Secrets (Swept Saga)

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Authors: Becca Lee Nyx

BOOK: Secrets (Swept Saga)
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First and foremost I would like to thank my Husband for his patience and help through the writing process. I would like to thank my kids for their patience as well.

To my cousin, Cassie, who took the photo for the cover.

Also to Virginia Duke and Jaden Wilkes, you both have been there to talk with me when I’ve needed help or a chat.

To my Betas, Sheri, Amy, Argie, Leidy, Sabrina, Michelle, and Patricia, thank you so much for your time, help, and feedback. I wouldn’t be able to do this without your help

To my friends, Sarah and Liz, thank you both so much for your support and friendship especially when I don’t shut up about writing!

To my ladies united in WTF. What can I sat other than what a crazy ride it is and continues to be. Thank you for putting up with me and supporting me. 


Becca Lee Nyx



Copyright © 2013 by Becca Lee Nyx

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, and locales is entirely coincidental.

Becca Lee Nyx

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Chapter one




y phone is ringing and Kelly is on top of me, her tits are suspended in mid-air as if defying gravity, and we’re in the middle of a lust filled kiss. I pull away and glance at the glowing screen of my phone as it continues to ring and contemplate answering it. “Don’t answer it.” Kelly says, like she’s read my mind, but of course I ignore her. I grab the phone and look at the ID on the screen. It’s Crystal. “Hello?” I answer.

I hear a heavy sigh on the other end, then, “Ryan?” Her voice is shaky like she’s nervous.

“Yes, Crystal?” I hope this is good news.

“Ryan, I-I have something to tell you.” She stammers. She doesn’t get nervous often and I feel my heart drop in my chest. It’s going to be bad news, Gabriel has won and I’ll have to find some way to move on. I think back to my threat, I had hoped it worked, but I guess I was wrong. Kelly looks at me concern fills her face. She knows not to talk out loud when I’m talking to Crystal. She can never know about us.

“It’s not bad news is it?” I ask her, hoping she’ll say no.

“Ryan, I’ve thought about what you’ve said, I can’t lose you, not like this. Not when I think I’m falling for you.” She says then pauses. My heart is beating fast and I can feel a big stupid grin spreading across face. “I want to be with you Ryan. I want to see where this new relationship will take us.” I punch the air, and Kelly nearly falls off me. She manages to not make a noise, but glares at me with annoyance.

“Really? Crystal? You mean, we’re together now? Boyfriend and girlfriend?” I can hardly contain my excitement. After all these years of waiting, she’s finally mine.

“Yes, Ryan, yes, boyfriend and girlfriend.” She confirms.

“Can I come over?” I need to see her. I need to see her face, kiss her, and take her in bed again. I need to assert our relationship physically to know that it’s true and it’s actually happening.

“Um, sure, I guess you can, but you have to make it fast I have some reading I want to finish up.”

“Fair enough, I’ll be right over!” I tell her, and then hang up, cutting her off in my excitement. Kelly is still glaring at me. She gets up from the bed and starts pacing the floor. “I can’t believe you! We were in the middle of something and now you’re going to leave me for her?”

“Kelly, you knew this would happen.” I shrug.

She texted me earlier asking if she could come over and of course, I said yes. I wasn’t sure what Crystal was going to do and I could use some company. Before we started kissing; I filled her in on what happened between me and Crystal. After all, she had the right to know so she could be prepared for whatever may come. I wasn’t ready to end our relationship, such as it was, but it may come to that. Why stop a good thing?

“I knew this might happen, but I wasn’t expecting you to just leave me and go see her. I already know what you’re going to do, and you can do that with me. Why do you need to see her now when I’m already here in front of you ready to go?” She taps her foot and her face is visibly angry. She looks cute when she’s upset.

“Kelly, I’m sorry, but I need to go see my girlfriend.” Another grin works its way across my face when I say the word, Girlfriend. Crystal is my girlfriend. It feels so good to think of her that way and say it out loud. It’s been a dream for so long that it’s almost surreal that it’s now a reality. I’m so giddy with excitement I think I may float to Crystal’s dorm.

“Of course you do. Just forget about me. Who’s supposed to satisfy me now?” She asks and crosses her arm in front her beautiful breast, blocking my view and forcing me to stare at her agitated face.

“What happened to Nick? I thought he was your boy toy now.”

Kelly rolls her eyes and grabs her shirt and bra off the floor. “He’s gone right now, he said he needed to get away so he could write. Apparently he does this a lot. If he wasn’t gone, I would be with him right now, believe me, but I felt lonely and you didn’t tell me no; At least until now.” She huffs as she puts her bra and shirt on.

“You have a hand don’t you?” I grin at her, knowing I’m only making the situation worse.

She grabs a pillow and throws it at me. “You’re an asshole, you know that?” She yells and stomps towards the door

I dodge the pillow. “If your hand is broke, you can always get something to help out from Toxia,” I call after her right before the door slams shut.

I take a look at myself in a mirror to make sure I don’t have any lip stick marks on my skin, and then I grab a condom out of the drawer in the night stand and take off towards Crystals. I’m practically skipping I feel so elated, but I don’t, instead I walk as fast as I can without jogging.
Crystal is my girlfriend
, repeats over and over inside of my head and I smile a stupid school boy grin.

Once I’m at her door I take a deep breath and compose my face. I can’t wait to get her in bed! I knock on her door and she opens it. “Hey.” She greets and moves back from the door, allowing me in. She looks disheveled and nervous. She’s still wearing the same clothes that she wore when she left my dorm this morning.  She turns to close the door and I turn her around and kiss her. I feel her body tense, and then relax when she starts kissing me back. Her hands comb through my hair then glide down my back pulling me closer to her. I move from her mouth and begin to nip and suck at her neck. She sighs in response.

 “I can’t wait to fuck you.” I whisper in her ear.

“Then what are you waiting for?” She asks with her eyebrow raised as if challenging me. She’s so hot and I can’t wait to feel her pussy wrap my cock in a warm, wet hug. I reach for the bottom of her shirt and pull it over her head, and then I pull her in for a passion filled kiss as I take her bra off. Her tits spring free and I regard each one as I suck and kiss them. I trail kisses down her body, then pull her pants and underwear down. I stand back up and look at her. Her amber eyes sparkle as they burn with desire. She looks at me as if waiting for her cue. She remembers well from last night.

I take my shirt off and push my pants and boxers down, revealing my already hard cock. She stares at it and licks her lips; her eyes grow dark with lust. I command her to lie down on the table. She said she wanted it to be fast and I’ll accommodate her this time. She deserves it after making the right decision. She does as I ask and I approach her while rolling the condom on my dick. I slide my cock into her pussy and let her get used to my size. She moans as I push deeper and deeper. I slide out and repeat the process all over again. I can feel her body tighten and I slide back into her. I continue to tease her like this and she moves her hips urging me to speed up.

“What do you want?” I ask her.

“I want you faster!”

“Then tell me you want my cock.”

“I want your cock inside of me, please.” She moans between gasps.

“Tell me you’re a dirty slut.”

“Ryan, I’m you’re dirty slut and I want your cock to make me come.”

That’s what I want to hear; I speed up my pace and watch her tits bounce as I pound into her. Her body is amazing. Her breasts are full and her stomach is tiny and flat with a hint of tone to it. I love the way her body succumbs to me. We definitely have chemistry and I can’t wait to fulfill all of my fantasies that I have I planned for her. By the time I’m done with her, she will be eating out of the palm of my hand and will regard me as the one to take care of her in every way possible. I feel so much power as I pick up speed. She starts to moan, and her pussy is tightening around my cock. I can tell she’s about to come. I put my thumb on her clit and rub. “Come.” I command and she arches her back and begins to call my name. I quicken my pace until I collapse on top of her as I find my release. We both pant as we recover. She runs her fingers through my hair and kisses me. I offer her one deep passion filled kiss before pulling away and disposing of the condom. I get dressed and she gathers her clothes and starts to put them on.

“So, what now?”  She asks as she fumbles with her bra. I press my body against her back then bring the band around and hook it for her.

“You said you had some reading you needed to finish.” I say before nibbling on her neck.

“Well, yes, but I mean with us. What now? When will I see you again? Do you have something planned?” I contemplate her question. Crystal hates surprises, she likes to know what’s happening before it happens. She’s going to have to get over it.

“You’ll find out.” I grin and move away from her so she can put her shirt on.

She takes a deep breath, “Okay, but I hope you tell me soon. You know how much I hate surprises.”

I chuckle in response, “You’ll know soon enough. I think I’m going to like this. I like making you squirm.” She opens her mouth to say something but I kiss her then pull away. “I’ve got to go. I have plans to make and classes to take.” I offer her a devilish smile before I close the door. I hear a muffled, “Goodbye” as the door closes. I can’t stop smiling as I walk back to my dorm.

I have a long to do list. I need to research restaurants, visit Toxia, and get to my classes. Oh, the things I want to do to her. Crystal is in for the experience of her life! I’m relieved that my class is in the late afternoon. It means I have time to stop by Toxia and buy some things I think I might need later.

I grab the keys to my car and speed off to the store. While walking down the street, I remember just a few days ago I was here with Crystal and Kelly. I didn’t know then that it was going to be a turning point in my life. I thought then that I would never have Crystal to myself. I thought she would always see through me and all I could do was hold out hope and now she’s mine all mine. I can hardly believe it, this must be a dream only I’m hoping to never wake up from it. I’m going to make sure and remind her every day that she’s mine. No matter what, she will never forget that she chose me and I will make sure she doesn’t regret it. I want her to feel the same way I feel about her.

Inside the store, I look through all the items. I’m looking for soft restraints. I want to tie her up and blindfold her. I imagine what she will look like vulnerable and unable to see or prepare for me. I have to calm myself down, I feel so excited. I can’t imagine she’s had a better lover than me and I will continue to surprise her. She’ll never be bored with me. I find the items I’m looking for and make my purchase.

I make it back to my room with just enough time to grab my bag and run to class. It’s a discussion about the revolutionary war. We’ve been over it countless times since grade school, but here we are in class discussing it. Crystal would love this, but I feel bored.

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