Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four) (20 page)

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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“Learn?” Gage pursed his lips, looking a little rattled. “I don’t expect you to be, well.”

“Domestic?” Sayer offered.

“Something like that.” Gage shook his head, looking sexy in jeans, bare feet, and an un-tucked oxford. She thought about those mysterious piercings, almost ceremonial in their placement, and that one astonishing tattoo that wrapped itself from his right hip all the way to his thick inner thigh. “We have a full staff coming in tomorrow, so unless you really want to cook, it’s unnecessary.”

It was Azure’s turn to look rattled. “A staff?”

“Yes. They’ll only stay during daylight hours. The nights belong to us.”

She just couldn’t wrap her head around that, so instead, she asked where the media room was.

Chapter Thirteen

’m starving.” Azure settled in front of a coffee table that looked to be the size of her twin bed. Well, what used to be her bed. Deep breaths were all she needed. She was determined to flow with life’s changes, especially when the most recent ones were incredible. “This is way more than pizza.” She shook her head, laughing. “All of this for three people?”

Pizza with her favorite toppings centered the table alongside delicacies she’d only tasted during those occasional cocktail parties with Will. Gage was trying to spoil her, she realized with these opulent offerings. Ones arranged by a man who didn’t have to ask how much anything cost. She started deep breathing, pushing air in and out. Instead of complaining about his unnecessary extravagance, tearing down his male pride, she smiled and thanked him, promising to try a bit of everything. In return, steely blue eyes brightened, grateful she had accepted his gift, his token of affection.

Strong arms wrapped her and pulled her back against a rock-hard chest, Sayer’s rich timbre touched her ear. “You never gave me that deep kiss I was longing for.” A warm stroke brushed up her spine, her body clenching in places she didn’t know she had. Her flesh was aching for his in a way she didn’t understand.

Blinking, she glanced up at Gage and said. “Um, Sayer and I sort of went out.”

“I’m aware of that, remember?”

He seemed clueless. Sayer was rubbing against her like a horny tomcat, turning her body to mush, and Gage was simply watching.

“Well, I’m insisting that we stay friends. And, well, I haven’t told him that there’s an -”

“An us?” Gage kneeled down before them. “That we’re lovers?” He reached out and cupped her cheeks in his warm hands, his voice dropping an octave. “He knows that, Azure. All I’ve heard him ask you for is a kiss, and I would love to watch you kiss him.”

Azure stared back at him, her heart pounding. He wasn’t serious. He couldn’t honestly mean that. “You want me to kiss him?”
Are all those books I read finally coming to life?
Must be, since they hadn’t opened the wine yet, no one could blame it on being drunk. Sayer’s hot grip never left her body. A warm hum reverberated through her back where his dick was centered.

Still, she couldn’t move. And Gage and Sayer were waiting for
to make the first move.

Gage tilted her head up, staring into her eyes with his, lulling her. She shuddered when his demanding lips covered hers, hot and ready to please. With that one simple kiss, her knees separated, and he moved in the center of her, right on the opposite side of Sayer. “I vote for more kisses. Sayer has the right idea. You, on the other hand, are acting without courage. I’m really quite surprised with you, Azure,” he said sternly, the halogen lights playing strangely across his magnificent blue eyes. Almost as if there were something else there, moving behind his irises. “It’s not as if he asked to fondle you.”

Her mouth dropped open at that, but Sayer turned her in his arms, his eyes heated with lust. Then she pointed her index finger in the general direction of Gage's incredible face. And although she was nervous, she still wondered how anyone could be so perfectly chiseled. “I may not be challenging a raging bull, but you sure as hell are.”

“I don’t believe in swear jars,” he murmured, leaning in on their embrace, “but women who swear and point fingers while living under my roof get their butts blistered.”

“Oh,” Sayer gazed at her raptly. Even through their layers of clothing, she felt his cock pulsate. “That sounds like a distraction I need. Indulge me, sweet Azure Blue; say every nasty word you can think of.” He undulated under her, his pretty, taut body so full of youthful stamina.

She chewed her lip, staring up at Gage from under her lashes. “I’m ready for you to say you’re joking.” Not about the spanking, she loved spankings, the harder the better. She was more concerned about the kissing part regarding Sayer than the spanking comment.

“I’m waiting for you to apologize, Azure,” Gage spoke evenly while slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “I have rules.” He tossed it to the side. “You are not above my law. I punish those who break it, especially ones as beautiful as you.”

“How many have you punished?” Oh, shit. Why did it matter?

“In this house? None,” he continued in an even tone. “You will be the first.”

“I think we have more pressing matters to attend to.”

Sayer wouldn't be derailed. “Have you ever had a spanking?” He asked, now idly running his fingertips up her arms. Every other stroke, his thumbs brushed the sides of her breasts, but she tried not to notice.

“Of course,” she answered hotly, wishing he would graze a nipple while he was at it. The way Sayer moved his body against hers. The way he smelled. The way Gage threatened her, making her wet in embarrassing places. The way they herded her, staring at her body as if she were already undressed. It was sensory overload in its most dangerous form. In it was something she couldn't fight anymore. Azure wrapped her arms around Sayer shoulders, once so broad and hard. The static from his body spilled into hers, tempting her with his sensual heat, his need for her.

“Why is your skin so flushed, Azure,” Gage whispered against her ear, his lips brushing her lobe with every syllable. “It’s not as if I’m going to bare your alabaster flesh, spread your voluptuous thighs, and take my right. Spanking you until you burn sweetly before grazing my nails over your heated skin,” he breathed raggedly, “but I assure you, you’re thinking about it now.” A soft kiss pressed against that sensitive spot behind her ear. “It’s something you have to have. Wickedness you can’t name. One you haven’t had with two men.
But your time has come. A bodily awakening will be yours. One we'll
together. It will feel like the finest gift you have ever received, though the pleasure will thrill us all.”

What she wouldn’t give to be under him right now. Sayer cupped her sex or was it Gage? She realized she’d closed her eyes, but she wasn’t ready to open them. He pushed his thumb in, lining the seam from his pants against her clit, but he didn’t move. When she wiggled, an arm snaked around her back pulling her forward until she found herself wrapped more tightly in Sayer’s arms.

Gage reached over, surprising her by licking the exposed column of her throat. It seemed as though each inch of their magnificent bodies pressed against hers. Sayer's lips found hers, soft though extremely strong, he dipped his tongue inside her mouth and tasted everything she had to offer. And if she even thought about holding back, he probed deeply encouraging her to give him everything. “No holding back, Azure Blue,” he murmured with the soft groan. Sayer kept her tucked in closely, placing his chin atop her head as he lifted her. His destination was evident as he carried her through the corridor and up the stairs to the master bedroom. The extravagant meal wasted without a second thought. His large hand cupped the curve of her ass, moving possessively as if he had every right to.

Azure was a lot of things, but not an idiot. “When did you two plan on seducing me this way?”

“Just today, Love,” Gage replied as he stepped out of his pants totally commando. “Let's get to know each other, shall we?”

The first order of business was a health history discussion. Azure was on the pill, but she wanted assurances from them about their history. Sayer and Gage gave their scouts honor they were clean. Since both of them claimed to want a permanent relationship with her, they wanted nothing between them. Neither did Azure. So they started with quite a bit of trust.

When they reached the bed, Sayer had her dress off within seconds. She tried not to wince when she heard of seam rip. Now she stood in panties since the dress didn’t allow for a bra. He circled her. Once. Twice. A third time. All the while, Gage stroked his beautiful penis slowly. She didn’t miss the fact that he scraped his thumbnail under the broad head a time or two.

“Do you want her to know, Sayer?” He asked in a reedy voice full of desperate need. His primordial gaze, hot and deliberate, slid down over her.

Although he’d watched her orgasm and she’d had a taste of that delicious cock in her mouth, she could feel herself flush, a reaction to having two beautiful men stare at her as if she were the last woman standing. How many times had she had this fantasy? How many books had she read about this type of pleasure? Too many to count, she realized. And she wanted this experience so much that she physically burned. It was suddenly more than she could deal with. “Know what? Someone move already!”

Sayer gave Gage a curt nod, so Gage growled, “Turn around, love. Your back to us. Good. Beautiful. Pull that wet thong down, Azure.” She dipped her thumbs around the elastic bands, easing them off her hips. “Slow down. Slower. That’s it. Stop at your knees. Leave them there.” She could feel Gage and Sayer closing in on her, their body heat filling her without touching any flesh. “Feet together,” his voice whipped. “Bend forward and place both palms on the bed. Fingers splayed. That’s it. Palms flat, there you go.”

A rough hand gripped her thong, twisting it around her knees like a lacy vice. Her thighs squeezed together, cold air hitting her pussy while they stared. Just stared. But she could hear their breaths hitch here and there before they started panting.

Strange erratic breaths.

Three pulls in, one exhale out.

Then doubled. Three pulls in, one exhale out.

She started to twist around, and someone’s hand gripped the back of her head and pushed her to the soft duvet.

“Take deep breaths. Play our game,” a gravelly voice belonging to one of them, but she couldn’t place it. Some sort of static went through the room, and they both cleared their throats.

“Okay, I’m here to play.” She wiggled her ass a bit and a hardy smack responded. Way harder than Will’s ever had. Her breath caught in her throat. And why should she think about him right now? Because she had no one else to compare this experience to, he’d been her only other lover.

“If I were you, Azure,” Gage warned in a deceptively soft tone. “I would remember that charging bull comment you threw at Sayer earlier. If you could see his face right now,” he went on, holding her head down so she couldn’t check it out for herself. “You’d stay still and do what you’re told.”

More air whirled around her wet flesh and her flushing ass just as a strong hand smacked her left cheek. “Ouch!”

A soft growl rent the air before another palm hit her right side, burning, tightening the skin. His breaths were panting, stroking over her reddened flesh. All smacks in rapid successions before they went in lazy, haphazard patterns and then stopping altogether. Gage’s breaths were erratic so were hers. She couldn’t hear Sayer’s at all. “My ass is on fire,” she gasped. But she loved it, couldn’t deny it if someone paid her to.

“Now, Sayer,” Gage’s voice became a husky whisper, dripping with possibilities. “See that beautiful pink opening. It’s going to grip you like a silky glove, soft and sweet. Part her.”

She didn’t have a model perfect body, but right now, she felt so desired that she started trembling under their scrutiny. Gage scraped her left globe with a sharp tooth, and then soothed it with a tongue far rougher than she remembered. She shivered when Sayer parted her drenched folds with his thumbs, just as Gage told him to.

At his first sight of her sex, he took in a deep breath. “Beautiful, so beautiful, Azure Blue, I love the way you look between your thighs.” He kissed her hard with a demanding sweep of his tongue. Tangling between her nether lips, greedily exploring, demanding she cry out for him.

“Oh, Sayer!” At the second touch of his mouth, he licked her as if he were a hungry animal, without any inhibitions holding him back. Her hard peaks skimmed the satiny duvet, making her nipples elongate, starving for a moist mouth.

As if Gage read her mind, he trailed his mouth up her spine, scraping his sharp teeth here and there. His broad hands curled around each side of her rib cage, curling his fingers around her swollen breasts. “So soft here, Azure. Would you like me to taste these berries while Sayer tastes you?”

“Yes.” Sayer picked up speed, absently tracing her clitoris with his smallest finger as he kept her pried open with his thumbs. The combination of the cooling overhead fan, his hot breaths, and wayward tongue kept her on sensory overload. He inhaled deeply, sniffing her before he delved back inside with a dip of his thumb.

Gage eased under her body, relieving her trembling arms. “How does she taste, Sayer?”

“Like you said she did, like heaven.”

Going back to palming her breasts, Gage lifted his blonde head to stare at Sayer. “He’s really enjoying eating your sweet flesh. How’s he doing?”

She glared at him. “I t-think you know how he’s doing.”

In a blurring movement, Gage had her chin in his mouth, nipping firmly. “Ow!”

He dropped it just as quickly, both suddenly distracted by Sayer. An ominous zipper resounded, followed by the rustling of heavy cloth. Sayer’s mouth pulled away from her soaked folds right when Gage lifted his oversized palm, cupping one of her lovely mounds again. “I love the way your breasts sway, Azure.” He slid his pink tongue over his bottom lip, and then flicked her tip with it. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for what’s mine. Sayer, too.”

“Yes,” Sayer rumbled.

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