Saving Each Other (BWWM Romance) (8 page)

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Authors: Tyra Brown,Interracial Love

BOOK: Saving Each Other (BWWM Romance)
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“How will you get them to stop? I mean how can you take down such a big company that has obviously been fooling people for years?” He sighed heavily and looked at me sadly.


“The only way is to expose them, the video you made was sent to every one of their employees. Once they see it, it’s only a matter of time before people start doing their own investigations, naturally the police will get involved and then they’ll start investigating. And not soon after that, someone will find you. I didn’t secure the web address on the video.” I nodded, still taking everything in.


“You want someone to find me?” I asked him.


“I didn’t plan on keeping you here forever.” He laughed slightly.


“Well won’t the police arrest you when they do come?”


“What’s wrong, you concerned about my safety now?” He smiled at me and I smiled back. But was I?


“You don’t have to go back in there, if you don’t want to. I can uh…get you some fresh clothes and you can get cleaned up.”




“Yeah, you can be my live-in prisoner.” He was quoting me from a while back. I smiled back at him.




“Only if you promise not to escape.”


“I wouldn’t…and I don’t feel like your prisoner anymore. I’m not sure where I would even go. All I knew was work back home, now I don’t have that,” I said honestly. His eyes widened in surprise then they softened for me.


“I’m sorry for that.”


“It’s okay, I would have found out the truth eventually anyways, the sun always comes up.” He smiled.


“I like that, the sun always comes up.” Almost as if on cue, the sun rose higher and I felt like my eyes were burning. I shielded my eyes from the sun and Dan got up to close the curtains.


“Sorry…so how about that shower?”


“You’re saying I smell?” I joked as I got up. He laughed with me.


“I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I said yes.”


He led me to the bathroom. Being in there with him reminded me of my dream…I had to stop thinking about that.


“I’ll run to the store and get you some things.”


“Okay…Justin isn’t here is he?” I was honestly afraid of that man. I felt like he could snap any moment and come after me ... kill me.


“No, don’t worry I’ll fill him in. He won’t hurt you, I promise.”


“Okay.” I nodded, trusting him.


“I’ll be back shortly.” He turned and left me alone.


I turned the water on so it could get hot as I undressed. His few nutritious meals gave me energy so it didn’t exhaust me just to take my clothes off. I stepped under the hot water and immediately relaxed. In the back of my mind, I wished Dan was in the shower with me. I appreciated the time alone because I could think about how the situation was playing out. I had feelings for Dan, there was no denying it. I found myself wanting to be near him all the time, and just knowing that I didn’t have to go back in that hole ever again almost brought tears to my eyes.


I tried my luck with my hair, seeing if it would get any better. Running the hot water over it made it a little better but I would really have to work at it with a brush. All they had was Irish Springs soap, but it was soap nonetheless. I washed myself everywhere, feeling myself come clean.


I grabbed one of the towels and dried off then I realized I didn’t have any clothes to wear, and I was not about to put those nasty clothes back on. I wrapped the towel around myself and went into the next bedroom. It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was Dan’s. I rummaged through his drawers and found a WU shirt, I smiled to myself and put it on. It smelled just like him.


I looked around his room, his bed was neatly dressed and done in hospital corners, and it reminded me of my dad. He must have done some time in the military, it would explain a lot. I remembered him saying he didn’t live there, so it made sense that there wasn’t much there, but you could still tell that it was his.


I had trouble adjusting to being able to move around freely, I looked at the TV like it was a foreign object, but I turned it on. The news channel was on so I kept watching, secretly hoping me or Rory Corp wasn’t on there. If we were, then like Dan said, the police would be looking for me. I wanted to stay with Dan, it was like my escape from my mundane life. I only wished I could talk to Mallory, tell her I was safe. It seemed selfish to be so happy when she was probably worried sick about me.


I crossed my legs on his bed but was uncomfortable --I knew that would happen. I couldn’t be comfortable on such soft material, I sat down on the floor instead and felt better. I was probably still in shock, or maybe it was just still being in the house but I knew I was going to have trouble with some things.


I heard Dan come in through the front door, soon he appeared in his bedroom. He took in my attire slowly, looking me from top to bottom as he dropped the bags on the bed.


“I hope you don’t mind I borrowed one of your shirts,” I said nervously.


“I don’t mind, it looks good on you. I got you some new clothes though.”


“Thank you…so you went to WU, huh?” I asked him.


“Yeah, I did.” He sat down next to me. “Not as impressive as USC, though.”


“You know where I-- of course you do.” I wasn’t surprised that he knew where I went to college, he probably knew where I went to elementary school, too.


“And you did time in the military too.”


“Yeah, the Navy. How did you know?”


“You did your sheets up in hospital corners.” He looked at me confused. “My dad was in the Air Force,” I explained.


“I see.”


“I’m surprised you didn’t know that.”


“I didn’t stalk you that hard.” We both laughed.


I ran my hands through my hair, it was drying a little more. When my hair dried on its own, it got really curly. I used to wear it like that in grade school. We sat together for a while, until the news was over and some show came on, then it got awkward. Not awkward but heated. I was fighting urges to reach out and touch him, every nerve in my body was fighting it. I wanted to reach over and straddle his waist and press my mouth to his, I wanted to feel his tongue inside my mouth. I wanted him to roll me over onto the ground and press his crotch into mine, so I could feel how I made him aroused. I wanted to feel his thick, brown hair in between my fingers and run my hands along his scalp. I wanted to feel him inside of me, and not just a dream, but for real, so I could remember it.


“I...” He interrupted me by reaching across the space between us and pulling me on top of him.


Finally our lips met and it was just like I imagined, every nerve in my body was on fire. I was glad I brushed my teeth…his tongue invaded my mouth and I accepted it with my own. He pressed his groin to my bare warmth and I moaned into his mouth, I didn’t want it to end but I broke away for air and he looked into my eyes.


“Tamara,” he breathed. He held my face in his hands like he did before, and I held his forearm, feeling the muscles underneath his thin shirt.


“Kiss me again,” I begged. He licked his lips softly and kissed me again, it wasn’t as urgent that time. It was soft, sweet…perfect. He bit my bottom lip softly and tugged, eliciting another moan from me. I could feel the desire pooling between my legs, I could feel his hardened member against me too.


I was in a frenzy of feeling, I hadn’t felt like that in so long, and even if I did it wasn’t that intense. It was like I was only supposed to feel it with Dan. He rolled me over so that he was hovering above me, his broad, muscular chest rested against mine. My nipples hardened at the rubbing of fabric against them and the desire building up.


He kissed me again as his hands roamed all over my body. His hands ghosted over my breasts, teasing me, and moved to my thighs. He ran his hands up my legs slowly until he reached my bare bottom where he squeezed it gently. I gasped when he ran his hands over my sensitive bundle of nerves for only a torturing second. His mouth moved to my neck, where he sucked at the skin there softly. I reached under his shirt and rubbed my hands along his chiseled, washboard abs. He smiled against my mouth as he reached his own hands under my shirt, his hands fell just under my breasts, when he was about to go farther up for...


“Boss, I’m back!” We both jumped away from each other quickly, I had to compose myself, fix my hair, just in time for Justin to appear in the room.


“What’s this?” he joked. Dan cleared his throat and ran his hands through his hair.


“No, let’s talk.” He led him out of the room and to the kitchen. Once they were gone, I collapsed on the floor, breathless. To say he left me in a state of sexual tension was an understatement. I distracted myself by getting up and pressing my ear to the door to try and eavesdrop.


“There has been a change of plans,” Dan said.


“What changed?” Justin asked sternly.


“Tamara has had a change of heart.”


“Ha, she finally realized what Simms has been doing,” he stated.




“There’s something else,” Justin suspected. Oh no, how could he tell?


“No, that’s it.”


“Dude, I’ve known you for years now, since college. You can’t lie to me.” Dan didn’t answer him for a while, I was afraid they had heard me somehow.


“You have feelings for her.” He didn’t say it as a question. My breath hitched in my throat, I was afraid of what Dan would say. Would I be angry if he lied? Did I even want to know if he felt anything for me? I was prepared to assume that the only reason whatever just happened took place because I’m the only woman he had seen in weeks.


“It wasn’t meant to happen this way.”


“I know.” I gasped. He had feelings for me…it made me wonder if I had feelings for him.


“Are you mad?” Justin laughed.


“No man, I’m not mad. Does this mean I have to be nicer to her now?”


“Yes, it does.” Dan laughed with him.


I scooted back to where I was sitting, guessing the conversation was over.


“Is everything okay?” I pretended to have no clue.


“Yeah, how are you?” He sat next to me.


“I’m fine.” I turned to smile at him and he smiled back. He grabbed my legs and put them in his lap, rubbing my feet softly. In that moment, I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I wanted to stay in this twisted yet perfect world with him.


“Can I ask you something?” he asked me.


“Yeah,” I whispered. He looked into my eyes but then he looked away.


“Do you…have um, feelings for me?” he asked me nervously. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I could lie, but it had been a while since I was in a court room or a law class.


“I-I really don’t know,” I replied as best I could, as honestly as I could.


“As long as you don’t turn into Natascha Kampusch or something.” He laughed uneasily. I wished he wouldn’t ask questions like that. It made me think too much, I didn’t want to think.


I reached across the space between us and kissed him softly. He returned the kiss, licking my lips softly. He repositioned me so that I was straddling his waist. Immediately, I felt the familiar tingle between my thighs. He affected me so easily; I fisted my hands in his hair, reveling in how soft it was. He broke the kiss suddenly, pulling back to look at me.


“Tamara,” he breathed. I loved when he said my name, how he said it. It wasn’t like at first, I felt like he was proclaiming his love for me all in my name. My stomach growled suddenly, ruining the sweet moment.


“I think someone is hungry.” He laughed easily.


“Yeah.” I laughed with him.


“Come on.” He pulled me up from the ground. “Oh wait, maybe you should put some pants on first. I can’t speak for Justin.” He smiled. I nodded and looked in the bag for something to wear while he went to the kitchen.


I was surprised at how much stuff he had gotten me. There were a few pairs of soffe shorts, I put on a black one. He got me shampoo and conditioner and body wash, and a few tank tops. I was enjoying his shirt too much to change into them though. I took the brush he bought me and went over to the mirror to try and fix my hair. It didn’t look bad curly, so I decided to leave it the way it was. I couldn’t really do much without a hot comb and coconut oil.


I could already smell something good cooking in the kitchen. I rounded the corner to see what it was.

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