Saved By A Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Saved By A Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 1)
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Our waitress comes back with our food and tells us to enjoy. We chat lightly while we eat, planning to go to more stores when we’re done. I still need bedding, bathroom essentials, eating utensils, and I’m sure so much more. As we’re finishing eating I get a text from my dad.


Dad: Mom bought you a ton of towels for your bathroom and for your kitchen.


Carter: Tell her I said thanks, she didn’t have to do that though.


Dad: She wanted to do something to help with your apartment.


Carter: Patty got me some stuff too.


Dad: Nice.


Carter: We’re finishing lunch and then we’re off to buy some bedding and stuff.


Dad: Talk to you later.


“That was my dad,” I said to Patty when I put my phone away. “He was letting me know that my mom bought me a bunch of towels and stuff for the bathroom.”

“Aww, that’s sweet. I feel like I haven’t seen your parents in years.”

The waitress comes back over and I ask for the bill with my credit card in hand. She shows it to me and I hand my card right over to her so we can get out of here.

“Maybe we should plan a dinner at my place with both our parents so I can show my parents my apartment and get everyone together,” I suggest when the waitress walks away.

A look of concern flashes across Patty’s face though it’s gone in a second. “Sure, that sounds great.”

“What’s wrong, Patty?”

“I guess I’m just not sure I want to have my father at the house at the same time as my mother. I think I would just want to have my father since he’s friends with your parents, though I feel like if my mother found out she’d be mad.”

The waitress comes back with the slip. I sign it and slide out of the booth, grabbing Patty’s hand to pull her after me.

“We can talk about it later and we’ll do it however you’re comfortable.”

We get in the car and prepare to leave. She sighs and I can tell she’s thinking about it as she looks out the window. It makes me feel bad that she’s in this situation although, to be honest, since my parents don’t get along with her mother that well I’m just as happy to have just her father over. We’re both sitting in complete silence as we drive toward the store.

I don’t know what to say to turn her mood around. I’m glad the store isn’t far because this will at least occupy her. I pull into the parking lot of the next store and place my hand on Patty’s knee, giving her a gentle squeeze. When she looks over to me I ask, “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m just trying to figure out the best way to manage this situation. I know how my mother is and I’m sure that your parents aren’t friends with her since she divorced my father.”

“They’re not, but I’m sure they can play nice for one night.”

“They shouldn’t have to. They do it enough out in public at social events that cause them to intermingle. We don’t need to add to it. We’ll have your parents and my father over and figure something out another night with my mom.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel like we have to do it that way.” I know my parents would play nice with her mom even though my mother can’t stand her money hungry ways.

“Yes, I’m sure. Now let’s go shopping.”









Chapter 12





My phone buzzing on my nightstand wakes me. I look at my clock and see it’s eight am and I’m wondering who the hell is calling me so early in the morning. Then I see it’s Carter. We took a selfie in his empty apartment the other day and I made it his contact picture on my phone.

“Good morning,” I answer sleepily.

“Good morning, sweetie, did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but I need to get my ass in gear because I have a meeting with my agent today to discuss the new book.”

“I know, that’s why I was calling. I wanted to wish you luck with your meeting.”

“Thanks. How’s your morning going?”

“Good. I’m sitting in my office going through emails missing my girl.”

“I know, I’m sorry we haven’t gotten together in a few days but I really wanted to focus on the book. I’m emailing my agent another chapter this morning to talk over at the meeting. I still have a long way to go but at least they have a good starting point.”

“How about you call me after your meeting? If all goes well today we can go to dinner to celebrate.”

“That sounds nice. I really miss you too, Carter. You teasing me Sunday night left me with good dreams, but it’s also left me missing you.”

He laughs into the phone. “I haven’t slept too well since then either. Maybe I can make it up to you tonight.”

“Oh yeah? What are you thinking?” I grin, flirting with my man.

“I’m thinking maybe I spend the night at your house, if you’re okay with that.”

“Are you serious?” I shoot straight up in bed. We’ve yet to spend the night together.

“I’m dead serious.”

okay with that. I can’t wait to see you tonight.”

“Okay, well I want to run one more thing by you and then I have to get back to work. I was thinking we would have your friend Bella and my friend Derek over with your mom the weekend after the fundraising event so that we can spend some time with them and have your mom over too.”

“That would be great. Bella is close to my mom and it will be nice to have us all there together. I’ll call Bella and talk to her and then I’ll call my dad to talk to him about Saturday. Have you spoken to your parents?”

“Yes I have, and that would be great because my parents are coming so even if your dad can’t we’ll have dinner with them. Derek’s walking in now. I’m going to let you go so I can talk to him about it.”

“Okay, have a good day, Carter.”

“You too. Let me know how it goes today.”

I hang up with Carter and start to think about how much I really like him. What scares me is I like him a
and we’ve been spending a lot of time together, but how much do I really know him? I don’t even know basic things like his favorite movie or band, what color he likes, or his favorite dishes. What if he spends the night tonight and snores like crazy keeping me awake? I sigh. I need to talk to Bella.


Patty: Are you awake?


Bella: Yup.


Patty: Can I call you?


My phone rings a second later.

“Hey girl!” I answer.

“You know you don’t need to ask permission to call me, Patty. You’re pretty much my sister.”

“I know, but what if you were at a shoot or something? I know you said you have one coming up.”

“I’m getting ready for a shoot now.”

“What are you doing tomorrow? Want to do lunch?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“I’m meeting with my agent today. I’m hoping it goes well and I’ll get to do some celebrating afterward. I want to go to the salon to get a haircut for the new headshots.”

“Hold on one second,” she says to me. “Hey, Kelly, are you on a shoot tomorrow?” Bella calls out. Someone mumbles a response, then Bella comes back to the line. “Get your hair done first thing in the morning and then Kelly is going to meet us to do your pictures.”

“Thanks, Bella, I didn’t call you so you could arrange my shoot for me but I appreciate it.”

“I know you didn’t but I don’t want you to keep pushing it off either. Just let me know what time your appointment is and I’ll meet you then we’ll go for pictures. We can have lunch and maybe some shopping after if you want.”

“Great. Thanks again, Bella.”

“No problem, girl! See you tomorrow and good luck today.”


I decide to text my dad instead of calling him because I have to get moving.


Patty: Hey Dad, I’m helping Carter move into his new apartment and we’re having his parents over for dinner Saturday, are you free?


Daddy: For you of course I am.


Patty: Great see you at six.


Daddy: Looking forward to it.


I go into the kitchen for a cup of coffee, and call the salon. After making my appointment I send Bella a message letting her know that my appointment is at ten am. I’ve already laid out my outfit for my meeting, and once I have my coffee in hand I head for the shower to begin the process of turning Patty into P. A. Fitzgerald, bestselling author.




I walk into my agent’s office wearing a black pencil skirt with a red button down shirt and a black jacket. I wore my black patent leather heels to top off the outfit. I don’t usually dress this nice but I want to show I’m a professional and that I mean business. They say red is the color of power, so maybe it will help me get what I want. I’m going to work into my contract that I must have at least six months of uninterrupted time off before I will consider starting my next book, which actually means I won’t get time off for a while. When I’m done writing, there’s still creating the cover, editing and tweaking the book, cover reveals, book promoting, and then signings afterward.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Fitzgerald,” the receptionist says. “Joan is ready for you. Go right in.”

“Thank you.” I walk toward Joan’s office with my leather portfolio in hand, ready to negotiate.

When I walk through her door, she rises from her seat and practically runs up to me, hugging me and air kissing my cheek. Joan hasn’t been with this agency long and I think she’s busting my chops about another book because so far I’m her only bestseller for the company.

“Patricia, how are you?”

“I’m well, Joan, how are you?”

“Oh you know me, busy, busy all the time,” she says with a smile. “Come take a seat. I saw the last chapter that you sent me and I have to say we love what you’re writing. There’s so much emotion and people are really going to connect with your characters.”

“I’m glad you’re happy with it. I have a long way to go, but now that you know what I’m writing we need to talk business. I have certain things I want written into this contract.”

“Like what, darling?” she says in her snobbiest voice and it reminds me of my mother.

“Like an uninterrupted eight months off after the book releases and I do three signings.” I figure she’s going to talk me down so I’ll start high and see what she says.

“Eight months, that’s a long time.”

“I need it. I’m starting a relationship and I want some time to myself to see where it goes and maybe do some traveling with my mother and Bella.”

“I know I can get you six, though I’m not sure the agency will go for eight. How about if we do five signings after the release and six months?” she counteroffers.

I shake my head. “Listen, when I first started writing for you I was doing one book at a time and it was no big deal if I took time off in between books. Now that I’m a bestseller you’re pushing me for more. I get that this is a business, but these are my books and I won’t be pressured to write. Five signings and eight months off or I self-publish this one.” I stare her in the eyes and add, “You do realize I don’t need to give you this book, right? Although I’ve fulfilled my last contract with you, I like the work you do for me and I’d rather not self-publish. That being said, if you cannot give me time off then I walk and I can have the control I need over my own career.”

“Okay, I’ll write it up and get it over to you once it’s been signed off on. Be sure to keep promoting online and showing your face in the media. I’d also like for you to come up with a blurb for the book soon, something we can talk about.
‘P.A. Fitzgerald’s WIP—After years of bad relationship she finally finds her Mr. Right, but will she realize it too late?
’ Whatever, just get me something.”

I can’t believe she didn’t even try to talk me down. I really only wanted six, but I managed to get two more months out of her. Now I can start writing after about six or seven months off and surprise her with some work right at the eight month mark. I jot down a note to work on that blurb for her this week. Then I write down what she said because it’s pretty good and I’ll probably work with it.

“That was a pretty good blurb right there. Let me put some more thought into it and I’ll get you something soon.”

I stand to leave, shaking her hand. “Get me the contract. You’ll see no more of this book or its blurb until I have it.” I step toward the door. When I turn to tell her to have a good day, she has a look of complete shock on her face and I feel great. “Good day, Joan.”

I walk out the door with my head held high and super proud of myself. I practically run to my car to call Carter because I can’t believe I just handled the meeting the way I did. I’m usually so shy and just go with what they say. I’m done doing that. I need to start sticking up for myself and putting out there what I want.
the author. I should be able to do things at my pace. They are making a ton of money off my last few books so if I want time off damn it, I’m taking it.

I dial Carter’s number and he answers instantly, like he’s been waiting for my call. “Give me good news, sweetie.”

“Although I’m waiting for the contract to come through to me, I told my agent I want eight months off and that I will do no more than five signings after the book release. We will see if she can come through, but I’m proud that I stood my ground with that part of it. I’m fine with the rest of my contract. I just don’t want them driving me crazy while I’m taking time off after the book.”

“That’s great! Are we on for dinner tonight?”

“For sure. Why don’t I cook and we can just relax at my place.”

“That works under one condition.”

“Are we negotiating a contract?”

He bursts into laughter. “No, but I want you to teach me how to cook. I was going to say you have to wait for me to get there so we can cook together.”

“That sounds like fun. What time are you leaving work and what do you want for dinner?”

“I’m leaving here at four and I don’t care what we have for dinner. Whatever you feel like making is fine.”

“Okay, we’ll make something easy. Oh, and my dad is all set for Saturday. I’m thinking about doing a large roast with potatoes and vegetables to make it easy.”

“Sounds good, I’ll see you in a little bit.”

After I hang up with him, I go to the grocery store to get some things for dinner tonight. I’m going to show him how to make baked ziti with meat sauce. We both like pasta and it’s really easy to make. I’ll need to pick up some ingredients and garlic bread to go with it, as well as a bottle of wine to top off dinner.

A short time later I’ve managed to change into more comfortable clothes, tidy up my place, and set the table. Just as I’m about to pour myself a glass of wine my buzzer rings and I know it’s Carter. I go over to press the button, letting him in, then open the door.

“Hey, pretty lady,” he says, placing his warm, soft lips over mine.

“Hey yourself. How was your day?”

“Long. I’d ask how yours was, but I’m pretty sure it was a good day, huh?”

I smile. “And it just got even better.” I take his hand and lead him to my bedroom so he can put his overnight bag in there.

“What’s this?” he asks, seeing that I have some ingredients already laid out on the counter. I tell him the first thing we need to do to make dinner is chop onions and cook the meat. He goes to the sink to wash his hands and we get started on making dinner.

About twenty minutes later our ziti is in a baking dish and placed in the oven. I get Carter a beer in a frosted glass and refresh my wine. While we wait for the ziti to bake I tell him about my plans for tomorrow with Bella. “What’s your favorite color?” I ask him out of the blue.

He wrinkles his brows. “What?”

“What’s your favorite color?”

“Blue, why?”

I blush slightly, worried he’ll think I’m silly. “I was lying in bed this morning thinking how much I’ve come to enjoy spending time with you and I realized that I like you a lot, then it dawned on me that I don’t know a lot about you. Like your favorite color? Do you like movies or TV? We’ve tried to watch movies twice and didn’t get to. Do you have a favorite dish? Silly things like that.”

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