Secret Journey to Planet Serpo (17 page)

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Authors: Len Kasten

Tags: #UFOs/Conspiracy

BOOK: Secret Journey to Planet Serpo
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The Team Commander's diary entry continues:

Ebe2 came by after the feast. Ebe2 was concerned with 754. As I mentioned in one past entry, 754 became sick. But he has recovered. We don't know what he suffered but 700 treated him with penicillin, which worked. We all have had some sort of sickness, since we've been here except 899, that guy is a solid rock. He hasn't been sick, not even a cold. 706 [700] and 754 are keeping details [
] records of each team member and their medical and physical condition. We have tried to keep a steady physical fitness program since we arrived. Sometime we follow it and sometime we don't. But everyone is in pretty good shape, at least physically. Mentally, that might be another story. Some team members miss Earth, as I do. But no team member has broke [
] down or has needed any type of psychological help from 700 or 754. Our screening process was great. Keeping busy is our medicine. We keep extremely busy, exploring and doing our mission goals.

This diary entry by the commander was made about three Earth years into the visit. Shortly thereafter, two of the team members he mentions died. The security man, 899, was the first to die on Serpo. Evidently, his death occurred suddenly sometime after this diary entry was made, wherein, ironically, the Commander had said that he was “a solid rock,” and “He hasn't been sick, not even a cold.” Anonymous gives a complete narration about the death of 899, and the attempt to revive him by the Eben doctors.

When our first team member died in an accident, it was hard to communicate with the Ebens. The member died instantly, therefore, no medical care was provided. Our two doctors examined the member's body and determined the injuries were consistent with an accidental fall. Initially, the Ebens never interfered with our care or offered to provide any of their medical care. However, once the Ebens—a very benevolent and caring people—saw our team members crying, the Ebens stepped in and offered to attempt some sort of medical care. Although our doctors felt the team member was medically dead, they allowed the Ebens to try their own medical care. Most of this was either through sign language or speaking to the Travelers who could understand some English.

The Ebens transported the team member's body to a remote area of the largest community. They took the body into a large building, apparently their hospital or medical center. The Ebens used a large examination table to view the body. The Ebens ran a large bluish-green light beam over the body. The Ebens watched a display that appeared on a large screen that looked like a television screen. The readouts were in the Eben written language and thus our team could not understand it. However, there was a graphic display, similar to a heat [heart] beat graph. The solid line was not wavering. Our doctors understood that meant the same thing that their equipment measured: the heart was not beating. The Ebens administered some liquid through a needle. This was done several times. Eventually, the heart started beating.

But our doctors knew the internal organs of the body were damaged, but couldn't fully explain that to the Ebens. The Ebens finally made a sign, placing both their hands to the chest and bowing their heads. Our team members knew that meant the body was dead and nothing could be done. The Ebens showed affection to our team. During the last work period, the Ebens had a ceremony for the dead Team Member, the same ceremony used when an Eben died. Our team held their own service, attended by the Ebens. The Ebens were extremely curious about our religious service. One Team Member, who was acting as a minister, performed a death service. Our Team was eternally greatful for the Eben's caring attitude for our dead friend.

The second death also occurred sometime shortly after the above diary entry about the feast was made by the Commander. One of the doctors died of pneumonia. We know he was alive at the time that diary entry was recorded because both doctors are mentioned. It would be fair to conclude that it was 754 who died, since we learn in that entry that he had been sick and treated with penicillin by 700, the other doctor. Interestingly, it was Ebe2 who first noticed, after the feast, that 754 was sick, and she was concerned about him.


It is not surprising to find widespread and standardized religious observance in a police state, as in Mussolini's Italy. It is actually expected, because it is usually encouraged by the ruling authority. After all, it is easier to keep citizens in line when they believe that the social rules and regulations come from some sort of supreme being. The fact that all the Ebens were required to attend worship services every day at a designated time leads us to believe that this was another form of control by the ruling class, especially since it was uniform throughout the planet. Where there is freedom of belief, divergent opinions would be expected.

From the following remarks by Anonymous, we learn about Eben religious customs. All of this information was taken from the Debriefing Document.

Ebens did die. Our team members saw deaths—some from accidents and some from natural causes. The Ebens buried the bodies, similar to our method. Our team saw two air accidents involving their intraplanet flying vehicle. The Ebens worshipped a Supreme Being. It appeared to be some sort of diety relating to the Universe. They conducted daily services, normally at the end of the first work period. They had a building or church they entered to worship.


Our team witnessed an aircraft accident that killed four Ebens. The Ebens performed a form of ritual at the crash site. The Ebens transported the bodies to a medical facility and examined the bodies. Our team members were always allowed to accompany the Ebens, except during rest period, when the Ebens closed their doors for privacy.

Our team members saw the sorrow in the eyes of the Ebens during the death of their own. Later, after the last work period of the day, the Ebens had a “funeral,” at least that is what our team concluded it was. The Eben bodies were wrapped in a white cloth. Several types of liquids were poured over the bodies. Large numbers of Ebens would stand in a circle, chanting. The sounds became almost nauseating to our team members. The ceremony lasted for a long time. Finally, the bodies were placed in metal containers and buried in a remote location away from the communities. After the burial, the Ebens had a feast. Large tables of food were brought out and everyone ate, danced, and played games. This occurred at every Eben death witnessed by our team.

From the foregoing comments by Anonymous, we learn that the concept that death is a joyous release of the soul from the cares of physical existence may well be a galaxy-wide belief.


Anonymous tells us about their Great War. Perhaps George Lucas knew about this piece of Eben history when he wrote
Star Wars
plate 19

. . . many hundreds of thousands of Ebens died in the Great War . . . The Ebens fought a battle with an enemy for a period of time. Our team members estimated the war lasted about 100 years, but, again, that is our time. The war was fought using particle beam weapons, developed by both civilizations. The Ebens eventually were able to destroy the enemy planet, killing the remaining enemy forces. The Ebens did warn us that several other alien races within our galaxy were hostile. The Ebens stay away from those races. The debriefing document never stated the name of the enemy, probably because they no longer existed.

This information helps us to understand why the Eben military was so strong and dominant. Evidently, the aftermath of their Great War left the populace traumatized, and very willing to accept continuing military authority. For more about particle-beam weapons, see chapter 17.



In this chapter, Anonymous gives details about the history and the physical environment and characteristics of Serpo. Information in brackets was added by Victor Martinez, the e-mail moderator. See appendix 3 for complete statistics about Serpo.

Anonymous says:

Serpo was estimated to be about three billion years old. The two suns were about five billion years old, but only by estimation. The Eben civilization was estimated to be about ten thousand years old. They evolved from another planet, not on Serpo. The original home planet of the Ebens was threatened with extreme volcanic activity. The Ebens had to relocate to Serpo in order to protect their civilization. This occurred some five thousand years ago . . .

There was a period of darkness, but not total darkness.
The Eben planet is located within a solar system of the Zeta Reticular [Reticuli] Star System [two 5th-magnitude yellow double stars, similar to our sun, located near the Large Magellanic Cloud]. The planet had two suns but their angles were small and allowed some darkness on the planet depending on one's location.

The planet was tilted, which allowed the northern part of the planet to be cooler. The planet was a little less than Earth's size. The atmosphere was similar to Earths and contained the elements of CHON [carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen]. Zeta Recticular [Reticuli] is approximately thirty-seven light-years from us . . .

There were about a hundred different villages or living locations for the Ebens. The Ebens only used a small portion of their planet. They did mine minerals in remote areas of the planet and had a large industrial plant in the southern portion of the planet near a body of water. Our team determined this plant had some sort of hydroelectrical operation.

Paul McGovern adds, in his comment, “There were small communities throughout the planet. There were underground rivers, which fed into open valleys.”


Regarding the team's adaptation to the conditions on Serpo, Anonymous says:

Once the team arrived on the Eben planet, it took them several months to adjust to the atmosphere. During the adjustment period, they suffered headaches, dizziness, and disorientation . . . The bright suns of the Eben planet also presented problems. Although they had sunglasses, they still suffered from the bright sunlight and the danger of sun exposure. The radiation levels [level] of the planet was a little higher than that of Earth. They were careful to cover their bodies at all times . . .

Our team eventually relocated to the north in order to stay cool. The ground transportation used by our team was similar to a helicopter. The power system was a sealed energy device that provided electrical power and lift for the craft. It was very easy to fly and our pilots learned the system within days. The Ebens did have vehicles, which floated above the ground and did not have any tires or wheels [see
plate 20

Paul McGovern adds the following information in his comment: “The team was never isolated or restricted by the visitors. They could travel as they wished and see whatever they wanted to see. After about six years, the team moved to a northern portion of the visitors' planet, where the temperature was cooler and which contained ample vegetation . . . The visitors built a small community for the team . . . The exchange team had to endure extreme hardship adjusting to the environment of the visitors' planet . . . The heat was extreme and took many years to adjust.”

Anonymous describes Eben technology:

The Ebens developed a different type of electrical and propulsion system. It was unknown to our team and I don't think we ever really understood it. They were able to tap into a vacuum and bring back an enormous amount of energy from that vacuum [see chapter 17]. Our team's living quarters, which consisted of several small buildings, contained electricity powered by a small box. This small box supplied all the power our team needed. Ironically, the electrical equipment our team brought on the trip worked using their power source only . . . The Ebens energy device was analyzed over and over again by our team. Since our team did not have access to scientific microscopes or other measuring equipment, we could not understand the function of the energy device. But, regardless of the electrical demand, the Eben energy device provided the proper current and wattage. Out team surmised the device had some sort of regulator that sensed the required current/wattage and then supplied that specific amount. (Note: Our team members brought back two energy devices for analysis.)

Los Alamos actually had one of these energy devices in their possession as early as 1947. It was retrieved from the second crashed Roswell disc, but no one had any idea what it was. It wasn't until 1970 that they finally realized that it was some sort of power source, but they could not understand how it worked. Then, when the Serpo team brought two of the devices back to Earth in 1978, experimentation was begun in earnest to understand how it functioned, and attempts were made to duplicate the technology. It was given the name Crystal Rectangle, or CR for short. A small dot was visible in the CR that moved whenever an electrical demand was made on the device. After years of experimentation and research, still ongoing, it was determined that the dot was a perfectly rounded particle of charged antimatter. For a complete history of the experiments involving the CR and the duplication efforts, see appendix 5.

Anonymous continues:

They [the team] also took electric razors, coffeepots, electric heaters, a DIM (no explanation as to what this was), an electric IBM typewriter, a scientific calculator, slide rules (both conventional and scientific), Base Data Collection Recorder (BDCR), three different sized telescopes, tangents, both conventional and electrical. The list goes on and on. But they took about everything they were allowed to take, as to weight . . .

Regarding the weapons: There was a lengthy discussion about weapons. At the end, the Ebens didn't really care. So our team members decided to take some, just in case. Not for a fight, God knows, as our team was vastly outnumbered, but for the safety aspects of it. Remember, the 12 were all military members, so weapons made them FEEL safe. A side note: They only took fifty rounds of ammunition per handgun and one hundred rounds of ammunition per rifle.


All the information in this section took up the entire seventh e-mail posting by Anonymous, sent on November 17, 2005.

Our team contained two geologists (they were also cross-trained as biologists). The first thing our geologists did was map the entire planet. The first step was to divide the planet in half, thus creating an equator. Then they established a Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere. Within each hemisphere, they created four quadrants. Finally, they established the “North and South” Poles. This was the easiest method to study the planet. Most of the Eben communities were placed along the equator. However, there were some communities established north of the equator in each of the four quadrants in the northern hemispheres. There were no communities located in either poles. The southern pole was desert. It was barren land with virtually no precipitation where absolutely nothing grew in this area. . . . There were volcanic rock formations and part of the extreme south contained a rock desert. Temperatures in the south pole were measured at between 90°F and 135°F. Going further north from the south pole in Quadrant 1, the team found extrusive rocks. This indicated some volcanic activity in the area. Our team found numerous volcanoes in this area. The team found several fissure eruptions in this region, with standing water. The water was tested and contained high levels of sulfur, zinc, copper and other unknown chemicals.

Plate 1. Photograph of Haunebu IV “Dreadnought”

Plate 2. Artist's rendering of antigravity discs and U-boats at Neuschwabenland, by Jim Nichols

Plate 3. Artist's rendering of the Roswell crash, by David Hardy

Plate 4. Sculpture of a Reticulan (believed to be identical to an Eben)
by Hollywood artist Alan Levigne

Plate 5. Model of an alien creature found at the Roswell crash
site (Roswell Museum, Roswell, New Mexico). This model was used in the movie
Roswell, and was donated to the museum by executive producer Paul Davids. It is
actually a good likeness of an Eben.

Plate 6. Artist rendering of crashed disc in Kingman, Arizona,
by Jim Nichols

Plate 7. Vostok 1 Space Capsule at the RKK Energiya museum

Plate 8. Artist rendering of retrieval of the second Roswell
disc near Datil, New Mexico, by Jim Nichols

Plate 9. Alien craft landing scene from Close Encounters of
the Third Kind

Plate 10.Hypothetical schematic of a traversable wormhole

Plate 11. Coral Castle in Miami, Florida. Edward Leedskalnin,
who weighed 110 pounds, single-handedly built this castle moving coral blocks,
weighing between fifteen and thirty tons each, into position. He claimed to have
used antigravity technology.

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