Seduce (9 page)

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Authors: Missy Johnson

BOOK: Seduce
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“Jack. How’s my boy.” Dad slid easily into the chair opposite me, his tone informing me he really didn’t give a shit how I was. He was big on appearances, so on the surface we might have seemed like a normal father and son meeting for dinner on a Sunday evening. I knew better than that, and I wondered what he wanted this time.

“I’m fine, thank you. How are you? I was caught up with Luke. They asked me to be the godparent of their child.” The words slipped out and I instantly regretted it, already knowing the reaction they’d receive.

Dad’s booming laugh filled the restaurant. “You?” he said incredulously. “What the hell do you know about kids?” he laughed.

Probably about as much as you
, I thought. I so badly wanted to react, but instead I simply smiled.

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked, reaching for my drink.

Dad flagged the waitress over, Little Red, who looked as though she’d been waiting for the chance to approach me again. “Darling, can you get me scotch, please, no ice. Do you know what you want?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “Not hungry. I had a big lunch,” I muttered.

“Suit yourself,” he said, scanning the menu. “Let’s see. I’ll have a beef Wellington, medium rare, and please tell the chef to try not to burn the pastry this time.

Little Red nodded, her eyes wide as she jotted down Dad’s orders. I swallowed a laugh. It was good to see that my father intimidated some people more than me. She walked away, my father’s eyes glued to her ass.

“So, are you going to tell me what this is about?” I asked dryly, taking another swig of my drink and forcing his attention back to me.

“Yes, the Delenski deal. They’re on the edge of clinching the deal, so I just need you to help push it over the edge. Nothing too hard, just doing what you do best.” Another dig at my lifestyle. He was on fire tonight. What was with people and their need to constantly remind me? It irritated the hell out of me. I wasn’t five; I was capable of remembering, goddammit.

“Fine,” I said evenly. “When does she get here?”

“They arrive on the thirtieth. She’ll be here for four days, and need you to make those four days memorable,” he said, raising an eyebrow, just in case I hadn’t caught his meaning. I laughed, shaking my head at the lengths my father would go to for money.

“Fine,” I agreed. I stared at my half-empty scotch, my nails working around the rim of the glass. An awkward silence hung in the air over us like a bad smell. This is what it was like: when talking about business stopped, there was nothing left to say. I pushed my chair back and stood up, not in the mood for small talk.

“I’m sure you won’t mind if I leave. It’s been a big day and I need to get a jump-start on tomorrow’s appointments.” At the mention of work, my father nodded and waved his hand. That was the end of our meeting—no ‘goodbye’ or ‘see you later’, just a wave of the hand to let me know he was done with me.

I stormed out of the restaurant, pissed off at my father, at myself, and at Belle.

I was
fucking pissed at Belle. Or was I pissed off at myself for feeling the way I did about her? I wasn’t sure. As I walked through the cool, brisk air towards my car, I saw my life for what it was: a mess. A big fucking mess. My nights were filled with nameless women and empty bottles of scotch, anything to try and fill the void left by my mother leaving, and my constant need for my father’s approval. In the midst of all this I’d met Belle, which had turned out to be a disaster.

I reached my car. I was probably not fit to drive. In fact, I probably hadn’t been fit to drive from Luke’s house to the restaurant. Fuck it, it’s not like I lived far away. Turn left in a block, and fifty meters along, turn right, then left, and I’m home.

I got in the car and started the engine before I could second-guess myself. I managed to complete the drive without totaling the car. I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. This was one of the many times I was glad to have more than one property in London. No matter where I was, I was sure to be close to home.

The first thing I did when I got inside was pour myself another scotch. The second thing I did was text Little Red my address. Dinner had been a bust, so I had some time to fill. I peeled off my clothes and jumped in the shower, trying to wash away the last few days. I refrained from jacking off—I’d save that shit for later.

After my shower, I sunk into the armchair closest to the TV and watched a rerun of
. I shivered, my skin cold against the leather of the chair. I wore tracksuit pants and nothing else, my glass of scotch resting against my bare chest.


At just after six, there was a knock at the door. I heaved myself out of my chair and walked over to it.

“Hey,” I smiled, opening the door and moving aside to let her inside.

“Hi.” She smiled back shyly. “I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. I’m glad I did though.”

“Can I get you something to drink?” I asked, pouring myself another scotch, ignoring the buzzing in my head that was telling me I’d probably drunk enough today. She nodded.

I grabbed another glass, dropped two ice cubes in it, and half-filled it up with scotch. “Here you go,” I said, sliding up across the bench to her. As she took it from my grip, I let my fingers move over hers, making her smile.

“This is a nice place,” she commented, moving over to the window that overlooked the city.

“It’s open, if you want to go out there.” I grabbed my glass and followed her. We stood on the balcony and took in the lights. Dusk was just settling in, making for a beautiful backdrop against the city buildings.

“It’s stunning out here,” she breathed. She balanced her drink on the edge of the balcony, her palms downward on the foot-wide stone wall as she breathed in the cool, fresh air. I placed my hand on her back. She jumped slightly, giving me a small smile. I chuckled to myself. God, she was nervous.

“It certainly is stunning,” I said standing behind her, pressing myself up against her. Her black skirt finished just above her knee, but the long slit on her left side made it seem much shorter. I worked my hand around her waist and up under her shirt. She breathed in sharply as my fingers touched her skin. I tilted her head and began to kiss her neck. Each time my mouth met her soft skin, she moaned softly. Gently, I turned her around so her back was against the balcony and she was facing me. With one finger I traced her hairline around her face and over her ear until my hand gripped the back of her neck, under the loose strands of her restrained hair.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” I said.

Leaning forward, my lips connected with hers in a soft kiss. Pulling away, I reached up to her messy bun and released her fiery red hair. “You’re so fucking sexy,” I muttered, my fingers working quickly to separate the buttons running down her shirt. I slipped the soft silk off her shoulders and unclasped her bra, letting that fall away too.

If she was bothered being on display to half of London, she didn’t show it. She was so caught up in me and what I could do for her that nothing else mattered. Her nipples hardened as the cool breeze rushed past them. Her breasts were nice and round, full but not too big, the perfect size for my hands. I grabbed her waist and lifted her up so she was sitting on wall of the balcony. Her grip on me tightened.

“It’s okay,” I whispered softly as I licked her ear. “I’d never let you fall.” She seemed to trust me, as my tongue trailed down to her breasts. I circled her nipple with the tip. She cried out as I began to suck, first gently, and then with more force, more intensity, and more desire.

My hand roamed up her thigh, slowly moving between her legs. Her barely there panties were so wet, which told me just how ready she was for me. I worked my finger along her entrance, teasing her, making her want me. With one hand clutching her waist, my other hand worked quickly to free my hard cock. I slipped on a condom and slowly looped my thumbs around the edge of her panties. She moaned softly as I began to slide them down, until they fell away. She stepped out of them. I lifted her leg, hooking it around me.

The balcony wall was the perfect level for me to slide myself into her. She gasped, crying out as her back arched at my unexpected force. With both hands locked around her waist, I pounded into her, loving the power I had right then. If I let go, she’d fall the seven stories below onto the ground. The amount of trust she had in me right now was a huge turn-on.

Her hands gripped the wall so harshly her knuckles were turning white. She was now nearly vertical, leaning over into thin air. As I thrust my load into her, my thoughts alternated between Belle and how tight and wet her cunt had been for me, and how insanely furious thinking about her made me.

“Oh god, Jack,” she cried, panicked as her grip on the edge of the railing began to loosen. I blocked out her voice and closed my eyes. She had nothing to worry about, I had hold of her and I wasn’t about to let go. I was so close to coming, so fucking close. All I needed was one more second with the image of Belle in my mind. “Please, Jack, I can’t… Let me up.”

The alarm in her voice had heightened. With one last thrust I exploded inside of her. Sighing, I lifted her up off the wall. She had tears in her eyes and it hit me that she had really been scared. What’s more, her fear had turned me on. What kind of kind of freak was I?

Shoving past her, I went back inside and sat down on the couch. With my elbows on my knees, I rested my face in my hands. There was so much anger inside my head right now that it scared me. I could have seriously hurt her.  No matter how I’ve treated women in the past, it was always in good fun. Usually mine. Little Red stormed up to me, her face red with anger. She wiped her tear-stained cheeks.

“What the fuck was that?” she demanded angrily. “You almost dropped me. I could’ve been killed.”

I snorted at her dramatics, which fuelled her anger. “I had hold of you, there was no fucking way you were going to fall,” I said quietly.

“Yeah? And what if your hand had slipped? Then what?”

“Did it slip? Did I drop you, or did I fuck you like you came here wanting me to?” I challenged, jumping to my feet, my eyes meeting hers.

She laughed, fear in her eyes. “You’re fucking insane!” she cried as she grabbed handfuls of her clothes and stormed off around the corner, out of my view. She re-emerged as she pulled her shirt back on and began to button it up. I could see she was shaking as she grabbed her purse off the kitchen table. Just before she walked out, she turned back to face me.

“You’re lucky I don’t report to you to the police,” she spat before slamming the door shut. I made a face. I sighed, kicking the leg of the coffee table in a bid to let out some anger.  In the very least, I had gotten what I needed for the night—though it would’ve saved me a lot of drama had I just jacked off in the shower.


Chapter Eleven

It was Wednesday afternoon, exactly three days since I’d seen Belle.

Not that I was counting, or maybe I was. I was at the office, alone, working on the plans for the casino deal and working on the presentation for Delenski that I was heading next month. I glanced at my watch. I still had so much to do, and Luke would be arriving soon to take me out.

We were meeting the guys in town for a drinking session that I was sure would turn into an intervention at some point during the night. I’d filled Luke in on the disastrous end to my short-lived relationship. Obviously I hadn’t gone into details, but he’d made it his mission to heal my heart. I still wasn’t exactly sure what had possessed me to open up to him about it.

Oh, that’s right: the five-hundred-pound bottle of scotch I’d drunk
have had something to do with it.

I glanced over my list of things to do. Giving presentations didn’t faze me. Public speaking had always been a strong point for me, and it helped that I knew what I was talking about. I had no doubt in my mind that I could get them on board, but I still wanted to be sure that I was as prepared as I could be.

After several extra-strong coffees, I was done. I packed up my briefcase, turned the lights out, and locked the office. Like most nights, I was the last to leave. The building was empty, apart from security and the cleaner that was busy vacuuming the lobby. I swiped my card and exited into the parking lot.


I was actually really looking forward to the night out with the guys, but I was apprehensive about facing Luke. Of course he had no idea about Belle and me, but the thought of him knowing
of the sordid details made my stomach turn. And thanks to my big mouth, he knew plenty.

I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel that I’d hung on the hook next to the mirror. I caught sight of my reflection and smirked. The word
wasn’t part of my vocabulary, and I wasn’t about to stop pretending that I didn’t know what about me it was that caught women’s attention. My toned body was smooth and muscular in spite of my poor diet and lack of exercise. It must have been all the sex I had that kept me in such good shape.

My eyes were the color of dark, melting chocolate and had this way of making me look so innocent and harmless—two things I definitely
. Paired with my smile and the little dimple that appeared on my left cheek, how could any girl resist?

I reached for my electric razor and cleaned up some of my stubble. I slipped on some deodorant and ran my hand through my hair, watching as it fell into place. Perfect every time.

I’d just stepped into my jeans as the doorbell rang. Luke was nearly half an hour early and I wasn’t ready. Sighing, I walked over to the door and yanked it open. Belle.

“What you doing here?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I was angry, annoyed, or happy at the site of her standing at my door. I was definitely aroused. She looked fucking gorgeous in a pair of jeans and a fitted low-cut emerald top that matched her eyes beautifully. Her dark hair was down hanging loosely over one shoulder. She looked nervous, like she was about to walk into a tiger’s cage. That was ironic because I wanted to tear her apart (in a good way).

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