Secret Cravings (10 page)

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Authors: Sara York

BOOK: Secret Cravings
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“I’m a lawyer, like Amy.” Nick beamed as he spoke. His pride in his job blazed through. Normally, Amy would have joined in on Nick’s show of pride but Nichole’s gaze grew hard and she looked away, a red flush coating her face.

“Oh,” Nichole said.

She had to save the situation. The last thing Amy wanted was for Nichole to feel awkward in her presence, but anything she came up with to say sounded ridiculous so she just stood there, looking stupid. Nick finally realised his gaffe, thank God, and started talking about helping Amy move.

“…her old roommate was a total bitch, more like a ball and chain, and Amy finally dumped her.”

Nick’s words rang through the room and Amy realised too late that Nick had made it sound as if she’d just been in a relationship. “I wasn’t in a relationship with her. I didn’t dump her.”

“No, no, that’s not what I meant to say.” Nick threw up his hands. “Aww, fuck, I suck at this. I’m sorry, Nichole, but Amy likes you and she’s rather nervous. I think her nerves are rubbing off on me.”

Amy’s entire body went hot and she wished the floor would open up and swallow her down into the sewers, hiding her from Nichole forever. “Oh, damn, Nick. Talk about making me worse off. You need to take your pizza and leave before you make Nichole think I’m a total skank whore who’s not worth the time of day.”

“I don’t think that. I think it’s kind of funny.”

“What?” Nick asked.

“You two bickering. It’s kind of funny,” Nichole said.

“Normally we don’t,” Amy said.

“Yes, we do. We’re lawyers.” Nick laughed.

Amy pulled out three plates from the cabinet, glad that Nichole seemed to be relaxing as she and Nick fixed the drinks. The one-room apartment had enough space for a small kitchenette, a couch, two chairs and her bed, which she’d hidden from view with some Japanese screens. The bathroom was small, but functional, nothing to be excited about, but at least she didn’t have to share. Nichole took a seat on the new couch and curled her legs underneath her body. Amy couldn’t help but stare as she watched the beautiful woman get comfortable.
Take it slow. Don’t scare her off.

Being aggressive came easily to Amy, but she didn’t want to frighten Nichole. She would take time to get to know her and let the other woman set the pace in their relationship. The pizza arrived and they all sat down with a few slices and a beer each, and began talking about the city they all loved.

After his fifth piece Nick begged off, saying he had an early start the next day. Amy hoped Nichole would stay longer but, after saying goodbye to Nick, she noticed that Nichole was getting ready to leave.

“You can stay for a little longer if you want,” Amy offered.

Nichole tucked her chin, her eyes hidden. Slowly, she lifted her gaze, her big blue eyes hooded by her lashes. “I should go.”

Amy’s lungs grew tight and her body craved a connection. She wanted to taste Nichole’s lips and touch her body. Need mixed with lust and raced through her body, making her wet with anticipation. Amy fisted her hands, afraid of losing control and pinning Nichole up against the wall, sucking on her neck until she cried out for more.

“Um, okay. I’m glad you came over for some pizza.”

“Thanks for inviting me.”

Nichole headed for the door and as she passed, Amy couldn’t help but reach out and take her hand. Nichole’s gaze flew to hers, searching Amy’s face. They were only inches apart and the desire to lean in and kiss Nichole pounded through Amy. She leaned in, closing the distance and brushing her lips softly over Nichole’s. It took every ounce of her restraint to not take Nichole into her arms and hold her close. Their kiss went on, testing the boundaries of Amy’s sanity.

Nichole pulled away first, her brow pinched together with worry. Amy reached up and smoothed out Nichole’s wrinkles, ran her hand down Nichole’s cheek then cupped her chin. “I don’t know what it is, but whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here.”

Nichole opened her mouth but nothing came out. She closed her lips then opened again but shook her head. “I’m confused.”

“That’s okay, I got loads of time. I want to see you again.”

“I don’t know.”

“We don’t have to kiss again.”

“No, I liked the kiss.” Nichole’s face flamed red as she ducked her head.

“I liked it too.”

Nichole snapped her head up, her eyes wide. “I really did.”

“I want to kiss you again, but I don’t want to scare you off.”

Nichole stepped away, her eyes troubled. “How about next time? I get home at about the same time every night.”

“I’d like to see you tomorrow then.”

“Cool.” Nichole opened the front door and slipped out.

Amy couldn’t believe that she’d let Nichole leave so easily. Part of her wanted to race down the hall and pin Nichole to the wall, then kiss her silly, but she knew better. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.


* * * *


For the third day in a row, Bryan woke up in Luke’s bed. They’d both agreed that it was silly for Bryan to keep going home, so he’d brought his laptop and a few files and had them stowed in Luke’s office. Being with Luke was so easy. At first he’d thought it would be weird sharing a bed and his life with a man, but somehow it had flowed naturally, both of them getting along.

Luke seemed to be having a hard time adjusting to sleeping at night. He’d kept Bryan up with sex every night so far. Last night, they’d made love until midnight. Even with only six hours of sleep, Bryan felt better than ever. He jumped in the shower and fixed coffee and eggs before heading into Luke’s office to work. He had an early call with customers in England, and a few other projects that needed to be completed before California woke up.

The England call ran smoothly and his projects were going great. Everything was fine until he took his eyes off his computer and glanced at Luke’s image surrounding him. The guy was freaking gorgeous. Bryan’s cock went half hard without him even touching the damned thing.

On the next call with customers, he had difficulty concentrating. His frustration grew when his boss called and he was struck dumb because he’d been staring at Luke’s picture, which had sidelined his concentration.

“Bryan, are you still there?” his boss asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, what was the question?”

“Australia, are they on board?”

Bryan forced his eyes back to his computer and focused on the Australian customer file. The account was rocky and he’d probably have to fly over in a few weeks and get his employees back on track.

By noon, he was ready to explode. Luke was too sexy to have around him at all times. Maybe moving in with the guy had been a mistake. Hell, he didn’t know. They’d melded so easily. He remembered moving in with his ex, how much difficulty they’d had in the beginning. She’d griped about everything he did and he hadn’t been any better. Together, they’d been hell. With Luke, everything had been easy. He leant back in the chair, stroking his cock through his jeans.

The door burst open and Luke sauntered in. Bryan narrowed his eyes, a little pissed off that the guy looked so good and inviting. He couldn’t be having sex in the middle of the day.

“Hey, babe, how you…?” Luke trailed off.

“I can’t do this.”

“What?” Luke stopped dead.

“You’re everywhere.” Bryan waved his arms around his head. He knew he looked crazy, but he was half crazed with longing.

“Are you saying you want to leave?” The hurt on Luke’s face made Bryan’s body ache.

Bryan blew out a breath. His frustration had pushed him over the edge and he’d hurt Luke, which had been the last thing he’d wanted to do. “No, baby, I don’t want to leave you. I’m frustrated because I’m trying to concentrate on work and all I can do is paw my cock and think about your body.”

Luke’s face went red and he ducked his head. “You want me?”

“Fuck, yeah, but I have a call that starts in”—Bryan glanced at his watch, wondering how quick a quickie they could have—”five minutes.”

“So if I started stripping off my clothes that would probably make you mad.”

“Fuck, Luke, you are killing me.” Bryan jumped up from his chair and popped the button on his jeans, pulling down the zip and freeing his cock. “Suck me. Now.”

Luke looked shocked. Anger flared in his eyes and he hesitated. Bryan didn’t know what was behind that anger, but he’d seen it once before when Bryan had demanded to be sucked. Later he’d figure it out, but now he needed to placate his man.

“Please, babe? I’m so hot for you and I would do you, but I don’t have much time.”

Luke’s features softened and he sauntered over and dropped to his knees. His eyes stayed on Bryan’s the whole time. When he leaned in and kissed the tip of his dick, Bryan shattered. The thoughts that had run through his mind all day had made him sensitive and on edge. He didn’t even try to hold back, and came, shocking the hell out of Luke, who didn’t even have time to open his mouth and drink down his seed. White cum clung to Luke’s chin and dripped to the floor.

Bryan jerked out the last of his jizz, feeling embarrassed by how fast he’d blown. He dropped to the floor next to Luke and licked the cum off his chin, kissing Luke’s face and neck.

“You really were needing that,” Luke said, his voice tight.

“Babe, all I could think about was being with you again. I don’t know who hurt you in the past, but I do know this—I have very deep feelings for you and I’ll try my hardest not to hurt you.”

Bryan’s phone rang and he pulled away from Luke. “I’m sorry, I have to get this. Tonight I’ll more than repay the favour.”

Luke didn’t leave the room as Bryan answered the call. He forced himself to focus on work, pulling up the file related to the call. After a few minutes Luke left, and Bryan finished off the day without seeing Luke again. He was worried that he’d offended the man with his demands for a blow job. They would have some heavy talking to do tonight.


* * * *


Luke didn’t want to stay in his apartment after servicing Bryan. He shouldn’t have been offended, but memories of Christopher bossing him around had made him pissed off when Bryan had demanded he go to his knees. Fuck, he loved giving and receiving blow jobs, but not when the other person made demands. As the day grew late, Luke knew he needed to head back to the apartment and Bryan, but he didn’t know if he could deal with the situation. He wasn’t really mad, just hurt.

He stumbled into his apartment a little after five. What he didn’t expect was for Bryan to come rushing over and wrap his arms around Luke and hug him tightly.

“Oh, God, babe, I was so worried. You didn’t take your phone and when I came out for lunch you were gone. I went down to look for you but I—” Bryan sobbed, his body shaking against Luke’s.

“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m okay.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I said to upset you but I’m sorry.”

Luke closed his eyes as tears leaked from them. Never before had he been greeted like this. Bryan had been worried about him. This wasn’t an act—this was real. Luke stepped back, pushing Bryan to arm’s length. His heart felt as if it had taken up all the room in his chest, forcing the air from his lungs. He wanted to say so much, but the words wouldn’t come so he pulled Bryan back to him, nestling his face in Bryan’s neck and crying along with his boyfriend. Another first he’d never experienced.

After a few minutes they both stopped their sobbing and separated, staring at each other tentatively. The emotions had overwhelmed Luke and it seemed that Bryan felt the same way. They held hands, staring at each other, but neither spoke. Finally, Luke knew he had to tell Bryan what he’d done. His gut twisted and his body went hot, but he had to say something.

“That night in Silver Lace, when we met, I was on the floor giving head because I owed the guy. He got me the part in the movie, the one that starts shooting in three months, and I said I would blow him for the opportunity. I didn’t know how much it would take from me, how much of my soul that act would steal, but today, when you demanded I suck you, I felt dirty, like I did with him.” Luke stopped talking, horrified that he’d told Bryan about his arrangement with Christopher.

Bryan didn’t gasp, didn’t shake his head and he didn’t run. He knew Luke’s ugliest secret. When Bryan stepped forward, Luke half expected him to throw a punch, or slap the snot out of him. Instead, Bryan cradled him in his arms, brushing featherlight kisses over his face and lips, murmuring consolingly.

“Babe, I’m sorry he made you feel the need to do that. He took advantage of you and I’m so sorry if that’s what it sounded like I was doing earlier.”

Luke started to speak but Bryan placed his fingers on Luke’s lips, stopping him from talking.

“Honey, I care about you. I want you, and not because I can go bragging to my friends about who I forced to do me. I want you because you’ve been nice to me. You care about me and I care about you. I see it in your gaze, when you look at me and you think I haven’t noticed. You care, and that makes me want you even more.”

Luke chewed on his lip. His heart thudded and all the self-doubt he’d had over Bryan liking him melted away. He pulled Bryan into a rough kiss, spinning around and plastering him against the elevator doors. Before Bryan could say anything, Luke had Bryan’s pants undone and pushed out of the way. He dropped to his knees and sucked Bryan into his mouth. Bryan squeezed his shoulders then grabbed his head, gently cupping his ears.

It didn’t take long for Bryan to come and Luke gladly swallowed down Bryan’s offering, loving the taste of his man. When Bryan stopped shaking, Luke pulled him down and stripped off the rest of Bryan’s clothes.

“Shouldn’t we go to the bedroom?” Bryan asked.

“No, right here. That way when I come home I’ll always think of you here on your knees, taking it in the end.”

Bryan moaned and flipped to his hands and knees, thrusting his ass up in the air, inviting Luke in. Luke ran to the bathroom to grab a condom and some lube, telling Bryan to stay put. When he rushed back in he stopped, gasping at the sight of Bryan ready for him, his cock almost hard again as he wiggled his ass.

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