Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four) (14 page)

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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“Haven’t had the chance,” Gage said, pushing down a frustrated growl and plastering on a smile for Azure’s sake.

“I’ll head back down.” She walked across the floor with a noticeable limp, one Gage hadn’t picked up on.

When she was out of earshot, Jayce said, “I don’t like that limp. She’s weak, shouldn’t be wearing those shoes when she can’t walk straight.”

Gage frowned. “Wonder if that’s from birth?”

“No way, man, I scent fresh injuries and the slightest dram of immortal blood, fresh, and definitely not hers.”
“But I drank from her. I didn’t notice.”

“Not when you’re pumped for mating, ready to fly with her body as your anchor.” He clapped a large palm over Gage’s shoulder. “Whatever happened to that leg of hers was bad, and I suspect a Species vampire donated some of his juice to patch her up. Why? Might have something to do with Sayer.”

“She was asking about him.”

“Well, she can do more than ask. Soon. He’s on his way home, heading to Miami as we speak. In fact, he’s about ten minutes away.”
“That’s the emergency?” Gage barked, irritated that he’d been interrupted over something so trivial as compared to his initial mating with Azure.

Jayce smiled broadly, clearly enjoying himself. “It is when he’s your co-mate.”

Chapter Ten
age’s beast dangled on the very end of full transformation, teetering back and forth. He had his girl right underneath his nose, and what was he doing? Heading out for the afternoon so that he could speak with Sayer in order to settle matters between them. He rubbed the back of his neck, releasing a sigh of pure frustration. “Oh, Azure, the things I want to do to you…”

He walked the service hallway, listening as she knocked around in the kitchen - her kitchen. Obviously struggling and needing his help but she refused to ask for it. God gave him a stubborn female. And all Gage thought was, bring it on.

Padding along quietly, he couldn’t recall the last time he walked in any of his homes since he always misted around, but making minute changes in his lifestyle was an easy adjustment. Keeping his head from between Azure’s thighs was the hardest thing he’d ever done, meaning he’d pretty much reached the end of his dwindling patience. Holding in another frustrated sigh, he placed a palm on a column that separated the kitchen from the service corridor.

“I’ll have it cleaned up in a second,” Azure said nervously with a bag in one hand while chasing melting ice cubes across the tile with the other. The poor girl had been making an ice pack for herself.

“Please, get off your knees,” he pleaded desperately because she
needed to get off her knees. There was only so much a gentleman could take, especially considering the gentleman in question wasn’t human. Sporting a growing erection, he stepped inside, rubbing a palm over his aching chest to stave off his gnawing desire. “I’ll take care of it.”

“I clean my own messes.”

He gazed down at Azure, lowering himself beside her, discretely adjusting a throbbing aggravation in his pants. “You’re hurting.”
And I’m so
incredibly hungry. Walk away before you find out what I am.

She glared at him. Obviously upset from Jayce walking in on them. “I don’t want your help,” she said in clipped tones. “Thank you… anyway.”

you want?” He placed his hands on the floor on either side of his knees, willing heat into the surrounding tile, effectively melting the remaining ice as well as drying the surface. Simple Were magic he’d learned as a kid. Azure’s forehead creased before she tugged on the front of her blouse, lifted the neckline, and blew on her breasts.
She taunts me.
After taking a couple of long seconds prying his eyes from her creamy swells, he studied her ankle. Somewhere along the way she tossed off those dreadful shoes. Pink scars were already fading, a blessing from the immortal part of her body that was, indeed, werewolf. But he couldn't figure out her initial injury. The scary part? She looked as if she'd been bitten, many times over. And when he found out who was responsible, he would peel his or her flesh from their bones with his canines. Slowly. Over years. A torture he never tired of inflicting on the cruelly deviant.

“I want to go home.”

. “Your things are no longer there.”

“I don't normally act like a slut.”

“Thanks for the information, Azure, but I'm not too worried about your earlier behavior. I was with you, remember? Two people came together with a common goal. We want each other. I'm not ashamed to admit that, and you shouldn't be either.” With the reluctant sigh, he asked, “In the short time you’ve been here, have I treated you badly?”
I want to spoil you.

“No. It’s not that.” She glanced around, frowning at the drying floor. “You can get anyone you want, and here I sit. For what reason, I mean, what’s really in it for you? I feel as though there's something you are not telling me.”

There was a monumental something he wasn't telling her. On top of that, she had issues he needed to address. “A stupid man must have slammed your self-esteem with the efficiency of a sledge hammer,” he summed her up, watching her gape at his words. And right then and there, he knew she’d been dumped. Recently. But he refused to back down. Why should her stubbornness – her very backbone – take a nosedive over some idiot stomping her heart? “Why do women automatically assume they are to blame when a man goes to another’s bed?” Apart from their bodies, he still couldn’t figure human females out. “I’ll never understand your logic.” Full-blooded, werewolf females would never make such a assumption. They knew better. “Azure Malloy, sometimes men are assholes.”

She stammered, flushing beautifully, tempting him to redden her ass with a lover’s spanking. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me.”

“Yes,” he refuted her, “you do.”

She shook her head numbly. “You know nothing about me.”

He lifted his hands from the floor, boldly placing them on either side of her hips. “Ah, my sweetness, I know things about you that you don’t.” She didn’t blink at that, instead, choosing to watch him - watching her, albeit warily. Her breathing picked up, her chest rising and falling as if she’d ran a marathon or was afraid. Very afraid. Or could she be aroused? He’d been holding his breath since he neared her, keeping the Beast at bay by not scenting what was his. The visual before him was hard enough.

“How can you say something like that?” She swallowed hard, putting some distance between their bodies by leaning against the cabinet. Not making any attempt to rise, maybe because of her pain, but he doubted it. More than likely her legs were shaking.
And my Beast senses weakness.

“I see beauty you apparently don’t. I see a passion you’re hiding. I see acute physical needs you’re fighting by the hour. Embarrassment shouldn’t stand in the way of nature. Why deny something that feels so good?” He leaned in after her, pressing his lips against her ear and brushing her tiny lobe with every word, “I see an extraordinary woman who’s meant for a man like me. In every way, I want you. You can’t deny it, Azure. You want me, too.”

She shook her head weakly, blindly reaching for the countertop behind her in an attempt to pull herself up. But she still didn't make it. After spotting her beaded nipples, he knew she was fully aroused, but he refused to take a breath. Not when he had to leave in just a few minutes.

“Azure,” he purred, rubbing the tip of his nose across her jawline, “I consider this day as the start of our new relationship.”
And you need to put out.

Her breathing kicked up, short pants shaking her little frame. She was at a loss for words, so he decided to press his advantage. He couldn’t imagine spending another moment without crawling inside her skin. One way or another tonight was the night.

Gage wrapped his larger hand around her smaller one. It was ice-cold from clutching her makeshift ice-pack. After removing it from her hand, he brought her freezing fingers to his mouth. While never taking his eyes from hers, he kissed all five fingertips. When his lips moved over her palm, he gently nipped the tender skin between her thumb and index finger, giving her an inclination of what he did to do to the tasty flesh between her neck and shoulder. When he had marked her, he bit hard and deep.

Staring in her tilted, golden eyes, he made her a promise. A whisper from his Beast meant only for her ears. “I can make you forgot any men who’ve come before me. I can make you forget yourself. I can bring you into a state of raw consciousness where my skin against yours is more necessary than your next breath.”

“Y-you can’t possibly do that.” Though her look said she wanted him to try.

His fingers tightened on hers. “We’re going to enjoy changing your mind.”


A slip up. “You and I.”

“Tell me -” She trailed off when he parted the bag and slowly placed a still-frozen ice cube between his front teeth, easily biting down since its temperature didn’t affect him. Closing his lips around the cube, he pressed it against her chin before trailing it down the front of her throat, circling it in that little dip separating her clavicles.

Twirling. Twirling. Twirling.

Her poor nipples must be painful, he thought. The way they jutted out for attention. Gage decided they would have to wait until he heard at least one pleading groan from Azure’s stubborn throat. Slowly, he wended his way back to her lips.

Swiping. Swiping. Swiping across the seam of her mouth until his tenacity paid off when she parted her reddened lips.
I want
the same down below, my mate.
Her eyes went wide once he pushed the ice over her tongue, but she didn’t think to stop him. “Suck it,” he ordered around the cube, never letting it leave the confines of his teeth.

Her first slight moan had pushed its way into his mouth before she sucked greedily. Right away, her hunger speared him, driving his dick up into a painful spike pressing against his zipper. Her shoulders slowly unknotted, and he sensed that she wanted to submit, but needed more. More would chip away at those stark inhibitions, which were keeping Azure from hurling over passion’s edge.
I’ll serve you up some more.

She gasped when the cold became too much, so he lost the ice and slanted his mouth right over hers – their first real kiss. The press of her soft lips made him burn until he drew in a long breath of air. A seriously wrong move.

, his werewolf snarled, slamming into the front of his skull with a vengeance.

Soon, more time is needed,

A low growl erupted from his chest, rattling his body and hers as he urged her mouth to part the way it had earlier for the ice.
Need me.
He ravaged her tongue, sucking madly, contrasting the bitter cold with his fire.
Feel me burn for you.
As he warmed her thoroughly, he thrust against her tongue, retreating, extending, and swirling. She mimicked his rhythm. Shyly at first, but she caught on. When her hand reached up and clasped his shoulder, clinging, he gripped her tightly, marveling at how perfect she felt.

He sank deeper, lowering her to the floor without regard for where they were or even her comfort. It was too late for him – for her. The time had come, and he wouldn’t make it to a bed to soften his blows. Her tongue was still seeking him out as she uttered baby moans from deep within her body.

Must fill her need
, his beast screamed, rattling the inside of his head.

Happening now
, he snapped.
Back off
No transformation

Suddenly, her dress was around her waist. Maybe it happened when she slid on the floor, maybe his hands were faster than he realized. His cock was jutting from his pants, semen now streaming over the rows of silver. But he was careful not to give her a first glimpse right now, no point in scaring her away so quickly. Gage lined up the underside with her needy clit, rubbing her rhythmically through the thinnest panties he’d ever felt as his licked his new mark on her throat. He was so proud of that damned thing, wanted the world to see it.
I branded her as mine.
She raised her sweet ass, matching him grind for grind. The heat building up inside her fisting walls, more of her groans reached his ear, and he knew she was going to gush deliciously.

As her strangled cries grew louder, he grazed his mark with his roughly whiskered chin, stinging her to the point of pain, but not going over. One last roll with his piercings digging into her bundle of nerves and she froze stared at him unblinkingly for no more than two seconds before she jolted underneath him repeatedly. Arching her back until he thought her spine would break. The most beautiful thing he had ever seen or even felt. Another two seconds passed, and then her musk perfumed the air with her cries. A scent claimed by his Beast. One he savored. Nipping a line between her mark and her ear, he whispered. “Think about how good we feel together, Azure. How perfectly we fit.”

“Gage,” Heath said, shuffling behind them. “I think you’re forgettin’ our meetin’.”

Oh, he’d forgotten alright. And now he had to show up with a fucking two by four in his pants.


ayce ordered an entire bottle of Pinot Noir for himself, and every meat dish off the minimalistic menu opened before him. Only then, did his eyes move to Heath.

“I’ll be havin’ the same, lass.” Heath flashed despondent, silver eyes, probably looking for more of a selection than what was offered. But this place was trendy. A restaurant that was not truly meant for dining, but used as a central hub to climb social ladders by networking with those who graced it – a place at which to be seen. An open area where rogue vampires wouldn’t dare start anything and that was just what they were counting on. “Just fetch me ale instead of wine. Your largest ale, that is.” Curling his lip back at Jayce in a ‘what true male drinks wine’ kind of way, he then added, “And I would have some fresh fish on the side.”

“We have fourteen brands of beer on tap,” the server said, licking her lips in blatant invitation.

“The darkest you have, sweeting,” he said in the darkest voice

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