Secrets of You

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Authors: Mary Campisi

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Family Life, #Sagas, #General, #Juvenile Fiction, #Family, #Siblings

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Secrets of You

Book #2 of The Betrayed Trilogy

Mary Campisi

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12


An excerpt from Pulling Home

About the Author

Other Books by Mary Campisi:


To Jim:

You choose the music,

I’ll grab my gear,

let’s ride off into our own little world…

Chapter 1

Twelve days before the wedding

She loved to watch him sleep. There was something about his quiet breath filling the air, circling her, pulling her in and making her safe. She hadn’t felt safe since she was twelve years old, but with Ash, everything was different.
was different. The past fell away and she could almost pretend it had never happened.

Revelin had sauntered into her life eighty-nine
ago, carrying a backpack and a camera, his gaze intent, leveled on her. She’d never known a photojournalist but if she had to imagine what kind of person would climb a mountain for the perfect shot, she’d picture Ash. When he spoke of his work, his voice filled with the same passion it did when they made love—fierce, bold, consuming.

They belonged together and the fact that she’d owned shoes longer than she’d known him made no difference. In twelve days, she was going to marry him. If only Quinn would relax and stop playing the suspicious brother. He wasn’t even her brother, but he was the closest she’d had to family in too many years. Why did he have to be so cynical? Ash was nothing like the other men she’d known who told lies and far too many tales in the name of supposed love and forever-

This man was going to be her husband, and Quinn had better get used to the idea.


Ten days before the wedding

“So what was so urgent it couldn’t wait a few more days?” Like until after the wedding, when he could introduce Arianna as his wife and there wasn’t a damn thing his brother could do about it.

Pete shrugged and fiddled with the paperweight resting in the middle of his desk. There was a four-leaf clover trapped in the center of the paperweight, a true reminder that luck didn’t always play a part in a person’s life, especially if that life were part of a trap.

“Pete?” It wasn’t like his brother to struggle for words. Peter Jonathan Lancaster always had something to say, especially if it pertained to his younger brother, the sibling he felt bound to advise, chastise, and protect, though not necessarily in that order, and certainly not in equal amounts. Something was up; Ash could always tell.

“Can’t I ask you to stop by without an underlying reason?”

Ash eyed him as one does a photographer who claims that disposable cameras capture the best shots. “You can, but the last time you summoned me, you cut off my line of credit. And the time before that was when you threatened to evict me from my apartment if I didn’t visit my nephews.”

“You have to admit, two months is a long time for a six- and eight-year-old to wait for a trip to the zoo.” Pete set the paperweight on the desk and sat back in his chair. “You promised them, Ash.”

“I was getting around to it.” So he hadn’t really thought the kids would hold him to it. Nobody else expected him to do what he said he would. Why would two kids who wore Spider-Man pajamas be any different? Except they were. Seems kids had a special code of honor, like telling the truth. These past months with Arianna made him realize he didn’t like pretending, didn’t like being the one nobody ever counted on. He could change. He

And in exactly ten days, the big change would start. Once he slipped the ring on Arianna’s finger, he’d confess everything. What woman would mind learning her husband had the same last name as the real estate developers who specialized in high-end condos and retail space—which translated into unlimited funds?

“I didn’t call you here because you didn’t take Zack and Ethan to the zoo.”

Ash worked up a grin. “Good. Glad to hear it.” He crossed one booted foot over the other and waited. There was a lecture buried in his brother’s brain and with patience and minimal prompting, it would erupt as it had since their parents’ death twenty-three years ago when nineteen-year-old Pete assumed the rearing of Ash, who had been nine.

Pete rubbed the back of his neck, a sign Ash recognized as a precursor...What would it be this time? Demands that Ash show up at the office more than five times a month? Requests, spoken with gentler words, but still with the force behind them to indicate the choice was not a choice at all, but a demand that Ash make something of his life that required more than a bottle opener and a bulging bank account? Or was he merely going to tell him once again how grateful he should be to have choices and how sad that he chose to squander those choices in self-absorption?

Ash laced his hands behind his neck and sighed. “Go ahead, get it over with.” He’d promised Arianna he’d have dinner with Quinn
Burnes, her “guard dog,” and assure the guy his intentions toward her were honorable. Would he be marrying her if they weren’t? Just because Burnes had a twisted personal life and couldn’t commit to a woman didn’t mean all men were that way. Okay, the guy meant well, but he had no business nosing in where he didn’t belong and tonight, Ash would tell him so.

“You can’t marry her.”


Pete leaned forward and zeroed in on him and for just a second, Ash wondered what a face-off between his brother and Quinn
Burnes would look like. Even a betting man would call it dead even. Both men were cool, calculating, and possessed a determination that would not be undermined or beaten. “You can’t marry Arianna Sorensen.”

How the hell had he found out about Arianna?
Ash kept his expression bland, even a bit confused. If he feigned ignorance, or even a casual nonchalance about the “supposed” upcoming nuptials, maybe Pete would back off long enough for Ash to get the ring on Arianna’s finger. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

So, he’d been spying. Nothing new there; his brother had been tracking Ash’s whereabouts since middle school. He had thought, however, that the tracking had stopped years ago. Apparently, a thirty-two-year-old with too little ambition and too much money was to be watched. He wanted to tell Pete that he’d found his purpose the second he walked into The Silver Strand and met the owner. Arianna was sophisticated and reserved, beautiful and well-educated, talented and shy. Honest.
Trustworthy. The perfect partner who would make the perfect wife.

He’d never particularly wanted a wife, maybe because he’d not thought it possible to settle down with one woman. But there’d been something about Arianna that made him open and let her see pieces of him he’d never shown anyone else: the love of photography, the fear of not being good enough, the desire to make his own way outside the shadow of his perfect brother. Ash had never believed in
soulmates or ever-afters. Until Arianna. What did time have to do with anything? You could know a person your whole life and never really know her. Or you could know a person for eighty-nine days and

Pete picked up the paperweight again, studied it,
then met Ash’s gaze head on. “Don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be.”

“More difficult for whom?
You?” Pete detested choices that fell outside of what he’d determined were acceptable parameters. They made him uncomfortable and, therefore, he dealt with them swiftly and with great force in hopes they would not be repeated. Of course, Ash ignored rules and did as he pleased and usually got caught outside of Pete’s acceptable parameters. But this was Arianna, his future wife. She would not be dealt with or discarded. She was not a “parameter.” Ash would fight for her because he believed in her,
believed in them.

“Consider your history.” Pete pulled out the persuasive ruse: soft voice, calculated movements, well-chosen words. “You don’t want to get married.
One woman. Until death? You wouldn’t make it past the reception.”

“I love her.”

Pete’s hand jerked away from the paperweight. “What do you know about love?” The control he usually exercised burst apart in his next words. “Love is doing what you have to do even when it’s the last thing in the world you
to do. It’s standing by that person’s side when she’s sick, or in pain, or when you just don’t exactly remember why you married her. But you don’t quit and you don’t wander off for the next ‘feel-good’ adventure or woman because the life you have is too hard or not fun anymore. You stay, and you love that person, no matter what.”

“Are you getting a divorce?” Damn, but what Pete had just described did not sound like love. It did sound like the groundwork for a long legal battle, complete with division of silverware and visitation rights.

“Of course not.” He rubbed his neck and blew out a long breath. Of annoyance? Defeat? What was going on in Pete’s head?

Ash leaned forward in his chair and offered what he hoped would spark an explanation. “That was a pretty miserable picture you just painted.” He said it in a somber voice to encourage his brother to open up. Not that Pete had ever confided in him, but still. There was always that first time.

“You really think a relationship is just about sex?”

“Of course not.
But it is important.” Why were they having this conversation anyway?

Pete’s mouth stretched into a thin line. “You’ve known that woman less than three months. That’s not enough time to form an opinion on a lifelong commitment.”

“Pete, I love her.” And then, “You’ve been spying on me again.”

“She thinks you’re some damn photographer.
And that apartment?” He shook his head and frowned. “Why couldn’t you have picked one of ours? At least it wouldn’t require bi-weekly pest control.”

Ash shrugged and picked at the frayed hem in his jeans. He guessed he could give up the slumming routine and maybe bring out the Mercedes.
But not the cashmere sweaters or Rolex. Not until after the wedding, when he was certain his money wouldn’t matter. But there was a tiny piece of him that wanted to ease the Ferrari he kept in storage next to Quinn Burnes’s Porsche and say,
Hey, hotshot. I can take care of Arianna now.

“I like where I’m living. Besides, I’m having the condo redone. Should be ready next week.” Just in time to show Arianna her new home. Of course, if she wanted something larger or more traditional or even if she wanted a house in the suburbs, he’d do it. Anything, to be with her.

“So who are you this week? Surely, not Bruce Wayne; that would be too much
like real life.”

He was not going to give it up. “She knows me.” Ash yanked the threads on his jeans until he ripped them off. He looked at his brother and for the first time in years, let him see what was in his heart. “She knows the real me. It’s different with Arianna.” His voice softened as he pictured them sipping coffee, naked in bed, and talking about combining her jewelry designs with his photography. They planned to travel so they could get a feel for the different landscapes, the people,
the traditions. Arianna had been to Rome and Venice and Paris…even Prague. He’d been there, too, but not with her…they would go together…

“She’s not who she says she is.”

Ash laughed. Pete loved to pull the philosophical crap on him. “Nobody’s who they say they are.”

Pete eyed him, obviously weighing his next move. Ash must have stumped him because Pete never hesitated. But then, older brothers carried an air of authority with them as though their birthright commanded it, which made it damn annoying for the other siblings.
Worse, if there was only one other sibling.

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