Saved by My Blackguard (Linked Across Time Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Saved by My Blackguard (Linked Across Time Book 1)
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“I love you.”

He’d never loved anyone before. Not in the way he did Evelyn. Something he couldn’t get enough of or fully believe.

“I love you too,” she said.

He only had one question left for her.

“Will you marry me?”

Evelyn stared down at him. Her mouth set in a firm line. She tapped her chin as she considered his question. If she didn’t answer him soon he’d go crazy. The wench was doing it on purpose to make him think she could say no. Surely she wouldn’t do that do them. He knew she loved him and the next step was marriage.

“I will on one condition.”

He grinned, how had he ever doubted she might say no? “Anything”

“Please tell me you can take me somewhere I can have a proper bath. I’m done with roughing it. I wasn’t made for the hard life.”

He laughed and pulled her into his arms. She had no idea what luxuries he had in store for her. She’d never want for anything ever again. They’d get married before they left. He just had to make a few phone calls to get her legal paperwork. They couldn’t travel until she had proper identification. Once they got to back to New York he didn’t want anything getting between them.

“That’s a promise I can keep.”

And he did, Paul kept every promise he ever made her.




Five years later…


Evelyn stared down
at her beautiful infant daughter and sighed with contentment. Her life with Paul had been perfect from the moment they met. Being in his world only made their love shine brighter. Not once since they woke up on that beach did she regret falling in love with him. There was no other man that could make her feel the way he did.

“Mommy, can I hold her?”

She gazed down at her other daughter with just as much love. Alys’s green eyes twinkled with delight as she stared into her sister’s crib. Her blonde curls were falling around her shoulders. Her blue dress complimented her porcelain skin and rosy cheeks.

“Not now, dear.”

Alys’s tiny bottom lip pushed out into a full pout. “Why not?”

Evelyn patted her head lovingly. “She’s asleep and we shouldn’t disturb her rest. There will be plenty of time later to hold her at her christening.”

A private ceremony was scheduled for later that evening. Only the closest of friends and family were to attend. Regina was to be christened and officially welcomed into the Dewitt family. She was the blessing they didn’t think they’d ever have.

Evelyn didn’t have much to do with her time other than take care of their two little girls. Before she had them she volunteered at a local children’s hospital. One day a baby had been brought into the pediatric intensive care unit, having been abandoned in the emergency room. That little girl was Alys. She’d fallen in love with her the moment she’d laid eyes on her. She knew that she belonged with her and Paul. She begged Paul to pull whatever strings he could so they could adopt her. It had taken nearly a year, but finally she legally was their daughter. Alys had been the daughter of their hearts from the start. For a while she’d been the biggest blessing in their lives as it appeared they’d not be blessed with any other children.

They made love as often as any healthy couple, but she never became pregnant. She’d started to believe she was barren. It was a fact she’d have been forced to accept in her time. Paul encouraged her to see a doctor and after some treatment she’d been able to conceive. Her pregnancy had been hard, but every moment was worth it when she finally gave birth. Regina was their second blessing, and Evelyn didn’t take any of those for granted.

Alys stomped her foot. “I want to hold my sister now.”

At four going on five Alys wasn’t used to not getting her way. Evelyn leaned down and kissed the top of her blonde head. “How about we have a snack instead?”

She needed to distract Alys before she woke the baby up. She wasn’t too proud to use something that she knew the little girl craved more than her baby sister’s attention.

She tilted her head and studied her mother. “A cookie?”

Evelyn didn’t usually allow a treat in the morning. Alys was too smart for her own good and already learned what battles to fight. If she couldn’t hold her sister, then she’d take the next best thing in her little mind.

“Only one,” Evelyn replied.

Alys tilted her head and appeared to consider her options. After a moment she held up some fingers on her hand and said. “Three.”

Let the bargaining begin… Alys took every answer and made it into a debate. Sometimes Evelyn wondered if her daughter was bound for political office. She could sweet-talk anyone into or out of anything. How her mind worked was scary at times.

“Three is too many. I will give you two.”

“Okay.” Alys said and skipped toward the kitchen.

Evelyn followed behind her, thankful she hadn’t thrown a temper tantrum. There hadn’t been one in a while, but that didn’t mean one wouldn’t come at any time. Alys was both headstrong and loving. She knew what she wanted and set out to get it. Evelyn didn’t doubt she’d go far and do great things with her life. Sometimes it saddened her that her biological mother had abandoned her. She didn’t know what she was missing. Evelyn was happy to pick up her slack and give the little girl all the love she could.

She pulled the cookie jar into the middle of the counter and pulled two out. She leaned down and handed both to Alys. “Go sit at the table. I will bring you some milk and a napkin.”

Alys snatched both and ran to the table. Evelyn laughed at her. She shook her head and took a cup out of the cupboard and filled it with milk. She set it along with a napkin on the table for Alys. After Alys finished her snack Evelyn had her lay down for a nap. They had a long evening planned and she’d never make it through it all without one.

“I don’t want a nap.” Alys pouted. “I’m getting too old for one.”

Evelyn leaned down and kissed her daughters forehead. “How about a bedtime story to help you sleep?”

“Yes, please.”

Evelyn weaved a tale of adventure involving Alys’s favorite pirate captain, who also happened to be Evelyn’s as well. She didn’t know what happened to Captain Jack Morgan and this was her way of keeping him alive. One day she might write down their adventures so that everyone would know about the dashing pirate. She knew his intentions hadn’t been honorable when he took her, but in the end he’d been willing to protect her at all costs. For that she’d always be grateful to him. She might not have the life she had with Paul and their girls if not for him.

After she finished the story she gazed down at her sleeping daughter. She was so innocent and beautiful. When she was asleep it was hard to tell she could be a terror. She leaned down and kissed her forehead. Now that both girls were asleep she had other plans.

She had a desire to see her husband. Lucky for her, he’d cut down his hours dramatically and was home more than he was in the office. The downside was he had a home office for when he had urgent work to do.

That is where she found him. Hunched over a computer plugging away at the keys engrossed in whatever was on the screen. She shut the door with a soft click and turned the lock. They had time for something special and much needed alone time.

“Do you have time for a break?”

“I’m trying to get these reports done before the christening. I’m almost done.” He chewed on his bottom lip. His dark hair flopped over his forehead. He worked too hard.

She’d have to distract him. His work was important, but not more important than his health. The doctor warned him long ago against doing too much. It was her job to see he didn’t overdo it. Paul was to live a long and happy life with her and their daughters. She’d accept nothing less.

“I can’t convince you to take a small break?” She danced her fingers across his neck, and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I’m not wearing any drawers.”

She’d purposely left her undergarments off when she dressed for this reason. His eyes met hers and heated. His hands trailed up her thigh and under her dress. He found her slick center and caressed her heated flesh. Her desire amplified under his ministrations. She loved how her husband touched her and brought her pleasure. It always amazed her how wonderful it felt to be loved by him.

“You’re a naughty girl, sweetheart,” He pulled her into his lap. “But I rather like this side of you.”

She rather liked that side of him too. Their life had been full of adventure. Evelyn wouldn’t change one thing. Whatever force had brought them together was forever earned her gratitude.

“I thought you might.” She smiled coyly. Evelyn licked her lips and ran her fingers through his hair. She pulled on a few strands and tugged his head closer to hers. “Now would you rather finish that report or have some wicked fun with me?”

Paul pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless. His report was forgotten as he made sweet love to her. Evelyn was indeed the luckiest woman alive, and she vowed never to take it for granted.




September 5, 2015


“Aly, have you
seen my shoes?”

Alys Dewitt rolled her eyes. “Did you check under the bed?” Her younger sister, Regina, was constantly losing something. They both sat in Regina’s chamber wearing their undergarments covered by a silk robe. If it wasn’t one thing, her sister would make something up so the attention would fall back to where she believed it belonged—on her.

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