Scent of a Wolf's Mate (7 page)

Read Scent of a Wolf's Mate Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #paranormal, #werewolf, #cabin, #mate, #mountains, #scent, #full moon, #sex acts, #wolf sanctuary

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He couldn’t contain his grin. “I have
answers.” First thing’s first, though, he was still locked inside
her body.


Connor cut off what she was about to say by
kissing her. She tasted of wild innocence and sweet surrender. “But
not right now.”

“Then when?” Serena asked stubbornly when the
kiss ended.

“When I can think more clearly.” He brushed
the words against her soft mouth.

“And when will that be?”

The woman had a one-track mind. He chuckled.
“When my cock isn’t buried deep inside you.” He pulled back
slightly to meet her eyes. “How about then?”

Connor watched her lovely eyes flare with his
comment. Then she lowered her gaze, with shyness, no doubt. Once
the swelling of the knot diminished he pulled his cock out, wincing

“I suggest we dress and get something to eat.
We can talk out on the porch.” Serena nodded her agreement. Good.
Connor knew the bedroom wasn’t the place to have the talk they were
going to have. The conversation was bound to ignite emotions
neither of them could control.

Kissing Serena’s nose, he reluctantly pulled

Chapter 8



Oh, God, it was all true! What she’d
overheard between Connor and Max about being wolves hadn’t been a
dream or the conversation between two deranged lunatics. It was the
truth, as frightening as it was. Serena had realized that when
Connor had returned home and their gazes had met. Something inside
her had recognized it as well.
The wolf in her?
God, I’m
losing it! How can any of this be real?

Serena didn’t want to believe it because none
of it made sense. Werewolves weren’t supposed to exist. They were a
fantasy, a made-up myth like vampires and demons that walked the
earth, a subject that made good reading for paranormal fans, and
good TV, but not real life. Yet she couldn’t deny that having sex
with Connor had done something phenomenal to her, and she wanted to
know exactly what that was.

She had so many questions. Connor had been
right in suggesting that they talk out on the porch. Serena was
intensely attracted to him, it seemed that every time they made
love her feelings grew, and something inside her was changing. The
man was virtually a stranger to her, yet she couldn’t ignore the
deep connection drawing them together.

She glanced over at Connor. He was sitting
beside her in what was obviously a homemade lounge chair, staring
straight ahead. They’d just finished eating a light snack of cheese
and fruit in silence, and had set their plates on a small table
between them. Serena reached for her iced tea, the movement drawing
Connor’s attention.

Their gazes met and held. “Okay, you said you
have questions, ask away.”

She took a drink and set her glass back down.
“It’s true, isn’t it?”

“About being wolves?” Serena nodded. “Yes.
Did you think that you’d encountered a community of mad men?”

“I didn’t know. What you and Max were talking
about…” She hesitated. “It just didn’t seem feasible. Do you know
how frightening it is hearing two grown men talking about being

“But you believe it now?”

Serena hesitated before answering.
Do I
believe it?
She wasn’t quite ready to admit anything yet, so
she compromised. “I’m not sure how much I believe, but I know
something is going on. I know I’m changing.”

She wondered what Connor was thinking behind
his dark, assessing gaze. His set expression didn’t tell Serena
anything either, but her intuition told her that he was thinking
things over. Her thoughts flashed back to their intense lovemaking,
the liberties she’d allowed him to take, and their unexplained
drive to consume each other. The heat crawling up her neck and into
her cheeks warned Serena that she was reacting to the memories. His
sexy, crooked grin told her that he knew what she was thinking.

“Why don’t we begin with a story that might
answer some of the questions you have floating around in that
pretty head of yours.”

“Okay. I’m listening.” She took a sip of her
iced tea.

“Do me one favor though.” Serena glanced back
over at him and waited. “Don’t interrupt me until I’m done, no
matter how badly you want to.”

She nodded, agreeing to his terms.

Connor released a heavy sigh. “Hell, I almost
wish that you’d been raised here after you were born, but for your
safety, and my sanity, once it became obvious that you were my
life-mate you were removed from the community. You were adopted
out, but the elders kept tabs on you while you were growing up. I
was the one who decided when you would come back.

Shifters have existed since the beginning of
time, and they aren’t just wolves. There are communities of
shifters all over the world, and we all have the same number one
rule—we don’t expose ourselves to outsiders. On the rare occasion
that it happens, we’re forced to either kill them or turn them.” He
ignored Serena’s gasp.

“Most shifters are immortal once they reach
adulthood, and we all have life-mates. It can take years to find
them, and the few who don’t can’t breed.” Connor turned and pinned
Serena with a telling look. “I was six when you were born, and I
knew immediately that you were my mate. Once a she-wolf begins her
cycle she becomes irresistible, but we’re not allowed to claim her
until she reaches eighteen. The elders were wise to send you away.”
He turned his gaze back to the forest before them.

“When a she-wolf goes into heat she sends out
powerful pheromones. Her mate can pick up on her scent for miles
away. That’s what told me you were here the other night. That’s how
I found you in the woods and was able to protect you from Clive
when he attacked you.”

Serena had heard enough, and was busting at
the seams to ask the many questions swimming in her dazed brain.

Connor chuckled. “I’m impressed. You stayed
quiet a lot longer than I thought you would,” he teased. “Clive is
my half-brother.”

Serena gasped, recalling the size and
viciousness of the black wolf. “But—“ She stopped abruptly, still
unwilling to put her thoughts into words because that would somehow
make it all real.

The resigned sound Connor made revealed his
frustration. He leaned forward in his chair, his arms resting on
his muscular thighs and his hands dangling between them. Serena’s
gaze moved over his new position, taking note of the solid strength
that his jeans and shirt barely concealed. She quickly averted her
eyes from the zipper area and the impressive bulge there.

“Serena, I know this is hard for you to take
in. I’m aware it sounds like a fairytale.”

“Yes it does!” Serena jumped to her feet and
went to the railing that enclosed the porch. She scanned the forest
around them, breathing in deeply to calm her nerves. Mistake,
because all it did was fill her lungs with
. She swung
back around to face Connor.

“What’s happening to me?” she whispered in
confusion, her gaze locking on to his.

“When you entered my territory, you went into
heat. Your wolf’s body knows I’m your mate, and reacted to my
nearness. Just as my body reacted to your presence, telling me that
you were near. I tracked you down by your scent, reaching you just
as Clive was about to attack.”

Serena remembered the beautiful silver wolf
that had intercepted the black wolf’s lunge at her, saving her
life. He’d been magnificent.

“I thought I saw another wolf, a silver one,
but then I fell to the ground,” she paused, frustrated that the
events were so cloudy. “I thought it was a man, though…”

“I changed back into my human form so you
wouldn’t be frightened, but the whole situation was too much for
you and you passed out.”

Oh, God! Everything Connor said was
“So, I’m a shifter, too?”

He reached for her and she allowed him to
pull her into the cradle of his thighs. “You will be.” He pulled
Serena down onto his lap. “It’s already happening. Every time we
fuck I leave my mark on you.” He nuzzled the side of her neck.

Serena recalled him biting her, but the tiny
wound was almost gone, and then she remembered biting him. She
pulled back sharply, meeting his eyes briefly before pulling his
shirt aside. There was nothing there! Connor laughed softly, as if
knowing what she’d been looking for.

“I was so sure I’d bitten you earlier.”

“You did. Shifters heal very fast. The only
reason yours isn’t completely gone is that you haven’t shifted
yet.” Connor kissed Serena’s jaw line. “Your first time is coming,
though.” He sounded pleased at the thought.

Serena sighed, closing her eyes and swaying
into the seductive pull of his tone, just before he kissed her.
Without warning, a searing heat exploded inside her, causing her to
shiver wildly. She gasped, surprised at how fast her body was
reacting to Connor’s. He was turning her on in record time, and the
hard cock pounding beneath her bottom wasn’t helping.

“You’re so beautiful, Serena, I couldn’t ask
for a more responsive mate.” He said the words against her arched
throat, his hand shaping her breast.

“Is this, is this all werewolves do?” she
asked softly, feeling a moist heat between her thighs.

He laughed and pulled back to meet her gaze,
humor dancing in his. “The three days you’re in heat, yes. My wolf
can’t resist the heat pheromones you give off.”

“So when I’m not in heat, you’re immune to

“Not hardly,” Connor responded, his breath
turning a little ragged. “But our coupling won’t be as intense as
it has been.”

It was intense, Serena couldn’t argue with
that. Of course, she had nothing to compare it with, but she
instinctively knew. There was so much to digest, but right now it
was all Serena could do to remain still on Connor’s lap. His cock
was pushing against her bottom, keeping her hot, and his roaming
mouth was wreaking havoc with her thought process and

Serena was vaguely aware of the sun
disappearing behind the mountains and the temperature turning
cooler. It felt heavenly against her over-heated body. Connor’s
mouth licked a trail of fire over her exposed skin above her
blouse, and when that got in the way he undid one button, then
another, working his way to the end. He parted the material and
kissed his way down her bare breasts to her tingling nipples.

Connor groaned, taking one into his mouth.
Serena was glad she’d decided to forego her bra so that he had
access to whatever he wanted. As he sucked and tongued her aching
flesh, she began to squirm against his raging hard-on, getting a
low growl in response.

“Serena.” His tone sounded like a warning,
his breathing was uneven. “Be careful or you might find yourself
getting fucked right here on the porch.”

His words inflamed her, causing desire to
soak the silk covering her pussy. Serena moaned low, moving her
butt even more. She wished she were wearing a dress. It would be so
easy to lift her skirt and straddle his lap. Damn, did she bring
any dresses with her?

“Serena,” Connor rasped. “Are you trying to
kill me?” He shuddered, thrusting his cock tighter against her.

“Until you, I’d never been fucked,” she said
breathlessly. “I never dreamed it could be like this.”

With a violent shudder and a deep groan
Connor pulled away, drawing the edges of Serena’s blouse together
at the same time. His expression, so taut and dark, and his
glittering eyes of gold, revealed how turned on he was.

“Fix your clothes, sweetheart, we’re about to
have company.”

Serena buttoned up her blouse, wondering how
he knew that, and then she heard a far-away sound. Automatically
glancing in the direction of the long driveway leading to the
house, she saw a car gradually come into view. She gave Connor a
questioning look.

“You’re about to meet my mother.”

Chapter 9



Nothing caused an erection to deflate faster
than when your mother came around. Connor instinctively knew why
she was there, too, and he dreaded the upcoming conversation. She’d
always favored Clive, had always given him anything he wanted, and
now she was going to beg for him. Only this was one time Connor was
going to remain firm in his decision, even if it meant alienating

He glanced at Serena as she quickly buttoned
her blouse, her complexion a rosy glow and a spark in her eyes that
he’d put there. Damn. It was a good thing he’d heard the car coming
because he’d been within seconds of taking Serena’s jeans off and
bending her over the railing.

Serena glanced his way when she was done. “I
still have questions.”

“Somehow I knew that. We’ll finish our talk

“Is that all we’ll finish?” she teased with a
promise in her eyes.

“You want to play some more?” Connor asked,
with raised brows. The flame of awareness in her pretty eyes was
all the answer he needed. Interesting, his little innocent was
turning into a sex fiend, which was just fine with him.

He heard his mother shut the door to her
Lexus and got to his feet to greet her. “Mother.” Connor kissed her
cheek when she reached the top of the steps. “I was expecting

She looked uncomfortable. “You were?” she
asked, giving Serena a smile. “You must be Serena. As you heard,
I’m Connor’s mother, but please call me Anne. Welcome to the
family. I think we’re going to be good friends.”

Connor frowned, because his mother couldn’t
possibly know how much he’d told Serena. Welcoming her to the
family could have been premature and complicated things.

“Nice to meet you, Anne,” Serena smiled.

“Mother, why don’t you get to the reason that
you’re here?” Connor didn’t mean to sound harsh, but knowing that
she was there to plead Clive’s case irked him. Why couldn’t she let
him grow up and be a man?

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