Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5) (44 page)

BOOK: Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5)
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Selfishly, he ignored her.

Wrongly assuming he hadn’t heard over the loud pulsing music and the pervasive sounds of BDSM play, she persisted, calling louder. “Tony.”

Feeling like a shit for putting her off, he stopped mid-stride, dreading what she was going to say. Still, he manned up and turned to her.

“What is it, angel?” he asked, although he knew without a doubt upon seeing the distress on her lovely face.

“I feel awful about how I treated Mara and with this new threat against Pete and Joanna, I’m not sure I can concentrate on playing.”

A wave of frustration rushed through him displacing the lust that had been keeping his cock in a state of readiness since they’d dressed for the evening. Inwardly, he cursed himself for being insensitive, but it had been a long damn time. Tony had taken his usual DM rotation and Megan had attended LBD nights to hear Elena perform, but with infant twin sons and both of their businesses to run, their free time had been spent mostly in bed and unfortunately, the activity had been sleeping, rather than fucking.

Tonight, everything had fallen into place for their return. They had a sitter for the twins and with a rare day off from the bakery, Megan was rested. They had left the house, eager for playtime in one of the private rooms upstairs.

He should have known that something would throw a monkey wrench in his well-oiled plan. First, Mara’s situation, which certainly had the power to put a damper on things, and now the threats against Joanna and Pete.

“Angel, aside from the near miracle of having a babysitter for the boys tonight—only the second time since you were given the thumbs up by your doctor, I might add—consider the fact that Mara forgave you. Except for Lexie and Jo, we all made assumptions and treated her poorly, including Sean. Lord knows I thought she was guilty. I turned her away when she came to me for help, making me the ultimate shit. We all feel badly.”

“She came into the bakery a few weeks back with Lexie and Joanna and I treated her like crap. She was celebrating getting the hardware off her leg.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I should have been a better friend, like Lexie.”

“After taking a bullet for her, Lexie would have forgiven Mara for anything.”

“And I’m worried about Joanna. God knows what this psycho means by being the first to pay.” More tears fell.

Feeling his plans teetering on the edge, he gathered her against his chest, making a desperate attempt to salvage their evening. His lips against her silky, sweet scented hair, he asked, “Will going home and feeling sorry about what happened accomplish anything? Will it absolve you of your guilt or ease your worries?”

“No,” she hedged, “but—”

“Moving forward, you can make it up to Mara by being there for her. She’s going to need support in the next weeks and months of the trial. And Joanna knows you care, but brooding over the situation won’t help. Besides, she has Pete to help her forget for an hour or so. I bet he has her strung up at the chain station for a good flogging before we make it upstairs.”

She sniffled, wiping her tears away with her fingers but getting nowhere. His hands cupped her face and took over, his thumbs sweeping her wet cheeks.

“Neither of them would want you to torture yourself, angel. That’s my job. I’ll happily whip your ass for your transgressions if it will make you feel better.”

Her laugh, although less enthusiastic than he would have liked, was music to his ears, giving him hope that he might have pulled their evening back from the brink. In a flash of conscience, he wondered if he was being a selfish prick, but quickly shoved that idea aside. As an exhausted new dad who did his share of late night soothing and diaper changes, he deserved a night off to play, as did she. Not to mention that after a steady diet of vanilla sex—though any kind of sex with Megan was out of this world—he was ready for spicier fare. Granted, the long dry spell from club play was part his fault, taking an additional two months after getting the all clear for sex, to be extra sure.

As Meg tossed back her head to look up at him, her long blonde waves tumbling around her bare shoulders made him hard, as did the teasing glint in her beautiful blue eyes. He knew he’d won when she said, “You love to take me to task for my transgressions, you depraved sex fiend. Lead on, Captain, it’s time to claim your booty.”

His hands dipped to her ass and he lifted her, laughing with delight. “The only booty I’m interested in claiming tonight doesn’t come in a pirate’s chest, and I guaran-damn-tee you are going to love every moment of my depravity tonight.”

Cupping the back of her head, he swooped down for an impassioned kiss, wondering if she could taste the relief on his lips. When he pulled back, he asked the question that as a loving husband, he knew he had to, despite the Dom in him screaming not to. “Ready to play, angel?”

“Yes, Captain,” she breathed against his mouth. “Depriving ourselves further will accomplish nothing.”

“Damn straight,” he growled against her lips. “Let’s go.”

He hurried her through the crowd, shaking his head at friends who looked as if they would approach. They took his meaning and soon he and Megan were climbing the steps against the back wall.

As he said, he had plans. He hadn’t clued her in, wanting to keep her guessing, which was part of the thrill of the game after all. In addition to a surprise, he had lessons to teach. Ever since the boys were born, she was hypersensitive, exploding at the slightest touch like a firecracker on the 4
of July. He’d tried to curb her rapid response with edging—much to her delight—building then easing, climbing the peak only to slide her back before reaching the summit. When it didn’t work and she came on both the ascent and descent uncontrollably, he’d moved on to orgasm denial, something both of them hated and only made matters worse when they came together the next time. Tonight, he was doing an about face and giving her what she wanted, unlimited pleasure without delay or restriction. A last hurrah if you will before he settled down into a strict regimen of retraining.

Tony led her to the largest of the private rooms on the second floor. He opened the door and entered, switching on the lights while expecting her to follow. When he started across the room to begin preparations, he noticed Megan remained in the hall, peeking in around the doorframe.

“Is there another problem, Megan?”

“This is the orgy room, Captain.”

Surprised, Tony glanced at the room behind him. The new piece of equipment he planned to trial tonight was unusually large. This was the only private room that had enough space. It hadn’t occurred to him what she would think about being brought here. He should have anticipated Megan would know, as every other club member did, that this was where the ménage and group activities invariably took place.

“I’ve never been in here before.”

“I should hope not, angel. At least, not without me.”

He watched as she surveyed the entire room carefully before taking a few tentative steps inside. When the self-closing door banged shut with a thud behind her, she whirled in surprise.

“You’re on edge, Megan. Were you expecting a crowd?”

She flushed, her cheeks turning a rosy pink.

“No, I… uh, the room—”

“Has a reputation,” he cut in, “I get that. Did you think I’d disregard your wishes and schedule a welcome back orgy or something?” He was ticked she’d think he’d do such a thing.

Megan dropped to her knees in front of him. “Captain, I sincerely beg your pardon for making assumptions. Please forgive me.”

He looked at her. Gorgeous in her club wear, her breasts, fuller while breast feeding, soft, lush and quivering over the top of her cinched corset, eyes down, hands behind her back, creamy thighs spread in her submissive pose. She was stunning and his dick, pressing hard against his leathers, couldn’t stay angry with her, likewise the rest of him.

Tony squatted in front of her and lifted her chin with one long outstretched finger. “I should have warned you, but then again, you should have trusted me, Megan.”

He saw a tear escape from beneath her lashes.

“Eyes to me.”

She shook her head. “I’m too embarrassed. That I could think you would do such a thing.” Her hands fisted on her thighs revealing her distress. “I mean an orgy of all things!” The last few words came out in an appalled whisper.

“I should spank your sexy ass for doubting me, but your remorse is quite genuine and your apology heartfelt.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Look at me, Megan.”

She peeped up at him through her tears. His thumbs dried her cheeks, not for the first time touched by what a sensitive sub he had on his hands, maybe it was still post-pregnancy hormones.

“I feel awful, Tony. I’m so sorry. I think you should spank me anyway.”

He moved his lips over her wet cheeks. “Tonight is about fun and getting you reaccustomed to club play. If you are a good girl and put this behind us, I promise to flog your naughty ass. How does that sound?”

“Perfect, Captain. Thank you.”

“Thank me when we’re done, baby. I have a lot planned.” He turned her to face the center of the room. “Do you know what that is?”

He watched her eyes flare wide. “A kinky picnic table?”

Eying the extra-large sawhorse style bench, he grinned, seeing how she could think that. “It’s big enough for one, but it’s highly unlikely anyone will be eating fried chicken and potato salad on that thing.”

She giggled, and he was relieved the mood had lightened.

“It’s a spanking bench—”

A snort of disbelief heralded her quip. “Who for? Shaq? It’s huge!”

He tugged on the hair at her nape gently, until she was looking straight up at him. Dipping his head, he shut her mouth with his lips. After a brief, possessive kiss, he urged, “Stop interrupting and I’ll explain.”

“Yes, Captain,” she said meekly, but with an impish grin.

“As I was saying.” He shot her a quelling look, which she ruined with a giggle. “Many volunteered, but as a gift from Sean after our long absence, we are the lucky couple that gets to break in our brand new custom made multifunction Sybian spanking bench. You might say it’s the Cadillac of spanking benches as it’s equipped with all kinds of gadgets and special attachments. We put it here because it’s the only private room large enough to house it.”

“I’ve never seen one so big. It’s enormous really and rather intimidating.”

He couldn’t suppress a laugh when she realized what she’d said.

“Don’t you dare say ‘that’s what she said’, Tony Rossi.” Then she flushed seven shades of red and laughed along with him.

Tony captured her lips, kissing her until all her giggles and blushes were subdued. He thanked heaven for sending him this woman. She matched him perfectly in kink and libido, always eager to please. He loved everything about her.

When he reluctantly released her lips, she whimpered in disappointment.

“There’ll be much more of that later, but first let me get ready for our scene. Kneel here while I get everything prepared.”

“Yes, Captain. I love you.”

“I love you too, angel, but stop distracting me. I only have the room for four hours and really do have a lot planned.”


* * * * *


As he walked away, Megan’s smile dimmed a bit when she actually got a good look at the massive a-frame bench. It had a flat top about six inches wide with two kneeling benches on either side. Covered in thickly padded burgundy leather on all its surfaces, at about six feet in length, she imagined it was meant for more than one person at a time. The odd thing about it, other than its size, was the wide rectangular slot in the middle of the top board and the two metal rods sticking up from the center. She glanced skeptically over her shoulder at Tony who was busy at a cupboard behind her.

“Eyes front, Megan. Some of this is intended as a surprise.”

Obediently, she turned back around.

A few minutes later, Tony passed by with his hands full and though she tried, she couldn’t make out what he was carrying. A moment later she gasped, throwing him a wide-eyed look—both he ignored—as he laid two very sizable dildos on top of the bench. She swallowed, gauging them to be at least eight inches, maybe more, feeling both excitement and trepidation now that she knew a little something of what he had planned.

Tony slapped the top of the bench, the sound of his big palm smacking leather echoing loudly in the room. “Strip and mount up.”

As she slid the straps of her form fitting black mini dress over her shoulders, she watched him attach the toys—both of them—to the metal rods rising out of the center of the bench. Holy crap!

“Uh, Captain, I’m not so sure about this.”

“What makes you think you get a say in this, little subbie? You said you trusted me to know your limits, so I expect you to either do as you’re told or give me your safeword.”

Well, there you have it. She wanted to play with him, had craved it, in fact, whining about his extended hiatus well after her OB had given the all clear. Now, after all of that, it was put up or shut up. Inhaling deeply, she wiggled as she pushed the tight, stretchy material over her hips and stepped out of it. When he was done and turned to see if she’d followed his order, he reached and teased one of the golden curls that fell over her shoulder.

“I’m glad we’re both on the same page now. You have one choice and I need your answer before we proceed, do you prefer the first dildo in your ass or your pussy?”

“Um… It’s kind of large, Sir.”

“Is it?” Tony questioned as he leaned over to whisper in her ear, cupping a bare breast as he did so. “Then choose wisely, angel, bearing in mind that no matter which hole you choose, my cock will be in the other.”

“Oh my—” She started to exclaim, but her breath caught as he bit her ear lobe sharply while he pinched and rolled the tip of the breast that he palmed. She exhaled in a throaty groan as he proceeded to nibble a path down her throat to the sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder met.

“Your choice?”

“I’ll take the, uh, um…” Gathering her nerve, she burst out, “I’ll take the huge dildo in my ass for a thousand, Alex.”

BOOK: Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5)
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