Saved By A Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Saved By A Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 1)
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My mom tells the woman she’ll take them and then tells her she wants something that will compliment her eyes and her pale brown hair.

The woman says, “I know just the dress.” She runs off to get it while we look at shoes. Bella and I have found shoes by the time she comes back with the dress. My mother is unsure with it on the hanger. We tell her to try it on anyway and when she comes out of the fitting room she is elated because it’s beautiful. It’s a simple floor length dress that’s a deep shade of purple. It really makes her eyes pop and will look stunning next to my stepfather’s black tux.

“I’ll take all three, as well as the shoes they’ve chosen,” she tells the salesperson.

We find her shoes to match, and the girl packs up our purchases.

“Where are we off to next, ladies?” my mother questions.

“I need to get home,” I say. “I told you lunch and a shopping trip. You have found our dresses for the next event, now I need to get home so I can work.”

My mother pouts. “Phil, please head to drop Patricia off at her apartment.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

As Phil is pulling up to my house I look at my watch and see it’s already after three o’clock. I need to get some work done before Carter gets off so I can call him and catch up with him.

I thank my mom for lunch and the dress and climb out of the limo. Bella gets out with me and tells my mom she’ll see her soon. We both wave as Phil pulls away.

“Okay, so what happened with you and your mom?”

I sigh. “I told her she either lets me live my life or she’s not in my life. She chose to let me live my life.”

“Wow. Did she freak out?”

“I wouldn’t say she freaked out, but she wasn’t happy. I’m tired of her pushing Ben on me. He pulled me out of the ballroom the other night, yanking on my arm and telling me he wanted to talk and I was going to listen. The only reason he didn’t hurt me was because Carter showed up.”

“I’m glad he did, Ben is such an ass.”

“Oh, and speaking of Carter, I’m going to ask him to go with me to the fundraiser just so you know.”

She grins. “I figured as much.”

She hugs me goodbye. “I’ll let you get back to your writing. Keep me posted on how things are going with you guys and maybe we can do lunch again soon.”

“Great! Love you, Bella!”

“Love you too!” she says and slides into her red sports car.




I spent the last few hours tweaking my book. I will send some more off to my agent tomorrow with a request for a meeting to discuss the direction of this book as well as when they’re going to offer me a contract on it. While I am contemplating this, my phone rings. I grin when I see Carter’s name across the screen and answer.

“Hey, big guy, how was your day?”

“It was all right. How’d lunch go?”

“I was about to jump in the shower. Could you call me back and I’ll fill you in? Give me about twenty minutes.”

“Does that mean you’re standing in your bathroom naked right now?”

I giggle into the phone. “I’m about to be.”

He moans. “Now that I’m picturing you naked, I guess I’ll go take a shower too. Talk to you in twenty.”

“Okay, Carter.”

I quickly do what I have to do so I can get comfy in time for him to call me back. After I’m showered and dressed I fix a bite to eat and just as I’m finishing up my phone rings again.


“What are you doing?” he asks as I’m getting comfortable on the couch with one of my favorite blankets.

“I’m lying on the couch thinking about you. What are you doing?”

He laughs. “I’m lying on the couch thinking about you.”

“No you’re not.” I say with laughter.

“I’m dead serious. I’m lying here thinking about what we should do for our date tomorrow night. Do you want to go out somewhere or do you want to hang home and order pizza?”

“Why don’t you come here and we can order pizza and watch a movie, since we never got to the movie the other night.”

“Deal. Now that that’s settled do you want to tell me what happened with your mom or do you want to forget about it for now?”

“We can talk about that tomorrow, but I do want to ask if you’ll go to one of her fundraisers with me in a few weeks.”

“I’d love to go with you. Are you ready to face the media showing up with me again?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“Not really, you’re the one who has to deal with them.”

“I don’t know what to tell them,” I say with a sigh.

“Tell them I’m your boyfriend. Unless you don’t want me to be your boyfriend,” he says, sounding nervous and I think it’s cute.

“No, I do, I guess I wasn’t sure since we only went on one date. I don’t want to scare you off already.”

“It’s going to take a lot more than some paparazzi to scare me away from a beautiful woman like you.”

I blush, though he can’t see it. “Thanks.” It comes out in barely a whisper.

“You’re welcome. How’s the book coming?”

“It’s coming. I’m going to make a few more changes tomorrow and then I’m emailing it off to my agent in hopes of meeting with her about a contract next week. How’s the apartment hunting and the new job?”

“Both are great actually. My boss and I get along well, and I met with a veteran today to help him get some benefits. Also, I think I found an apartment.”

“Sounds like a pretty productive day.”

“It was. The apartment is perfect. It’s a two bedroom, with a gorgeous kitchen. I don’t cook, so I’m not sure what I’ll do with such a nice kitchen, but whatever.”

I start laughing. “Maybe once you’re moved in I can give you some basic lessons.”

“Are you serious? I’d love that. I wish my mom taught me how to cook, but instead she likes to take care of me, and would rather do it for me.”

“Yeah, I’m serious. I can cook. I don’t make gourmet meals or anything but I can hold my own.”

“Great! I can’t wait. I want to go furniture shopping this weekend, will you help me?”

“Sure, we can make set plans tomorrow.”

“Thanks, well I’m going to get some sleep. I’ve been getting up really early so I can work out before work and I’m pretty beat.”

“Okay, goodnight Carter.”

“Good night, sweetie,” he says as he cuts the call.

I can’t help the huge smile that spreads across my face because he called me sweetie.








Chapter 10





“Holy shit!” I scream as the ground shakes. We all jump out of our trucks and take our positions attempting to assess what’s going on around us. “Guys, take cover!” I shout as my men take off running. The shooting starts up again and it’s fierce. Bullets are flying all around us as we try to get to our next destination. We’re pinned down and not in the best situation, because there is not a lot of cover out here. I low crawl over to Seth and grab his radio.

“This is Staff Sergeant Montgomery, we’re pinned down and taking on heavy fire! We need back up!”

“Ten-four, what’s your location?”

“We’re about five miles south of our destination. Do you copy?”

“We copy. Backup’s on the way, hold tight.”

We crawl into a position to try and take out our targets but we’re heavily outnumbered until we get air support from above, and luckily for us it only takes a matter of minutes. There are grenades dropping and bullets flying all around us.


I sit up in bed soaked in sweat as I look over at the clock. Four-thirty. I get out of bed, panting as I throw on some clothes to hit the gym. I’ve got to do something about these nightmares.

I hit the elliptical hard for a good forty-five minutes straight, then start lifting. By the time I’m done it’s almost six and I need to start getting ready for work. I feel so much better after that workout.

That’s when I remember that I’m going to Patty’s tonight for pizza and a movie and my entire day gets better. I shower and dress, then go to the kitchen for a quick breakfast.

When I get to my office, I find I’m the first one there and that’s fine with me because I have a training session I’m supposed to complete today and a meeting with a veteran this morning. I boot up my laptop and log into my email to find I have a few emails that need answering. As I’m finishing up going through my emails Derek comes walking in.

“Good morning.”

“Hey, man, Good morning.”

“You okay? You look like you had a bad night.”

I sigh. “I had another nightmare and I can’t figure out why. It woke me at four-thirty. I got up to work out and then I came here.”

“Same nightmare?” he asks me, full of concern.

“Pretty much. It was a close call attack we had in Iraq, though not the one that ended my career.”

“Yeah, I bet as an MP you ran into a lot of close call attacks. Have you tried talking to someone about it?”

“No. I guess I may have to though, because I can’t let them rule me. Although the flashbacks have gotten way better, the nightmares are coming a couple times a week.”

“Try to figure out what triggers them and then maybe you can figure out how to avoid them. Anything bad happen last night?”

“No. As a matter of fact, I had a nice night. Patty and I talked on the phone as usual and we actually said we were going to officially announce us as a couple at a public event we will be attending together in a few weeks, and I’m seeing her for pizza and a movie tonight.”

“Does she know?”

“Does she know what?”

“Does she know about your PTSD?” I shake my head. “You need to tell her.”

“Wait, you think I had a nightmare because I haven’t told her that I have PTSD?” I want to call bullshit, but can I? Was that really my head’s way of reminding me that I haven’t said anything to her yet? I know I should, but I don’t want to scare her away either.

“Dude, I can tell you're thinking about it right now. You’re not going to scare her away. Be honest and tell her before you scare the shit out of her in the middle of the night.”

“We haven’t even gone there yet.”

“And you probably never will unless you tell her. Don’t keep secrets, man. Not if you really like her.”

“Thanks. I have to log on for a class now, so I’ll talk with you about it more another time,” I say, trying to end our conversation.

Clearly he’s not done. “I’m not letting this go. I’m going to help you through this,” he says, shaking his head as he walks out the door.

I click the link I need to log into my class and then shut my office door so I’m not interrupted. I can’t help but think about what Derek said as I wait for the class to start. How do I bring this up in conversation?
‘Hey Patty, by the way I have horrible nightmares because of the war?’
I shake my head. I know Derek is right because if I have a nightmare and don’t tell her I’m going to scare the shit out of her, and that’s the last thing I want to do.

My screen comes alive and the instructor tells us it’s time to start.




I’m just about done with my day when my office phone rings. It’s my new landlord telling me I can pick up my keys since the checks for my deposit and first month’s rent have cleared the bank. My month officially starts next week, but he’s giving me the keys early, since I’m a vet and all. He also gave me a great discount, which I thought was pretty cool. I thank him and tell him I’ll be moving in soon.

I send Patty a text


Carter: Leaving work soon, is it cool if I head over?


Patty: Sure, but just so you know I decided to make us dinner instead.


Carter: That’s cool, what are we having?


Patty: Chicken stir fry with brown rice. I hope that’s ok?


Carter: It’s perfect and way healthier than pizza.


Patty: Lol, see you soon.


I stop by Derek’s office to let him know that I’m done for the day. When I get there he’s hanging up the phone.

“Have a good night, man,” I say.

“Have you thought about what I said?” he says, not dropping our conversation from before.

“I have and it makes sense. I guess I just don’t know how to bring it up. It’s not an everyday conversation.”

He nods. “You’re right, but you have to learn how to handle it. Who better to practice on than your girlfriend, right?”

“I guess. I’m going over there now. She’s making me dinner and then we’re going to watch a movie.”

“Cool, have a great night.”

“Yeah, you too.”

I walk out the door so excited to see her. I can’t wait to go pick up the keys to my apartment tomorrow so I can show it to her and then go pick some furniture out. I stop and buy her some fresh flowers on the way to the house assuming the old ones are dead. When I ring her buzzer she doesn’t even ask who it is, she just buzzes me in. When she opens her door I have the flowers in front of my face and she bursts out laughing. I lower the bouquet to find her standing there in a cute pink fitted sweater and hip hugger jeans. I step in and give her a kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck and deepens it.

“How was your day?” she asks, breaking our kiss.

“It was a bit tiring, but seeing you has given me a fresh burst of energy.”

“Good, come in. Dinner's almost ready. I bet that will help too.”

“That’s great, because I’m starving. I only got to eat part of my lunch today since I had a ton of emails when I got to work and then I had a class and a meeting.”

I follow her into the kitchen and wrap my arms around her narrow waist. She turns in my arms.

“I can make you feel all better after I feed you.”

“And I can’t wait.” I kiss her one more time and she slaps my arm playfully then shoves me away so she can finish dinner.

“Will you put those flowers in water for me? The vase is under the sink.”

“Sure thing.” I pull out the vase. “Where are some scissors that I can use to cut the bottoms?”

She turns around, grinning. “You know to cut the bottoms?” I shrug, not really knowing how I know that but I do. “They’re in that drawer.” She points with her chin.

“It smells amazing in here by the way.”

“Thanks. It’s chicken teriyaki with onions, peppers, snap peas, and pineapple. It’s done, I just need a few more minutes for the rice and we can eat.”

She’s already set the table for us and it looks great. “Thank you so much for doing all of this.”

“It’s really no problem. I don’t mind cooking, I just don’t do it often because it’s only me. Do you want beer or wine?”

“Beer, please.” I finish putting her flowers in water.

She goes to the freezer for a mug and takes a beer from the fridge, pouring it into the frosty glass for me.

“Oh girl, you’re going to spoil me if you keep this up.”

“Says the man who's brought me flowers twice now.” She looks at me with a grin on her face and I laugh. She takes the plates she has sitting on the counter and puts rice and chicken teriyaki on both, placing them on the table. I take the wine glass she has out and head to the fridge to fill it with wine for her while she finishes what she’s doing. I walk over with my beer in one hand and her wine in the other and we sit to enjoy the meal she’s made us.

I take a bite and my eyes go wide. Man this is good. My woman can really cook. I moan in appreciation. “Sweetie, this is delicious.”

“Thank you, I’m glad you like it.”

We both go into silence eating our dinner. Part of me starts to wonder if I should bring up my nightmares, but I don't want to ruin our dinner. When we’re done eating I help her clear the table and clean up the mess so she isn’t left to deal with it later.

“Oh, before I forget, I need to pick up the keys to my apartment tomorrow. Do you want to come with me so you can see it and then we can do lunch and go furniture shopping?”

“Yeah, that sounds great.”

Damn, a yawn escapes me from lack of sleep last night and I’m really hoping she doesn’t notice. I’m rinsing dishes and she’s stacking them in the dishwasher. She takes the pans and nudges me away from the sink to wash them. I take my wet hands and flick water at her. She giggles and grabs the faucet sprayer like she’s going to spray me and I give her a warning look.

“If you squirt me I will be forced to strip.” She bites her lip and soaks my shirt with her hands. I burst out laughing, trying to get my hands wet again so I can splash her but she’s flinging water at me. We’re laughing hysterically when she nearly slips, but I catch her.

Panting out of breath I look deep into her eyes, placing my lips over hers. She opens to me and our tongues start exploring one another’s. She moans into my mouth when my hand squeezes her delightfully round ass. Her hands start pulling at my shirt, attempting to untuck it from my jeans.

When I break our kiss she pants, “You’re all wet.” She giggles and it’s the cutest sound I’ve ever heard.

“You’re pretty wet yourself.”

“In more ways than one,” she says, blushing.

My lips collide with hers in a much more passionate kiss and I slide my hands up under her shirt, caressing her bare skin. She’s wearing an off the shoulder shirt so her bra is strapless and I realize I can have it off in seconds. I kiss my way over to her ear and I nibble on her earlobe.

“You feel amazing pressed against my body, Patty.”

“Carter, I want you, but I don’t know if I’m ready.”

“Sweetie, it’s all right. We don’t have to go there yet.” I glide my tongue down her neck to her collarbone then kiss her again. “Can I take care of you?” She moans a yes and I pick her up and carry her to the couch where I know I’ll have a bit more control. I lay her down then climb on top of her, pressing her into the couch. I slide my hand up under her shirt while I look into her eyes, watching for her reaction. I pull her strapless bra down to uncover her breasts and cup one, massaging it. I can see how affected she is and I can feel it as her hips grind into mine. Her eyes start to close.

“Leave them open. I want you looking into my eyes when I make you come.”

Her eyes fly open and she blushes fiercely. My hand leaves her breast and slowly slides down her body to the button of her jeans. Once I have them undone, she lifts her sweet little ass and I slide them off. I lay back on top of her and lift the front of her pretty pink sweater to expose her hardened nipples. I take one in my mouth and slip my hand into her panties. My fingers find their way into her folds to discover just how wet she really is and we both moan at the same time.

“God, woman, you weren’t kidding. You really are wet for me. Are you ready to come?”

She nods and her hips start grinding with the motion of my fingers rubbing on her hardened clit.

“Sometime soon, I’m going to eat this delicious pussy of yours until you scream my name.”

“Carter, I’m going to come,” she moans. I pinch her clit, sending her over the edge and she moans out my name one more time as I continue rubbing her clit while she rides out her orgasm.

“Oh my God, that was amazing,” she says, panting below me.

“Oh baby, I want to take my sweet time learning, touching and kissing every inch of this body.”

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