Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Cris cupped her face and drew her attention to him. “Tara, I need to know.”


“Because we can’t move on until this is out in the open. I don’t mind Lars hearing the truth. I’d tell him later anyways.”

Tara looked back and forth between the two men. They seemed so close. “You’ve already spoken about me?” She felt her cheeks get warm despite the cool autumn breeze.
Is that why Lars hasn’t touched me today?

Lars nodded. “Cris told me his side of the story and we both want to know what happened to you.”

Tara huffed out a breath and stepped away from Cris. She needed a bit of space to clarify her thoughts. Standing so close to him, she couldn’t think of anything other than the way his skin felt against hers. She tugged her fingers from Cris’s and wrapped her arms around herself. It was a defensive move, she knew, but a bit of distance helped. She walked a couple steps in the direction they were headed. Lars and Cris fell in step beside her.

“My family is very big, but they’re very…strict. I’m the youngest and it was up to me to take care of my parents as they got older. I tried to hide my pregnancy as long as I could.” She’d known they would’ve demanded she abort the baby. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing what that night with Cris had created. “But I quickly got to the point I couldn’t…”

“What did they do to you?” Cris’s words were soft but held a menacing tone that almost sounded like a growl.

“They never hit me, if that’s what you’re thinking. When they realized it was too late for me to abort my baby…I’d never seen them so furious.” She remembered seeing the glittering potential for violence in her father’s gaze. “Later that day I heard my father on the phone negotiating a price for my child.”

Tara fisted her hands. Anger as fresh as it had been that day roared through her system at the memory. “Can you believe it? He wanted to pay someone to take my child away from me.” She shook her fists slightly at her sides and growled in her throat. “I was so mad…no, I was
furious.” It felt good to use that word, another freedom hidden from her by her oppressive family and their backward views.

With the dam broken, Tara continued to tell them about running away and staying in a women’s shelter until Zack was born. “I wanted to prove I could take care of him, but it’s so expensive and the places where I could afford to live were dangerous.”

“You said you were heading to Manitoba? Why go so far?”

“I have a second cousin, William, who lives outside Winnipeg. He contacted me and offered me a job at his used-car dealership. I can work reception and do paperwork for him. He’s getting older so in exchange for taking care of him, I can live in his home with Zack.”

“Sounds like you’ll end up his housekeeper.”

“I’ll do whatever I have to for Zack.” It wasn’t the best situation, but William was a good man. He wasn’t as strict and judgmental as her parents. He did say he’d tell everyone she was a widow to save her any embarrassment around town. “I want Zack to grow up to be a good man and I can’t do that on my own. When William retires then he said he might pass the dealership on to Zack when he’s old enough.”

“You’d give up that much for him, Tara?”

Tara glanced up at Cris. She didn’t understand the somber look on his face or what would’ve put it there. “I’d give up my life for him, Cris. He’s my son.”

Lars wrapped an arm around her and hauled her up against him. She opened her fingers, her hands resting on Lars’s chest. Her heart thudded and the blood roared in her ears. She was afraid what Cris’s reaction to this was, until she felt Cris step up behind her. “He’s a lucky boy to have a mother like you, Tara.”

Cris pressed a kiss on the side of her neck as she looked up at Lars’s expression. The big man smiled down at her. His hands rested on her waist and she felt his cock twitch beneath her stomach. For the first time in a long time everything felt…right. Standing here between these two men, she felt like the world settled around her and the agitation that grated her nerves melted away.

“So you don’t think I’m…a slut for what happened?”

Lars blinked down at her and she realized the thought had never crossed his mind. His expressions were so easy to read as they flickered across his face. He slowly leaned his face closer to hers and she realized he was giving her time to back away. Cris’s lips pressed against the top of her spine as he slid his hands over her hips. Lars’s hair slipped forward like a blond curtain. His hands wrapped around her waist and pressed against her lower back.

She closed her eyes moments before his lips touched hers, a gentle, soft brush and then nothing. She blinked up at him. Her tongue darted out and she licked her bottom lip as if she could taste him. His eyes darkened almost to black as he closed the space between them. This time his kiss was possessive, as if he was claiming her. He sucked her lower lip between his teeth and gently bit down on it. Her body responded with a shudder and a rush of damp heat between her legs.

She clung to Lars’s shoulders and soaked up the divine attention she received between them. As Lars claimed her mouth, Cris’s hands moved up her back, sliding around her rib cage. His thumbs pressed along the lower edge of her bra and Tara wished she wasn’t wearing one. His teeth closed over the muscle where her shoulder met her neck, an almost animalistic growl vibrated in his throat. She remembered that sound. He’d made the same noise as he came inside her all those years before. Her body remembered and her pussy throbbed to the beat of her heart. Lars shifted his stance and slipped his leg between hers. His thigh pressed up against her core and she shuddered, another rush of wet heat soaking her panties.

“I can smell you, Tara,” Cris whispered into her ear as Lars pressed his mouth against her neck. “I remember how you taste, too, like the sweetest cream on my tongue.” He licked the shell of her ear and she shuddered.

Lars groaned and rocked his thigh against her pussy. Tara didn’t even think to be embarrassed by Cris’s words. She wanted to strip down there in the middle of the forest and crawl all over both of them. She wanted to feel their hard cocks inside of her, at the same time, one at a time, she didn’t care. She arched her back as Lars gripped her hips, pressing her against his leg, rocking her hips, encouraging her to ride him.

Her head fell back against Cris’s shoulder, and she wrapped her leg around Lars’s calf to keep her balance. She didn’t want to lose the delicious friction against her pussy, but she needed to feel Cris’s lips again. The moment they touched she moaned into his mouth.

“That’s it, Tara.” Lars’s voice was like a seductive caress to her senses as he gripped her hips tighter. “We won’t let you fall. I want you to relax into our hands. We’ve got you.”

Tara reached up and wrapped a hand around the back of Cris’s neck as he kissed her. Her other hand gripped Lars’s fingers at her hip. Cris claimed her mouth, his kiss ravenous, demanding. She couldn’t resist, nor did she want to. Her body shivered with need, and her pussy throbbed. The release she ached for shimmered so close as she danced on the knife edge.

Cris reached up and undid the buttons to her sweater, exposing the tank top she wore underneath. His hands cupped the underside of her breasts, lifting them like an offering. A hot mouth closed over one tip, sucking through her thin tank and bra. Cris flicked his tongue over her teeth as Lars sucked her nipple into his mouth and his teeth closed over the fabric-covered tip. The soft pinch was another layer to the incredible sensations of her pussy rubbing against his thigh.

Tara pulled her mouth away from Cris long enough to inhale before the immense wave of pleasure had her crying out to the treetops. She quivered and shook as Lars continued to rock her against his leg. Her pussy flooded with a wave of moisture she was sure would soak through the material separating them and wet his leg.

“You’re so beautiful when you fall apart like that.” Cris wrapped his arms around her and thankfully supported her because she was certain her legs wouldn’t hold her.

“I don’t want you to get a chill.” Lars buttoned her shirt back up, grinning at her. “Are you ready for your surprise now?”

Tara blinked at him. “That wasn’t the surprise?”

“Not even close.” Lars pressed a quick kiss against her lips and then Cris scooped her up into his arms. “We have more to show you.”

“I don’t think I can survive more than that.” Tara felt weak and wouldn’t turn down a nap at the moment.

“Oh, yes you can.” Cris grinned as he started walking behind Lars.

Chapter Ten


Lars wanted nothing more than to flip Tara onto the forest floor, spread her legs, and bury his face into her pussy again. Her taste had echoed on his tongue ever since he’d tasted her nectar the day before. Cris’s comment made him feel like a finding an oasis after being lost in the desert. There was no jealousy in his desire. Cris’s comments only flared his arousal higher.

While he and Cris had only shared a woman once or twice, it’d been a pleasant diversion. But, here and now, sharing Tara was like the greatest of gifts. The moment he tasted her lips he knew he wouldn’t get enough of her. He’d watched her as she spoke and knew she was conflicted. She’d sat in the truck between them like there was a steel rod along her spine. He much preferred her like this, relaxed and accepting of both their attentions.

When he’d spoken to Cris about spending time with her that day, they both agreed they would wait for her to instigate any contact. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel pressured. The mark on his chest itched and warmed in her presence, reminding him that she was his. The moment she accepted it, the three of them would be bound until their last breaths.

He led Cris through the forest to the entrance of the caverns. He’d found this place after Beatrice had died. His heart had been shattered in remorse for not being able to extend her life and then the anger he’d felt toward her for leaving him. She might not have loved him enough, but he had to believe after all the years together, she’d cared a bit. Beatrice had allowed him access to her body and he’d tried to convey his feelings through those special moments. She’d loved her first husband and their children so much. Lars had believed she hadn’t had any more love to spare for him and that had been why they’d never bonded.

The caverns were a mystical place and he wanted to share this place with Tara. Cris was desperate to keep her here in Ecstasy Lake and Lars agreed. He hoped perhaps over time she’d care for him as well.

They approached a cliff edge and Lars glanced over his shoulder at Cris. His friend took the hint and distracted Tara with a kiss that left her gripping Cris’s shirt in her small fist. She was such a passionate woman. Lars didn’t know how she had lasted this long on her own without any romantic connections. He turned his attention to the large boulder in front of him. Wrapping his arms around one section, he pushed with all his weight and strength and heard the rocks beneath it groan and grind into dust as he shifted the blockade, revealing an opening to a cavern.

Cris placed Tara on her feet and then stepped out of the way. She stood there gaping at Lars. “Did you move that?” She pointed at the immense boulder.

“Thank you for the vote of confidence.” Lars smiled at her but hated the deceit in his words. “I rolled that one out of the way.” He pointed at a much smaller rock to the side.

Tara frowned at him and looked at the boulder again as if she knew he lied but couldn’t figure out a more rational truth. “How do you know there aren’t any animals in there?”

“I’d never endanger you.”

Lars looked so insulted by her question she almost laughed. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to this sort of thing.” He grunted and took her hand and led her into the cavern. Cris walked behind her, but while she stumbled on loose rocks and different-size stones, both he and Lars were sure-footed and graceful. It made her feel like a clumsy oaf. “Do you two come in here often?”

“I’ve never been here, Tara.” Cris pointed at Lars. “This is his surprise.”

She looked up at Lars’s back, but the man continued to move deeper into the cavern. It slowly closed in on them until he leaned over to not to scrape his head on the jagged ceiling.

The light grew dimmer to the point she was unable to see where she was going. “Do either of you have a flashlight or something, or are we almost out of here?”

“We’re close.” Lars turned and scooped her up, hunching over her as he walked sure-footed through the cave.

“How can you two see each other in here? I can’t see my hand in front of my face.” The air started to feel humid and thick. She could hear the growing sound of rushing water.
What did Catherine say about waterfalls?

Neither man answered her and then Lars suddenly straightened up and put her on her feet. She got the sense they had moved into a bigger room. The rumble of falling water echoed around her in the dark. Lars moved away and she instantly waved a hand in front of her, nervous without the security of being held.

“It’s okay.” Cris slipped his hands around her waist and stepped up behind her. She felt his body press along her back, including the ridge of his hard cock pressing against her lower back. She wriggled slightly and he groaned in her ear. “Mercy, Tara. Watching your ass wiggle in front of me as we walked is what put me in this condition in the first place.”

“Now how could you see my ass in there? It was dark.”

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