Saving Sophie: Book Seven In The Bodyguards Of L.A. County Series (6 page)

BOOK: Saving Sophie: Book Seven In The Bodyguards Of L.A. County Series
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“Why don’t you take your seat and I’ll serve you.” She made a grab for his dish.

What the hell was up with this serving crap? He stopped her with a press of his hand on hers. “How about you sit down and serve yourself, and I’ll plunk some food on my own plate.”

She tensed, nodding, sitting and staring down at the table.

Maybe that came out a little gruffer than he’d meant. He sighed. “Look—”

Her shoulders tightened as she quickly met his eyes, then looked down again.

He didn’t know how to handle the wounded woman across from him. He didn’t do apologies, flowers, or gentle words. The women he was used to didn’t put up with anybody’s crap. He grabbed the serving spoon in the pasta salad and plunked a huge helping on her plate. “There.”

She glanced up, staring at him.

“Your steaks gonna get cold.”

She nodded and picked up her fork.

“We’re going somewhere tomorrow,” he said as he cut into his steak, cooked perfectly medium.

Her hand paused as she stabbed a noodle. “What?”

“Tomorrow there’s a party.”

“Oh, that’s very nice of you to think of me, but I’ll probably just stay here.”

He shook his head. “If I have to go—and I do—I’m not suffering alone.” In the almost two weeks she’d been here, he’d never heard her talk on the phone or make plans to meet up with anyone. It would be good for her to get out and get to know the women of Ethan Cooke Security. If anyone could make someone feel welcome it was that group. God knows they could talk, and they procreated like damn rabbits. Austin’s kid was just born a month ago or something like that, and Jackson’s wife, Alexa, was about to pop any day. And if all else failed, Abby would charm Sophie out of her shyness.

“I don’t know…”

“I would consider it a favor.” He knew that would turn the tide.

She pressed her lips firm as she clutched at her fork. “Where is it?”

“At a friend’s house a few miles away in the Palisades.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“It’s a birthday party.”

“A birthday? We have to bring a gift.”

He stopped chewing. “No, we don’t.”

“Yes we do. It’s rude not to.”

“Well, hell.” He swallowed and huffed out a breath.

She smiled. “Is this a child’s birthday?”

“No, a woman.”

Her smile brightened. “Consider her gift taken care of.”

His spirits immediately lifted. He had no idea how to pick out cards and fancy crap for fancy women. “You sure?”


He scooped up another forkful of delicious pasta salad. “This stuff’s really good. You’re a good cook, Sophie.”

She blinked.

“You have to know you make excellent grub.”

“Yes, I guess I do. I try to.”

“Then why are you shocked that I’m giving you a compliment?”

“You just—” She shook her head. “It’s silly.” She shook her head again. “You never call me Sophie.”

He thought of her as Sophie but always called her Blondie. Nicknames were less personal. “I guess I don’t. You’re a damn fine cook, Soph.” They smiled at each other until he realized he had no idea what her last name was. He forked up more steak, glancing at the huge chip in the plate she was eating off of. “So, I was thinking about getting some new dishes.”

She swallowed and wiped her mouth. “You were?”

“The kitchen’s still a good few weeks away from demolition if not more, but this stuff in here’s ugly.”

She looked down at her mismatched orange and green plate and bowl. “It’s certainly interesting—vintage flair. From the seventies.”

He grinned, knowing she was trying not to hurt his feelings. “It’s ugly as shit.”

She smiled back. “Okay, yes. It’s pretty awful.”

“They were here when I moved in.”

“What are you thinking of getting?”

He shrugged. “I was hoping you could help me out with that.”

“Yes. Sure. I can try.”

He pulled his wallet from his back pocket, grabbed a wad of cash, and tossed it on the table. “That should probably cover it. Let me know if it doesn’t.”

She toyed with a piece of shrimp as she stared at the money.


“I don’t know what you want. What are you hoping for exactly? A four-piece set or eight? Do you want glasses and silverware too or just plates and bowls?”

“Whatever you want. As long as it’s doesn’t look like this, I don’t care.”

She nibbled her lip. “You must have

“Not really. The bathroom looks good with what you’ve done in there. I want you to do that to the kitchen.”

She looked at him with stunned pleasure. What the hell was he supposed to do with that? He liked the plants and candles and the hamper deal. It wasn’t that big of a thing.

“You could—you could really use new pots and pans.”

“So get some.”

“I saw a great set in the flyers I was looking through this morning.” She pushed back from her seat, grabbed the stack of papers she spoke of, and walked over to him, leaning down for him to see. “These right here.” She pointed. “They’re top of the line—stainless steel. They’re a little expensive but they’ll last you forever, and I might be able to find a coupon to go with the sale.”

He wanted to tell her he didn’t give two shits; he never cooked, but then she would sit back down, and he liked the way she smelled and the way her soft hair brushed his arm. “Those are fine. What about those plates?” He tapped the black and white circular set, trying not to smile as she winced.

“If that’s what you like, I can certainly pick them up for you.”

“What do you like?”

She slid her finger to the pretty pale yellow set. “I was thinking of these, especially if you did stainless steel appliances and white cabinetry.”

That’s not what he’d had in mind, but he narrowed his eyes as he studied the tight space of his kitchen. He could see her vision and liked it a lot. “Okay.”

“And it probably wouldn’t hurt to pick up these serving dishes here and maybe some new silverware. There are a couple of patterns...” She searched for another flyer, fighting with the pages.

“Here.” He took the stack and slid her plate to the space next to his. “We’ll talk and eat at the same time.”

“Sure. Let me grab a piece of paper and a pen.”

“Can you snag my laptop too?”

She snatched up the pad she kept by her jewelry-making supplies and brought him the laptop off the counter, taking the seat at his side.

“Thanks.” He opened up his computer and punched in his password.

“How do you feel about new glasses?”

“I feel like I should probably get you some more money.”

She smiled. “I guess I’m getting a little carried away.”

He liked her like this, when she forgot to be cautious. He liked sitting here with her planning out his new home. “I need everything you’ve mentioned, so you might as well get it.” He accessed his home design files and called up the 3D plans of the kitchen. “Let me show you what I have in mind and you can decide how to fill it up. It’ll be kind of like this.” He turned the screen in her direction.

“That’s going to be amazing.” She beamed, her eyes full of excitement. “I love the glass-front cabinets you have incorporated into the design.” She scooted closer. “It looks like you’re thinking of this cherry toned wood.”

“Maybe. I think I like the white idea better.”

“The white seems like it would go well with your proximity to the water—kind of gives it a coastal, nautical feel. It’ll also brighten up the space since it’s not very big.”

He agreed completely. “So white it is.”

“All right. Let’s finish supplying you with the basics. I think this drawer here by the stove would function well for linens.” She pointed to the screen. “We should probably think about new dish towels, oven mitts, and trivets. I saw a couple of patterns.” She turned to another page among the stack. “Right here.”

His kitchen was coming to life before his eyes. “Those’ll work.”

She smiled again. “I thought they might.”

“What else have you got?”

“How much money do you have?”

They both grinned. He couldn’t get enough of her gentle voice and pretty smile. “Plenty to get this started.”

“Well, I’ve got plenty of ideas. Let’s look at a few of these appliances.” She turned to yet another page and he leaned in close, more than content to spend the next little while looking at toasters and blenders in Sophie’s company.

Chapter Seven

Sophie sat by Olivia and Kylee at the kitchen table
, coloring while the girls chatted and on occasion asked her to pass a crayon. The kids were her saving grace at this party. She glanced at the beautiful women standing around the massive island in the spectacular kitchen wearing their pretty, fashionable clothes, chatting and laughing like a big, happy family. She didn’t know how to do this—be around people, blend, converse, feel like she belonged.

She stole another peek at Wren, Morgan, Hailey, and the woman who looked so much like Abigail Quinn, Alexa. They were like gorgeous Madonnas, all holding their babies or, in Sarah and Alexa’s cases, carrying their children in utero. And their husbands, many of whom she’d seen at the office, were no less striking.

She didn’t belong here in her jeans and simple white top—the best she could do with her meager wardrobe options. She scanned the group of men standing around or sitting out on the deck, searching for Stone, who had long since disappeared. Sighing, she wondered where he’d gone and why hadn’t he taken her with him.

“My mom’s going to have Owen any day now. She’s excited. She wants her feet to stop swelling.”

Sophie looked at Olivia as the little girl colored a Disney princess, trying her best to stay in the lines—and mostly succeeding. “I’m sure you’re excited to have a new brother on the way.”


Sophie picked up a pink crayon to color in the gown she was working on. “And your mom’s having another baby too, Kylee. That’s exciting.”

“My mom throws up but just sometimes. Daddy said she won’t throw up at all pretty soon.”

“Oh.” Sophie smiled, always surprised by what children were willing to share. “Well, I’m glad she’s feeling better.”

“Me too. Now I won’t have to watch Emma in the playroom when she runs to the toilet.”

“Mm, yes, I see.”

There was a commotion in the hallway. Bear and Reece, the Cookes’ enormous Mastiffs, and Mutt, Alexa and Jackson’s lab, barked joyously as Abby’s voice carried down the hall. Sophie stiffened as the woman she’d done her best to avoid made her way into the crowd, stopping to hand out hugs, with Jerrod following behind.

“Um, girls, I’ll be right back,” Sophie said, setting her crayon on the table. She should have known she would bump into Abby when Stone told her they were going to Ethan and Sarah Cooke’s house. Why did she agree to come, especially when he vanished and left her alone in a houseful of strangers?

“Okay,” the pretty blonds said in unison.

She scooted back from her chair and made her escape out the glass doors leading to the deck, smiling at Wren’s husband as he looked her way. She had to get out of here. The Cooke Estate wasn’t more than four or five miles from Stone’s cliff. There had to be a bus stop down the road somewhere. She headed down a flight of stairs, coming to another deck. This place was huge—much bigger than Eric’s house of horrors. How the heck did she get out of this maze?

She reached for the sliding door by the pool area and stepped into the coolest game room she had ever seen. “Wow,” she whispered as she took in the arcade games and skee-ball machine settled among plush leather furnishings. The movie-theater-sized-screen on the back wall was insane. “Wow,” she said again, hurrying for the nearest exit—she hoped. She opened the next door and found herself in yet another hallway. “Oh, come on.” She started up the steps, recognizing the front entrance ahead, and walked out the door and around the corner closest to the driveway. Looking over her shoulder, she hurried down the path, making certain no one saw her, and crashed into something firm and unmovable. Gasping, she stumbled backwards, almost falling until Stone reached out and grabbed her.

“Going somewhere?” he asked, holding her against his chest, righting them both, dressed in simple dark-wash jeans and a black t-shirt.

“Um.” She couldn’t think when he looked at her like that, especially when their bodies were crushed together and they breathed each other’s breath. “I—” She pushed at his shoulders.

“You abandoning ship, Soph?” He finally released her, taking a step away.

“You did,” she said, surprised by the hint of heat in her own words. “You left me up there with all of those people while you came out here to hide.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you giving me lip?”

She swallowed, stepping away, realizing she’d talked back and made him angry. But she was mad too. “No—Yes.” She raised her chin, trying to find her courage. “Yes, I am. You invited me—”

“Good,” he interrupted.

That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. “Good?”

. It’s about damn time. It’s nice to see there’s a temper in there somewhere. You’re too nice.”

She frowned. “No I’m not.”

“Yeah you are. There are a lot of assholes who like to take advantage of people like you.’”

People like her—weak and vulnerable. She didn’t want him to think of her that way. For some reason it was vital that he thought of her as capable and powerful. “I—”

The front door opened. “There you are.”

Sophie stiffened. Her back was to the house, but she recognized Abby’s cheerful voice, desperately scanning for a way to escape.

“Hey, Abby,” Stone said, holding Sophie’s gaze, questioning her with his intense brown eyes.

Realizing there was nothing she could do but get through the moment, Sophie turned, watching surprise move over Abby’s beautiful face.

“You’re here.” Abby beamed. “Stone, I had no idea.”

Sophie frowned, confused.

“Stone said he was bringing someone.” Abby held out her hand. “We met briefly a couple weeks ago at the office. I’m Abby Quinn.”

“Yes.” Sophie took Abby’s outstretched hand. “Sophie.”

“We’re excited to have you with us.”

“Actually I was just—”

“She was just coming to find me,” Stone interjected. “We’ll be up in a second.”

Abby looked from Sophie to Stone. “Okay. I’ll see you inside. I think cake is happening fairly soon.”

Stone nodded as Abby started back up the steps. Seconds later, the door closed. “What’s your deal?”

Sophie stared down at the grass. Stone didn’t seem to miss much of anything. “I’m not sure… What do you mean?”

“You were a little cool with Ms. Peppy.”

She had been and it wasn’t right. Abby had been nothing but kind the two times they’d met. The almost-encounter at Stowers House was what worried her. What if Abby mentioned it in front of Stone or the others? Everyone knew the Stowers houses were refuges for abused women. She didn’t want the moment in the childcare center to ruin everything she was building now. No one needed to know she’d let Eric hit her and turn her into a helpless victim. She was guilty of Stone’s earlier observation. She’d let Eric take advantage, but not because she was too nice. She was weak and afraid—her own shameful secret. But that was in the past—if she let it be. If Abby would let it be. She loved where she lived and tolerated her work. It made living where she did possible. It made her fresh start a reality. “I didn’t mean to be. I’ll apologize.”

He shrugged. “Don’t apologize on my account. It was just an observation. Abby’s a good lady—exhausting, but very nice. Kind.”

She’d never heard Stone say anything complimentary about anyone. He didn’t talk about other people. “Being rude is never right.”

He shrugged again. “Am I taking you home or are you going back inside?”

There was a hint of challenge in his voice and eyes. It would’ve been easier to leave, but taking the easy route wasn’t always right either. “I’m going back inside. Are you?” She lifted her brow.

He flashed her a quick grin. “I guess I’ll follow you.”

She turned and started up the steps, realizing he’d maneuvered her—but maybe she’d maneuvered him right back. There was nothing to do now but go in and get through the next little while.


Stone stood back from the crowd with a beer in hand, watching Sophie sit with Olivia and Kylee while they ate their cake. She smiled when Kylee said something and responded, making the girls smile in return. She was relaxed and easy with the four-year-olds but not so much with the adults. She’d tried mingling. He’d kept his eye on her for most of the last hour, watching her struggle to converse about anything more than the weather or great California scenery.

Everyone had been kind to her. Hailey had let her hold Preston, and Morgan had handed over Jacob. They’d all tried to ask her questions about herself, but she’d deflected each one, always changing the subject to something about one of the kids or moms. Sophie was a closed book, and she seemed to be avoiding Abby like the plague, which was interesting.

Ethan blew on a party horn, quieting the group as he held their daughter Emma in one arm. “My lovely wife needs to open her presents before she falls asleep in what’s left of her cake.” He touched his hand to her pregnant belly, then clasped his fingers with hers as the room erupted with laughter.

Kylee and Olivia scrambled down, rushing over to the present pile. “We’re your helpers, Mommy. Livy and I get to give you the presents.”

“Okay, sweetie. You girls can take turns.”

“I’ll go first,” Kylee declared.

Sarah raised her eyebrow at her daughter.

“Um, Livy, you can go first.”

“That’s very polite,” Olivia said, hugging Kylee. “You’re my best friend because you’re so polite.”

Stone smiled, shaking his head as everyone laughed again. Both little blonds were hot tickets. The Cookes and Matthews had their hands full with their daughters.

Olivia contemplated the pile, nibbling on her index finger, then handed off the small gift bag Stone saw Sophie fuss over at the table earlier this morning. “Open this one, Sarah.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at Olivia and turned her attention to the fancy pink floral bag. “This is from Stone and Sophie.” Sarah sent him a smile, then Sophie.

He had no idea what was in there. Sophie said she would handle the present, and he’d let her.

Sarah pulled a small white box free and opened it, gasping. “Oh my goodness. These are absolutely beautiful.” She held up a pair of earrings, delicate twists of silver and pale blue crystal dangles. She reached her hand back in the bag and took out a second bigger box, opened it, and gasped again. “Stunning. This is absolutely stunning.” Sarah looked at Stone as she held up a necklace in the same design.

He shrugged, pointing his beer bottle toward Sophie.

“Sophie, I’ve never seen anything so lovely. Where did you get these?”

“I made them.”

All of the women started talking at once as they leaned in for a closer look.

,” Stone murmured, glancing at Jackson and Austin at his side. They sounded like a bunch of excited teenagers. Sophie made nice stuff. He’d given the earrings and necklaces and whatnot she created a glance more than once. She wasn’t without her talents.

“Are you able to make more of these?” Wren asked.

“Yes. Definitely.”

“I’d like to order a set if I could,” Abby said as she stood next to Sarah, fingering the pretty jewelry.

“Me too,” Morgan said. “And one for my mother if you can do something in a dark green.”

“Sure.” Sophie nodded.

“I’d love a bracelet and earrings,” Hailey added. “But I have no idea what would work.”

“I know just the thing,” Sophie stood, stepping closer to the group of women. “We could do ambers or similar tones, something to play up your coloring.”

Stone narrowed his eyes, studying his roommate. Her voice suddenly projected well. The shy woman had vanished. He stared at the confident beauty as the group fired off question after question, asking her for advice on how to select the pieces they wanted her to make. She answered each one, describing how each piece of jewelry could be, enticing her eager new customers with promises of Swarovski crystals, sterling silver, or gold. Why the hell was she wasting her time cleaning when she could do something like this? She’d make a killing.

“Do you think you could make me a dozen sets for my boutique?” Sarah’s mother asked. “I think these would go in a snap.”

“Uh, yes, sure. When would you want them by?”

“Is next week to soon?”

“No, no. I can do that.”

“If they sell the way I think they’re going to, I’ll order more.”

“I’d like to show this to Lily,” Abby chimed in again. “Can you get me another set by Wednesday? It’s her birthday.”

“Yes, absolutely. I have other designs I can do as well—several, actually.

“Just make whatever you think would work best.”

“I can do that. I’ll be coming out with a catalog soon for anyone interested in hosting a home party. Hostesses get free gifts.”

“I’ll host a party,” Hailey piped up.

“If you’d like to jot down your e-mail address I can send you some information as soon as I have it available.”

“Great.” Hailey turned in her chair. “Austin, do you have a pen?”

Stone pulled another sip from his beer, realizing there was a business shark beneath Sophie’s quiet eyes and sweet smiles.


Half an hour later, Sophie sat toward the back of the room making a list of all the orders she had to fulfill along with small notes about colors and design ideas that would work well for each of her new clients. In one day she’d managed to score requests for twenty-four beaded sets and a potential jewelry party. Hopefully her new customers would show off their pieces and their friends and families would want something too. If she could knock Sarah’s mother’s socks off, she might be able to get something steady going there.

Her juices started flowing as a mini business plan began taking shape. She was good at her craft and she’d been a semester away from her business degree before Mom’s diagnosis. She’d planned to take Mom’s small shop to another level when she graduated but that’s not the way things worked out. She’d made her little booth at the mall work until she’d stupidly signed papers she barely paid attention to and unwittingly gave everything she and her mother had worked so hard for to the man who’d happily stolen it all away. With an order of this size, she was going to have to dip into the money she’d brought with her. The idea frightened her. Her emergency fund was meant for a quick escape and eventually her own place, but there was no way around it if she planned to fulfill two-dozen requests. She would easily recoup the loss with a decent profit, she reassured herself.

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