SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle (92 page)

Read SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle Online

Authors: S.M. Butler,Zoe York,Cora Seton,Delilah Devlin,Lynn Raye Harris,Sharon Hamilton,Kimberley Troutte,Anne Marsh,Jennifer Lowery,Elle Kennedy,Elle James

Tags: #Romance, #Military, #Bundle, #Anthology

BOOK: SEALs of Summer 2: A Military Romance Superbundle
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She pulled back. “Oh, God, please tell me you have one.”

“I have two.” He grinned, reaching for his wallet. Packet in hand he tore it open.

“Let me.” Reganne took it from him.

He watched the most beautiful woman roll the condom on him, barely holding himself in check.

When she finished she lay back, holding her arms out to him. He went willingly. Kissing her, he entered her slowly, absorbing the way she stretched to fit him, closed around him so hot and tight.

Reganne moaned, her fingers digging into his shoulders, urging him deeper. Their bodies synced in a rhythm that took him to the brink.

When he could hold back no more he took them over the edge, plunging deep, feeling her clench around him. Reganne cried out, pulling him closer.

Spent, satiated, he collapsed on his elbows, kissing her slow. Things stirred in his chest he didn’t want to identify just yet. Although, deep down he knew he’d fallen for this sexy pediatrician. Hell, he’d fallen hard at the party.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against her lips.

She smiled, soft and pretty. “You said you had two condoms, right?”

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

Her hips rocked against him. “Good. Because I’m not done with you yet, sailor.”

Laughing, he pulled her close. Never wanting to let her go.


The next morning
the alarm on Reganne’s phone woke him up. Reganne groaned and reached over him to turn it off, leaving her arm draped across his chest.

“Is it really time to get up already?” she muttered.

Grey chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Power’s back on. You have time to catch a shower first.”

Her head lifted off his shoulder. “Want to join me?”

His turn to groan. “Love to, but we used all my condoms last night.”

“We can do other things.”

Damn, he loved this woman.


The thought bounced around his head a few times before he came to realize it really didn’t scare him as much as he expected.

He kissed her, loving the way she responded. “If I could trust myself to leave it at that, I’d run after you.” He nibbled her lower lip. “But, honey, if I get you naked in the shower right now I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself.”

Her smile almost made him change his mind. Instead, he nudged her out of bed, enjoying the sight of her gorgeous, naked body as she walked toward the adjoining bathroom.

She cast a glance over her shoulder. “One last chance, sailor.”

He groaned. “I’ll make the coffee, vixen.”

With a laugh she disappeared into the bathroom. He got up, dressed, and went downstairs to start a pot before he did something he might regret and joined her.

The hold this woman had on him should have sent him running. After their talk about his mom some of the burden he’d carried for years had begun to lift. Replaced with guilt that he might have been able to do something to help her, but he could manage that. Hindsight was twenty/twenty. Couldn’t change the past, but he could change the future.

After finding the coffee, he scooped it into the pot. Was he insane? Thinking about marriage. Something he’d sworn never to do.

Ah, God. He had it bad.

He liked his life. Looked forward to going to the cabin alone after deployments. Liked no-strings-attached sex.

Or so he’d thought. Spending his life sleeping next to the same woman sounded pretty damn good. Especially a sexy redheaded pediatrician who made him want things he’d vowed never to.

His cell vibrated. His XO, commanding officer. Time to go back to work. He took the call, which lasted only seconds. After disconnecting, he finished making the coffee and leaned against the counter while it brewed.

They were being called in for training. O-six-hundred tomorrow. The familiar energy that always filled him when called to work flowed through his veins. Except this time unease followed. What about Reganne? Her ex was still out there and presented a threat. He wouldn’t be here to protect her. And if something happened to her while he was away he’d never forgive himself.

He would talk to Donovan and see if a couple of his brothers could keep an eye on her until he could be here to do it himself. They all rotated shifts at the restaurant so it shouldn’t be a problem. The Demarcos were a loyal family. He had no doubt the brothers would help out. He wouldn’t be able to train without distraction if they didn’t.

Grey scrubbed a hand down his face.

“Everything okay?”

At the sound of Reganne’s voice he dropped his hand and looked up to see her standing a few feet away. Dressed in form-fitting skirt and sheer blouse, her hair pulled back in a professional-looking ponytail. She looked every inch the professional and he fell even more.

“Team Five has been called in for training.”

“Oh. All right. What exactly does that mean?”

The coffee pot signaled the end of the brewing cycle. He turned and poured two cups full. When he turned Reganne sat at the island separating the living room from the kitchen. He set a cup in front of her.

“It means my leave is over. I have to report at six in the morning.”

She wrapped her hands around her cup, staring at it. “Okay.”

“I wish I could tell you more.”

“I understand. It’s like patient confidentiality. You can’t talk about it.”

He hadn’t thought about it that way, but, yeah, she did get it. “I’m going to talk to Donovan and have his brothers keep an eye on you.”

Her chin lifted. “That isn’t necessary. I can take care of myself, Grey. I’m not afraid of being alone.”

His chest constricted. The key to making it as a SEALs wife was the ability to spend weeks to months alone. Clearly, she was the perfect woman.

“Until your ex is out of the picture I’m not leaving you unprotected.”

Something crossed her face before she looked away. Softly, she said, “I can’t tell you what that means to me.”

Grey rounded the counter and cupped her chin, lifting until their gazes met. “I will always protect you.”

Tears filled her eyes and he knew he would never let this woman go. He pulled her into his arms and she hugged him tight.

The tears didn’t fall, but she held on longer than expected. Strong didn’t begin to describe her. She’d been through hell with her ex and lived to tell about it. Now her ex was back and stalking her and she still found the courage to go on.

He would be proud to have her at his side.

She pulled away. “I really should get to work. My first patient arrives in fifteen minutes.”

“I’ll drive you.”

This time she didn’t argue. Just nodded and stood. She grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and her purse.

They walked out to his truck, and he did a quick scan of the area to make sure no one waited in hiding. The short drive passed in silence.

He parked in front of the office. “What time should I pick you up?”

“Five-thirty.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

He waved to her, waiting until she stepped inside the office to drive away. Instead of going home he headed for Demarco’s Italian Café and Restaurant.

Chapter Ten

eganne breezed through
her day, treating patients, barely able to keep a smile off her face. She was in love. This time it felt real. True. After last night she had no doubt she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Grey. It was crazy, rash, and made her giddy with excitement. She’d never acted this way with Carsen. Truth that she’d never really loved her ex, just got caught up in his charm and lies.

Then when he told her he’d always protect her she took that last step over the edge. Could she really live the military life? Deal with her husband being gone more than he was home, not being able to tell her where he was or what he did there? Well, that part she understood. Related to. In her line of work confidentiality was required. Just like Grey’s. That would never be an issue because she couldn’t tell him anymore about her work than he could his.

She’d had plenty of practice being alone. Her parents were killed in a car accident when she a teenager. She’d been old enough to take care of herself so she took control of her life at an early age. Planning out her life hadn’t been all that hard to do. Becoming a doctor had always been her dream. Making it come true had taken drive and sacrifice, but she didn’t regret it one bit. She loved her job. It kept her busy, even if she did work nine to five. Well, her days often turned into twelve hour days with patient delays, emergencies, paperwork. And if any of her patients were admitted to the hospital she spent time there, too.

So, the issue of being without her husband for long periods of time wouldn’t be ideal, but it was doable. Her work would keep her mind occupied so she wouldn’t go crazy wanting him home.

Nothing like jumping the gun. She didn’t even know if Grey shared her feelings. Last night had been amazing, incredible and the best sex of her life. Even now she wanted to go home and make love to him. Wanted to spend the rest of her life loving him.

Except for one problem. Carsen. If he’d chased her here there was no telling what he’d do once he discovered she and Grey were sleeping together.

Sobering, Reganne gripped the file in her hand, pausing outside the patient’s room. Somehow she had to convince Carsen to leave her alone. That he didn’t love her. She didn’t love him. And do it without risking Grey or anyone else’s lives.

Knocking on the door, she entered the patient room with a smile. Time to put her game face on and go to work. In a few short hours she’d be with Grey again. Until then, she had patients to take care of.


Grey picked Reganne
up at five-thirty. She looked even better than she had this morning. He’d spent the day making arrangements with Donovan’s brothers to watch over her while he was away. They had readily agreed, as he knew they would. The Demarcos were one hell of a family.

“Hungry?” He pulled into traffic.

“For you.”

Caught off guard by her comment, he almost missed his turn. She laughed when he exceeded the speed limit to get her home fast. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her all day either.

At her house the door barely closed before he gathered her into his arms and kissed her. Her response drove him to press her against the wall, showing her how much he’d missed her. They kissed all the way up the stairs to her bedroom, clothes littering the staircase and floor as they made their way to the bed.

When he showed her the box of condoms he’d bought, she grinned and grabbed a handful, laughing as he tackled her onto the bed. For that moment nothing separated them. Not her ex, not his having to leave in the morning. Not the unspoken words either of them had yet to utter.

Their lovemaking was hot and fast the first time. Then slow and sensual the second. Grey took his time learning every inch of Reganne’s body. Discovering her sweet spots, committing her sighs and moans to memory. And when he finished loving her they lay together on top of the sheets in comfortable, satiated silence. He’d never been this content.

Reganne drifted off to sleep, her breathing light and even. He shifted, getting more comfortable before he let his eyes drift closed.

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