SE Jakes Bound By Honor (9 page)

BOOK: SE Jakes Bound By Honor
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camera and saw the cab leaving the parking lot and Tanner standing out in the hailstorm slamming his fist against the


The man had the nerve to be pounding angrily on his door? No, Damon was the angry one—had been enough that

he’d left the damned party right after Tanner had…and had been alone when he’d done so.

He’d bypassed the pounding music and the crowded club in favor of bed and had just fal en asleep when the

knocking had awakened him.

He opened the loft door and went down the back stairs, the music from Crave a backbeat to his movements. When

he shoved open the heavy back door, Tanner just pushed past him.

“What the hel are yo u doing?” Damon asked hi m a s h e shut the door against the freezing rain that wa s coming in


“What the hel are you doing?” Tanner chal enged.

“Boy, you do not want to go there.”

“Yeah, I do. I want to go there. Want to know why you acted like an asshole to me tonight.”

“Wait—you’re pissed at me?” Damon asked in a tone that would make lesser men stand down. But the man in front of

him was not that way—never would be ordered around easily or wel —and that boiled Damon’s blood in a way that was

both good and bad.

“What gave it away?” Tanner stood, unapologetic. Defiant. And then he advanced slowly. A predator, wet and hungry

and unstoppable… Damon fought the ridiculous urge to back away, to head up to the loft and close the door and not let

this boy—this man—in.

But Damon stood his ground as wel , let Tanner come closer until there were mere inches separating them. And then,

Tanner’s hands went around him, yanked Damon against him and kissed him, pinning him against the wal like they were

in the back room of a club. It was as if Tanner expected to turn and take him, to overpower him.

It wouldn’t happen, of course. Damon would never let it.

But he could imagine it. Tanner could strip him, turn him, take him, right here against the wal .

Damon could almost feel the heavy cock fil ing him until he cried out with pain and with pleasure—would let Tanner

pound al the demons out of him. Fuck him blind.

God, he hadn’t realized how badly he wanted that to happen until now and so, for the moment—for many long


he let Tanner kiss the shit out of him, grind their cocks together until he knew he could come in his pants and not care.

But he didn’t. Instead, he turned the tables and pushed Tanner so the man stumbled back a bit.

Breathing hard, mouth swol en and his clothing stil soaked from his walk in the rain.

For the first time since Damon had let him in, Tanner looked unsure.

This time, it was Damon who advanced. “You demanded to come in. There are consequences to every action.”

“So you’re going to teach me a lesson?”

“One you should’ve learned a long time ago,” Damon agreed. “I’m not a saint, Tanner. I rescued you from those men,

but the sight of you like that…” Damon’s voice was husky, rough with need and that hit Tanner’s cock as surely as a hot

mouth. “If you come upstairs, I wil fuck you.”

Damon’s words were a promise, not a warning, and Tanner knew there was no turning back. His body trembled and

that made Damon smile.

“You like my weakness,” Tanner said, but Damon shook his head and murmured, “That’s not weakness, baby. That’s

surrender—and they’re not the same thing at al .”

Tanner guessed he would soon find out if there was truth to those words. He’d come al this way, made this move, and

now it was time to put up or shut up.

He began the long walk up the stairs toward the loft with Damon behind him, every step a surrender in itself. When he

got to the top of the stairs and the open door to the loft, he paused at the threshold, but Damon didn’t give him that luxury

for long.

Instead, Damon pushed past him and then turned, pul ed Tanner in by fisting the front of his sweatshirt and yanking

him inside. In a swift motion, the sweatshirt was off, hitting the ground with a heavy, wet thump that made Tanner jump.

“Easy,” Damon murmured. “I’ve got you.”

There would be nothing easy about this. “I thought you had company.”

“I didn’t bring him home with me.”


Damon paused for a long moment and then said, “He wasn’t you.”

Tanner’s throat tightened. And, as he stood there in just his wet jeans and boots, Damon tugged off his own black T-

shirt and threw it to the ground. And then he unzipped the worn jeans—they hadn’t been buttoned in the first place—and

let them drop off.

He wore nothing underneath them and he was already more than half-hard.

If you come upstairs, I will fuck you.

“Do I need to undress you?” Damon asked.

Tanner was frozen, and it had nothing to do with the chil from the outside. Somehow, the intimacy of this setting

versus coming in front of a club ful of people was far more intimidating. Because he’d known that what happened

between them previously was bul shit…but this—what was about to happen—was al too damned real.

And he was scared to goddamned death.

“We learned that fear is a good thing,” Damon reminded him, as if reading Tanner’s mind, and Tanner cursed his lack

of a poker face with this man. Reached out and dragged Damon’s naked body to his and kissed the shit out of him

again, reveling in the fact that Damon responded. He wrapped his hand around the back of Damon’s neck, pul ed the

man hard to him, and for a while they remained like that as Tanner ground against him, the sweet friction of his dick

against the denim of Damon’s jeans nearly doing him in.

Damon pul ed back and chuckled softly as Tanner kept his hand on the back of his neck. “Little one, you have so

much to learn about control and who has it. You know you’re not in charge here, know you’re not topping me. It’s not what

Jesse wanted.”

Tanner couldn’t argue with that. Except… “I gave you your chance.”

“And by agreeing to come here, you took a second chance. Same rules apply.” Damon rubbed a large hand over the

back of Tanner’s neck now. “It’l be different. I promise.”

Tanner wanted to believe him, but he couldn’t. Not ful y. But he was here, like a sitting goddamned duck. “Damon…

I’m a top,” he said for what seemed like the mil ionth time, realizing that al the times he’d said it he was real y trying to

convince himself.

“Jesse didn’t think so.”

“Jesse wanted me to comfort you.”

Damon laughed. “Is that what you were doing when you were strapped down, spread wide a nd coming? Comforting


Tanner didn’t say anything.

“Impudent. Stubborn,” Damon breathed, bit the side of his neck then replaced the sting with a soothe of a tongue.

Pleasure and pain. “So now, tel me again what you don’t want? Because right now, you’re rubbing me like a bitch in


Tanner’s only answer was a low moan and his hand began to slip off Damon’s neck.

“Let me guess. You fuck and you fuck and you’re stil never satisfied. Can’t get to that next level.”

Damon’s hand slid down his crack, teasing him with the drag of a finger. And then, the gentle brush of fingertips

against his hole.

A muffled groan and Tanner didn’t bother to argue, was pretty sure only incoherent sounds would tumble out of his

mouth if he opened it anyway. Indeed, he tried not to tremble as Damon swiftly pul ed away from him, then placed a flat

palm on Tanner’s abs.

He heard a roaring in his ears, which muffled the harsh groan he was sure escaped from his lips.

When Damon’s hand trailed lower, then lower stil , he began to unravel swiftly.

“I’l come the second you touch my dick,” he blurted out.

Damon smiled wickedly. “I know,” was al he said as his hand slid around Tanner’s cock.

Tanner felt like he’d be jerked off his feet by the force of his orgasm if Damon didn’t have an arm wound around his

lower back.

He slumped forward against Damon’s chest, not bothering to hide his weakness.

“We’re not done, my sweet boy. Not even close.”

Tanner shouldn’t like being cal ed sweet boy, but he did. The term of endearment made his stomach flutter and his

cock reharden simultaneously.

Damon was going to fuck him blind and Tanner was fighting both the feelings of arousal and panic that soared

through him at those words.

Chapter Six

Tanner came al over himself, just like Damon wanted. He rubbed his hand in the slickness, then brought it up to his

mouth and licked it off as Tanner watched him through heavy-lidded eyes.

The boy was stil wary, as wel he should be. Damon had never been gentle, but he was damned good.

Tonight, Tanner would be his. He wasn’t sure why that mattered so much, but it did.

“Bedroom. Now,” he told Tanner, and the boy stumbled like a colt taking its first unsteady steps. He fol owed him,

gazing on the hard muscles of the boy’s back and ass, put his hands on Tanner’s shoulders when the boy stopped next to

the bed.

He kissed the back of Tanner’s neck, then sucked, bit, sucked below the col ar line, marking him.

“Yeah,” Tanner said, his voice husky, the want and need overflowing. His hands were fisted. And his cock was stil


Damon turned him, eased him onto the bed on his back and began to lick him clean, starting with his abs and

working his way down until he’d licked every last drop of come off Tanner. And Tanner watched him the whole time, his

cock jutting between them, seeking attention Damon refused to give it.

“Damn, you taste good.” Salty and sweet, like tequila and salt and lemon. Tanner’s face was a cross between desire

and surprise. “Did you dream of me like this? Want me between your legs, licking you?”

Slowly, Tanner nodded. “The other night…before you found me…I couldn’t stop thinking about you.

Haven’t been able to for sure since last night.”

Damon gave him a quick grin. “That makes two of us, sweet boy.”

“I’m not a boy…and I’m not sweet,” Tanner ground out in a last-ditch effort to take back control.

But it was far too late for that. Tanner melted when Damon stroked his cock up and down, put his hand over Damon’s

as if to keep it there.

“Stroke yourself for me,” Damon instructed him as he extricated his own hand. Tanner did so, slowly, as Damon

played with his own cock for a few minutes, threw his head back and hissed as the pressure made his bal s tighten.

When he looked back at Tanner, his strokes had quickened as he gazed at Damon.

He would have to make Tanner want it al , want it badly. Keeping him hot and bothered…al while he groveled just a


For a Dom like Damon, this was as close as it got.

“Hands and knees,” he ordered. “Unless you want to go downstairs again… I’m sure there are a lot of men who’d love

an encore.”

That made Tanner blush…and made his cock jump too, and yes, his little boy liked to talk about being put on display,

but not do the actual act, and Damon could work with that.

Tanner had gotten into the position Damon ha d ordered hi m to . H e ra n a hand along Tanner’s back, felt the slight

tremble…knew how much power this man had harnessed right now, kept couched…under control. “Gonna make this

good for you, sweet boy. Gonna make al your fantasies come true. And you’re going to tel me that you need it—want it—

before the night is over.”

His only answer was Tanner’s hands fisting on the sheets and a smal moan.

Damon had him on his hands and knees on the bed, stil trembling, but spread with Damon behind him. Damon’s

hand on his back, stroking him like he was a racehorse that threatened to break his stal . He felt like that too, like he

needed to stretch and run, but he forced himself to stay in the position Damon wanted. Tanner submitted—for Jesse. For


And most of al , for himself.

Damon breathed against his ear, “When I saw you at the party, I wanted to strip you down and spread you just like


He knew he blushed at Damon’s words. He buried his head in his hands and bit back a moan at the image.

“Would you have liked that, sweet boy?”

Damon ran a finger down his crack that made him shiver. It was like a jolt of electricity running through his core, and

he nodded because he liked talking about it…liked Damon talking about it, but didn’t want t o actual y b e o n display for

anyone but Damon.

Then again, maybe Damon knew al of that already.

“Please.” But Tanner didn’t even know if he was asking, please yes or please no.

“Here you are, at my mercy…at the mercy of my hands. My tongue. My cock. So much to do to this ass…and I plan on

taking my time.”

“Yeah,” he breathed. God, he was already barely able to form words and nothing had happened yet.

The need to come was al -consuming.

Damon moved closer, a s i f mounting him. The blunt head o f his cock rubbed Tanner’s a ss a nd he’d forgotten

about breathing until Damon commanded him to do so.

And then he pushed back against Damon’s cock without thinking, his body responding, doing what felt natural. Right.

Damon’s hands dug into his hips and Tanner felt the sticky precome getting him slick.

“I’m not taking you until you show your consent,” Damon told him and Tanner knew the words would never leave his

mouth wil ingly, n o matter ho w badly hi s body wanted i t t o happen. B ut Damon ha d other ideas beyond words.

Tanner recognized the heavy clank of handcuffs and his body went taut.

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