Seducing the Wolf (50 page)

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Authors: Maureen Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Seducing the Wolf
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By the time she sank to her knees, his dick was bobbing insistently, begging for attention. She smiled coyly and licked her lips, lifting her gaze to his.

He was staring down at her, his eyes glittering with raw lust as water dripped off his black lashes.

As she wrapped her fingers around his hard cock, she couldn’t help marveling at how well endowed he was. She’d never been with a man who came anywhere close to being hung. Aidan had been average in size, and for the most part he’d been decent in bed. Or so she’d thought. She hadn’t known what she was missing until Manning came back into her life. Not only did he have a monster of a dick, he knew what to do with it.

When Taylor slid her tongue around the wide crown, he shuddered and swore raggedly. Aroused by his reaction, she lowered her mouth onto his cock, widening her lips to take him deeper. When the blunt head reached the back of her throat, she swallowed around him and relaxed her throat muscles so she wouldn’t choke.

Manning groaned, his hands tangling in her hair as she began sucking him with long, full strokes.

“Ah, Taylor.” His voice was a guttural rasp. “Baby…that feels so good. So

She stared up at him, riveted by the vision he made with his head flung back, eyes closed, rivulets of water flowing down his rippling muscles. He was unbelievably beautiful, an erotic masterpiece of male carnality and primal pleasure.

She ran her tongue down his velvety length, licking him from crown to base. He shuddered deeply, leaning back against the shower wall with his strong legs braced apart. Fisting him at the root of his shaft, she licked the silky beads of precum that leaked out of his slit and then angled her head to suck his tight, heavy balls.

” he hissed.

Taylor pumped his cock with her hand, then slid him back into her mouth. Hollowing her cheeks, she sucked him hard and voraciously, feeling his thick vein pulse against her tongue.

A harsh animal groan rumbled up from his chest, the sound vibrating through her and making her pussy throb.

, that mouth,” he rasped. “What’re you
to me?”

She smiled, heady with the knowledge that she could have such a powerful effect on this gorgeous alpha male. It was thrilling. Intoxicating.

His hands tightened in her hair, gripping her head as he began thrusting into her mouth. Taylor closed her eyes and let him take over, enjoying the way the smooth flesh of his cock rubbed her lips with each forward surge. The raw, guttural sounds he made were so damn stimulating she had to squeeze her thighs together to keep from climaxing herself.

When he came off the wall, she reached around him and grabbed his flexing butt. His body was rigid, his thighs taut and straining. She knew he was close to erupting, and it ratcheted up her own excitement and hunger.

“Ah, Taylor.
.” Holding her head in both hands, he rocked his hips faster, fucking her mouth harder.

The first jet of semen was explosive, splashing the back of her throat with such force she almost choked.

” Manning groaned hoarsely, throwing back his head.

Taylor shivered, her throat working to swallow the hot cum that flooded her mouth.

Every time she thought he was finished, his cock kept spurting, pumping out more. She swallowed as much as she could, letting the rest spill out the corners of her lips.

When Manning finally grew still, she eased her mouth off his shaft and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. He slowly lowered his head to gaze down at her, lovingly stroking her hair.

“Damn, baby,” he breathed, looking and sounding awed. “You bad as

Taylor grinned up at him.

Even after coming so explosively, his dick was still semi-erect, glistening wetly from her mouth. She stared in breathless fascination as he gripped his shaft and slowly stroked himself to full rigidity. As she licked her lips, he reached down and lifted her off the shower floor and into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, crossing her ankles behind his back.

She was so aroused from giving him head that she was already on the brink of orgasm when he cupped her ass and thrust into her. She moaned with pleasure, her head falling backward.

Pinning her against the wall, Manning fucked her until they both erupted, screaming each other’s names to the rafters.



An hour later, they emerged from his bedroom holding hands and grinning at each other.

Manning was all Que’d up in a purple Omega Psi Phi T-shirt, loose khakis and gold combat boots with purple laces. Taylor wore a black shorts jumper with a pair of Isabel Marant wedge sneakers, and her damp hair was slicked back into a high ponytail.

They rode the elevator down to the huge garage, which looked like a showroom at a glitzy auto show with the Phantom parked alongside an Aston Martin and a Lamborghini.

Taylor couldn’t help admiring the trio of sleek, powerful cars even as she shook her head and
. “Rich boys and their toys.”

Manning scratched his ear, grinning sheepishly. “I’m a scientist. Innovative engineering appeals to me.”

“Oh, but of course,” Taylor said with sham solemnity.

“How about I couldn’t decide on just one. Does that sound better?”

“Not really.” She laughed. “I would say you were just overcompensating, but…” She lowered her gaze to his crotch and grinned lasciviously.

He chuckled, leading her through the garage to where a Harley leaned on its kickstand beside the wall. It was a badass bike, black and purple with basic chrome, nothing showy. The leather seat was worn, and there was mud caked onto the wheels. It didn’t boast the sleek power and finesse of the other occupants of the garage. It was raw grit and muscle, a feral beast prowling through a dark jungle.

It couldn’t be more perfect for Manning.

“I thought we’d take the Harley today,” he said. “That cool with you?”

Taylor grinned. “Hell, yeah.”

Chuckling, Manning produced two helmets—purple, of course—and handed one to her. “You ever ridden on a motorcycle?”

She shook her head. “This will be my first time.”

“Good.” His voice deepened. “I love being your first.”

She smiled shyly and blushed like a virgin.

They pulled on their helmets, and then Manning slung his leg over the Harley and sat down.

Holy shit,
Taylor thought, staring at him.

He looked so hot, so ruggedly masculine and sexy, that her knees went weak.

He winked at her. “Hop on.”

She climbed onto the leather seat behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He turned the key in the ignition, and the engine came to life with a thunderous roar that made Taylor gasp. She shifted on the seat as the motorcycle growled beneath them, rumbling and throbbing with power. Her pulse was racing, and they hadn’t even left the garage yet.

Manning revved the engine, then glanced back at her. “You good?”

“Yeah,” she called back excitedly. “Let’s go, baby!”

She felt the vibration of his deep, wicked laughter.

Gripping the handlebars, he bent forward and gunned out of the garage. She clung to him, her heart pounding into her throat as they took off down the long driveway. Once they left the sprawling grounds of his estate, he accelerated, showing off the motorcycle’s torque.

Taylor whooped in delight as they raced down winding streets, the scenery zooming past them in a colorful blur. It was an exhilarating thrill rush, like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

As they roared onto the highway, she tightened her arms around Manning, not out of fear but to soak up his raw heat and energy.

When he threw back his head and howled into the wind, she laughed and howled along with him, drunk on adrenaline and euphoria.

It was Independence Day, and for the first time in years, she felt totally free.









hen they arrived at Sterling Wolf’s house in Stone Mountain, the long cobblestone driveway was already packed with bumper to bumper cars. Manning weaved through the procession of vehicles to park near the front.

As they climbed off the Harley, Taylor gushed breathlessly, “Oh, my God. That was so much fun!”

Manning grinned. “Glad you enjoyed the ride, my little daredevil.”

She laughed as he took her hand and led her up the walk toward the large redbrick house.

“What a turnout,” she marveled, glancing around at all the cars. “Is everyone in Atlanta here?”

Manning chuckled. “Just about. Our Fourth of July cookouts are pretty popular. They’re not just for our family members. We invite some of our closest friends, colleagues and neighbors, and
end up inviting people
know.” He grinned. “The more, the merrier.”

“I’m sure. Is Mr. Haley coming?”

“Of course. He’s like family.”

Taylor smiled, admiring a picturesque lake surrounded by acres of manicured green lawn. “This place is gorgeous.”

Manning grinned. “Be sure to tell that to Uncle Sterling. If he hears it often enough, maybe he won’t keep complaining about the way Michael and Marcus ‘banished’ him to the country.”

“He doesn’t like living out here?”

“It’s growing on him. Not that he’d ever admit it though.”

They were met at the front door by none other than Sterling Wolf, who looked so much like Manning’s father that Taylor almost forgot they weren’t twins. When he saw her, his ruggedly handsome face broke into a wide, welcoming grin.

“Well, hello there, Miss Taylor,” he greeted her warmly.

She beamed. “Hi, Uncle Sterling.”

He gave her a hearty hug and a kiss on the forehead. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been well. And you?”

“Doing just fine. Happy to see you again. No one’s happier than this one though,” Sterling teased, affectionately rubbing the back of his nephew’s head.

Manning’s grin was endearingly boyish.

“Your parents and brothers are out back,” Sterling announced, ushering them inside. “I promised your mother I’d let her know the minute you two arrived. A lot of folks are eager to see you, Taylor. Hope you don’t mind hugging ’cause you’ll be doing a lot of that today.”

She smiled warmly. “I don’t mind at all.”

“Where’s Mama Wolf?” Manning asked.

“She’s upstairs praying with one of my neighbors whose husband is in the hospital. She’ll be down very shortly. In the meantime, come say hello to everyone in the living room. Marcus and Samara are sharing their honeymoon pictures.”

Sterling led them through the double-height foyer, following the sounds of laughter and conversation to a beautifully furnished parlor.

“They’re here,” Sterling announced to the room.

Everyone looked up, delighted smiles sweeping across their faces. “Taylor!”

Marcus Wolf was the first one on his feet. Tall, dark and outrageously handsome, he was another beneficiary of the ultra potent Wolf genes.

He reached Taylor in three powerful strides and wrapped her up in a big bear hug. Drawing back, he looked her over and grinned broadly. “It’s good to see you again. You look great.”

Taylor grinned. “So do you,” she said, cupping his cheek. “Look at you. You’re all grown up. And you became a lawyer like everyone predicted you would.”

Marcus laughed. “I sure did.”

Soon Taylor was surrounded by the others—Grandma Kirkland, Uncle Theo and Aunt Winnie, and Quentin Reddick’s mother Georgina. They took turns hugging Taylor and exclaiming over how good she looked while playfully nudging Manning.

“Taylor,” Marcus said, bringing a young woman around to his side, “I’d like you to meet my wife Samara.”

Samara Wolf was drop-dead gorgeous with lustrous black hair, glowing brown skin and sultry features that struck Taylor as distinctly familiar.

“Hello, Taylor,” Samara said warmly as they shook hands. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

Taylor smiled. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Samara. Congratulations to you and Marcus. I hear you’ve got twins on the way.”

“We do.” Samara smiled radiantly as Marcus reached around her to place a gentle hand on her baby bump.

Taylor’s smile softened, and she felt an unexpected pang of longing for something she could never have. “When are you due?”

“November,” Samara replied. “But I don’t expect to go that long since twins usually come early.”

“They do,” confirmed Aunt Winnie, a voluptuous mahogany beauty in her late fifties. “Maya and Zora were four weeks early.”

Her handsome husband chuckled. “First and last time
girls have ever come early to anything.”

Everyone laughed at Uncle Theo’s joke.

Maya and Zora?” Taylor asked.

“They’re on their way,” Aunt Winnie replied. “They can’t wait to see you, Taylor.”

She smiled. “The feeling’s mutual.”

“Is that my Taylor?”

Taylor turned toward the familiar voice. Her throat tightened at the sight of an elderly woman beaming at her from the entryway.

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