Savage (The Callie Leveaux Series Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Savage (The Callie Leveaux Series Book 2)
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“You’ve never been on a
?” I ask, surprise clear on my face.

“No,” she says, her cheeks reddening slightly.

“How is that possible?”

“I don’t know,” she admits quietly as she shrugs her narrow shoulders. “People don’t generally want to take a whore on a date, baby. Especially one who costs as much as…”

“Stop,” I start. “Don’t ever call yourself that again, Callie.”


“Never again,” I cut her off, gripping her chin and turning her head gently to face me. “Understood?”

“Okay,” she says quietly and I release her, kissing her temple.

“Good,” I whisper as I lean back against the couch beside her. “Now tell me why you changed your mind.”

“About the date?” she glances up at me, shrugging when I nod. “I don’t know, because I just starting thinking that it’s stupid. Dating is for people who are trying to get laid, Tommy. We’re already together. What the fuck do we need to go on a date for?”

“So you think because we’re already together, we should just sit around the apartment and fuck all day?”

My question is a joke, but when I glance over and see her shrugging, I can’t help but laugh.

“Well, what the hell else do you want to do, Tommy?” she asks, throwing her hands up and making me laugh harder. “We eat together, we sleep together, we fuck. I know I’m a little dense on the subject, but isn’t that pretty much what people in a relationship do?”

“So basically what you’re telling me is dialogue doesn’t mean shit to you?” I tease her as I take a drink from her melted milkshake and hand it to back to her.

“We talk all the time, Tommy. We’re talking right now,” she chuckles, taking a sip and leaning against my arm. “We already know everything about each other, baby. What the hell do you wanna talk about?”

“Let’s talk about me and you going on a date.”

“Fine,” she concedes, handing the milkshake back to me. “I think it’s stupid for me and you to go on a date and I wish you hadn’t made me tell you I was thinking about it. Do you feel closer to me now?”

“A little,” I grin. “Where do you think we should go on our first date?” I ask, ignoring her comment, but laughing when she throws her head back against the couch in exasperation.


“Cal, look at me,” I finally say quietly, pulling her attention to me. “If it didn’t mean shit to you, you never would have considered bringing it up, much less started talking.”


“Shut up and let me finish,” I cut her off. “Just because we didn’t get together under normal circumstances doesn’t mean shit to me. Besides, both of us have done a lot of shit. Neither one of us have a lot of firsts left, babe. I think if there’s one out there, we shouldn’t just blow it off. If there’s any experience you’ve never had, whether you think it’s stupid or not, I want to be the one to give it to you.”

After staring at me for a couple seconds in shock, Callie surprises me by reaching up to give me a soft, chaste kiss. While we’ve always been affectionate with each other, especially now that we’ve decided to move things forward with our relationship, there’s something different about her touch this time. Winding my arm around her waist, I gently kiss her on the forehead and hold her tightly against my chest.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, babe,” I whisper into her hair, kissing her again before she pulls away and rests her cheek in my palm. “Tomorrow night, eight o’clock, okay?”

“Fine,” she sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes at me. “I guess if it really means that much to you, we can go on a stupid date.”

“Thank you, baby,” I say softly, internally smirking at her uncharacteristically girly behavior.

I can tell she’s trying desperately to seem like this doesn’t mean shit to her. If she’d reacted this way in front of anyone else, she would have been successful.

But as she leans against me and hugs me close, breathing in my scent and letting out an almost silent sigh, she gives herself away.


As I slip into my car at seven thirty, I smile to myself thinking about Callie running around the apartment like a lunatic.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Not telling you.”

“Tommy,” she huffed. “How the hell am I supposed to get ready if I don’t even know where we’re going?”

“Why do you need to know where we’re going to get ready?”

“Because I do!” she exclaimed. “What the fuck am I supposed to wear?”

“Whatever you want, baby,” I laughed back at her from the couch. “Date clothes, I guess.”

“Well, how the fuck am I supposed to know what those are?” she rolled her eyes. “We’re only doing this because I’ve never done it before, remember?”


She waited for an answer for a moment, but when she realized she wasn’t getting one, she let out a slight sigh.

“So where are we going?” she grounded out impatiently, causing me to smirk.

“I’m not telling you, Callie.”

“Ugh! Whatever!” she groaned and slammed her door.

After I make my necessary stops, I pull up to the apartment at five minutes to eight and make my way up the steps. When I knock loud enough for her to hear over the music I know she’s playing in her bedroom, I eventually hear her voice call out.

“Tommy, did you get the door?” When I don’t answer, a few minutes pass and I can hear her still talking. “Babe?” As she slides the deadbolt open, she looks up at me in amused confusion. “Did you lock yourself out?”

“Nope,” I smile as I take her in her expression. “I’m picking you up for our date.”

As I rake over her body, my mouth goes dry as I take in the sinfully short black leather, studded dress that’s hugging her curves. She’s got it over black, lacy fishnets and the grey low-cut boots she’s got on make her legs look a mile long. I absentmindedly reach up and play with a stray strand of her long, wavy hair, mesmerized by the softness of it. When my eyes meet her smoky grays, my breathing is absolutely fucked.

“Seriously?” she asks, her soft voice breaking me from my erection induced speech impediment. “You’re picking me up for our date?”

“Of course,” I smirk. “After all, I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”

“Oh, you’re no gentleman,” she smirks, her voice husky as she begins to rake her eyes over me, causing me to let out a dark chuckle. “And you brought me orchids?”

Suddenly remembering the flowers I’d left to pick up, I clear my throat as I hand her the bouquet.

“Yes,” I manage. “They’re still your favorite, aren’t they?”

“They are,” she nods, nestling her nose into the blooms and inhaling the sweet scent before staring up at me. “Nobody’s ever bought me flowers before. Thank you.”

After she leans up to kiss me, I watch her walk into the kitchen and fill a vase with water. She’s smiling to herself as she drops the flowers in before making her way back over to me.

“You ready?”

“Yep,” she smiles as she grabs her purse and gives me her hand. “I hope what I’m wearing is okay. I wouldn’t know since my ridiculously hot date wouldn’t tell me shit,” she teases.

“It’s perfect,” I tell her, locking the door and running my eyes over her. “You’re sexy as fuck.”

“You’re just saying that to get in my pants,” she laughs as we approach the Audi.

“Oh, I definitely want to get in your pants. It’s taking all my willpower to not bend you over and get in your pants right here in this fucking parking lot,” I admit, loving the way I make her breath falter as I open her door for her. “But we have a reservation.”

Smirking at her familiar fowl language as she buckles herself in, I walk around and climb in behind the driver’s seat. Her long legs in the seat beside me make it next to impossible to focus on the road. With some effort, though, we make it to the upscale sushi place she’d mentioned to me she wanted to try last month.

Giving my keys to the valet, I walk around to where they’ve opened the passenger door for her. As I lead her toward the entrance, I hold the door open for her, smacking her ass on the way in. Once we’re taken to our table, we spend the next two hours eating and laughing while Callie throws back sake for the first time.

After dinner, I take her to a small club across town and watch one of the local punk bands she loves perform. She sings along, happily shouting every lyric flawlessly throughout the show. When I don’t hear her singing halfway through one of the songs I know is her favorite, I glance down to find her staring up at me.

Before I can say anything, she grips my neck and rests the other on my chest before pulling me to her lips. Her mouth is open for me immediately, her tongue stroking mine as my hands find her ass and pull her hips closer to mine.

There are people screaming, going absolutely insane all around us, but I don’t hear a fucking thing except for the low hum coming from her chest.

Smoke and sweat is heavy in the air, but all I smell is the Versace perfume I got her for her birthday. It’s mixed with the sweet smell of sake on her breath as she hovers against my lips.

The bass from the speakers is enough to bust every bottle in the bar, but all I feel is her biting gently on my lip. Her fingernails are grazing over the skin on my neck and driving me fucking crazy. Her chest is heaving so closely against mine I can feel her hard nipples through the tight fabric. As I brush my thumb over them, she trembles in my arms and her hot breath hits my skin as I run my lips over her neck.

“You ready to get out of here?” I ask as I softly run the pad of my thumb over her collarbone.

“Yeah,” she says, nodding immediately.

Leaning in to give her another quick kiss, I take her hand and lead her through the crowd making a beeline for the car.

The second we make it to our front door, her hands are on me, struggling to get to my skin as quickly as she can.

Fumbling with the lock as I push her roughly against the door, her hands move down my chest. Finally running them underneath the fabric of my shirt to get to my skin, we swallow each other’s greedy moans of pleasure.

As I push the door open, she hooks her arm around my neck and pulls herself up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Once I kick the door shut behind me and lock it, I press my lips to hers and make my way to her room.

Setting her down at the foot of the bed, her eyes hold mine as she kicks her shoes off and I pull my shirt over my head. Her tongue goes to my chest, tasting my skin as she pulls my belt free and turns around, moving her hair out of the way. Once I lower her zipper, her dress falls away revealing sheer black lace.

“Jesus Callie,” I manage, my eyes roaming over her as I push my pants down and toss them to the side. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

Backing up onto the bed, she strips down to just her thong and pulls me to her, covering my mouth with hers as we fall against the mattress. My lips cover every inch of her body, her hands leave no piece of mine untouched.

Both of us take what we want from each other, the only sounds my heavy breathing and her soft moans.

As I finally slide into her, she lets out a low whimper of pleasure and grips my hair. I begin to rock into her, running my lips down her neck as she hooks her leg around my waist, both of us slowly climbing.

Reaching above her, I grip onto the edge of the mattress and push into her deep. Her hands roam over my shoulders, squeezing tighter as she grows wetter around me.

When she begins to clench around me, I find her eyes, hovering so close her lips brush against mine as she breaks the silence.

“I love you, Tommy,” she breathes into me.

“I love you, too, baby,” I whisper as I lean in and take her mouth, swallowing the sounds of her orgasm as I reach mine seconds later.

As we come down, I run my lips over her jaw and neck before I raise my eyes to hers. I’ve looked at these eyes thousands of times, but tonight, right now, there’s something different about them.

These eyes aren’t the same eyes that have had to shoulder the harsh reality they’ve been dealt.

They aren’t the hardened eyes that I’ve watched endure night after night of clients to feed the addiction she still refuses to acknowledge.

These aren’t even the same eyes I saw in that shitty basement when we were fifteen and less corrupted, less broken.

The eyes in front of me now are soft, vulnerable. The eyes staring up at me are seeing for the first time and right now they’re filling with tears.

These are the eyes I’ve been waiting for because these eyes are the eyes that tell me what I’ve already known for years.

Callie Leveaux is in love with me and finally, she knows it.




Three Weeks Later

I wake up late to find her side of the bed empty. Rubbing my eyes clear, I stumble naked into the bathroom before walking to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I call her name, but get no response.

Grabbing my cell from the counter, I see a text from an unknown number. Swiping my finger across the screen, I open the text and feel anxiety flare in my chest when I read it.

Tom, it’s Dad. I need you to call me. It’s important, Son.

How the fuck did he get this number? When I see a missed call from Richie, I know I have my answer. Immediately, a string of profanity leaves my mouth, cursing my brother’s good intentions.

I’m about to call Callie when I hear the front door swing open. As she runs her eyes over my body, they drop to my morning hard on and she drops her bag onto the counter and licks her lips.

“Well, good morning,” she rasps out as she approaches me.

Immediately, she drops to her knees on the hard linoleum, desperate to get her fix.

“Hey baby,” I manage as she pushes me to lean back against the counter and wraps her lips around the tip of my cock, sucking gently. “I was about to call you. Where’d you go?”

“Woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep,” she says before running her tongue up my shaft, humming in pleasure as she covers my tip with her lips again. “Went and got waxed and had my nails done.”

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