down and drew her into his arms. “Ruby said you’d like it.”

“Oh, honey, I love it.” She reached up and kissed him again. Several people passed by, staring at them. She asked, “Can they see you?”

“Uh huh. I’m mortal. Well, sort of.” He kissed her again.

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