Saved (Tempted #2) (12 page)

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Authors: Heather Doltrice

BOOK: Saved (Tempted #2)
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Chapter 20


Lights, laughter, and a diamond ring.

That’s all I could see and hear. My head was still spinning from what just happened. West had just proposed to me and I had said yes. It still didn’t seem real.

Looking down at my hand I saw the beautiful diamond that outshined even the lights on the gazebo.

I had been sitting on the steps of it for I didn’t know how long. Watching my father and West talk made me smile. I was so relieved that they were finally getting along again. My dad’s face was beaming with happiness and it made me fill up with so many emotions.

He was the first man I ever loved and now watching him interact with the love of my life, I felt complete.

“Mads!” I heard Emma’s excited voice shriek as she made her way to me.

Sitting next to me, she pulled my hand closer to hers to look at my ring.

“You’re going to be Mrs. Stevens! It’s the best feeling in the world, isn’t it?”

She was right. Having the man of your dreams propose to you and ask you to spend the rest of your life with him was an awesome feeling.

“I can’t believe it!” I said, laughing, “I feel like I’m going to wake up and all of this is going to be a dream.”

“It’s real, Mads. I felt the same way.”

We sat there arm and arm watching our fiancés share a laugh.

“We’re the luckiest girls ever,” I told her, leaning my head on her shoulder.

“Yeah, we are, aren’t we?”

“I’m really happy for you.”

“I’m really happy for you,” I told her, mirroring her.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something else, I saw West and Roman walking our way. Before him I didn’t think it was possible to feel the way I did. It was like he awakened a fire inside of me.

He consumed my every thought and he owned my heart. West loved me the way a man is supposed to love a woman. And what a lucky woman I was.

“Roman?” West asked, sitting on the step below me.

“Yeah?” he said, kissing Emma’s forehead.

“How did we land the two most beautiful girls in Lakeview?”

“I have no idea,” he said, shaking in head in disbelief.

They thought they were the lucky ones. They thought they had done something great by getting to be with us. But what they didn’t know was we were the lucky ones. We were the ones that had done something great by getting to be with them.

Scooting up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

“I love you,” I whispered in his ear.

“I love you,” he whispered back.

I belonged with him. I knew it deep down in my soul. There was no one else I would have rather shared my life with and the best part was I knew he felt the same.

“Well, Pumpkin, I think that’s our cue to leave the happy couple alone,” Roman said, standing up and helping Emma up from her spot on the stairs.

Once they were out of sight, I let my foot rub him through his pants.

“Angel, your father is literally right there. I had to grovel to get him to agree to let me marry you,” he said, trying to move my foot away.

“Are you going to spend the night, so I can touch you all I want?” I said seductively in his ear.

“I’m moving in. I can’t be away from my future wife. Grace will have to deal with it.”

Did he just say he was moving in? With me? And Grace? Yeah, she wasn’t going to take that well.

“When did you decide this?” I asked, looking at him.

He smiled and I felt my heart melt. Now, that was a face I wouldn’t mind looking at every morning. And a body I dreamt of taking to bed every night.

“Today,” he answered like it was nothing.

Shaking my head at him, I let out a laugh.

“When are you moving in?”

“Tonight,” he said, getting up and dragging me with him.

Wait…. Whaaaat?

“There’s my favorite newlyweds to be,” Marion said, running to us and throwing her arms around me.

“Calm down, Golden Girl. If you run like that again you’ll break a hip,” West told her, kissing her cheek.

“I’m ignoring you because I’m so happy and I’m not letting you ruin that,” she said with her infectious smile.

“I told you, Maddie. I told you that you were the one,” she said, brushing my hair from my face.

She was right. But she always was. Marion Stevens was one special woman. She always knew what to say and I swear it was like the woman had a sixth sense about anything and everything.

My mind went back to the conversation we had in the kitchen not too long ago. She brought up marriage then and I laughed it off.

But I was starting to think she was helping him plan this all along.

“West, I’ll never know how you got Maddie to agree to spend the rest of her life with a fool like you but I’m glad she did,” Frank said, kissing my hair and slapping West on the shoulder.

“She couldn’t resist this,” he said, posing ridiculously and biting his lip, “Christian Grey, who?”

“The boy ain’t right. The boy just ain’t right,” Frank said, shaking his head and smiling.

My parents walked up and saw how West was posing. I did my best to hold in the laughter that was dying to spill out.

“And I agreed to let him marry our daughter,” My dad told my mother, rubbing his head as if a headache had just started.

“Well at least you know she’ll never be bored,” West said not doing himself any favors.

Bless his heart.

“Is it too late to tell you that you can’t marry my daughter?” My dad asked West.

“Yeah, it’s a little late for that now, Pops. Can I call you pops?” West asked, slinging his arm around my father’s shoulders.

“No!” My dad said, moving away from West.

“He’s annoying,” My dad whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

“Dad! I love him!”

“Only God knows why,” he said, trying his hardest to disguise his smile.

He loved West like a son. And I knew deep down he was thrilled that he was finally going to be his son. Their relationship had always been a little weird. They pretended not to like each other while everyone else pretended not to notice.

“Max, leave them alone,” My Mom told my Dad, swatting his shoulder, “I’m so happy for the two of you. I always knew this day would come. I could tell by the way you two looked at each other that this day would come.”

She always told me West was something special but she didn’t have to, I knew he was. He was different from anyone I had ever met. He was different because of how kind he was even with all of the things that happened to him in his past. You would never see him without a smile and my mom loved that in a person.

She respected him immensely.

And so did I.

“Let’s go find Gracie and tell her the good news,” West said, pulling me by the hand in to the small crowd.

She was going to freak out. West could be a bit much sometimes and he rode Grace’s last nerve like a horse. I wouldn’t have been shocked if she moved out.

Weaving through the crowd, I spotted Grace and Ethan talking closely.

“Babe, they look like they’re in the middle of something,” I told him, trying keep him away from Grace.

She was going to pop a vein and he couldn’t wait to watch her do it. I wanted to celebrate our engagement in peace but he had other plans.

He was going to celebrate it in true West style.

By torturing Grace.

“They interrupt us all of the time and their just talking. We are usually in the middle of mind blowing sex.”

I rolled my eyes and let him lead me towards our friends.

“Grace. Ethan. How are you on this lovely evening?” West asked with a huge toothy grin.

“Fine, why are you smiling like that? What did you do or better yet what do you want?” Ethan asked, skeptically.

“Nothing. Why do I always have to want something? And why do you think I’ve always done something?” West asked, trying his best to look offended.

“Because you’re so crazy it’s certifiable,” Grace said, smirking.

“Am not. I just wanted to let you guys know the wonderful news.”

“West, we were standing right here when Maddie accepted your proposal. We are going to start a prayer circle for her but that’s beside the point. We already know your good news,” Ethan said, putting his hands in his pockets.

Something he done to keep himself from touching Grace. Not that she would’ve complained if he did. The girl was practically drooling at the mouth over him but he didn’t see it.

I wasn’t sure he ever would.

“That is the best news ever but that’s not what I wanted to tell you. Grace, brace yourself for this. I got you a gift.”

“You did?” she asked, beaming.

“You bet I did. It’s has something to do with one of your favorite things and I don’t mean hooker boots. It’s something you’ve wanted for a while.”

“A puppy?” she asked with pure excitement.

“Even better.”

“What’s better than a puppy?”

“Me,” West said, pointing at himself.

“I’m not following,” Grace said, looking at me for an answer.

Shaking my head, I shrugged my shoulders. This was all him.

“I’m moving in!” he said, clapping his hands, “We’re gonna be roomies! Omg! Team Jacob!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Silly things like that made me love him.

Grace didn’t answer him, she just walked away. And I’m glad she did because she looked like she wanted to kill him with her bare hands.

Ethan was doubled over in laughter. That wasn’t going to win him any points with Grace but I couldn’t blame him for laughing, it was funny.

And her face was priceless.

“What did I do? Is she not a twilight fan?” West asked, acting like what he had just done was completely normal.

But in his defense with him it was normal. He had a very colorful personality to say the least.

“Let’s go sit on the front porch. I want to be alone with you,” I told him, pulling him away from Ethan.

We made our way to the porch and cuddled up on a rocking chair.

We sat in silence just enjoying each other’s company. We were lucky to have the type of bond where we didn’t have to constantly tell each other how we felt. We were perfect together.

We were soul mates and I couldn’t have asked for a better one.

Looking up at the stars, I counted my blessings.

And while on his lap I thought to myself that I could get used to sitting on our own front porch with my future husband.

Yeah, loving him forever wasn’t going to be hard.

Not when he made it so easy.

So easy.







Chapter 21


The smell of the sizzling bacon made my stomach growl. I was cooking my fiancé my first breakfast as the future Mrs. West Stevens. And I couldn’t have been more excited.

“I heard you moan all night. I even heard it in my dreams,” Grace said, pouring herself some coffee with a grossed out expression.

Okay, so we did have wild, rough sex but what did she expect? We had just gotten engaged. She should have been worried if she hadn’t heard me moaning.

Hearing footsteps, I turned around to see West in just a pair of grey sweatpants and they were riding low. Way low, giving us a perfect view of his V.

Tattoos covered every inch of his arms and most of his chest. And I could have sworn I saw Grace’s eyes roam his mouthwatering body.

Not that I blamed her. How could she have not looked at him?

“Close your mouth, Grace. He’s taken,” I told her, laughing.

“Shut up!” she said, giving me the stink eye.

“Good morning, Angel,” he said, slipping his arms around my waist and kissing my hair.

“Good morning, Babe. How did you sleep?” I asked, spinning around to look at his face.

He even made bed hair and sleepy eyes look sexy.

“Better than ever.”

“Listen guys, I’m really happy that y’all are happy but we have to talk about something. Could you not make so much noise when you’re screwing? It would be greatly appreciate,” Grace said, sitting down at the table, “I need my beauty rest.”

“We can’t help it, Gracie. We’re so passionate about each other, so when we collide it’s explosive,” West said, taking the seat across from Grace at the table.

“Maybe you move could move in with Frank and Marion. I’m sure they would love to have you,” Grace joked.

At least I think she was joking.

“I can’t get my freak on with my grandparents around to hear it,” West said, scrunching his eyebrows together like she had said something crazy.

The expression on his face said “Duh.”.

“Whatever. I’ve got to get to work. If I’m late Emma will kick my ass,” She said, getting up and walking out the door.

She was right, Emma would kill her. Pregnancy had brought out a demon in Emma. And that demon did not like Grace.

At all.

Sitting his food in front of him, I stole a quick kiss. I couldn’t wait to marry him and have our own house. And maybe one day our own family.

Watching him eat, I wondered how his parents could have walked away from him. West had this light about him. He was something different and anyone would be lucky to have him in their life.

“It’s weird to watch someone eat,” West said, not even looking up.

I had forgotten I was staring at him like a stalker. Looking down, I quickly picked up my fork and began to eat.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said, stuffing my mouth full of eggs.

“Oh, I love it when you talk with your mouth full. It’s so sexy,” West said, winking at me and started playing footsie with me under the table.

“Oh is that what turns you on?” I asked with eggs spilling from my mouth.

“You’re killing me, Angel. I mean you’re even killing it the messy bun and my t-shirt,” he said, fanning himself.

Rolling my eyes, I got up and walked past him. But before I could make it the kitchen counter I felt him pull me on top of him. Taking my hand he placed over his hardening erection.

Letting out a gasp, I felt him fist my hair and pull my face closer to his.

“I wasn’t kidding. Everything you do turns me on,” he said right before he started dragging his tongue up my neck.

“West,” I said so low I wasn’t sure he even heard it.

He didn’t say anything he just kept working his mouth. And could he work it.

Getting up, he held me with one arm and cleared the table with the other. I heard the sound of dishes breaking but I would have to worry about that later.

Normally that would have driven me crazy but right then I was completely focused on West and what he was making me feel.

“You’re going to be a little late for work, Angel,” he said as he pulled off my clothes.

“I’m totally fine with that,” I told him, breathing heavily and eagerly anticipating what he was going to do to me next.

That question was answered by his finger rubbing at my opening. It started off slowly and then got hungrier as time went on. Finally after what felt like endless teasing I felt his finger fill me.

Letting out a moan, I gripped on to the edge of the table.

“You love feeling my fingers roam around inside of you, don’t you?” West asked in a demanding voice.


His finger swirled around my clit and made my body feel like it was going to combust with pleasure.

Feeling his finger pull out of me, I pouted.

“Don’t worry, Angel. My finger was the warm up,” he said, picking me up from the table and laying down on his back.

He motioned for me to climb on top of him, so I did.

“I want you to ride my face,” he said in the sexiest voice possible.

Giving him what he wanted, I positioned myself so I straddled his face.

His lip ring rubbed against my lips right before his tongue dipped inside of me. Moving my hips around, I felt his tongue go deeper.

“Oh, Babe. Keep moving like that. Please don’t quit,” I said, rocking back and forth on his face.

He groaned from under me and I pulled his hair with all of my strength. His teeth grazed against me and I bit down on my lip to keep from screaming.

He roughly pulled me off of him and got up of the table. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he stripped down to nothing and pulled a condom from his pocket. Slipping it on, he reached for me.

Slamming me against the kitchen counter, I felt his dick slide in me without any warning. Digging my nails in to his shoulders, I saw him smile.

“I love it when you leave marks on me,” he said before slamming his mouth on me and devouring me completely with one kiss.

His tongue moved frantically around mine as if he needed to kiss me to survive. I wasn’t complaining.

Every time he rammed into me I heard the dishes rattle behind me. And it was like music to my ears.

Every dish could have fallen to the floor and broken into a million pieces but all I would have cared about was the way West was moving inside of me.

“Wrap your legs around me, Angel. I want to go deeper,” West said, putting his hands on my ass and pushing me up.

Following his command, I knotted myself around him. His erection went even deeper in me and I felt like my body start to shiver from excitement.

“You feel so good, Angel. Being inside of you is the best feeling in the world.”

The sound of his flesh pounding against mine only made that morning quickie hotter.

Wait, it wasn’t hot. It was scorching.

“Take it, Angel. Take it all,” he growled, going harder and deeper.

“Keep going! Please! I’m almost there, Babe,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder, “Harder. Don’t you dare take it easy on me.”

I heard him laugh as he pinned me against the wall. He used his free hand to grab my breast and squeeze them causing my pleasure to jump through the roof.

With one more pump into me, I felt my body collapse on to his. Orgasms with West were the best ever.

And I do mean ever.

Feeling him lift me in his arms bridal style, I looked up to see where we were going.

“I’m going to clean you up for work, Angel.”

Nodding, I laid my head back down on his shoulder.

I thought to myself that sex on the kitchen table should be a new tradition. I could get used to that. As he sat me down the bathroom counter, I flinched at the coldness of the marble against my bare ass. But as cold as it was it wasn’t enough to cool me down.

Watching West take a washcloth and dampen it, I immediately realized something. West didn’t get to finish.

“Babe, you didn’t get to finish,” I said, starting to get up but West placed his hand on thigh to stop me.

“It makes me feel good to make you feel good, Angel,” he said, wiping me off, “And, besides you can make it up to me later.”

After we cleaned up and got redressed for work, West walked me to my jeep.

“I love you,” he said, leaning down to look at me through my rolled down window.

“I love you, Babe,” I told him, running my hand down his handsome face.

He pecked my lips and started to walk away. Sitting there watching him, I saw him stop and turn around to look at me.

“Angel?” he asked, standing there with his hands in pockets.

Damn, that was one handsome man.


“Breakfast tomorrow? Same time? Same place? Same position?” he asked, smiling from ear to ear.


Getting the answer he wanted, he walked away and got in his car. Following him out of the parking lot, I made my way toward the bakery.

I loved the feeling of being genuinely happy. But I hated the feeling of not being one hundred percent honest with West.

Sure, we were happy right then but I had the eerie feeling that it wasn’t going to stay like that.

I tried to shake free of the feeling but it wouldn’t budge. An old saying popped in my head not making me feel any better.

All good things must end.



























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