Savage storm (60 page)

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Authors: Phoebe Conn

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"What do you make of that?" Erica asked, her voice filled with wonder.

"I think my husband is trying to undo the mischief Iris has caused. If you require no further assistance in dressing, I'd like to go and thank him."

Erica placed the last pin in her golden hair and stepped back to admire her reflection. "Just don't be too grateful. I don't want you to miss our wedding."

I With a bright smile, Gabrielle assured her good friend that would be an impossibility and then she nearly skipped down the stairs in her haste to speak with her husband. Finding him with Qayton, she hesitated to interrupt but became forward to usher her into the room.

"Are you ready to leave for the church?" Jason asked with an innocent smile as soon as Clay had left to summon

the buggies.

"Yes, but first Vd like a word with you.'* Cabrielle put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a light kiss before turning to close the study door. "We've had several most interesting conversations in this room, haven't we?"

"Yes, that's certainly true. Is this to be another of them?" Jason asked, grinning slyly.

"Perhaps. I just had a remarkable, if brief, conversation with Iris. She seems to be filled with remorse at having linked my name with Beau's to create a sensational scandal. Do you suppose she has developed a conscience at this late date, or do you suppose someone could be behind her wish to apologize to me?" She laid her palms on Jason's chest and batted her eyelashes coyly the way Iris loved to do.

Since Gabrielle's playful attitude made it obvious she was not angry with hiin, Jason put his arms around her waist to draw her close. "You are very precious to me, and since I've waited so long to display my devotion, I hope you will forgive my enthusiasm and accept it as further evidence of my love."

"Why, Jason, I don't believe I've ever heard you say anything quite so"— saccharine was the word, but she'd no, wish to insult him—"sweet."

Jason chuckled at her tact. "I know that sounded rather foolish, but you do understand what I am trying to say, don't you.*^

"I'd rather you say you love me like this, darling." Gabrielh lifted her arms to encircle his neck as she stood on tiptoe to kiss him. He was a wonderfully affectionate man, and at last sh< understood his tenderness. All the love he'd ever given her ha( been sincere. She was ashamed that she'd not realized it froi the very beginning.

Delighted by the intensity of her kiss, Jason was quick t( take Gabrielle's hand and draw her to his side as they walked to] the door. "I think we'd better wait until we return home to tak< this particular conversation any further. Anyone who is th< least bit rude to you today will be instantly sorry."

Her blue eyes filling with mischief, Gabrielle whispered softly, '*You may have put an end to this scandal, Jason, but everyone who can count to nine is going to be suspicious when our baby is born. What do you plan to do then when there is gossip about us?"

"My love, I will only be proud," Jason answered, and with a sly wink, he escorted his ravishing bride out into the sunshine.


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