SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle (87 page)

Read SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle Online

Authors: S.M. Butler,Zoe York,Cora Seton,Delilah Devlin,Lynn Raye Harris,Sharon Hamilton,Kimberley Troutte,Anne Marsh,Jennifer Lowery,Elle Kennedy,Elle James

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Bundle, #Anthology

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“So, did you
ask her out?”

Grey leaned down and planted a kiss on Darci’s smooth cheek. “My lips are sealed. But, thank you.”

A self-satisfied smile lit her face. “I knew you two would hit it off. She’s the perfect woman for you.”

“Don’t listen to her, Stone. She set me up last week and it was a disaster.” Mikey approached, popping a piece of cake in his mouth.

Darci smacked Mikey’s arm. “It was not. You didn’t give her a chance.”

“She wouldn’t stop texting during dinner.”

“She was probably texting about how awesome you are.”

“I am pretty awesome.” Mikey grinned.

Grey punched him in the arm.

Mikey’s grin widened. “Ouch.”

Darci rolled her eyes and looped her arm through Grey’s. “Go away. I want to talk to Grey without you trying to talk him out of dating. Shoo.” She waved her hand at Mikey, who grabbed a handful of chips and popped one in his mouth.

“If it gets me off your radar then I was never here.” Mikey gave a small wave and jogged toward the beach where he no doubt was going to find his own date. Kreegan had no trouble finding dates. Women flocked to him wherever they went. And not just because he was a SEAL.

“Is he ever going to settle down?” Darci murmured with a shake of her head. “All right, back to you and Reganne. You two looked like you hit it off pretty well.”

“She’s nice.”

“Nice?” Darci parroted. “That’s all you’re giving me? You really have to get out more.”

Not the first time he’d heard that.

“Would it make you happy if I told you I invited her out to dinner this Saturday?”

Darci beamed at him. “Yes, it would. I knew it. I saw you turn around and go back to her house. Where are you taking her?”


“Perfect. Don’t order anything with garlic.”

“It’s an Italian restaurant.”

She snapped her fingers. “They also serve Irish food. Ever since Cloe revamped their menu they’ve been introducing more Irish dishes.”

He’d tried the Irish stew the last time he visited the restaurant. As with everything the Demarco family cooked, it was delicious.

“Is my wife harassing you about the pretty pediatrician?”

Taggart. Rescued.

Darci let go of his arm to slug her husband in the chest. Jack grunted good-heartedly. “Pretty pediatrician?” She sent Taggart a look of half-teasing, half-warning.

“That’s my cue,” Grey said. “I’m outta here.” He bent to whisper in Darci’s ear. “Congrats again. You’re going to make a beautiful mom.” She and Tag had made the announcement after he returned from walking Reganne home. Even as he shuddered at the thought of getting a woman pregnant, he’d never seen Tag so happy. And Darci practically glowed.

Darci squeezed his forearm. “Thank you. Drive careful.”

He saluted his buddies and headed for his truck, happy to be out of interrogation. He’d already packed for the weekend, so he drove straight for the cabin. All the way there his thoughts were on Reganne. Part of him wanted to turn around and go back to her house, make sure she was all right. The other part convinced him to keep driving and avoid her thinking him a stalker for showing up at her house again.

For the first time in a long time he looked forward to a date.

Chapter Four

t precisely seven
o’clock Saturday, Grey knocked on Reganne’s door. He’d fished most of the day, but couldn’t stop thinking about her. That had never happened before. Fishing Toliver Lake always calmed his soul. Made him feel close to his grandparents, who’d been the only source of stability in his life. This weekend, however, the solitude hadn’t relaxed him. He couldn’t stop thinking of Reganne and that got his blood boiling. In the best way possible.

The lock clicked and the door swung open. Reganne stood there wearing a red and white floral dress that flowed past her knees in the front and nearly to her ankles in the back. It didn’t cling to her curves, yet it accented her slender figure. Her toes were painted red to match her dress, showcased in a pair of leather sandals that made his heart race. He’d always loved a woman in heels. Sexy as hell.

Her hair hung loose down her back and across her bare shoulders.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured.

A soft smile tilted her lips. “Thank you.”

Now he didn’t regret stopping by his place and changing into a pair of khakis and dress shirt.


She picked up her purse from the table next to the door and stepped onto the porch. The scent of honeysuckle drifted past him. He crooked his arm and after closing and locking the door, she slid her hand through, her delicate fingers resting on his forearm.

Feeling like a king with his queen, he walked her to his truck and opened the passenger side door. He’d even had the sense to clean it out before picking her up. As she settled in the seat, he rounded the hood and climbed into the driver’s seat.

It only took a few minutes to drive to Demarco’s. He found a spot in the rear parking lot and guided Reganne through the door with a hand on the small of her back. Incredible aromas greeted them.

“It smells amazing in here,” Reganne commented as they passed the kitchen. Deuce’s older brother Luciano and his wife, Camila, were cooking tonight. Both waved as they passed. Grey waved back as the youngest of the three Demarco sisters, Angela, met them at the counter.

She smiled when she saw him and he leaned down to kiss each of her cheeks. A tradition with the Demarco ladies.

“Greyson. So nice to see you. And with a date.
Meglio tardi che mai
.” Angela winked at him and pulled Reganne in for a hug.

“Oh,” Reganne said in surprise, hugging her back with a baffled look at him. The Demarcos were a friendly bunch; he should have warned her ahead of time.

“I have the perfect table for you. Follow me.” Angela grabbed two menus and led them through the crowded restaurant toward the back.

He waited for Reganne to sit, then helped her push in her chair before sitting across from her.

Angela set the menus in front of them. “I’ll have Marcello pick a wine to go with your dinner.”

Of all four Demarco brothers, Marcello was the wine expert. Rarely did you have to choose a wine. Marcello seemed to know exactly what his patrons liked.

“Thanks, Angela.”

Angela smiled. “Gabby will be right with you to take your orders.”

“Wine is kind of a staple here. Is that okay with you?” he asked Reganne.

“I’m more of a beer girl, but, yes, wine works, too.”

Damn, was this woman perfect or what? On the outside she appeared classy and sophisticated. The more he got to know her the more he realized how down to earth and real she was. An enigma he wanted to know on a deeper level.

Whoa. Back up. Not the reason he’d asked her out. He had no intentions of getting into a relationship. Have fun during leave. Doable.

“There’s so much to choose from.” Reganne turned the page of her menu.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“I have no idea.” She laughed. A light, musical sound that made him want to hear more of.

“If you like pasta, the cannelloni is good.”

A chestnut-haired woman approached wearing a tight black skirt and white blouse. She smiled when she saw him. “Greyson. How are you?”

“I’m good, Gabby. You?”

“Busy as usual.” She laughed. “And, who is your date?”

He gestured toward Reganne. “This is Dr. Reganne McCain. She’s a pediatrician here in town. Reganne, this is Gabriella Demarco.”

Reganne smiled at Gabby. “Nice to meet you. How many Demarco siblings are there?”

“There are seven of us. Four boys, three girls.”

“Wow. And you all work here?”

Gabby nodded with pride. “Well, Donovan is a SEAL, too, but he’s here when he’s on leave.”

“So this really is a family-run business.”

“Sure is.”

“Well, it’s an amazing place. I love the old-world feel.”

,” Gabby said. “Now, what can I get the two of you? Our specials tonight include Camila’s
Cannelloni Al Forno—
filled with herbed chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, cheeses and organic spinach topped with her special béchamel sauce. It comes with a side of bruschetta. Then there is my brother’s Shepherd’s Pie prepared with the traditional ground beef and lamb with pan-roasted fresh vegetables and herbs, baked en casserole with a mashed potato crust. Luciano grows the herbs himself. And for dessert we have our tiramisu on special.”

Reganne glanced at him, then to Gabby. “Grey also recommended the
. I’ll have that.”

“Good choice. And you?” Gabby turned to him.

“I’ll have the Shepherd’s Pie.”

Gabby nodded and collected their menus. “I’ll be right back with your wine.”

“Thank you,” Reganne said at the same time he did. Their eyes met and he grinned, pleased when she smiled back. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds. This had to be the most comfortable date he’d ever been on. Definitely more traditional than his usual.

“So what did Angela say earlier? It sounded like Italian?”

“Yeah. She said ‘better late than never’. I’m usually here with my buddies, not a date.”

“I’m the first woman you’ve brought here?”


“Would it be too forward for me to say I’m flattered?”

His blood raced through his veins. Her honesty was refreshing. Her boldness: sexy as hell. “Not at all.”

She laughed, sitting back in her chair. “I’m not usually like this.”

“I’m not complaining.”

Gabby approached with a bottle of wine. “Marcello sends his regards.” she poured the deep red wine into their glasses. “Your dinner should be ready shortly.”


Gabby left the bottle and moved on. Grey reached for his glass, lifting it in the air. “A toast to first dates.”

Reganne tapped her glass lightly to his before putting it to her lips and taking a sip. He did the same, letting the rich Chianti slide down his throat. Marcello did know his wines.

“How did the fishing go?”

Would have been better if he’d been able to get her off his mind. “Caught a couple rainbow trout.”

“Are you one of those catch-and-release fishermen?”

“Today I was.” He grinned, knowing she’d catch his meaning. If he hadn’t had plans to take her to dinner he’d be having a fish fry right now.

“And I’m flattered again,” she mused.

Before he could reply, Gabby showed up with their plates. After setting them down she asked, “Can I get you anything else?”

Grey glanced at Reganne, who shook her head. “Nope, think we’re good.”

“All right.
Bon appétit

They ate in silence for a few minutes.

“How is it?” he asked, motioning toward Reganne’s plate.

“I’ve never tasted anything this good in my life. How is yours?”

“Incredible. The Demarcos know their way around the kitchen.”

She took another bite. “I have to agree with you there.”

“More wine?”


He refilled both their glasses, setting the bottle off to the side. They chatted easily through the remainder of their meal. No uncomfortable silences. If he wasn’t careful he just might think her the perfect woman. A dangerous thought for a man who didn’t want a relationship.

When they finished and Gabby had cleared their plates, he decided he didn’t want this night to end. Before he could ask her if she wanted to go for a walk she spoke.

“Would you like to come over for coffee?”

Although there wasn’t an invitation in her eyes, a soft smile touched her lips. A bit unsure, which he found incredibly charming. She definitely wasn’t like the women he usually went home with.

“I’d like that.”

Her smile widened, the uncertainty falling away. Grey paid the bill, kissed Gabby on the cheek, waved to Luciano and Camila as they passed the kitchen and escorted Reganne to his truck.

Minutes later they were at her house. She unlocked the front door, punching buttons on the security system.

“Make yourself at home. I’ll brew a pot.”

Grey dropped onto the sofa, watching her move around the kitchen. It wasn’t long before the scent of fresh brewed coffee filled the room. When the pot finished, Reganne poured two cups and carried one to him. She kicked off her heels before sitting gracefully next to him. He’d thought she would sit across from him. He liked this much better.

“I have a confession to make.” Reganne crossed her legs. “You’re the first person I’ve dated since I moved here.”

That gave him a spike of arrogant pride. He shouldn’t care, but he didn’t like the thought of her dating other men. “My turn to be flattered.”

She laughed softly. “Guess we’re even.”

Her gaze turned to the windows, which were all closed, despite the warm temperature outside. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but not many people in California kept their windows closed. Especially if they lived on the ocean.

He sipped his coffee, studying the delicate lines of her profile. High cheekbones, kissable lips.

Pulling back, he looked away. Reganne gasped, drawing his attention back to her. Her eyes were wide, face white as she stared at the window across the room.

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