Savage (The Callie Leveaux Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Savage (The Callie Leveaux Series Book 2)
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Somewhere between my fifth and sixth kiss over her shoulders, we both fall fast asleep.



The Flow

Two Months Later

As the alarm blares into my ears, no part of me has any interest in opening my eyes. The only bright spot is the gentle groan of protest that slips from her lips as she wiggles her bare ass closer to me, starting what has become our morning routine.

Twisting around to face me as I shut the alarm off and toss my phone back onto the table, she stretches, letting her arms fall around my shoulders. I roll over onto my back, taking her with me as she presses her lips against mine. She moves her knees apart and straddles me, her tits still pressing against my chest as she leans her head into the crook of my neck.

“Call in,” she says, her sleep stained voice soft and husky.

“Hmm, I wish I could,” I admit, tugging the back of her hair and pulling her eyes to mine. “Raise up, baby.”

Lifting her hips slightly, she lets out a low moan as I grip her waist and slide into her. Slowly rolling my hips against hers, I fill her again and again, holding her eyes as she begins to pant against my chest.

Leaning up to meet my lips, she kisses me lightly before pushing herself upright and taking me completely. She plants her hands on my waist and lets out a groan of pleasure as I raise my knees behind her.

“Sit back, babe,” I say low.

Immediately, she moves sits up fully and grips my knees with her hands, exposing her body to me completely. I let out a low groan, raking my eyes over her and staring at her heaving chest as it bounces above me.

Resting one palm on her thigh, I hold her eyes as I brush the pad of my thumb over her clit, watching her eyes flutter slightly. Twisting my hips slightly as I continue pushing into her from below, I hum to myself in complete satisfaction.

It might sound fucked up, but as much as I love the kinky, hard shit, nothing beats our morning sex. The way her blonde strands fall around her tits, her tight, pink nipples peeking through as gentle moans leave her lips, this is all shit that no paying client has ever gotten from her. This is the real Callie. The naturally sexy, sweet, goofy Callie I’ve fallen in love with letting me take her.

As a professional, I know there isn’t much a paying customer could have asked of Callie Leveaux that she would ever refuse.

But in the early hours of the day, with all that shit behind her and the sunlight slowly beginning to pour in and highlighting every curve, the breathy way my name leaves her swollen lips as she falls apart on top of me, taking what she wants… This is the side of Cal they never got.

This side has always been just for me.

As the heat begins to build, she starts to pulse around me and her lips part slightly.


“You ready, baby?” I husk.

“Uh huh,” she pants, her voice a whisper as she nods and begins to move faster, taking me deeper.

Throwing her head back, she holds my eyes as her chest heaves in front of me, her eyes heavy as she cries out in pleasure.

Her orgasm pours over me and before she’s come down, I give her my own.

“Hmm… Yes baby,” she hums in pleasure, biting her lip and twisting her hips slightly as my seed fills her.

I run my palms up and down her thighs, catching my breath before reaching for her.

“Come here,” I say softly, gently pulling her to my chest and noticing her wince slightly. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” she whispers as she rests her forehead into the crook of my neck and lets out a small yawn. “Just a little sore.”

“Hmm,” I hum. “Good girl.”

I reach between us to where I’m still resting inside her and run my fingertips over her bare pussy. Loving the way she feels stretched around my cock, I lightly tug on her hair and bring her eyes up to mine. As she parts her lips, I slip my tongue into her mouth and kiss her slowly as I hold her hooded gaze, gently massaging her with my fingers. Humming into my mouth, I trace her bottom lip with my tongue before sucking it gently.

“That feels good, baby,” she whispers, leaning her head against my chest. “I wish you didn’t have to work today.”

“I know, baby. I’d much rather stay in bed with you all day,” I say as I kiss her hair. “It’s only a few hours until lunch.”

“I know, I just miss you when you’re gone,” she admits quietly, honestly surprising me. “I don’t think I’ve ever missed anyone before, but I miss you every time you leave me. I don’t like it.”

Her confession causes a lump to uncharacteristically form in my throat. Gently tugging at her hair, her grey eyes meet mine and I hold them there, needing the time to find my voice.

“I love you,” I whisper, pressing my lips to hers and loving the way she wraps her arms around my neck, giving me all she has in the kiss.

The blare of the alarm letting me know it’s time for me to leave her reminds me that I’m about to be late. Reluctantly, I release her and head to work, my mind staying with her for the majority of the morning.

When my cell begins to vibrate in my pocket a couple hours later, I assume it’s Callie. We spend most of the day texting and calling each other between patients, so I don’t even look at the caller ID when I swipe my finger across the screen.

“Hey baby,” I say into the receiver. Instead of her soft, sultry voice, I’m met with one I’d rather not hear again.

“Tom?” the voice reverberates into the line, sending a combination of chills and fury through my veins. “Son, it’s…”

“I know who you are,” I bite, silently cursing Richie for giving him this number.

He’s been trying to call me ever since I saw that first text on my cell a few months back, but I’ve been ignoring him. This is the first time he’s ever caught me with my guard down.

“I need to speak to you, it’s very…”

“What do you want?” I ask, cutting him off.

“Why would you just assume I want something?”

“Because you’re calling me,” I tell him bluntly. “Because you sent Richie to talk to me and now you’re calling this fucking phone after you were told not to contact me.”

“A father can’t want to speak to his son?” he asks, his words drenched in sarcasm.

“A father can, but you’re not a father,” I scoff. “Richie may not be able to see through your bullshit, but I can. So what the fuck do you want?”

“I need your help, Tom,” he says. “I think… I think I’m sick.”

“What are your symptoms,” I counter, leaning back into my chair and waiting for the lie.

“I don’t… I feel like…”

“Bullshit,” I call him out. “You lied to Richie, probably to get him to feel sorry for you. Have you forgotten that I’m a fucking
? You think I didn’t look up your fucking file with the hospital? You haven’t been to the hospital like you told Rich. You’re a fucking liar.”

A moment passes when he says nothing, probably trying how to move forward. After a solid minute of nothing, I’m done.

“Don’t call me again,” I snap, ready to hang up the phone when I hear his voice again.

“Wait!” he shouts desperately. “Tommy… Son, please wait.”


“I need your help,” he starts. “I’m in trouble.”

“Shocking,” I snort sarcastically. “And you decided calling me and lying to the only son who still gives two shits about you was the way to resolve that?”

“Richie can’t help me, Tommy. Listen, I know you don’t want to talk to me,” he admits. “Hell, I even understand why… Believe what you want, but I’ve tried my best to keep you out of it. I can’t do it anymore, though. My hands are tied…”

“How much?”


“How. Much. Fucking. Money? That’s why you’re calling me, so tell me how much?”

“Two hundred and fifty thousand,” he finally says.

“Fuck you,” I say, honestly laughing for the first time since this call started.

“I know you can get it,” he argues and I lean back in my chair, shaking my head.

“Yeah, I could,” I tell him. “But why the fuck you ever thought I’d give you a quarter of a million dollars, I’ll never fucking understand. You’re just gonna have to fuckin’ figure this one out on your own.”

“There’s no figuring it out, Tom,” he says. “If I don’t pay them, Mick says he’s gonna have one of his boys take me out. I know the guys he’s got now aren’t as hardcore as you were, but…”

“Why the fuck would you even get caught up with him again?”

“I was desperate…”

“No,” I cut him off. “You were stupid. I told you when I got out of that shit that there wasn’t anything I could do for you. I told you Mick wasn’t gonna put up with this shit and you chose to ignore me.”

“Yeah, I know you did. I messed up,” he says quietly. There’s a long silence filled with his nerves and my own indecision before he speaks again. “Tommy, there’s more.”

“Jesus… What the fuck else could there be?”

I’m letting out a loud sigh as I’m distracted by a gentle knock on my office door.

“Yeah?” I call out, expecting to see my receptionist Bonnie, happy to see Callie standing in the doorway instead.

“Hey baby,” she whispers when she sees the phone in my hand. “You want me to wait out here?”

“No,” I tell her, standing to let her in and shutting the door behind her as I bend to meet her lips before returning my attention to the call. “What else is there?”

“They…  Fuck, Tom they found out where you work, where you live…”

As my eyes meet the greys staring back at me, my heart literally stops for a second. If I lived alone, I wouldn’t give a shit, but I don’t. Callie’s with me.

Not only that, Mick knows she’s the fastest way to get me to cooperate.

The thought that the people after my stupid ass father could come anywhere near here is enough to send me into a rage.

“What do you mean they
found out
? How the fuck did they find out?”

“I don’t…”

“Bullshit!” I snap into the phone loud enough to cause Callie to jump. “I can’t fucking believe you. You’ve done a lot of fucked up shit but this? This fuckin’ takes the cake.”

“I know…”

“Do you? Do you really know? Because I seriously fucking doubt it,” I continue to rail into the line.

All the shit I did to get out… All the fucking years I spent trying to get away from that life and with one phone call, he pulls me right back in.

“I know I fucked up, Son. I wouldn’t be calling you if I didn’t fucking know that,” he argues. “I don’t know what to do about this.”

“Well, you better hope to fuck you figure it out and then you better hide and hide good,” I tell him. “Because at this point, if Mick doesn’t come after you, I might.”

“Mick?” Callie whispers, the look in her eyes making it obvious that she remembers him well.

I’m not surprised though. Nobody in my life knows much about me, but Callie knows everything. Every fucked up thing I ever did, she was right there with me, watching me go through with it.

“Tommy Boy…”

“No, don’t fucking ‘Tommy Boy’ me, you piece of shit,” I cut him off. “You’re not just fucking your own shit up now, you’re fucking with me again. If that’s not bad enough, you’re bringing Cal and Richie into this?”

“I know and I tried to keep you out of it, but he made it fucking clear that he’s got no problem bringing you back into it for that money. He said ‘If I have to bring Savage himself back from the dead to get my shit, so be it.’”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means if he doesn’t get that money, he’s gonna go after everyone. Not just me, Tommy. Mick said if he wasn’t paid in two weeks, he’s coming after the three of you as soon as he’s done with me.”

As I let his words sink in, I glance up at the grey eyes that are staring back at me nervously. She’s biting down on her lip and playing with the gold charms that hang from her neck, waiting for her fate.

“Let’s just say I give him what he wants,” I start, holding her eyes as I speak into the phone. “Mick’s a crazy motherfucker. Who’s to say he won’t still come knockin’ on my door in six months anyway?”

“I don’t know, Son,” he says eventually. “All I know is he’s made it clear he’s not fuckin’ around…”

“He’s never fuckin’ around,” I cut him off. “That’s why I told you not to fuck with him. He’s not the kind of guy who just takes your fucking payment and walks away.”

Still holding her eyes, I take a deep breath and know exactly what I have to do. Like I said, if it was just me, I wouldn’t give a fuck, but it’s not just me. Not anymore.

“Tom?” my waste of a father says into the line.

“You tell Mick I said fuck his money,” I answer him, eyes still trained on the one who owns me. “It’s one thing to bring me into it, but not her.”

“Tommy, what the fuck are you doing?” she asks, her eyes wide with shock.

“He crossed a fucking line and he knows it,” I tell them both. “
threatens Callie. He wants Savage? He’ll get fucking Savage.”




So much goes into writing a book that it feels like it’s impossible to thank every single person without missing someone. I’m going to attempt it though!

First and foremost, I thank God for giving me the gift of telling stories, no matter the content.

My husband, Sean, for loving me endlessly and being the best support I could ever ask for. There are days when I really push the limits of sanity, but his love and devotion never fails. I love you, Babysaurus!

My parents, Henry and Debbie, for always encouraging me to write, for supporting everything I do and for loving me unconditionally.

Thanks for my brothers and sister, Jason, Shawn, Chris, Landon and Sara for being amazing all the way around and embracing the craziness that is me always. Also, although I hope they have no intention of reading my books for a very, very long time, I want to thank my nieces and nephews. I love your faces off so much! I’m so, so proud to be your aunt!

Thanks to my best friends Janet, Angie, Michelle, Heather, Anna, Brittnee and Amanda for being awesome. I can’t believe y’all ever want to hang out with my goofy ass, but you do and I love you.

Thanks to my crazy awesome PA/Bestie, Heather Ricketts for the one hundred and seventeen million amazing things she does for me on a daily basis. I’d leave my house without pants daily if it wasn’t for you, dude. Other people reading this will probably not believe that, but you know it’s absolutely true! Thanks for all the awesomeness that is you! I’m so glad we met. You’ve become like a sister and I hope you know how much your friendship means to me! Me love you long time, Sweet Cheeks!

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