SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle (93 page)

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Authors: S.M. Butler,Zoe York,Cora Seton,Delilah Devlin,Lynn Raye Harris,Sharon Hamilton,Kimberley Troutte,Anne Marsh,Jennifer Lowery,Elle Kennedy,Elle James

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Bundle, #Anthology

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Only to wake to darkness and the sound of the safety being released on a gun right next to his ear. He went rigid, preparing to strike.

“Don’t even think about it,” a man’s voice spoke. Unfamiliar. But he knew who held a gun to his head.

Reganne’s ex.

Reganne gasped where she lay in the crook of his arm. “Carsen? Is that a gun?”

Grey clamped his arm around her, preventing her from sitting up. He didn’t know how stable her ex was and he wouldn’t put her in danger.

“Did you think I would let you get away with this?” Carsen spat. “You knew I came here for you. That I wanted you back.”

“Why don’t you put the gun down and we can talk about this,” Grey suggested.

“Shut up. You don’t get to speak.”

“Carsen, this has nothing to do with him. Please, put the gun down.” Her voice wavered.

Grey squeezed Reganne’s waist, silently telling her to be quiet and let him handle this. She pressed closer.

“This has everything to do with him,” Carsen shouted, the barrel of the gun digging into Grey’s temple. “You betrayed me. Again. And now you’re both going to pay.”

Before Carsen could get a shot off, Grey rolled Reganne off the bed and knocked the gun from her ex’s hand. It clattered to the floor. Grey tackled Carsen, taking him down to the floor. He punched the bastard for scaring Reganne. For everything he’d done to her in the past.

Only when Reganne grabbed his bloodied hand and begged him to stop did he fall back, breathing hard.

A light turned on and he saw Reganne’s white face, wide eyes.

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. C’mere.”

She ran to him, burying her head in his shoulder. This time the tears did fall. He regretted losing his temper, but damn it, he’d wanted to kill the bastard for what he’d done, not scare her.

“He was going to kill you,” she said into his chest. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

Grey stroked her hair. “I’m fine. Nothing happened, baby.”

Her head bobbed.

“I’m going to call the police. You go get dressed and wait for me downstairs, can you do that?”

She pulled herself together, leaning back and wiping her eyes. “Yes.”

He kissed her then nudged her to get moving. She dressed quickly, avoiding looking at the bloody man on the floor. When she went downstairs, he slipped into his clothes, found one of Reganne’s belts and secured Carsen’s hands behind his back while calling 911.

Carsen came awake just as he tightened the belt. “What the hell? Let me go.” He fought the bonds, but they held tight.

Grey hauled him to his feet, slamming him into the wall and getting in his face. “This is how this is going to go.” His voice had gone deadly quiet. “You’re going to confess to everything you’ve ever done to Reganne and you’re never going to contact her again or I’ll make you regret it. Am I making myself clear?”

Carsen glared at him. “I could have you brought up on charges for assault.”

“I dare you.”

Carsen leaned back, trying to get away from the look in Grey’s eyes. “I’m an esteemed surgeon. They won’t believe I did that stuff to Reganne.”

“But you did do it, didn’t you? You stalked her, then put her and one of her residents in the hospital when you thought they were having an affair. Then you tracked her here and started the process all over again. Isn’t that how it went, Carsen?”

“You know nothing.”

“I know you just pointed a gun to my head and threatened our lives.”

That worked. Carsen attacked.

“She’s mine. I followed her half-way across the country so we can be together. Only to find her shacking up with you. You’d do the same if the woman you loved betrayed you.”

“But she didn’t betray you. She told you to leave her alone. Why didn’t you do that?”

“Because we’re meant for each other. She just doesn’t know it anymore. I came here to remind her and you got in the way!”

Grey shoved him against the wall when he tried to dodge him. “She doesn’t love you. Time to leave her alone.”

“Never. I won’t let her go.”

“There’s only one way out, isn’t there?” Grey taunted.

“Yes. No one will ever have her unless it’s me.”

“Is that why you brought a gun with you tonight? To make sure no one else has Reganne but you?”

Carsen’s eyes narrowed, shooting hatred at Grey. “Yes. I’ll never let her be with anyone else. Not you. Not that resident. No one.”

“Whatever it takes, huh?”

Carsen seethed. “Yes. Whatever the hell it takes.”

Squad lights flashed outside, announcing the arrival of the police. Grey let go of Carsen and stepped back as footsteps pounded on the stairs.

“Freeze,” one of the officers said. “Both of you on your knees, hands behind your heads.”

Grey immediately dropped. “Gonna be a little hard for him. I secured him for you.”

“And you are?”

“Greyson Stone, U.S. Navy. This man tried to kill us. The gun is under the bed and his confession is on the phone in my pocket.”

Carsen’s eyes flew to his, wide and accusing, then realization that Grey had been recording their entire conversation.

One of the cops handcuffed Carsen while the other dug the phone out of Grey’s pocket and recovered the gun. He played the recording for a minute, then turned it off. He held out a hand to shake Grey’s.

He rose to his feet and accepted the officer’s handshake. “Thanks, officer.”

“We’re going to need you and Miss McCain to come down to the station and make a statement.”

Grey nodded.

He followed them down, Carsen barking the entire time about suing them for excessive force. Reganne ran to him when she saw him and he wrapped his arms around her. She trembled against him, refusing to look at Carsen as the officers led him out to the squad car.

Once they drove away he held her tighter and said against the top of her head, “It’s over. You’re safe now.”

Chapter Eleven

Six Weeks Later

eganne opened the
windows, drawing in a deep breath as salty ocean air filled her lungs. It had taken some time, but she now slept with her windows open. Knowing Carsen would spend the rest of his life in prison on numerous charges made it easier. Thanks to Grey. He’d got Carsen to confess and recorded the whole thing. He knew how to play into the man’s ego and it worked. Not even Carsen’s expensive lawyer could stop him from going away.

They had given their statements and returned home just hours before Grey had to leave. She and Grey had spent the time in bed, making love. And when he had to leave she kissed him goodbye, telling him she’d be here when he returned. It wasn’t a vow of love like she wanted, but she didn’t want to spook him off. Or mess up his training. He’d kissed her as if he’d never see her again and walked out the door.

Work kept her busy, her mind occupied for the most part, but she missed him like crazy. Missed his grin, the way he made her laugh. Darci and Cloe kept tabs on her, making sure she wasn’t alone for long. They took her out to dinner, came over with take-out from Demarco’s—often with one or two of the Demarco sisters in tow—and insisted she eat. Reganne told them she was fine, that she and Grey weren’t married or even officially dating, but they would have none of it. Not that she minded. In fact, she’d grown close to them and enjoyed their company.

A knock on the door drew her attention. Probably Darci with the dessert she’d promised to bring over. Reganne walked to the door and opened it. But it wasn’t Darci standing on her porch.

“Grey.” She threw herself in his arms. He lifted her off her feet, kissing her. “You’re home.”

He carried her inside and kicked the door closed. “That’s what I’m hoping.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I want this to be my home. Or you can move into mine. Whatever you want. All I know is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much.”

Happiness flowed through her. She hadn’t expected him to be home so soon and certainly hadn’t expected a declaration of love. Although she’d wanted it so badly.

“You love me?” She smiled.

“I do. Ever since I first laid eyes on you at Tag’s party. You make me a better person. You give me a reason to come home.”

“Well, sailor, this is your lucky day because I have loved you since Darci first pointed you out to me. You make me laugh and feel like a complete woman again.”

“So is that a yes? You’ll marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”

“Yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Greyson Stone.”

He swung her around and she laughed, happier than she’d ever thought possible.

When he slid her down his body she cupped his face. “Guess what I bought?” she said with a wicked smile.

“I love you.” Grey carried her upstairs so they could start their life together.

The End

Catch up on the first SEAL Team Alpha novella, A SEAL’s Song—Jack and Darci’s story is available now! And
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to receive a heads up when the next SEAL Team Alpha novella comes out.

Other Books by Jennifer Lowery

SEAL Team Alpha Series:

A SEAL’s Song

A SEAL for Christmas

Wolff Securities Series:

Maximum Risk

ATCOM Series:

The Maze

Sawyer Sisters Trilogy

Hard To Handle

Onyx Group Series:

Hard Core


Murphy’s Law

Taking Chances
(short story)

About the Author

NY Times & USA Today bestselling author, Jennifer Lowery grew up reading romance novels in the back of her math book and on the bus to school, and never wanted to be anything but a writer. Her summers were spent sitting at the kitchen table with her sisters spinning tales of romance and intrigue and always with a tall glass of ice tea at their side.

Today, Jennifer is living that dream and she couldn’t be happier to share her passion with her readers. She loves everything there is about romance. Her stories feature alpha heroes who meet their match with strong, independent heroines. She believes that happily ever after is only the beginning of her stories. And the road to that happy ending is paved with action, adventure, and romance. As her characters find out when they face danger, overcome fears, and are forced to look deep within themselves to discover love.

Jennifer lives in Michigan with her husband and two children. When she isn’t writing she enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

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Jennifer’s Street Team

The Strong, Silent Type

An East Coast 8 Prequel

Elle Kennedy


About This Book

Resistance is futile…

Ever since he lost the love of his life, Senior Chief Shane Heron has vowed to protect his heart, the same way he protects his teammates in the field. When it comes to women, short-term affairs are all he has to offer, and it’s a strategy that’s worked well—until a fiery redhead blazes into his life and decides to break all his rules.

One look at the sinfully sexy Shane, and Jill Marshall is determined to coax the intense SEAL out of his shell. Casual relationships are nothing new to her, but temporary isn’t going to cut it this time. Not with Shane, who sets her body on fire with one smoldering look. But as the stubborn man continues to fight their growing connection, there’s only one item on Jill’s agenda—break down Shane’s defenses…by any seductive means necessary.

Chapter One

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