Seduce (6 page)

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Authors: Missy Johnson

BOOK: Seduce
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Surely this was some kind of joke? Who over the age of fifteen hasn’t heard of Jimi Hendrix?

“I’ve heard of him, I’m just not familiar with his music,” she replied defensively. She flipped her long, dark hair over her shoulder and gave me a look that clearly said if I didn’t drop it, then this was going to go nowhere. Someone didn’t like being teased.

“Okay, sure,” I said, my eyes twinkling. I slid onto the sofa, up the other end. “So, do I get to know your real name?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I kind of like Angel,” she said, cocking her head, her hand reaching up to finger her necklace. The sight of her sitting there on my couch with her expression so innocent was getting me hard. She glanced down, as if she instinctively knew what was on my mind. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of my cock producing a pretty serious-looking bulge as it pressed up against the restriction of my pants. Well, at least she knew what page I was on.

“Can I kiss you, Angel?” I muttered softly. She nodded from the safety of the other end of the sofa. Tilting my head, I motioned for her to come to me. On all fours, she began to crawl toward me, like a kitten on her way to play. I slid down further onto my back as she came closer. She moved over me slowly, each and every move done deliberately and sexually. When her face was above mine, she stopped, resting her hand on the arm of the sofa to keep herself propped up.

This girl had me so hard I was at risk of dislocating my cock. She smiled, her mouth stopping millimeters from mine as if she were waiting for me to react. I gripped her hair roughly, pushing my mouth onto hers. She tasted sweet, her soft lips just as hungry for me as I was for her. With each kiss came a new feeling of desire. A new need. My mouth crushed forcefully against hers over and over, the want not waning.

My hand began riding her dress up near her waist. I wanted to touch her everywhere, and make her feel things she had never felt before. I wanted to rip her legs apart, slowly and gently licking her until she couldn’t take any more.

This girl deserved to be explored, and I
to be the one to explore her. I wanted to delve inside places previously unknown. I wanted to give her pleasure on levels she never thought existed. 

She pulled back, straddling my hips. Her eyes burned into mine as a little smile played on her lips, like she knew something I didn’t. My hands gripped her thighs as she began to undo the buttons of her dress, one by one. She took her time, enjoying the power she held over me. Each button she undid made my heart pound a little more. She finally lifted the dress over her head, throwing it down on the floor. Her dark mop of hair cascaded around her shoulders, contrasting beautifully against her soft pink bra. I let my fingers trace the edge of her bra, her breasts spilled over, looking as though they wanted to break free.

Yanking her bra down, I groaned as she released the clasp. With nothing in my way, my fingers trailed up her bare stomach to her breasts while my other hand ran gently over the outside of her panties. She gasped, her eyes flashing with lust and need. Her body clenched as my finger ran against her, threatening to enter. She moaned, as though the teasing was more sexual for her than the actual act. Her hands balled into fists by her side.

“You like that?” I whispered, immediately taking advantage of the power shift. In an instant, I was back in charge. This girl, who had captivated me from the moment I laid eyes on her, was now mine, willing and ready to take what I wanted to give her. She nodded, her eyes shut as her hands rested on my chest.

“Tell me you like it,” I said, my fingernail moving along the crack of her pussy, over her wet panties. She jumped, her hold on my chest tightening. I smiled as my finger continued to trace the outside of her panties, occasionally slipping underneath, threatening, teasing.

“I like it,” she whimpered. I slid myself down lower so she was sitting on my face, locking her legs beside my neck. Both of my hands began to explore her body as my tongue traced around the crease of her thigh and over her panties. Every now and then my tongue would slip through the soft barrier of material and inside her, causing her to gasp.

“Fuck,” she whimpered softly, her fingers grasping at my hair. My eyes remained locked on hers as I tasted her beauty. My tongue rolled slowly over her clit, teasing her, sending her crazy. She needed me, but I wanted her to need me even more. Gently, I ran my tongue back and forth, round and round. “God. Please, fuck me. I need you inside me,” she whispered, riding my face. She gripped her panties.

“Take them off,” she begged me. I obliged, slipping the soft cotton down over her legs, and at the same time undoing my belt. I unbuckled my pants and shrugged them off, my erection springing out like a coil.

“Are you sure you can handle me, Angel?” I asked, my breathing heavy. She nodded as I slipped a condom over my erection. I rested the tip of my cock at her entrance, slowly working myself inside of her until I was halfway in.

She whimpered softly again. “Please fuck me,” she begged as I thrust into her. She was tight, and so wet and ready for me.

She cried out, clutching the arm of the sofa, her legs on either side of me, her ankles pressing violently against my sides. I’d been ready to blow since the moment she kissed me, and there was no stopping me now. I jerked as I came, not wanting the feeling to end, but at the same time unable to wait a second longer.


“Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay?” I asked, rolling onto my side. She laughed and shook her head.

“I better not,” she said, slipping her arms through the straps of her bra.

“You are so fucking hot,” I murmured, eyeing her as she dressed. Once on the couch, twice in the bedroom and I could still have gone again. There was no end to my appetite for this girl. She laughed and climbed over the bed and into my lap.

“I’m sure you need to work tomorrow, and if I don’t get home soon my housemates will probably call the police.” She kissed me and slipped off the side of the bed.

“At least let me give you a lift.”

“I’ve called a cab already,” she winked, slipping her uniform over her head.

“Okay, can I see you again?” I asked, surprised at my insistence. She laughed and shrugged. I was Mister Always-In-Control, but nothing about this girl made me want to play it cool.

A feeling swept through me. Was that nausea? Was I anxious that this girl might slip right through my fingers? I shook my head as she called out goodbye. Just like that, she was gone. I didn’t even know her name. Was this karma trying to give me a taste of my own medicine? Because if it was, it tasted like shit.


“Wow, she really has gotten under your skin, hasn’t she?” Grant laughed as he popped open a beer and handed it to me. Dillon and Luke laughed along with him, like they all found this to be so damn hilarious.

“Man, you don’t understand. I’ve never met anyone like this chick. She is just so different from all the other girls I’ve been with. I’m used to being in control, but this girl had me. She had me by the balls and I think she knew it,” I muttered, sitting back in the deck chair.

An afternoon with the boys: great idea
, I’d thought.
That will keep my mind off her.
What I didn’t expect was to be getting the third degree off the guys who were supposed to be my friends. Would I do the same to them? Hell yes, but that’s not the point.

“I never thought I’d see this day,” chuckled Dillon. “Jack Falcon, pussy-whipped.” The guys laughed at his joke as I scowled. These guys were starting to get on my nerves.

“It was one fucking night, I’m hardly whipped,” I scoffed, tossing my now empty can at him.

“Really? Because all we’ve heard the last hour is about this chick whose name you didn’t even get. I mean, she’s like the female version of you,” Luke said as they roared with laughter. I shook my head and gave Luke the finger. He laughed and winked at me.

“Falcon, do you not remember how much shit you gave me when I started going out with Sally? Payback’s a bitch, eh?”

“Yeah, laugh it up and then go home to your wives and fiancée while I go out and screw whomever I want,” I retorted. “Fuck it, maybe I’ll have a threesome.”

“What makes you think Sal and I don’t?” Luke said, winking at me. His comment resulted in another round of laughing.

All I wanted was this girl out of my head. It had taken all my resolve the last week not to stop past the diner. Admittedly, I had driven past several times, and her car wasn’t there, but I wasn’t about to turn into the guy that chases the girl. She knew where I lived if she wanted to see me.

The guys hung around for a few more beers until dinnertime neared. Dillon and Luke were both married, and Grant engaged, so in other words, they were all on a pretty short leash. The guys and I had met in primary school. Luke and I had known each other through family, and we had formed a firm friendship with Dillon and Grant throughout our school years. Even now, we still caught up regularly. I considered all of them my best mates, but I was closer to Luke than the other two. He was someone I’d trust my life with, and in return he was a buddy I’d do anything for.

“See you tomorrow, yeah?” Luke called out as they piled out of the front door. “If you figure out where your mystery girl is, feel free to bring her,” he added, as the other guys laughed.

“Fuck off,” I retorted as the door slammed shut. Why the hell had I even mentioned her to them? I should’ve foreseen what their reaction would have been like. My interactions with women had been a topical subject for many years, but this showed a completely different side to me, one the guys couldn’t help but tease the fuck out of me over.

Turning on the TV, I sank onto the couch. Saturday and I was home, and even more alarmingly, I was home alone? I
go out. Picking up a girl never took long, but I couldn’t be bothered. That and the alcohol I’d consumed made me just want to crash. At least that’s what I told myself. It had nothing to do with a certain girl, name unknown.


The knock on the front door startled me out of my sleep. The television was still on, and the crack of daylight through the curtains told me I’d either been asleep for minutes or hours—I wasn’t sure which. Struggling to my feet, I grabbed my phone to check what time it was. Almost five in the evening. I’d fallen asleep for all of sixteen minutes and I still felt like shit. The rapping on the door reminded me of what had woken me.

“Coming,” I grumbled, smothering a yawn. I swung open the door, not even bothering to see who it was. I just made my way back to the couch.

“You look like shit.”

That got my attention. I turned around, sure I knew that voice, but convinced my mind (or my cock) was playing really cruel tricks on me. Angel stood in the doorway, her head leaning against the frame and her lips curved into a smile.

Fuck, she looked even sexier out of her work clothes, if that were possible. Her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. She wore a strapless dark blue sundress and a low pair of heels. A silver anklet hung around her right ankle, sparkling as it caught the light. Her necklace hung around her neck, as it always did.

“Angel,” I was surprised, and embarrassed that I hadn’t showered. “Come in. Excuse the mess. I just had some of the guys over. Aren’t you cold?” I asked. Her bare arms were making me feel cold.

She laughed. “I’m okay. It’s warm in here anyway. So you had a big day? Well, that explains the beer cans and the fact that you look like you’re ready to pass out. I can go if you like,” she said, turning toward the door.

“No!” I shouted, loudly. Too loudly. She raised her eyebrows as my face colored. “Some caffeine will wake me up,” I muttered as I filled the coffee pot, sneaking glances at her as she sat on one of the bar stools opposite me. Could I have sounded any more desperate?

“I thought you might’ve dropped past work to see me,” she commented, nodding as I held up a mug. “A coffee would be great, thanks.”

“Well you wouldn’t tell me your name, so I didn’t want to be where I wasn’t welcome,” I shrugged, making out like it was no big deal. It was a huge deal though. The fact that she had been thinking about me sent shivers down my spine. Fucking shivers! The only thing that had given me shivers in the past was the dead spider Alex put in my bed when I was ten.

She laughed, throwing her head back. “We had some pretty mind-blowing sex and you thought you weren’t welcome? Belle,” she added. “My name is Belle.”

Belle. It was such a sexy name, which suited her perfectly. Hearing her describe our encounter as ‘mind-blowing’ made me feel pretty damn good. She looked up at me, her chin resting on her open palm, and her elbow propped up on the counter.

“Do I get to know your name?”

“Jack,” I grinned, pushing her coffee over to her.

“Nice to meet you, Jack.” She took the mug in her hands and brought it to her mouth. I watched her as she brought her full lips together and gently blew on the hot liquid before taking a sip.

God I wished I was that coffee.

“So, why aren’t you out? I didn’t figure you for the type to be home by yourself on a Saturday night,” she commented.

“Well, technically it’s still afternoon, and I’m not alone anymore, am I?” I walked around the island counter toward her as she spun the stool around. Sitting on the neighboring stool, I propped my feet up on the foot bar, making her knees almost flush up against my crotch. Her eyes widened, as though she hadn’t expected me to get so close so soon.

“So, tell me about Belle,” I said, wanting to know everything about this beauty.

“What’s there to tell? I grew up in Manchester, and moved to London last year. I have a sister, I’m studying…There’s not much else,” she shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee, her eyes burning into mine.

“What are you studying?” I asked.

“English Literature,” she replied, her eyes dropping slightly, her long lashes averting my attention. She wore very little makeup, yet her natural beauty was so stunning she didn’t need much. A touch of mascara, and that blood-red lipstick. He cheeks naturally flushed when she was cold or embarrassed. And from memory, when she orgasmed.

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