Saved By A Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Saved By A Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 1)
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“I would really appreciate that. I know you weren’t too happy with the last promo company your agent used and I would love the opportunity to work with you.”

“Touch base with Joan this week. Tell her that you and I spoke tonight and that I promised you the chance to bid on the promo of the next book. Show her what you’ve got and what your ideas are and I’ll set up a meeting with her to go over it.”

“Thank you so much, Ms. Fitzgerald.”

“I’m not promising we’ll pick you, but we’ll at least discuss it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I see my father and I would like to go say hi.”

“Of course, have a great night!”

I’m halfway across the room to speak to my father when Ben steps in front of me. “Patricia, why are you ignoring me?”

“That’s simple, I have nothing to say to you, Ben.”

“You may have nothing to say to me, but I have a lot to say to you. I really wish you would hear me out. You know you still want me. I know you haven’t been with anyone since we broke up. I bet you’re hoping I’ll come crawling back to you, begging for forgiveness,” he says, stepping closer to me.

My brows shoot up in shock. “You disgust me. You think because you’re attractive and you have your daddy’s money you can put your hands on a woman and then just apologize and all will be okay. Well let me tell you, I don’t care how attractive you are or how much money you have. No one puts their hands on me. We’re through.”

I quickly make my escape, walking up to my father. “Daddy!” I call out to get his attention.

He hugs me. “How are you, pumpkin?”

“I’m good, Daddy.

“You look stunning,” he says proudly.

“Thanks, Daddy. You’re looking quite handsome yourself.”

“Thanks, pumpkin. What is going on with you and Ben?” he asks full of concern.

I roll my eyes. “He can’t understand that we’re done. I don’t want to see him anymore and he seems to think he can convince me otherwise.”

He shakes his head and I change the subject. “Daddy, is your lake house being used at all over the next few months?”

“No, pumpkin, it’s all yours. I just want to know when you will be there so I can check on you.”

“You mean like the man you put in Mr. Montgomery’s house?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh you don’t, huh?”

He’s saved by the announcement that it’s time to take our seats for dinner. He wraps his arm through mine and escorts me over to our table where Bella is already seated. We take our seats and get started on our salad course. While we eat, there are guest speakers up on stage talking about the woman’s shelter my mother is helping to raise money for. I think this is what pisses me off the most about my mother. She supports such an amazing cause like a woman’s shelter then tells me I should forgive Ben for hitting me. Could she be any more of a hypocrite? I mean, really.

Bella leans in to my side. “A penny for your thoughts.”

“I was just thinking about how hypocritical it is that my mother supports such a great cause but wants me to forgive Ben for hitting me. I just don’t get it.”

“She’s not like you, Patty. Your mom needs money and stability, so she needs rich men in her life to take care of her.”

“That’s fine for her but I’m happy making my own money. Listen, let’s just drop it. I don’t want to ruin the night and I still haven’t told my father what really happened. This is not the place for him to find out.” She agrees and we continue enjoying our meal.

One of my father’s friends from across the table says, “Patty, did I hear you telling the media you’ve started on your next book?”

“I didn’t have much choice since I posted it on my Facebook page and my agent is quick to tell the world. They were fishing for release dates and I’m only in the beginning stages of writing the book. It will be a bit still, but yes I have started on it.”

“Good for you. I hear your last two books are doing quite well.”

“Yes they are, thank you,” I say with pride.

I shove food in my mouth as he starts questioning Bella on her work and what she has coming up. She tells him that she has a swimsuit ad and then she’ll be working a jean ad for the fall.

A short while later dinner is done and a band starts to play. My dad turns to me and asks for a dance and of course I agree. He has a concerned look on his face.

“What’s wrong, Daddy?” I ask.

“I’m just trying to figure out why you weren’t so excited to talk about the book you’re working on. Usually you’re beaming about it and elated to discuss your story. I haven’t once heard you talk about the plot or the characters or anything.”

“I don’t know, something feels off with this one. I don’t know if it’s because Joan is rushing me or what, but I have to figure it out and make a decision on what to do with it.”

“If you’re not happy with your agent, then get rid of her ass and get someone else. This is your work and you need to love it so your passion will flow.”

“Thanks, Daddy, I’ll think about it. I promise.”

Just as I finish telling him that, there is a tap on his shoulder and it’s Ben asking if he can cut in. Ben clearly knows I didn’t tell my father what happened, because my father would have killed him. My father graciously steps aside as Ben takes my hand and pulls me close to him.

“What do you want, Ben?”

We start to dance. We move well together on the dance floor. We didn’t move so well together in bed.

“To have a few moments alone with you to talk,” he says as we sway to the music. He starts leading me further and further from my father and before I know it we are near the edge of the dance floor.

“You do realize there is nothing to discuss,” I say. Apparently he disagrees because he grabs my elbow and yanks me out of the room. “Ben, stop. You’re hurting my arm.”

He sneers at me. “Will you stop being a brat and just come talk to me?” I can smell the alcohol on his disgusting breath.

“Maybe when you’re sober,” I say, snatching my arm from his grip. He grabs it again and tries to pull me to a corner where no one can see us. Most of the party is in the other room, so there are no witnesses.

“I said we’re going to talk and I meant it. Now let’s go.” He tries to grab my arm one more time, almost causing me to trip in my ridiculously high shoes, but before he can, a man appears and stops him.

“I believe the lady said she’s all set.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Ben snaps and I can see that the man is pissed because he’s clenching his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening.

“The person who’s going to teach you some manners. Now step away from the lady.”

Oh my, it’s the guy from the lake.
It dawns on me that I know his face. Granted, it’s clean shaven and his hair is shorter, but I recognize his eyes. They’re a bright hazel that anyone one who’s ever really looked at them would never forget.

Ben approaches him with his fists clenched like he really wants to fight him here in public, “I don’t know who you think you are, but this is between me and my girl,” he says.

Before he can do anything, Ben’s father appears. “Ben, cut the shit.”

“Father, this guy is trying to take my girl from me.”

“I’m not your girl and I haven’t been since you decided it was okay to slap me.” I gasp and cover my mouth. Oh shit, I can’t believe I just said that out loud. I run toward the door and my mystery man comes running after me.

“Wait,” he says, “Are you all right?”

I take a deep breath to try and compose myself, but I’m not sure it’s working because I’m shaking like a leaf. “Who are you?” I say, turning to face him. “My father sent you to the lake didn’t he? Did he send you to watch over me tonight too?”

He sighs and looks slightly embarrassed. “The lake house yes, tonight no. I saw that creep pulling on you and I didn’t like the way he was treating you.”

“That creep is my ex who enjoys a few too many drinks at these events. I’ll be fine, thanks.” I’m being incredibly rude, but I’m embarrassed that he witnessed the scene and that I admitted to being slapped around by my ex. The only people who know are Bella and my mom.

“I guess I’ll leave you be then,” he says, and turns to leave.

“Wait, I’m sorry. I’m being a total bitch and I don’t mean to.” I pause as I try to gain some control. My voice softens, “I’m Patricia. My friends call me Patty.”

He turns back with a gorgeous glowing smile that lights up his face. “Carter,” he says. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Patty. I wanted to introduce myself at the lake house, but I didn’t want to intrude.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that.”

“What’s up with this ex of yours? Did he really hit you?”

“Unfortunately yes. We were at an event like this one night and he had gotten a bit drunk and when I asked him to slow down with the drinking he dragged me out of the room and backhanded me.” I look down, no longer able to look into his eyes. “He told me that no woman was going to dictate to him what he could and couldn’t do. He told me to take my place at his side and be his arm candy the way I’m supposed to. I told him to fuck off and I left. I sent him a text telling him we were done and that I never wanted to see him again.”

“Good for you. That’s awesome.” He’s staring at me proudly.

“What’s your story? You’re Mr. Montgomery’s son, right?”

“You got it. I’m here representing the Veteran’s Affairs office. I work for them starting Monday.”

“That’s pretty awesome too. What are you doing for them?”

“I’m the new assistant director for the local office. There are several throughout the state and we come to these events to make our presence known so when we need help we can get it.”

“That sounds like a pretty great job. You must be excited.”’

“I am.” He pauses like he’s mulling something over. “Hey, what do you say we blow this joint and go get a coffee?”

I raise my eyebrows. “In an evening gown and tux?”

“I don’t care if you don’t.”

“Let me get my purse.” He walks me back into the room where I left my purse sitting on our table. Bella is sitting there talking with some people I don’t know.

“Excuse me one moment,” I say, interrupting their conversation. “Bella, I’m taking off, but I will text you later.”

She sees Carter behind me and whispers, “You better.”

I grin. “Carter, let’s go before my mother tries to stop me.”

While we’re walking out he says, “I had my father follow me here earlier to drop off my Jeep. We can take that if it’s alright with you.”

“That’s fine. We took a limo here so my car is at Bella’s house because I was supposed to be spending the night at her house, but I think I’ll just go home after.”

“I’ll drop you off at your car when we’re done.”


He takes my hand to help me climb into the passenger's seat of his Jeep. His touch sends goosebumps spreading throughout my body. He gets in on his side and drives off. “Where does Bella live?” he asks.

When I tell him her address we decide to go to a quiet cafe up the street from her house. Claire’s is great because they have good coffee and they do things like poetry night and standup comedy nights for people who are just starting out and want to practice. I’ve gone there before to write for a change of scenery. I find admiring the people sometimes inspires me.

We pull up to Claire’s and there are people here but it wasn’t overly packed for a Saturday night. He gets out and walks around to my side, opening my door for me and taking my hand to help me climb out so I won’t fall in my dress. I feel an electric shock flow between us that makes me smile, however, I ignore it, not sure what it is or if he feels it too.

We walk into the cafe and all eyes are on us because we are dressed in formal attire. We order our coffee and then secure a seat in a far corner.

“So what’s really up with the loser at the fundraiser?” he asks.

“Like I said before, he’s my ex. He doesn’t want to accept that we’re done.”

“That sucks. Hopefully his loss is my gain.” He shows me his gorgeous smile.

I blush, thinking to myself
what a flirt
. I want to change the subject so I say, “What’s up with you?”

“Like I told you at the event, I start working for the Veterans Affairs office on Monday, but I mainly go to the fundraisers to support my parents. As I’m sure you know they own Central Bank, and they go to these events to keep up appearances and get customers for the bank.”

“That’s sweet.”

“I owe it to them. They have done a lot to support me since I’ve been home and had to deal with my knee injury. It’s the least I can do.”

I recall the pained look on his face at the lake house. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that entire situation.”

“It’s okay, to be honest. I’m sorry I got hurt because I loved my job and miss it. I had my own section of men and we worked well together. We went on some crazy missions but we saved quite a few lives. If it weren’t for my knee I would still be over there and not here having a conversation with you dressed in a tux.” He shrugs. “I guess that makes one good thing to come out of my injury.”

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