SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy (8 page)

Read SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy Online

Authors: Rebekah Weatherspoon

Tags: #Sated, #FIT, #Romance, #Interracial Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #FIT TRILOGY, #Rebekah Weatherspoon, #Multicultural

BOOK: SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy
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“I’m going to spank you now. Snap once if you want me to stop.”

Keira’s back rose and fell as she let out a deep breath, but her fingers remained still.

“Excellent. If you squirm I’m only going to make this worse.”

Famous last words.

The spanking started off well enough. Not to say that anything went particularly wrong. It was just that, once again, Keira reacted in a way Daniel had not expected. He got in one, maybe two licks and then she started to squirm in his lap. She wasn’t in pain, he could tell, and she wasn’t even close to signalling out of the scene. It was the warning he’d given her. He’d taken away her fantasy so she was going to get a certain level of manhandling out of him by testing to see if his warnings were actually idle threats. He hadn’t expected her to go there, but he was ready. He gave her ten hard licks, pausing briefly a few times to rub and grope at her luscious ass cheeks and thighs. She continued to squirm and moan, and squirmed and moaned some more when he stopped and slid his hand between her legs.

She was wet, coating his hand with her slickness as he pushed two fingers nice and deep.

“You want me to stop?”

She shook her head wildly.

“Good cause you’re gonna have to beg me to stop.”

Another moan, more desperate and pleading.

The spanking had worked for her, Daniel thought. He knew she could take more.

Daniel pulled his fingers out of Keira’s soaked cunt, then dropped her back onto the bed. More groans and moans, but she rolled into the exact position he needed her in, on her side. He kneeled beside the bed and got her ponytail in the tight hold of his fist.

“How are we doing?” he said in a harsh voice. His promised check-in was a few minutes late. She glanced at him, but didn’t make a noise. Air puffed out of her nose. “Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head as much as he would allow. “Very good. I hope you’re comfortable. You’re gonna be like that for a while.”

Keira made a little squeaking noise, but Daniel ignored her and went right for her nipple. He’d touched her breasts the night before, but he wanted a chance to really admire her body. Her breasts were perfect. A perfect handful with dark tips that been hard since the moment he told her to strip. He stroked over one tip with his tongue before pulling it between his lips. She squirmed again, but he still had a good grip on her hair.

He looked up at her face. Little wisps of dark brown were starting to curl around her forehead. “Are you trying to get away?” Dammit, Daniel thought. He’d played into her little game. Oh well. He was enjoying himself too much to stop. He lightly tugged her hair again. “Are you?”

Another shake of her head.

“I know what you need.” Daniel stood unzipped his fly. “Maybe you’ll hold still after I give you what you really want.”

He pulled out his cock and gripped it as he stepped closer to the bed. “Get on your back, now.”

Keira groaned, but she maneuvered her way into the perfect position for Daniel to straddle her stomach. The act of lying on her bound arms thrust her chest up. Still, it gave her a perfect view of his dick. He pulled up his shirt and tucked it under his chin, then started beating off.

Keira writhed, trying to arch closer to him.

“Open your eyes,” Daniel barked. That got her attention. From then on she kept her eyes open, though she continued to struggle against the tape. He should have recorded this. He hadn’t told Keira about his cinematic hobbies yet, but he wanted more than the memory of this night to recall. He wanted to watch it again and again in stark color. He wanted to see it from a different angle. See himself on top of this beautiful woman, see the way her well defined muscles corded under her beautiful brown skin as she ached for the come he was about to give her. They’d do this again, Daniel thought. He made up his mind about it, but the next time he’d bind her ankles to her thighs, strap her upper arms back, not just her wrists. He’d skip the gag though, the next time he was definitely coming in her mouth.

That made him go off; the sound of her moans, the look in her eyes, and the thought of him leaving a white trail along her pink tongue.

He managed to stay upright as he shot his load all over her stomach and her tits. Keira lost it, started thrashing about. She wanted to participate. She wanted to touch him, she wanted to spread his jizz around, but that wasn’t part of Daniel’s game. He squeezed the last bit of come out of his cock, the head red and swollen in his fist. Then he hopped off the bed and rolled Keira back onto her side so she was nearly teetering on edge of the mattress.

She was so far gone, forgetting his instructions the moment he shoved his fingers back between her legs. Two fingers deep in her wet cunt and his thumb pressing against her clit. “Look at me, baby. You’re gonna come for me.”

Keira shook her head. There were tears lining her eyes, but there was also desperation. She needed to see this scene to its completion.

Daniel leaned down and made a show of licking a bit of come off her nipple. He made sure she saw the white drops before he pulled them into his mouth and licked his lips.

“I’m gonna clean you up and you’re gonna come for me.”

Another wild moan as she squeezed her eyes shut, but he knew she couldn’t stand to miss the show. He made his way down her chest and up again, licking and sucking up every trace of the mess he’d made. Daniel was no stranger to his own flavor, but he knew this was a first for Keira. When he glanced up she was watching him intently. He shook his fingers inside her and pressed harder on her clit. Her body was clenching around him, wanting so badly to just reach that peak, but Keira was fighting it and she would until she physically couldn’t stand any more. That was fine with Daniel. He could wait. He had all the time and forearm strength in the world.

But it didn’t take all that. Something in Keira snapped and she stopped fighting. Her whole body went tight, her legs straightening out on the bed, trapping his hand between her thighs as her head and her neck arched back. The sound she made came from her chest, maybe even deep in her stomach. She held it for a few long seconds before she sagged limply on the bed. But Daniel wasn’t done. His slid in another finger, then the fourth. Her body opened up for him. He saw the muscles on her stomach flutter. Her eyes blinked open.

“Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head no, even though tears were leaking from her eyes. Daniel knew that feeling. She’d found her space, the sub space they called it. There were all sorts of psychological ways of explaining it, but Daniel knew it as the point where he could finally let go, the moment where he found his safety wrapped in euphoria and it was no longer necessary for him to keep up the barriers and walls necessary to keep him safe in everyday life. Keira was there with him. She’d succumbed to all the sensations. She’d given in to the act of submission and now all she had to do was sit back and enjoy. Daniel had everything in hand, quite literally.

His thumb was the last to enter her warm cunt. He held still for a moment as she swirled her hips, feeling her muscles squeeze down on his fingers before they relaxed then tensed again.

Daniel moved his hand, his whole arm, with deep, pumping thrusts. His right arm, with its healed scars, traced over the skin of her breasts and nipples. Keira met him at every beat, harder and harder as her strength came back to her, until she climaxed again. It was different this time, not one hard explosion, but a series of mini eruptions. She lay trembling on her side as liquid leaked from between her thighs and onto the sheets. The sight of it, the watery proof of her pleasure, almost made Daniel come in his jeans.

Eventually he slid his fingers free. He went to the kitchen and, when he returned with a bottle of water, he quickly unwrapped the tape from Keira’s mouth and cut the tape from her wrists and ankles. He wiped her face with a damp cloth he had waiting, then pulled her onto his lap and helped her take a sip of the water.

She looked up at him, the tears flowing more freely. It had been an intense hour.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“No small talk. Where’s the ice cream?”

“Yes small talk. That’s how this works. How are you feeling?”

Keira looked down and grabbed onto his t-shirt. “Is it okay if I can’t put it into words? I feel a lot, or I felt a lot, but I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Yeah, that’s very okay. Are you hurt anywhere?” She’d be sore in the morning just from struggling against the bindings, but he needed to know if he’d hurt her.

Keira took another sip of water then settled against his body. “I feel great. My brain is like pudding, but my body feels… I can’t explain it.”

“I get it.”

“Good. Now ice cream. I need it.”

“If I didn’t love you so much I’d drop your ass on the floor right now.”

“I know it’s tough,” Keira said, playing off his ill-timed declaration. “I love me too.”

Daniel rolled his eyes, but gently moved her over to the pillows. He’d think about what he’d just let slip later. Much later. Way after ice cream.

“Daniel. Daniel.”

He knew he wasn’t alone. In fact he knew he’d fallen asleep with this perfect woman resting in his arms. Daniel just wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or if Keira was really saying his name. He felt a little nudge to his ribs. “Dan.”

“Yeah, babe.”

“Do you have any condoms?”

“Yeah, I—”

She interrupted his sleepy groan. “I want to have sex with you.”

He was still half asleep, but that was all his body needed to hear. He stood up and found the condoms in his dresser with his eyes nearly closed. Slid one on in an automatic motion. He was between her thighs next, feeling his way in the dark until his cock was exactly where in it needed to be. Keira bore down on him with a whimper, taking his whole length at once. He groaned in kind. She was so warm. Welcoming. There was no rush to come, just the slow, lazy motion of their bodies moving together. Daniel wanted it to last forever. He buried his face in the curve of her neck, praying it would.


Daniel set his menu down the moment he saw Mistress Evelyn glide into the restaurant. As she got closer he did what he been taught to do for the last ten years. He stood and pulled out her chair. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

“Hello, sweetheart. It’s good to finally see you.”

“Likewise.” It had only been three weeks, but that was a long time when it came to being away from The Club and The Family.

Daniel took his seat, feeling his face heat for a few different reasons. It was always something to be around Evelyn. And Philip. But his Mistress definitely had a way about her that made you aware of everything. It was her voice, the light and smooth, delicate way of it, and the fact that she was easily six feet tall. She was over sixty, but black women age in that way that had most people convinced she wasn’t a day over forty. She was beautiful, with her salt-and-pepper hair shaved close to her head. And all Daniel could think of was Keira. He looked down at his glass of water.

“Do we bother with the pleasantries or should we just talk?”

Daniel smiled. She knew him too well. “Whatever pleases you.”

“Oh stop it. Tell me about her.”

“I don’t think I can.” That was the only way to put it. Talking to Mistress Evelyn was always an easy thing to do. She’d been with him since the beginning. Seen him through rehab and physical therapy. She’d flown his mother down so she could be there when he was fitted for his first prosthesis. If he could confide in anyone, it was Mistress Evelyn Baker. But there was some sort of block when it came to Keira. He didn’t like talking about her to anyone. It had nothing to do with shame. He loved her. He had admitted that to himself days ago. It was something closer to privacy. Something inside of him just didn’t want to go there. But Mistress Evelyn wasn’t giving up. She reached out and took Daniel’s hand.

“Try. I want to know about this woman who’s kept you away from us for so long.”

Daniel gave up and pulled out his phone, going right to one of the many, many pictures of Keira he now had on it. A selfie she’d taken of them together the night before when she was sitting on his lap, live tweeting
. He handed his phone over.

“I thought you would have met her before at one of Grant or Armando’s things, but I’m sure you would both remember each other.”

“You told her about me?”

“Not exactly.” More like not at all.

Mistress Evelyn just laughed. She was a stern, challenging Dominant, but also a kind, lighthearted, wonderful friend and Daniel was being an ass.

“Oh, she’s beautiful. Such a sweet face, but I want to know, what’s got you scared?” she asked. Their server appeared then and Mistress Evelyn ordered for them both without glancing at the menu. Again, his mind flashed to Keira.

“She doesn’t know the extent…of all this,” he said, once their server was gone.

“But clearly she’s giving you what you need or you’d have come running back to The Club already.”

She wasn’t wrong. They’d been taking turns Topping and bottoming, kind of. He topped her and she sorted through various fantasies she had stored in her imagination. And Daniel followed through with those fantasies, no matter how ridiculous. The nights they’d spent at his place she’d been okay with, and then enthusiastic about him moving from bare hand spankings to the flogger. She didn’t care much for the paddles. There was regular vanilla sex. Lots of that; more than Daniel was used to, but he couldn’t bring himself to mind. He felt himself getting hard thinking about it. Sometimes after a long day at work, retreating to her apartment and falling into her bed, just to make love to her, was the best part of his day.

“I don’t think she’s ready for The Club.”

“Or you’re not ready to bring her to The Club. Which is it?

“Possibly a little bit of both. How long before I’m banned?”

Daniel smiled again at Evelyn’s laugh. He knew he sounded ridiculous, but he was only half joking. How long could he stay away, self-marooned on the Isle of Keira before his Friends-in-Kink stopped sending lifeboats? There had been texts from Marcos, calls from Meegan. Philip had even sent him an invite to a kink exposé in San Francisco at the start of the New Year. People had expectations of him. At some point he was going to have to show up.

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