Savin' Me (27 page)

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Authors: Alannah Lynne

Tags: #sexy, #sexual, #erotic romance, #sensual, #Contemporary Romance, #steamy romance, #beach reads, #steamy, #beach romance, #sexy romance, #sensual romance, #sexual romance, #carolina beaches

BOOK: Savin' Me
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“What’s your name?” His voice was huskier
than it had been before, and when she met his gaze, the sparks
radiating from his blue eyes shot liquid fire straight to her

“Oh, crap. Was I thinking out loud?”

A smile crawled across his mouth, and her
heart stopped. “Nope.”

She blew out a breath, then clenched her eyes
shut. Even if she hadn’t spoken, she was sure she’d broadcast her
thoughts like an idiot. This was why she never flirted. She stunk
at it. She opened her eyes and cleared her throat. “Sunny. My
name’s Sunny.”

He looked up to the ceiling and said her name
a few times, as if trying it on for size. He cocked his head to the
side and looked in her eyes. “That’s nice.”

The charged attraction between them made her
jittery as hell. Because of her job, she got hit on often, but she
rarely took the bait. At least, nothing more than a little harmless
bantering here and there. She had little to no experience in
playing sexual games, and it was beyond obvious this man was way
out of her league.

She topped the blowjob off with a shot of
whipped cream, and then, careful not to let the tremble in her
fingers show, set the drinks on a small serving tray. “Sorry you
have to carry that yourself. During the winter things are slow, so
we don’t have wait staff on hand. Well, other than me.”

He grinned and reached into his back pocket
for his wallet. “I think I can handle the tray.” He slid a credit
card across the counter, letting go of it only after her fingers
brushed his. “Can I run a tab?”

Prickles of awareness and desire wrapped
around her fingers and danced up her arm. She knew he’d asked, “Can
I run a tab?” but her body heard, “Can I run my hands all over

Lord, she could only imagine what it would be
like to have him stroking her skin. The pulsating current ripping
through her system would probably cause a meltdown. “Sure. You
Do anything you like.

Her desire to close up early had evaporated.
She’d be more than happy to stick around for as long as he wanted
to stay.

She glanced across the bar to where three
well-dressed women, two blondes and a brunette, sat. Everyone else
in the bar was a local, so they must be the women he’d ordered the
drinks for. Sunny made eye contact with the brunette, who, in turn,
shot her a what-the-hell-is-taking-so-long glare.

Sunny grinned and cut her eyes to—she glanced
at the card in her hand—Gavin McLeod. “You have your hands full
with those three.”

Okay, had that sounded like she was on a
fishing expedition? She hadn’t meant it that way, but it would be
nice if he volunteered some information regarding his relationship
with them. They couldn’t all be sisters, could they?

He blew out a harsh breath and pushed his
fingers through his thick, black hair. “You have no idea.”

A few rebellious locks broke rank and slipped
back over his brow, adding a boyish charm to his otherwise severe
profile. The impulse to brush the strands off of his forehead was
so strong she had to clench her fists at her sides to resist.

Picking up the drink tray, he said, “I’ll be
right back for my drink. A double shot of Crown.” He turned, then
stopped and looked back over his shoulder. “Make it a Budweiser,
instead.” Sunny didn’t understand the humor behind his drink
request, but based on the glint in his eye and the lopsided grin,
the thought of drinking a beer amused him.

As he strode across the hardwood floor toward
the waiting women, Sunny stood on tiptoes to get a better view of
the full package. An off-white, form-fitting shirt stretched across
his broad shoulders and hugged thick biceps, while black,
tailor-made slacks hung from a trim waist and encased a nice, tight

She snagged a piece of ice
from the cooler and swept it down the side of her neck and across
the sharp ridge of her collarbone.

“Damn, girlie. Didn’t take much for that
fella to get you all hot and bothered.”

Sunny scrunched her eyes shut, hunched her
shoulders, and hunkered down her head. She’d been so caught up in
Gavin, she hadn’t thought about Joe and Ed sitting at the end of
the bar. Those two old geezers never missed a thing, and they’d be
milking this cow forever.

She laughed at the mental image she had of
Gavin, stripped, lying on the sacrificial altar of her bar, doused
in whipped cream. If she were going to get grief for her actions,
wouldn’t it be fun to give them something truly amazing to talk

About the


Alannah believes there’s nothing more magical
than finding the other half of your soul, experiencing fiery
passion, and knowing you’ve found happily-ever-after.


She loves going to go to work each day (in
sweats and a T-shirt) and writing about hot heroes and feisty
heroines who torment each other in the most delicious ways before
finding their happily-ever-afters.


She lives in the coastal region of North
Carolina with her husband, who also happens to be her best friend
and biggest fan. They have two sons, a dog, a cat, and an
outrageous number of ducks and geese that inhabit the pond on their



Reaction Time

Heat Wave Series

Savin’ Me - Book

Last Call - Book

Chiaroscuro - Book 3 (coming
early 2013)

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