Saved (Tempted #2) (20 page)

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Authors: Heather Doltrice

BOOK: Saved (Tempted #2)
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Chapter 33


Frank had come to the decision that it was time for him to move into an apartment, so we moved in. I worried about Grace being all by herself but she assured me she was fine. Apparently a newly married couple as roommates wasn’t enjoyable. Go figure.

“Angel?” West’s voice bounced off the wall.

“Yeah?” I called, mixing cherry lemonade in a pitcher.

“Do you want to sit in the back yard?”

“Yeah, you go ahead out and I’ll be there in just a minute.”

Pouring the lemonade into two glasses, I picked them up and started outside. I almost dropped the glasses at the sight of West leaning against the tree and messing with the tire swing. I still couldn’t believe that wonderful, amazing man was my husband. How did I ever get so lucky?

The southern sun reflected from his blonde hair and the color of the freshly cut grass made his eyes pop that much more. And the way he was biting his lip made me wish he had me pinned against that tree.

“What’s running through that beautiful mind?” West asked, beckoning for me to sit on the swing.

“That I can’t believe you’re really my husband,” I told him, setting the cups on the picnic table and sitting on the tire swing.

He gave my back a small pat and the swing began to sway in the wind. Growing up I always thought love was some big show. I thought that’s how it was supposed to be but nothing compared to true plain and simple love. A love so pure and real you can actually feel it surrounding you. It’s not easy to find but it’s out there. You just have to search.

“Stop it! You’ll make me blush.”

Laughing, I closed my eyes as the swaying increased. I loved my life and I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. And that was an amazing feeling.

“Did you ever think of what you would have named her?” West asked, still pushing me.

I didn’t have to ask who he meant I knew just who he was talking about.

“Sadie. I think I would have named her Sadie.”

“Sadie,” he said like he was seeing how it felt rolling off of his lips, “I love it. I think it calls for a new tattoo.”

“You would do that?”

“Of course, Angel. That’s our daughter. We’re still parents,” he said, swinging the tire around so I was facing him, “Now I have two angels. One with me and one looking out for me.”

He never failed to impress me with the man he was.

“I didn’t think it was possible to love you anymore than I did just a moment ago. But you proved me wrong. I love you, Babe.”

“And I love you more than the air I breathe, so I think we’re on the same boat.”

Picking me up, he sat us both down in front of the tree and put his arm around me.

“Do you think we would have made good parents?” I asked, picking at the blades of grass at my side.

“The best. I wouldn’t have been anything like my parents,” he said and I knew he wouldn’t have, “I would’ve loved my child.”

He looked tough but he had the best heart. He had a lot of love to give and one day I was going to give him a baby to give it to. I promised that to myself. But for right then he only had me and I was loving it.

I could have laid in his arms in that same spot forever and a day. He made my world spin around and I don’t think he realized how much he truly meant to me. He thought he loved me more but that was virtually impossible. I had tried to tell him many times but he always shut me down.

“Thank you,” he whispered as he nipped on my ear.

“For what?”

“For saving me.”

He thought I saved him and maybe in a way I did but he saved me as well. I didn’t know where I would be without him. There was no picture in my mind of what my life would look like without him in it. And that was simply because he was my life. We were meant to be. Our love had proven to me that it could conquer anything that life threw our way time and time again.

We saved each other because if there’s one thing that could save anyone its love. Real love.

It works every time. It did for us.




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