Savage storm (58 page)

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Authors: Phoebe Conn

BOOK: Savage storm
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Gabrielle came closer still. "It will be awhile before the Army can send any troops here, probably not until spring. You'll need some place to live until they arrive and I would like to have you stay here with me."

"How very gracious of you. I would have sworn this was my house." Jason shook his head in disbelief, "What will Beau have to say about that?"

"Why nothing. I imagine he's already left for California, and what I do is no concern of his anyway," Gabrielle explained matter-of-factly. She had spent the early hours of the morning rehearsing possible dialogs with Tulip and Sunny, and had decided that no matter how Jason insulted her, she was not going to lose her temper. She'd told herself repeatedly that

if she could make him listen to her she'd at least have a chance to make him change his mind ahout ending their marriage. If she became as hysterical as he was then all was lost.

Staring at his bride, Jason marveled at the way lies dripped from her tongue with the sweetness of honey. "Til just bet he's gone to California. Why would he leave when you two have just been reunited after such a tragic separation? That makes no sense at all.''

Gabrielle twisted her wedding ring nervously, unaware of the significance of her gesture. "My aunt always criticized Beau for being no more than a handsome dreamer, and it seems from the little he's accomplished in the time he's been here that she may have been right. He thinks there are more opportunities in Gilifornia than there are here, but of course, he used to say there were far more opportunities here than there were in Liberty. Maybe that's just an excuse, a way to avoid responsibility, always thinking things will be better somewhere else."

Jason was amazed by that statement, "Did I just hear you say something nice about your aunt?"

"She wasn't an evil person, Jason, just a woman who didn't want the task of raising a small child thrust upon her. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to take me in when my parents died. She did the best she could, but she never gave me the love my parents would have provided."

Jason could not recall the last time he'd found Gabrielle in such a reasonable mood and that confused him all the more. "Well, surely your childhood couldn't have been all that lonely. Beau was your constant companion," he put in sarcastically.

Gabrielle moved toward the kitchen, hoping he would follow her, and when he did she placed the slices of bacon she'd cut in a pan. She put the pan on the stove to prepare his breakfast. Knowing it would be far easier to converse if her hands were occupied so she could avoid his defiant stare, she began to transfer the eggs she'd gathered from her basket into a bowl.

'*Yes. He was a wonderful companion for a child, but Vm a woman now, Jason/' She glanced up at him then, hoping he'd return her smile, but his gaze was no less suspicious.

Jason shifted his weight. Leaning back against a chair to rest, he considered the remarkable transformation that had come over his bride. As always, the uniqueness of her coloring made her beauty vividly bewitching, but he meant to get past her pretty facade to the treacherous heart it hid.

"Do you really expect me to believe Beau came here no more than twice while I was away?"

"It was only twice." Gabrielle gathered all her courage and began her explanation in a breathless rush. "He came the day you left. He wanted me to go away with him, but I refused. It started to rain, and I told him he could stay for the night but—"

"I don't want to hear anymore!" Jason stood up abruptly. "I can imagine what happened. You needn't confess it because I'm not going to be your husband for a minute longer than I have to!" He turned and left the house with the long sure stride which had carried him wherever he'd wanted to go for a good many years, but once outside, he could not think of a single place worth visiting that day. That did not deter him, however, from saddling Duke and riding away. The thought of going into town to consult an attorney finally occurred to him, but despite Gabrielle's open infidelity, he meant to do the gentlemanly thing. When he grew tired, he stopped to let Duke graze while he dozed in the shade. Then, in no great hurry, he waited until the sun had set before he returned home.

As he entered the house, Jason's eyes widened in amazement, for Gabrielle was wearing the attractive blue muslin gown she'd worn to Clayton's parties. She'd coiled her hair atop her head in the sophisticated sweep which displayed the elegant line of her creamy white throat and shoulders to every advantage, and his mind was swiftly filled with the most erotic of images. Cursing his own weakness he directed his attention to the rest of the room. It was readily apparent from

the tantalizing aroma wafting from the stove that sheMgone to considerable trouble to prepare a nice dinner. She'd covered the table with a starched white cloth and had set it with his mother's best china. He hadn't noticed the new curtains until then, but their snowy whiteness brightened the dark wood of the room. He was pained to think how many years it had been since his home had looked so inviting. But why would any woman go to such lengths when she knew her husband was leaving her?

Cabrielle did not look up from her book, for she felt very foolish now. She'd almost stopped hoping Jason would come home, but now that he had she waited for him to be the first to speak.

"Whatever you've got cooking smells delicious. I haven't eaten all day, will it be ready soon?" Jason said the first thing that came to him, knowing whatever occurred that night would be better faced on a full stomach.

"It was ready some time ago." Cabrielle closed her book carefully and replaced it in the bookcase before going into the kitchen to serve their supper. She knew the savory stew would be more flavorful for having baked awhile longer, but her voice clearly revealed her disappointment in him for not having arrived sooner.

Jason washed his hands and sat down at his place. "I was busy, I'm sorry to be so late."

As Cabrielle placed his plate before him, she stopped to remove several sprigs of dry grass from his dark curls. "Obviously," she remarked slyly.

Feehng like a complete fool now, Jason decided simply to ignore the evidence that he'd been doing nothing more strenuous than sleeping in the forest all day. When Cabrielle took her place opposite him, he waited for her to begin eating and then asked in the most reasonable tone he could manage, "Will you please tell me what it is you are trying to do here?" When she gave him an inquisitive glance, clearly not comprehending his question he explained more fully. "Why

would you dress so prettily, or go to such trouble with dinner? There's no point in it, so why did you bother?**

"I am glad you are home even if you are not happy to be here. I thought the occasion deserved some sort of celebration so I have done my best to provide it," Gabrielle replied softly.

Why he should suddenly feel so guilty Jason didn't know, but the lovely creature before him seemed so sincere he felt he was the one who'd done something wrong. But, damn it, she was the one who'd betrayed his trust not the other way around.

"It sounds as though you couldn't wait for me to get out of town to see Beau. Perhaps I might have understood if you'd said you'd been lonely, but good Lord, Gabrielle, how could you invite him to share your bed the first night I was gone?"

Although she was sorely tempted to scream every vile curse she knew, Gabrielle reacted coolly. "He did not share our bed. He slept in the loft. In the morning he chopped some wood for me and left a short while after Clayton did. I did not see him again until he came to tell me he was leaving for California. Erica was here then, and if you must have a witness, she can tell you he was here only briefly and did not come inside the house."

Jason watched her take another bite of supper, the elegance of her beauty, the grace of her gestures, the quiet dignity of her manner reminded him of the meal they'd shared in the hotel in Kansas City. He found himself merely watching her as she ate, his own hunger forgotten for the moment. Her story seemed preposterous. Jason could not imagine why she had not gone with Beau when he'd come for her. He forced himself to begin eating again, knowing if he didn't consume some nourishment he'd soon grow as weak as he'd been the previous evening. He was aware that he'd need all his strength to keep up with Gabrielle. When they'd finished eating and she'd served coffee, he cleared his throat and told her what he'd decided to do. "I want you to be the one to file for the divorce. As I said, I hope to work for the Army. It may be difficult to reach me, but

you can always leave messages with Clay and Til check with i him when I'm in town. That way we needn't see each other. Now what is it you plan to do? If you're going to California with Beau just say so."

Gabrielle took a sip of her coffee, then set her cup and saucer I aside. She was enormously pleased that her strategy had i worked, for Jason was talking to her in so intelligent a manner she knew he'd listen to what she had to say. "We discussed what I'd like to do only briefly once, but I'd rather raise horses than anything else. I know I can do that alone here, but I do not want a divorce, Jason. The fact that you want to continue working as a scout seems very reasonable to me. I did not ask you to become a farmer when we married. That was your decision, and if you are unhappy with it, of course you should reconsider it now. As far as I am concerned, I will be happy to have you here whenever you can come home. I don't want this farm to seem like a prison to you. I know you enjoy your freedom and I'll make no demands upon you that restrict it.'* Jason's expression turned slowly from confusion to shock. "You expect me to stay married to you? To let you live here, just come and go as I please when I know exactly who will be here when I'm gone? Oh no, that idea is absurd, Gabrielle, and I'll not even consider it."

Gabrielle rose slowly then carried her cup and saucer to the sink. "I told you Beau has gone to California so he'll have no part in this. I think I've suggested the perfect arrangement for us, and I insist you give it more serious thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed." She walked into the bedroom then and closed the door before Hfting her hands to her mouth to keep from screaming. She'd made the most generous offer she could, but she'd not weep and throw herself at his feet. Love seemed to matter not at all to him, and she'd not use an unborn child to convince him to remain with her. All she'd truly be if he accepted her terms was a mistress, but that seemed to be the only hope she had and she'd seized it eagerly.


Jason remained at the table, thumping his spoon upon the tablecloth as he tried to make some sense of Cabrielle*s last remarks. It appeared she was going to steadfastly deny anything had happened between her and Beau. Could that possibly be the truth? Even if it were, she was still willful and defiant, causing him an equal amount of grief for every moment of pleasure they shared. He got up and walked over to the fireplace to toss another log on the blaze. Taking a deep breath to clear his mind, he tried to recall what it was he'd wanted before he'd left to go after the Giyuse. Most of all he'd hoped to drive Beau out of their lives. Now Gabrielle had said repeatedly that the young man was gone. He'd rebelled at the restricted life the farm required, never intending to let her suspect his true feelings until he'd thought a divorce was inevitable. Now she'd set him free to live as he chose. By some strange quirk of fate he'd managed to have all his wishes granted so why did he feel as though he'd lost everything that made life worthwhile? Had any of what Gabrielle told him that night been the truth? Could she want him as a husband so badly she'd settle for his attentions on a part-time basis? That would present problems of another sort, he realized. She was far too desirable a young woman to leave alone for long periods of time. Apparently Michael Jenkins had come to see her that very afternoon. Would he come back the moment he knew she was alone?

"This is lunacy!" Jason knew he was simply borrowing trouble, something he always advised others not to do. He paced the large room for several minutes, then looked over at the bedroom door, wondering if Gabrielle had locked it. He couldn't deny how greatly he'd missed her, for despite the bitterness of their arguments she ignited his passions as no other woman ever had or ever would. Would she have made herself so attractive that night if she had not wanted to invite his attentions? Since she had offered terms for a marriage that were so favorable to him, why should he hesitate to accept

them? If he did, he would have this maddening creature for his own.

Cabrielle was seated in the middle of the bed, brushing out her hair, when Jason came through the door. "Did you want something?" she inquired innocently.

"Only you." Jason flashed a sly grin as he turned down the wick on the oil lamp, leaving only a soft circle of light which barely reached the bed. "Since we shared the same bed last night, you should have no objection to my joining you now."

As Gabrielle got up to replace her hairbrush upon the dresser, Jason caught her wrist and pulled her close. "If you do have some objection I suggest you voice it immediately or it is going to be too late."

If he'd expected her to try to escape his grasp, he was disappointed for Gabrielle laid her head upon his chest, the soft swells of her body melting against him as she whispered, "Fve no objection whatsoever."

Jason gave her a warm hug, then stepped back. "Climb into bed." He waited for her to move away before removing his shirt carefully so as not to cause his arm any more pain. He laughed as Gabrielle carelessly tossed her nightgown aside before getting under the covers, and in a moment, he was nude and had joined her. He drew her into his arms, the confusion which had filled his heart vanishing as their lips met. She was simply the beautiful young woman he adored. He held her cradled tenderly in his embrace as he gazed down into her eyes. In the darkness her sultry glance was so enticing he let his fingertips wander slowly down the silken skin of her lithe body until he knew his touch would bring the madness only her total surrender would end. She moved against him, but he held his own emotions in check, seeking to satisfy his curiosity before sating the desires his powerful body had been denied for so many days. His lips brushed hers only lightly, creating a need for deeper kisses he withheld. He felt shivers of anticipation course down her spine as her breathing quickened, but he did

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