Authors: Katrina Alba
“But when you hugged Austin, both hello and goodbye, Mitch was glaring at Austin like
get your hands off my girl
. And he’s really hands on. It seemed like he was all over you all night long. To be honest, he’s a bit arrogant, too.”
“Tell me how you really feel, geez.”
“I’m sorry, Brynn. I’m just being honest.”
“I know you wouldn’t be you if you weren’t. I hope you will give him a chance for me. It was only one night, and I think I might be falling in love with him.”
Mel’s face softens. “You’re right, I’ll give him another chance, for you.”
“You will?”
“Of course, you’re my best friend. Even if we don’t see each other as often anymore with us being away at school, you’re still like a sister. Now, let’s get some freaking cake!”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go.” I giggle.
We are finishing our cake and Mel reaches for a second giant piece. “Good thing you wore your buffet dress.” Mitch chuckles.
Melanie shoots me a look. Crap, there goes his second chance. Right out the window.
The rest of the evening and weekend are nice and relaxing. We load up and drive back to campus Tuesday morning after saying our goodbyes. Brody said goodbye by licking my face, and then he attacked Mitch’s ankle. For some reason, I find this hilarious, and rather than help him get Brody off, I fall into a fit of hysterics.
* * *
The next semester passes quickly. Melanie and I don’t talk as often anymore. It’s a little awkward between us, which is strange, because it has never been awkward between us before. When we talk, there is an invisible polka dotted elephant in the room, the elephant being that she doesn’t like my boyfriend. It’s upsetting, and while I still love her like a sister, it’s slowing driving us apart.
Unfortunately, I don’t see Mom and Hank as often on the weekends either. I want to be sure I will finish the first semester of the next school year. I stacked up my courses this semester. I tell myself I don’t go home on the weekends because I need to study and focus on school. The reality is that I want to see Mitch, and he always has things planned for us. I still talk to Trevor through text message regularly, but I have not seen him since the wedding. It’s strange. I feel like I’m growing apart from everyone a little. On the other hand, maybe I’m just growing up and moving on.
As the months go on, Mitch gets more comfortable with me, and I start to see a little bit different side of him. We make love less and less, and he starts to let out his inner freak.
“Slap me,” he groans.
“What?” I asked shocked.
“Slap me!”
I’m so lost in the intensity of him slamming into me I do what he says. Without question, I slap him across the face.
“Harder!” he grunts as he continues to crash into me. I do as he asks and he growls his release and I follow. As soon as my orgasm hits me, a hand comes through the air slapping me back across the face so hard I see stars. It takes me a minute to come to. When I do, rather than be sated from my amazing orgasm, I’m fucking pissed! I haul off and slap Mitch so hard I hurt my hand.
He grabs my hair on either side of my head and pulls it back pinning my head in place to the floor. “That’s my good little slut,” he says roughly in my ear before biting my neck hard enough that I will have a mark. Mitch likes to leave reminders of himself on me. He calls it marking his territory. I’m still pissed, but I’m also very confused because I’m undeniably turned on. I want round two, right now!
Mitch is rough, and he treats me like a plaything, a whore in the bedroom and something inside of me loves it. I feel dirty and yet sexy...and confused by it all.
“I want you to do something for me,” he says as we rest for a moment before he goes back after my neck.
“You’re not going to slap me again, are you?” I scoff.
“Maybe,” he grins up at me, “but that wasn’t what I was talking about. I want you to gush for me. Show me just how fucking crazy I make you. I want that pussy to be a running waterfall.”
“Err…I don’t know… Aaarrgh!” I groan as he unexpectedly bites down on my right nipple.
“Relax, baby.” He laughs. “I’m going to finger fuck you within an inch of your life. When you come, I want you to push. Can you do that for me?” he asks before he bites down hard on my other nipple eliciting another moan. “Answer me!” he growls.
“Yes,” I manage to whimper while he continues his assault, going back and forth between my nipples. He’s roughly palming one breast, and he moves the opposite hand down to my clit where he starts gliding in just the right spot. I’m so lost between the sensations that I’m not expecting it when he dives a few fingers into me while continuing the circular motion as well.
It doesn’t take long before I’m falling off the cliff. When he can tell I’m almost there he urges, “Right now, push.” I do as he says, and the next thing I know a gush of warm, watery liquid comes gushing down my thighs and taint. What the hell...I’m startled and yet it feels amazing. Mitch has definitely brought out my kinky side. I didn’t have a boring sex life with the others, but he’s just, out of the box.
“That’s it! Yeah, just like that.” He says releasing me as I come down and starts to pleasure himself. Moving to a position where he’s straddling me kneeling, he continues to jerk himself off, faster and faster until he growls his release, “Yeah, that’s my good little cum slut,” he says spurting hot jizz all over my chest.
After cleaning up, we lie there quiet, which gives my thoughts a chance to run wild. What the heck just happened? He hit me, and not like smack your ass while doing you from behind. This was full on, open hand, across the face, punishment. I’m not sure how to feel about this. When we’re in the moment, it’s as if anything goes, and I mean anything. Once we come down from the amazing orgasms, we go back to us, completely ignoring the crazy shit that went down between the sheets.
* * *
My poor car is in the shop getting some work, so Mitch takes me to the gym before class. When he’s outside, he honks his car horn. Hearing the signal that he’s waiting, I lock the door and bound down the stairs. Instead of the smile I’m expecting when I get in the car, I’m greeted with an angry glower.
“Good morning?” I question his mood.
“That’s what you’re going to wear to the gym?” he questions back.
“What do you mean? It’s a sports bra. I get hot when I run.”
“Yeah, I bet you’re not the only one getting hot while you run. You probably cause some heart attacks running half naked at the gym.”
“Mitch, seriously.” I laugh. “Let’s go.”
“No girlfriend of mine is going anywhere dressed like that. Please, go put on a shirt.”
“This really bothers you?” I play diplomat. “Fine, I’ll grab a tank to put over it.”
We finally get to the gym and Mitch drops me off while he goes running errands letting me know he’ll pick me up in an hour. As I walk in, I see a class starting so I opt for that instead of a run. I’m walking out of class when I see Aden walk up. “Brynn!”
“Hey you! You heading out, too?”
“Yeah, I’ll walk you. How’ve you been?” We walk out the front doors and toward the stairs to the parking lot.
“I’ve been really good. One semester left and just sent in my grad school applications so I’m sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear from them.” I beam. “What about you? What’s new?”
“Not too much. Just applied to med school back in Iowa, so hopefully I’ll be leaving after next semester.”
“Aden, that’s awesome! I’m sweaty or I’d hug you,” I laugh. “That is seriously so exciting! I’m so happy for you!”
“Yeah, I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty awesome.” He grins. “Well, it was good to see you, babe. Good luck with your applications. You’ll have to let me know what happens, like I don’t already know you’ll be accepted.” He leans down and kisses my sweaty cheek. “Bye.”
“Good to see you, too,” I say, waving goodbye.
When I look over, I notice Mitch waiting by the curb. I get in the car and he’s silent as he pulls out of the lot, but I can see his jaw ticking.
“Who was that, and why did he feel like it was okay to kiss you?” he finally seethes just barely holding onto himself.
“Whoa, calm down, cowboy. That was an old friend of mine. His name is Aden. We were just catching up.”
“He shouldn’t have touched you. No one should touch you,” he bites out.
I roll my eyes and look out the window. I’m not going to fight over something so silly. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about law school.” Mitch breaks in after a few moments.
“What about it?” I ask confused.
“I know you applied to a lot of places, but Columbia is your top pick. Where does that leave us? I think you should try to stay here, with me…” he says looking over at me with wounded puppy eyes.
It is impossible to stay mad at him with those emerald green eyes. “I’m not sure what to say. I mean, really, I can’t say anything until I see where I get accepted and then go from there.”
Pulling the car over, Mitch turns in his seat facing me. Taking my hands in his, “Brynn, I love you. I don’t want to lose you.”
“I know, and you won’t. I love you, too. Let’s just wait and see what happens, go from there,” I encourage.
“Promise me. Promise you won’t leave,” he says looking so sad, it breaks my heart.
All I can think of is his ex-wife and how awful that ended for him. It tugs at my heartstrings every time I think about it and this broken man before me. I don’t think, I just speak, “I promise.” I shouldn’t have said it. It’s not a promise I’m sure I can keep. Am I going to give up my dreams for him? I’ve worked so hard for so many years to get here. What if I don’t get into a school close to here. Would I really just walk away from it, for Mitch? Fingers crossed I get in.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he turns back around and drives the rest of the route to my place.
* * *
After convincing Mitch, I go home to spend a weekend with Mom. Brody is in the yard when I arrive and comes scampering over as I get out of the car. Reaching down, I pet his head. “Hey, boy. Where’s Mom? Let’s go inside.”
I hear Mom get up and come down the hall when she hears the weather door. I put my bags down so I can hug her. I think it’s the longest we have been apart my whole life, and it feels so comforting to be home and in her arms.
“Hi, baby,” she says wrapping me in a hug.
“Hi, Mom.” I snuggle in. I didn’t realize how much I have missed her. “Where is Hank?” I ask when we pull apart.
“I sent him fishing for the weekend. I thought some girl time would do us good.”
“Chick flicks and junk food?”
“Sounds perfect to me!” She smiles. “You look thinner, have you lost weight? Are you not eating at school?”
“Errrm, well, I’ve been busy and stressed. I work out a lot to help with the stress of all the work, and Mitch doesn’t keep any ‘wasteful, fattening, junk food around.’”
“Your hair is getting long.”
“Mitch likes it long.”
“I see,” Mom says and it feels like she’s biting her tongue.
Ignoring it, I let her know I’m going to take myself upstairs and put my things in my room.
Mom and I are snuggled into the couch with Brody, a movie, and a bowl of popcorn later when I hear the front door slam. I look over at Mom who just smiles. “Who is that?” I question.
“You better have saved me some popcorn!” Melanie comes walking into the living room. “Got room for one more? Scoot your skinny ass over, bitch.”
“Good to see you, too.” I laugh moving over to make room. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home this weekend?”
“Mom and I wanted to surprise you,” she says smirking at mom.
“What should we watch next? Mel’s choice since she’s the guest.”
“What? I’m a guest now, too. Remember? I don’t live here.” I pout. “Besides, you already know she’s going to pick
P.S. I Love You
“Um, hello, Gerard Butler…Jeffery Dean Morgan! Any questions?”
“Yeah…You win.” I giggle.
I wake up a few hours later to the smell of what can only be Mom’s famous chocolate chip cookies. “Wake up!” I poke Mel.
She looks over at me groggily. “Is that Mom’s cookies I smell?”
“It’s got to be.” We share a look before we take off sprinting toward the kitchen like a couple of little kids.
Mom laughs when she sees us come running in. “First batch just came out. Careful, they’re still hot,” she warns.
Mel and I look at each other, smile, and both grab a cookie off the hot tray. “Oh, my God, it’s so hot and gooey and chocolaty and so worth burning my mouth for.” I practically orgasm while eating it and immediately grab another.
“I ordered Hawaiian pizza. Should be here soon.”
“Mom, are you trying to fatten me up? It’s working, keep the cookies coming.” We all laugh.
I go to the fridge and pour milk for all of us. “So, how is school going?” Mel asks.