SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle (89 page)

Read SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle Online

Authors: S.M. Butler,Zoe York,Cora Seton,Delilah Devlin,Lynn Raye Harris,Sharon Hamilton,Kimberley Troutte,Anne Marsh,Jennifer Lowery,Elle Kennedy,Elle James

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Bundle, #Anthology

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When his hand opened, his thumb lightly stroking her cheek, she closed her eyes, absorbing his caress. The way he touched her indicated she could trust him, that he would protect her. She turned her head and pressed her lips to his palm.

“If this is your way of distracting me, then you’re doing one hell of a good job,” he said, low and husky.

“Good, because I’m not going to bore you with my past.”

His hand cupped her nape, his thumb feathering down the side of her neck. Goosebumps rose on her arms, traveling to her toes.

“I doubt I’d find anything you said boring.”

Oh, this man was going to be the death of her. In more ways than one if she didn’t send him packing. It took effort, but she pulled away, put distance between them. “Thanks for staying and keeping an eye on things, but you can go.”

“You’re sure?”

No. “Yes.”

“I’d like to see you again.”

Her heart fluttered. More than anything she wanted to spend time with him. But, until she found out if Carsen had found her she couldn’t take the risk.

“I’ve got a busy schedule this week.”

He leaned over, kissed her cheek, and rose to his feet. “You have my number. If anything changes, give me a call.”

She walked him to the door, disappointment riding her. Men had asked her out in the past eight months but she’d turned them all down. Not because of Carsen, but because she simply hadn’t been interested in any of them. Until now. Grey turned the tables on her. All she wanted to do was be with him.

Grey paused halfway through the door. “If you feel threatened again I’m only a few minutes away.”

“Right. You’re staying at your place tonight. Thank you.”

With a two-fingered wave he strode across the porch and down the steps. She waited until his taillights disappeared around the bend before turning off the lights and returning to bed. This time she couldn’t sleep because the lingering effects of Grey’s touch on her skin kept her awake. Longing to feel his caress again.

She was in big trouble. In so many ways.

Chapter Six

onday morning Reganne
walked outside, dressed for work. Balancing travel cup full of freshly brewed coffee, purse and tote she carried all of her work in, she hit the key fob button to unlock her car. The skies were overcast, heavy, dark clouds building in the west. The news channel had predicted a storm tonight. Looked like it was rolling in early.

Fumbling for the door handle, she pulled it open, tossed her bags in, then slid behind the wheel. She was about to push the start button when she saw a folded, pink note trapped beneath her wiper.

A rock settled in her stomach as she leaned out and snatched the note off the windshield. Forcing her hands not to shake, she unfolded it. Written in a familiar script were three lines. A poem. Not one she’d read before. But she recognized the script, the flow of words, the message.

Carsen had found her.

The note fell out of her hand, drifted to the floor to rest next to her heel. Reganne clamped a hand over her mouth. God help her, he’d found her. She hadn’t imagined seeing him in the crowd or at her window this weekend. He had been there.

And he’d seen her with Grey.

Drawing in a deep breath to calm her nerves, she brought her car to life. From past experience she knew to keep the note, even if it wasn’t threatening. Well, to the average reader. To her, those three simple lines represented underlying danger.

Tucking the note in her purse, she drove toward the office, her mind reeling. She’d done everything right. Even went as far to have her name left off the practice advertisements. No one would find her in the phone book, online, or on the sign out front of the office. Word of mouth had built her patient list. She gave the term ‘silent partner’ new meaning. Neither of her partners had questioned her request to be left out of the publicity. They were too busy to worry about why she didn’t want to be promoted.

But, no one could completely disappear or erase their existence unless they went into Witness Protection. Since Carsen had never been convicted of anything, that hadn’t been an option for her. No one believed the charming, prestigious neurosurgeon could be responsible for stalking her and putting her in the hospital for three days. No one believed her.

This time she refused to play the victim. She wouldn’t run again. No more new starts. She knew this man and how he operated. That gave her the advantage. Granted, she’d never thought he’d chase her, but that had been her first mistake. Thinking a man like that could ever let her go was her second.

Not again. This time she would be smart.

Even if the man did scare the life out of her.

The day flew by. She barely had time for lunch, let alone to think about the consequences of Carsen finding her. However, she did have a certain Navy SEAL on her mind. As she wolfed down a salad for lunch she picked up her phone and started to dial his number more than once. It may be hanging on her fridge, but she’d committed the numbers to memory. Each time she disconnected before punching in the last number. He’d said to call him if anything changed or if she needed him. Wanting to hear his voice didn’t exactly qualify.

Until she dealt with Carsen, Grey remained off limits. As much as that disheartened her. Her ex was unstable. There was no telling what he would do if she continued to see Grey. He’d overreacted when she went out with her girlfriends. Claiming she wanted to spend more time with them than him. Completely irrational and untrue, but Carsen chipped away at her until she’d given up her friends, her life, completely.

She’d only just met Darci and Cloe but they’d become good friends almost immediately. She adored Darci’s spunk and Cloe’s easy nature. Not to mention they were married to hot SEALs. A rough life both women handled like pros.

Although Carsen hadn’t made his intentions known yet, she knew where they would head in the end. And she wasn’t willing to give up her newly-found friends so easily. She liked California. Loved the ocean. Had settled into private practice more comfortably than she’d expected. Leaving wasn’t an option. This time, she would stand her ground and find a way to get Carsen out of her life once and for all. Somehow make him see she wasn’t the woman for him and he didn’t love her like he thought he did.

Now, to figure out how to do that.

Dr. Cummings poked her head in the doorway. “There’s someone here to see you.”

Reganne frowned. Her next patient wasn’t due for another fifteen minutes. Usually the receptionist, Penny, buzzed in when a patient or salesman arrived.

“A patient?” she asked the gray-haired woman.

“No. He asked specifically for you. Penny is in the restroom so I took the message.”

Hmm. Her mood lightened. Maybe Grey had stopped in to see her. She certainly wouldn’t object to that. In fact, it would make her whole day better. “I’ll be right out. Thanks, Pamela.”

“No problem. Oh, I’ll be taking off early today. Granddaughter has a dance recital tonight. I promised her dinner first.” With a smile and a wave, Pamela walked back to her office.

Reganne quickly finished her salad, tossed the carton and checked her hair in the mirror before walking out to the patient waiting area. Nervous anticipation dogged her steps all the way out to the front desk. She searched the faces for Grey, then froze when she saw the man sitting near the door.

Anticipation turned to anger and shock as she hurried toward him. He stood when she approached, a smile stretching across his handsome face. That smile sent chills down her spine.

“Carsen.” She came to a stop directly in front of him. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

He held up a hand to ward off her questions. “Hello to you, too. Is there somewhere we can talk?”

“We have nothing to say to each other. Please leave.”

“Just hear me out.”

She turned to leave but he caught her arm. Going rigid, she whispered, “Get your hand off of me.”

Immediately, he let go. “I just want to talk. I traveled a long way to see you. Five minutes. Please.”

“No. We’ve said all there is to say to each other. I have patients waiting. Goodbye, Carsen.”

With that, she walked back to her office, head held high. It wasn’t until she closed herself in her office that her legs gave out and she fell into her desk chair. Tears welled in her eyes, emotions surging to the surface.

Her worst nightmare had come true. Her ex had found her. Although she’d suspected it, nothing could have prepared her for coming face to face with him again.

Trembling, she wrapped her arms around her waist. Part of her wanted to believe that he’d changed and he’d come thousands of miles to apologize. The other part wanted to pack her bags and run far and fast.

Her phone buzzed, startling her. She clamped a hand over her mouth then cursed her reaction. She’d lived like this for over a year in New York. Never again could she give that power to Carsen.

“Dr. McCain, your one o’clock is here.” Penny’s voice came through the speaker.

Reganne pushed a button. “Thank you, Penny. I’ll be right there.” Only a slight waver in her voice.

Pulling herself together, she grabbed her stethoscope and went to see her patient, firmly pushing her ex out of her mind.


With quick steps,
Reganne walked to her car. The storm hadn’t moved in yet, but dark clouds hung low in the sky. She wanted this day to be over. Carsen had left and not bothered her again, but she’d feared him returning the rest of the day. Made it hard to concentrate on work.

Glancing around the empty parking lot, she unlocked her car and slid in, holding her breath to look at the windshield. No note. Thank God. Maybe he’d gotten the message and left her alone.

Pushing the button to start her car, she slipped on her seatbelt. Nothing happened. Frowning, she tried it again. Still nothing.

A sigh escaped her lips. Her car was a hybrid, barely a year old. How could it be having mechanical problems already?

Trying one more time without results, she slammed her hand on the steering wheel. A sleek sports car rolled up alongside of her. Maybe they could help.

Getting out of her car, she waved to them. The passenger side window went down and to her horror Carsen leaned over the seat.

“Need a ride?”

Flags went up inside her head. How did he know she had car trouble? Most people would ask if she was having trouble, then offer a ride.

“No. I called for a tow. They’ll be here any minute,” she lied.

Carsen put his car in park and climbed out.

Reganne took a step back as he rounded the hood to stand in front of her.

“I can take a look.”

“No. It won’t be long.”

Something shifted in his calm demeanor, causing a rock to drop in her stomach. No one else would notice it, but she knew this man.

“I’m just offering a hand.”

“I don’t need your help.”

His hand shot out, gripping her neck. He slammed her back against her car, his face close to hers, eyes blazing. “I drove thousands of miles to find you. The least you can do is accept my help.”

Her lungs burned, striving for air. She grabbed his arms, trying to dislodge his hold. “Let me go,” she choked.

“You never were grateful,” he spat. “I can’t believe I drove all this way for you.”

As quickly as he’d seized her, he let go. She slid down the car until her feet caught her. Somehow she remained standing as Carsen reached inside his car and threw some kind of cap at her. It landed at her feet.

Then he got in and squealed his tires out of the driveway, peeling off down the road. Reganne threw open her door and jumped in her car, locking the doors. With shaking hands she grabbed her cell phone and dialed Grey’s number.

He picked up on the second ring.

“Grey.” Her voice shook. “Could you pick me up at my office? My car broke down.”

Chapter Seven

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