Sapphire Universe (12 page)

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Authors: Devon Herrera

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Sapphire Universe
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“Stay.”  Connor turns and looks at me, waiting.
You call the shots
. “Just stay the night with me.  I just want you hold me.  I’m not ready for you to leave yet.” 

Putting my feelings out there like that isn’t something I normally do unless it’s with Lo.  It’s one of my rules.  If no one but you knows how you feel, then they can’t use those feelings against you later on.  He just stares at me for a minute and I’m wondering if he knows how big of a step this is for me.  It may have seemed like something simple, but Connor knows how hard trust is for me.  He reaches into his back pocket without removing his eyes from my face and dials a number.

“Hey Tony.  Yea I know it’s late I’m sorry I woke you up… I need a huge favor… Can you please go check on dad and maybe stay there tonight?.. I know I know, but it’s important… You know it…Yea, I figured as much…Thanks cousin.  I owe you one.”  He ends the call and strips off all but his boxers.  Boxer briefs actually.  Lo usually exaggerates, but in Connor’s case it was all an understatement.  Calvin Klein would make a million off of Connor Wright.  “Move over baby.”  Connor slides into bed and his arms surround me once more.  Before I fall asleep, I hear a faint, “I’ve got you Princess.”  My last thought is
yes, you do.



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For the first time in ten years, my nightmares don’t plague me.  I sleep a peaceful deep sleep.  When the morning sun shines in through my window
, I wake up refreshed and warm.  Remembering the reason for my warmth I smile. 
  I open my eyes and look up into his beautiful face.

At some point in the night we changed positions.  He is now on his back with me at his side and my head on his chest.  My arms are around his waist and his are on my back with one hand in my hair.  Our legs are tangled in the sheets and he is still sound asleep.  I can’t help but feel as if he’s the reason my nightmares have taken a hiatus.  I have more important things to do than think about that though.  Like use this chance to check out my boyfriend. 

My first thought when I saw him on the bus was that he was an Adonis.  Looking at him now I realize how true that is.  I use the word beautiful in reference to him in my head all the time and I know that it’s not really a term used to describe men, but in Connor’s case its true.  All 6
ft. 4 inches of him is lean and strong.  His chest and stomach are toned and hard with muscle.  His arms and legs look like a professional fighter’s and with his moves last night I wonder if there may be some truth to that.  With thick dirty blonde hair in disarray and a dusting of stubble on his face he looks almost roguish.  His skin isn’t golden but it’s darker than mine.  I notice he has a few faint scars here and there and wonder if I can get him to tell me those stories.  I let my eyes travel one last time over his body and feel his chest shake with his laughter.  My eyes shoot to his, but they’re still closed.  Huh? 

“I can feel your eyes on me Nina.  For someone with a “no sex” rule, you sure know how to get a guy riled up.”  He says with his eyes still closed.  I can’t help it that my eyes shoot down to where the proof of his words is indeed “riled up” and he groans.  “Nina.”  I look back up at him and the sapphires in his eyes are on fire. 

Before I can be embarrassed about being caught ogling his package, Connor brings his lips to mine and devours me.  I finally pull away from him as a thought occurs to me.

“Connor, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.”  I say covering my mouth and leaning away from him.  Connor
rolls us over so I’m on my back, pins my arms to the bed gently and hovers inches above me.  He leans down and nips a path from my neck to my shoulder. 

“I just woke up with my girl wrapped around me
and checking me out like I was a banquet.  I really couldn’t give two shits about your teeth right now.” 

Oh.  Well, okay then
.  I crane my neck up and take his mouth with mine in a deep kiss.  I tangle my tongue with his and pull his bottom lip through my teeth remembering his reaction to it last night.  Connor is the one to break free this time. 

“Princess, I’m not pressuring you, but I need clarification on the “no sex” thing.” 

I freeze.  “What’s there to clarify?”  Connor traces my lips with his finger and it thaws me. 
Trust him

“Well I know you meant no to the actual act itself, but does that go for all t
he other stuff too?”  He asks carefully.

  “I’m not sure.  You’re my first relationship in about nine years, so I’ve never really implemented the rule.  I’d have to think about that.”  Connor’s eyes widen but he doesn’t comment on the nine years. 

“I think I can help you with that.  Just tell me when to stop.”  He says
and picks up where he left off kissing me.

My mind registers what he means when his mouth reaches my collar bone.  He nibbles and presses open mouth kisses across my chest to my
other shoulder as his fingers toy with the hem of my shirt.  He moves to kneel on the bed and grabs the edge of my shirt and tugs me into a sitting position.  The only other time I have been in an intimate position with someone my shirt stayed on and I’m a little nervous, but Connor’s nothing like Ricky so I force myself into the here and now and let him pull my t shirt over my head.  Connor tosses it to the ground and his nostrils flare when his eyes hone in on my bare chest.  He reaches down and covers one breast with his hand, cupping its weight. 

“So beautiful.”  He says and presses feather light kisses on my other breast everywhere but where I want him.  My breathing picks up and just when I’m about to scream in frustration, his lips close around the tip and he takes a deep pull and flicks the tight bud with his tongue. 

“OhmiGod!”  I tighten my hand in his hair and arch my back pressing into him as a jolt of pleasure zings through my body down to my toes.  Connor brushes his thumb over one nipple and grazes the other with his teeth and I groan. 
Holy hell!
  This is what I’ve been missing?  My skin is practically vibrating and my nerves come alive on the surface.  I’ve never felt so much all at once and it’s frightening and thrilling all at the same time.  Yup, this is going on the approved any time list.  I always thought the allusive “O” that girls always talked about was an urban legend, but Connor is quickly turning me into a believer.  The sensation makes me frantic and Connor seems to approve, because every time I moan and arch my back to push harder against him he gives an encouraging murmur.

I’m writhing beneath him as he plucks and strums my body like an instrument and he’s the world’s most talented musician.  He trails one hand further down my body and I don’t think, don’t even want to try to stop him.  He slips his hands into my pants and groans when he finds me bare there as well as soaking wet.  The second he comes in contact with my sensitive flesh, I know I’m close.  The rope that’s building inside of me is coiling tighter and tighter to the point of snapping.  When he finds the little bundle of nerves that’s practically humming with tension my body bows off the bed and I feel his words against my skin.

“Let go, Princess” 

The coil snaps at his words and I shout out his name as the most intense feeling tightens and releases all through my body.
  I keen and whimper and shake violently for what seems like hours.  When I come down from the high and my senses return, I feel Connor pressing kisses across my face.  I feel boneless and warm and positively delicious. 
God bless the “O.”
  I think with a satisfied smile.

“That was amazing.”  Connor
says sapphire eyes on mine.  Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.

“I had no idea.”  I breathe
and his eyes narrow.

“You’ve never..?

“No Connor.  That was
definitely a first for me.”  One of many so far.

Connor closes his eyes and seems to be counting to ten.  He opens them and says, “I was sure that you had been with someone.  That there had been someone else at one point.”  He looks confused and although I’m not ready to tell him everything, I can give him something after what he just gave me. 

“I’ve had sex before, once.  With him, the other guy.  But that was the only time, the only guy before you.” 

He looks like he’s putting more pieces together and his face is tense.  “Ricky?” 
He asks, spitting the word like it’s a curse.  I hate to even say his name, so in answer I just nod. 

He searches my face
and finally his features soften.  “Thank you for letting me be your first.”  He says and kisses my lips once gently and I know that he means the first to trust since I had my heart broken. 

“Thank you for being worth it.”  Connor kisses my hair and flips us over so I’m once again sprawled out across his chest.  I start to trace his chest with my finger tips and linger over a patch on one pectoral where several small scars are scattered at random.  It’s not very big but it’s rough to the touch and I can’t think of anything that would make a scar like that,

“What’s this from?” 

Connor chuckles lightly and rubs my back.  “You had to ask about that one first.”  Now I’m really curious so I sit up and smile for him to continue.  “Well Princess there was time, back in college, when I was sort of the life of the party.  I got pretty hammered one night off of a bottle of cheap rum and was showing off a little.  I was really into martial arts at the time and already had one black belt and was working on the second.  It started off harmless, just a few moves here and there, until a girl I had a crush on asked me to do a back flip.  I was so cocky and I wanted to impress her so I tried to do the back flip, but was also so drunk that I didn’t have enough sense to put the bottle down first.  I landed on top of it flat on my stomach in the grass and when I stood up a bunch of the shards were stuck in my chest.”

I start laughing so hard at the image that my eyes water.  A frat boy version of Connor getting drunk and trying to impress a girl was so far from the reality of what he was now, but it’s still pretty hilarious.  A small part of me is enjoying getting to laugh at his expense for once.  That is until I snort mid laugh and Connor’s eyes widen.  My face turns beet red and I duck under the covers.

Connor bursts out in laughter and tries to pull the covers from my face.  “Oh come on Princess don’t be embarrassed.  That was probably the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”  I groan and throw the covers off my face and blow the hair out of my face in a huff.

“It’s not cute Connor.  I haven’t snorted in forever, it’s so embarrassing.  I bet that girl from your college didn’t snort.”  Okay, so I’m being ridiculous, but I freaking snorted.  Post orgasm.

“No, but she was also a stuck up bitch who thought being real meant making sure her Louie Vouton’s weren’t knock offs.”  I giggle a little at that.  He always says the perfect things. 

We finally manage to drag ourselves out of bed a few hours and several stories later.  I put on a clean pair of yoga pants and a white tank and brush my teeth after splashing my face with cold water and pulling my hair into a pony tail.  I walk back into my bedroom to slip on some flats and on my way to the door I click on my laptop which is sitting on my dresser to see if I have any new email.  Lo sometimes IM’s me when Connor is over, thinking she’s being sneaky. 

When the screensaver blinks out I see that the internet is still up. 
Hmm that’s weird
.  Then I remember that I had fallen asleep last night so Connor probably just got bored and decided to surf the web.  I scroll up the page and see that he had been on the NYPD official website.  He was probably just checking out the news from back home.  I exit the page and check my email.  I have one new message from Lo and it makes me laugh.  Straight to the point as usual it reads:
Get any yet?
  I hit reply and type:
I don’t kiss and tell
and log off.  When I step into the living room I immediately smell the apple cider.

“An orgasm and apple cider.”  I say leaning against the counter at the entryway of the kitchen watching Connor put one of Lo’s coffee servings into the brewer for himself.  “I think I’ll keep you.” 

Connor smiles and hands me my mug and kisses me on the cheek.  “That was my grand plan all along.”  Then he shakes his head and chuckles.  “Just when I think I’ve got you all figured out you bust in here talking about orgasms as though we were discussing the weather.  Will you ever stop surprising me Princess?” 

I take a sip of my cider, perfect.  “Keep giving me mind blowing orgasms and making perfect cider and you might find out.” 

He quirks his eyebrow at me.  “Well since the cider was made by sticking a pre measured cup into a single serving coffee maker I can’t take credit for that one.  The orgasms however, I can promise will be in abundance.  Especially, if you insist on wearing yoga pants in my presence.”  I laugh at him this time.  Maybe I could learn to like mornings after all. 

Connor’s phone rings and he looks at the screen before answering.  “Hey Tony…  Yea I’ll head over…  Thanks for last night…  Yea I’ll fill you in later…  Alright see ya.”  He hangs up then turns to me.  “I’ve got to head to my house to check on my dad Princess.”  . 

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