Saving Ren (Barretti Security Series, Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Saving Ren (Barretti Security Series, Book 3)
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“Shit!” Declan shouted and slammed his hips forward.

Ren watched Jagger’s fingers wrap around Declan’s ass, the tips biting into Declan’s pale flesh. And then he was pulling Declan’s cheeks apart and Ren got his first glimpse of Declan’s hole. It flexed over and over as Jagger worked Declan’s dick down his throat and it wasn’t until a bit of the lube dripped onto the floor that Ren woke up from his haze of lust. The second his slick finger brushed over Declan’s opening, Declan whispered a harsh “yes.” It was all the encouragement Ren needed and he began massaging the lube around the hole. He’d never had anal sex with any of the women he’d been with, but he knew Declan would need more preparation so he sucked in a breath and gently began pressing his finger into Declan’s body. The pressure and resistance that he met with were unexpected and a shimmer of uncertainty went through him. He was about to tell Jagger that he couldn’t do this for fear of hurting Declan, but Declan took the decision away from him and pressed his body back against Ren until his hole collapsed and Ren’s finger glided inside to the first knuckle.

“Yes,” Declan moaned and he pulled forward almost to the point that Ren’s finger slipped free of him, then shoved back again, sucking Ren’s digit deeper this time around. Declan’s whimpers of pleasure finally registered with Ren and he took over and pushed his finger in as far as it could go. Declan’s body was like a vise and his channel rippled around Ren’s finger as he worked the lube around.

“Jagger,” Declan said.

Jagger must have heard something in Declan’s voice because he let Declan’s cock slip from his mouth and then he was standing and pulling off his own pants even as he kissed Declan over and over again. Ren pulled his finger from Declan’s body and wasn’t surprised when Declan turned in his arms and began kissing him. Ren felt the bed hit the back of his legs as Declan walked him backwards and then the mattress was cradling his body. Declan quickly tore away the pants that had been wrapped around Ren’s feet and then he was lowering his weight on to Ren’s body. Ren automatically made room for him by opening his legs and he sighed when their cocks brushed. He’d long since gotten hard again and the feel of Declan’s flesh on his had his dick dripping. But he couldn’t help the niggle of fear that went through him. Would Declan want to be inside him while Jagger was fucking him? What if it hurt too much? Would all this come to an end? Would he be left to watch Declan and Jagger lose themselves only in each other because Ren couldn’t be want they needed?

“Hey,” Declan whispered.

Ren forced his eyes up to meet Declan’s and the gentleness he saw there was humbling. “Nothing happens that you don’t want,” Declan said.

Ren nodded and forced the lump of emotion in his throat back so he could speak. “I don’t think I’m ready for you to…” Jesus, he was too much of a fucking coward to even finish the statement. He wanted so badly to be an equal partner but he just couldn’t get past his fear of the unknown.

“Just hold me, Ren,” Declan breathed against his lips before he kissed him. “I just need you to hold me.”

That was something he could absolutely do.



Jagger’s fingers trembled as he rolled the condom down his cock. The sight of Declan and Ren wrapped in each other’s arms and exchanging kisses had Jagger’s knees feeling weak. What was supposed to be a night of simple fucking was turning into something entirely different and even though he knew it was too fast and it wasn’t something any of them could sustain, he wanted it more than he’d ever wanted anything else in his entire life. He finally had a chance to be part of something amazing and even if it was for only one night, he sure as hell was going to take full advantage.

As he listened to Declan reassure Ren, Jagger stepped forward and knelt on the bed and settled himself between Declan and Ren’s legs. He let his hands roam over Declan’s back as he enjoyed the sight of Ren’s hands drifting down to knead Declan’s ass. The two men were grinding their cocks together desperately and Jagger knew he’d come long before he ever got inside of Declan if he didn’t speed things up because just listening to their heavy pants and soft whimpers was killing him.

“Open him for me,” Jagger said to Ren as their eyes connected and he saw the lust flash in Ren’s eyes as he got Jagger’s meaning and much like Jagger had done earlier, Ren used his hands to split Declan’s cheeks open. The fluttering, lube slickened hole greeted him with hungry anticipation and Jagger quickly guided his cock to it. He placed his palm on Declan’s lower back to hold him steady as he pushed forward and bit out a curse when Declan immediately bore down on him. The heat and pressure that welcomed Jagger had him groaning in relief and he reveled in the feel of Declan’s body pulling him. By the time he was fully seated, Declan’s body was shaking beneath him and he felt a momentary pang of concern.

“Declan, am I hurting you?” he asked as reached up to close his hands over Declan’s shoulders. Declan’s face was buried in Ren’s neck and Ren was peppering him with soft kisses.

Declan shook his head but didn’t respond otherwise and it was then that Jagger realized Declan was too overcome with whatever he was feeling to speak. Jagger slowly pulled out a bit before pushing back in and Declan moaned in pleasure. With every surge into Declan’s body, Ren and Declan groaned as their cocks slid against each other. Jagger tried to focus on slow, steady strokes that he knew would build up the tension in Declan’s body but when he felt a hand close over his where he had it resting on Declan’s hip, Jagger looked up to see that Ren was watching him with a combination of wonder and something else that went so deep that Jagger was terrified to put a name on it. His control snapped and he began driving into Declan over and over and he quickly used his free hand to pull Declan up enough so he could squeeze his hand between Declan and Ren’s bodies. He wrapped his hand around both their cocks and began stroking them so the pace matched his thrusts.

It took just minutes until he felt his balls draw up tight against his body. As fire began to shoot up his spine, Jagger’s measured plunges became choppy and uneven and every time he slammed into Declan, his own body pressed Declan farther onto Ren. He finally gave up the battle and lay flat over Declan as he humped into him repeatedly. He managed to keep his hand on both cocks that pulsed and surged in his hold but it was his hips pushing Declan against Ren that provided the friction that had both Ren and Declan begging for relief. He had no idea who went over first but it didn’t matter because both men beneath him shouted and he felt liquid fire spurt over his hand in endless jets. It was enough for Jagger’s own body to let go and he actually bit into Declan’s shoulder as his release claimed him. His hips jerked endlessly against Declan as blissful agony tore through every nerve ending. And as Declan’s inner walls continued to milk his still pulsing dick, he closed his eyes and smiled when he felt a pair of lips brush over his. He had no idea whose they were and the fact that it didn’t matter scared the shit out of him. But he did the only thing he could do and returned the kiss with everything he had left in him.



Chapter 8


Something was wrong. No, not wrong…different. No bad different – just different. It took Ren a moment to figure it out as his eyes slowly came into focus and then he realized what it was. He was in a bed instead of the floor. And not just any bed but a fucking huge one with soft sheets and a heavy comforter. And the pillows…when was the last time he’d used a pillow?

Ren glanced at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was almost eleven. He had no idea if it was eleven at night or in the morning since the curtains were closed. The light on the nightstand was on so he was able to examine his surroundings. The first and most disappointing thing he realized was that he was alone. The next thing he noticed was how warm and inviting the décor of the room was. Everything looked new including the oak bed and dresser as well as the leather chair in the alcove on the far side of the room. There was a flat screen TV on a stand across from the chair and he saw a box sitting near it that said

There were no pictures on the wall but he did see a few on the dresser including a couple of Jagger with men in military garb. There was also a picture of Jagger with a tiny woman with dark hair. He almost smiled at the thought of someone as big as Jagger coming from a woman as petite as the woman Ren was certain was his mother.

Ren pushed the covers back and swung his legs over the bed. His body still had that pleasantly sated feeling that had overtaken him once his orgasm had worn off. He wasn’t sure how long the three of them had lain there after Jagger had brought them to an explosive climax but he remembered the feel of Declan’s warm breath drifting over his neck as he’d tried to slow his breathing. There’d been no desire to move even as the weight of the two men pressed down on him and he’d actually been disappointed when Jagger had lifted his weight onto his arms. But he hadn’t just disappeared like Ren had thought he might. No, he’d simply locked his arms and began kissing his way along Declan’s neck and shoulders. Then he’d leaned down and stroked his tongue over Ren’s mouth before slipping inside. Not once had any of them spoken and at some point Ren had nodded off because he had no idea what had happened from that point on. A glance at his stomach and dick showed that someone had been thoughtful enough to clean the proof of his and Declan’s release off of him.

A sudden sound jerked Ren from his thoughts and he tensed when he heard a computerized woman’s voice saying his brother’s name. He realized it was Jagger’s phone and his eyes settled on Vin’s name as the strange sounding ringtone repeated it over and over. A sudden sadness came over him as he realized it would only take one swipe of his finger to hear his brother’s voice. He felt tears sting his eyes as the unexpected longing went through him.

“You okay?” he heard Jagger say.

Ren looked up and saw that Jagger was leaning against the doorframe of the attached bathroom. A white towel was slung around his hips. If he hadn’t been so distracted, he would have enjoyed the sight of Jagger’s wide chest and broad shoulders.

“I miss them,” Ren admitted.

A second later Jagger was standing in front of him, his fingers skimming over his short hair. He could tell Jagger could feel the scars on his scalp because he would skim each one as his fingers caught on them.

“You can answer it,” Jagger said.

Ren smiled as he imagined Vin’s shock at hearing Ren’s voice out of the blue and then the look on his face as he registered what it meant that it was Jagger’s phone he was answering.

“Vin was always the most levelheaded of all of us but I think he’d blow a gasket if he knew what I’d done.”

He felt Jagger drop his hand and was surprised when he stepped back. It was when he saw the look of disappointment on Jagger’s face that he realized the other man had misunderstood him. He grabbed Jagger’s wrist before he could retreat any farther and stood as he pulled Jagger flush with his body.

“I meant he’d be upset that I dragged you guys into my disappearing act, not because of what happened last night.”

Jagger smiled. “Maybe don’t go into the details about last night. Vin’s a pretty understanding guy but you’re still his kid brother.”

Ren chuckled but his humor quickly faded as he realized there was only a thin towel separating his and Jagger’s cocks. “Where’s Declan?” he asked as he released Jagger’s wrist and let his hand travel up Jagger’s arm. His fingers pressed against the intricate tattoos that covered the surprisingly smooth skin and he reminded himself that someday he’d need to ask Jagger what they meant.

“Making breakfast. Or lunch rather,” Jagger said. His voice had grown heavy and Ren could feel Jagger’s cock pressed against him.

“Can I touch you?” Ren asked as his other hand hovered over the spot where Jagger had tucked the towel into itself to keep it on.

Jagger only nodded and Ren hoped it was because he was too turned on to do anything else. It took only a flick of the wrist to release the towel and then it was gone. Jagger’s cock stood long and thick against a thatch of dark hair and as he studied it, drops of pre-come leaked from the head. The sight had Ren licking his lips and before he could reconsider it, he swiped a finger over the liquid and sucked it into his mouth.

“Christ,” he heard Jagger mutter and then Jagger’s mouth was crushing down on his. He let Jagger take control of the kiss but the second he wrapped his hand around Jagger’s dick, Jagger sucked in a breath and looked down to where they were connected. Ren had seen plenty of dicks in his life since the army didn’t’ exactly offer privacy but he’d never touched one besides his own. And he sure as hell hadn’t experienced the rush of power that was now surging through him as Jagger watched his hand with hungry anticipation. As he began stroking Jagger, he wondered if his inexperience would be a turn off but from the shallow pants coming from Jagger, he guessed it wasn’t. And when he dropped to his knees and briefly touched his tongue to the weeping crown, the grunt Jagger let out had the last of Ren’s hesitation dissipating.

The salty, musky flavor came as a surprise to Ren as he licked Jagger over and over but it quickly grew on him and when he reached the head of Jagger’s cock on his fourth pass, he experimentally closed his mouth over it. Jagger let out a loud curse which only encouraged Ren to take more of him in. Hands closed around his head but didn’t push him down or try to control him in any way. Jagger’s girth was impressive and Ren’s cheeks began to ache as he added suction. He tried to take more in but his gag reflex kicked in and he couldn’t quite get the hang of relaxing it enough to pull Jagger any deeper. So he settled on what he could do which was suck as hard as he could as his tongue swirled around the flared tip. He remembered how much he’d liked it when a girl had once hummed around his own dick when she’d been giving him a blowjob so he tried the same thing and smiled around Jagger’s cock when he felt the grip on his head tighten. But before he could do it again, Jagger was dragging him up and kissing him and then he was being lowered to the bed.

Hands explored his body as Jagger’s lips trailed a path down his neck but when he felt Jagger begin licking over the scars that covered his chest, Ren tried to sit up. But Jagger’s hands closed around his wrists and gently pinned him to the bed as he leaned up and kissed Ren once more.

“They don’t bother me,” Jagger said against his lips.

“They’re ugly,” Ren said.

“Nothing about you is ugly,” Jagger said firmly. “You’re fucking perfect.”

“I was weak.”

“We all carry scars, Ren. Maybe not on the outside but they’re there. It doesn’t make us weak.”

Ren fell silent as Jagger again began moving down his body but he didn’t move his arms when Jagger released him and began kissing the scars once more. Jagger didn’t miss even one and by the time he’d reached Ren’s navel, Ren was beyond caring about the scars. He bit back a moan when Jagger took him into his mouth and began sucking him gently. But it wasn’t enough so he reached down and grabbed Jagger’s head to hold him in place as he surged upwards. Jagger took every thrust that Ren gave him but he pulled off and crawled back up Ren’s body before Ren could protest.

“I want you to fuck me,” Jagger said. Excitement slammed into Ren at the thought but the disbelief in his eyes must have shone through because Jagger said, “I want everything you and Declan can give me.”

Ren managed a nod. Jagger pulled him to his feet and then he was reaching into his nightstand and pulling out a condom and a bottle of lube. Ren managed to get the condom on but his mouth went dry as he watched Jagger pour some lube on his finger and reach behind himself.

“Turn around,” Ren heard himself order. “I want to see.”

Jagger sucked in a breath at the demand but he quickly spun around and bent over. His finger was working between his cheeks and Ren stepped forward and used his hands to separate them so he could watch. The sight of Jagger’s entire finger jammed into his hole had Ren’s cock hardening to epic proportions. Jagger’s moves were rough and jerky and as his finger popped free, Ren actually groaned at the sight of Jagger’s entrance flickering as if in invitation. Jagger started to stand, probably to move to the bed, but Ren’s impatience got the best of him and he placed a hand on Jagger’s back to keep him from moving. Jagger hesitated only for a moment before he reached a hand out and gripped the corner of the nightstand to brace himself. As Ren stepped closer, he sensed another set of eyes on him and a thrill went through him at the sight of Declan standing in the bedroom doorway, his eyes glittering with lust. He wore only a pair of jeans but the button had been released and Declan’s hand was jammed deep down his pants.

Ren returned his gaze to Jagger’s beautiful ass and guided his cock to the opening. Just like the night before when it had been his finger breaching Declan, the feel of Jagger’s body opening to his invasion was all consuming and it took everything in him not to just shove his dick in as far as it could go. As he watched the head of his dick disappear inside of Jagger, Ren closed his hands around the man’s hips and held him place as he kept up the pressure. Jagger groaned and the tight hole suddenly gave way, allowing Ren to sink all the way in to his base. His thighs brushed the back of Jagger’s as he hung there for a moment before slowly pulling back out. He could already tell that he wouldn’t last long because it just felt too damn good and he hoped like hell he could last long enough to bring Jagger his pleasure. But Declan seemed to sense his dilemma because he stepped into the room and went around to Jagger’s front.

Jagger didn’t seem surprised to see him and he opened instantly to the kiss Declan gave on him. The sight was enough of a distraction to have Ren slowing his pace but as Jagger straightened just a little and Declan dropped to his knees, Ren’s grip on Jagger tightened because he knew what was coming. He couldn’t see Declan but felt Jagger’s whole body jerk as Declan took him into his mouth. Any hope Ren had of keeping things slow disappeared and he began gliding in and out of Jagger. Jagger’s moans increased as Ren’s thrusts pushed him forward and Ren shifted his stance just enough so that he could see Declan. And sure enough, Declan’s mouth was open wide as Jagger’s dick shuttled in and out of the perfect O his lips had formed. Declan didn’t even have to move because it was Ren’s powerful lunges that were forcing Jagger’s dick deeper and deeper into Declan’s welcoming mouth.

Ren canted his hips slightly when Jagger straightened a little more and he heard Jagger shout as if in pain. Ren forced himself to slow his pace in case he’d inadvertently hurt Jagger but Jagger quickly yelled, “Again!”

When he did it again, it elicited the same reaction and suddenly Jagger was desperately meeting every thrust. He cursed every time Ren slammed into him and Ren finally realized he was nailing Jagger’s prostate. It took just three more strokes before Jagger’s orgasm hit him hard and the overwhelming pressure on Ren’s dick sent him over the edge. Stars danced before his eyes as he shot into the condom and he heard Declan moan at almost the same exact time. Ren’s convulsions went on and on and he continued to pump his dick into Jagger long after every last drop of his release was wrung from his body. When he finally had nothing left, he began to pull free of Jagger’s warmth but Jagger reached behind him and grabbed Ren’s thigh. Ren got the silent message and stayed exactly where he was.



“Detective Hale, thought you were on leave,” Declan heard the desk sergeant say as he strode past the main desk.

“Captain in his office?” Declan asked.

“Uh, yeah, but I think he’s on a call with the mayor-”

Declan ignored whatever else the man had to say and climbed the stairs to the second floor. He bypassed his desk and headed for Mitchell’s office. He ignored the secretary who told him the Captain was busy and threw open the door. Mitchell was leaning back in his leather desk chair, his feet on the desk and his arms behind his head. His thin smile faded as Declan entered.

“Uh, Your Honor, I’m going to have to call you back,” Mitchell said calmly though his eyes flashed with fury. The sight had Declan’s blood firing.

“Everything okay?” came the voice on the phone.

“Everything’s good, Bill,” Declan said as he leaned over Mitchell’s desk and spoke just above the speakerphone that Mitchell had been using. “Just a minor emergency,” Declan added.

“Declan, that you?” the mayor asked and Declan smiled coolly as Mitchell’s eyes widened in surprised.

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