Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (18 page)

BOOK: Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Feeling brave, she sucked him down as deep as she could, concentrating on breathing through her nose. Lars speared his fingers through her hair but didn’t force her to move. Instead it felt like he needed an anchor. His thighs trembled under her arms and pearls of pre-cum welled up in the small slit. She took great care to lave away the drops and tried to suck more to the surface.

sutte mig
.” He groaned, grinding out the words from between his teeth. She didn’t know exactly what he had said, but by the tone, it wasn’t hard to guess. His hips rocked up against the movement of her mouth. She sealed her lips around him and moved up and down his length, stroking the rest with her fingers. Lars tugged on her hair at one point, but she ignored him. Instead she reached up with her other hand and rolled his balls around in her fingers.

Lars’s thighs tightened rock hard under her arms as he let loose with a yell. Warm cum spurted against the back of her throat and she swallowed as fast as she could, not wanting to waste a drop. He shuddered and curled over her, stroking her hair.

Tara rested her cheek on his thigh as Cris picked up the pace behind her. “That was so fucking hot to watch.” He shuttled his cock in and out of her, the pounding exponentially increasing her arousal with each stroke. She clutched Lars’s thigh as Cris rode her hard, thrusting into her as he pulled back on her hips. Lars wrapped his arms around her pelvis and delved his fingers between her pussy lips, stroking her pulsing clit. He pinched it, the sharp sensation sending her hurling over the edge into a powerful orgasm. She heard him howl out his release and then he bent to rest his forehead against her spine.

Lars gently ran his fingers through her hair as she rested her cheek against his leg. Cris pulled out of her and kissed her hard on the lips. “You are pure perfection.” He gave her another quick kiss and then moved out of view.

Lars lifted her up slightly and sat down on the ledge again, pulling her back onto his lap. He softly stroked her thighs and then drew his fingers along the puffy, sensitive lips. His touch felt electric, setting off a thousand flashes with each stroke. She moaned and tried to grab his hand as she arched up to meet his touch.

“Shhh, relax.” He cooed to her and softly stroked and petted her until she writhed in his lap as her body ached and throbbed.

“I can’t.” She cried out against his neck even as her legs trembled.

“One more.” He slipped his finger inside her and stroked deeply. “You can do it,
min blomst
.” Despite her cries to the contrary, he coaxed another orgasm from her quivering body, leaving her completely strung out.

“You’re everything to me.” His words were so soft she almost didn’t hear them. Concern flittered through her thoughts. Wasn’t it too soon to feel this way? But after so many powerful orgasms in a short time she was too wiped to worry about it. Lying safe and secure in Lars’s arms and napping felt like a better idea.


* * * *


“I want to tell her the truth. All of it,” Lars admitted to Cris, keeping his voice low so that he didn’t disturb Tara. She’d cuddled up against his chest, her lips at his neck and her hand over her mark on his chest. “I’m not certain she wouldn’t turn tail and run as fast as she could away from us.”

Cris slipped back into the pool and handed him a bottle of water. “You know how you feel right now, Lars. Imagine an hour from now, she’s gone and you can’t find her no matter how hard you try. What would you do?”

I’d wither away to nothing
. Lars gently stroked her hair. She was his, and he couldn’t survive without her. While some people might find the idea of immortality exciting, he’d learned to hate it. Knowing he’d never have to exist without Tara was a blessing only those over a thousand years could understand.

“I can see it written all over your face. I feel the same way, Lars. We’re close to convincing her to stay.” Cris moved closer, his eyes on her sleeping form. “Explaining you and I will be difficult, but telling her Zack’s a shape-shifter will freak her out more.”

“She’d never turn her back on him.” Lars knew what Cris had endured in his past. A mother’s rejection left painful scars on a man’s soul and Cris had many. “She’s your Mate. Would you let her go if she demanded it?”

Cris shrugged. “I never want her to feel like a prisoner or unhappy.”

Lars knew Cris needed to bond with Tara more and put an end to the idea of actually letting her leave. His ancestors believed in capturing their woman, and if push came to shove, he’d lock her up to prevent her from leaving. It would make it much harder for her to trust and believe in him, but that was better than being separated from her. “You need to hold her as she sleeps.”

Cris gave him an odd look, obviously not understanding what Lars meant. “Gladly.” Lars gently shifted Tara into Cris’s waiting arms. She whimpered slightly and then settled down, curling around Cris much as she’d curled around him. Her lips rested against his skin and her arm rested around his neck.

Cris settled with his Mate in his arms and gave Lars a confused look. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving this, but why do I
to hold her?”

“She needs to know you’ll protect her when she’s vulnerable.”

“And by holding her as she sleeps she subconsciously learns to relax and trust our scent when it’s close.” Cris arched an eyebrow. “That’s how you got the mark yesterday, isn’t it? She said she’d had a nap and still felt a bit dozy. This is part of a Mating ritual for you.”

Lars nodded. Cris knew almost all of his secrets already. There was no point in hiding one as important as this. “She needs to eat from your fingers as well.”

Cris nodded. “Okay, I can do that. We’ll have dinner at my place tonight. What’s next?”

“The third part is her offering her body, trusting we’ll take care of her.”

“And we’ve taken care of that.” Cris’s smile was more than a little smug as he looked down at Tara’s sleeping form. Lars had to admit he felt more relaxed right now than he ever had in his entire life.

“Her body temperature will start to drop if she sleeps much longer.”

“I’ll get the towels.” Lars lifted out of the water and padded over to his backpack. “We’ll dry her off and keep her healthy.”

“I can’t bond with her unless she knows the truth.” Cris slowly moved and stepped up on the ledge and out of the water. Lars wrapped a towel over Tara as he spoke. “My primal side won’t accept anything less.”

Lars understood that very well. He wanted to tell Tara everything but understood what a sensitive situation they were in. Cris’s willingness to delay completing their Mating until she was ready to stay spoke a lot about his character. But they were taking a large chance by withholding so much information from her.

Chapter Eleven


Tara sat in a large Muskoka chair in front of Lars’s house with a thick blanket tucked around her. The soft call of loons echoed across the lake, adding to the peacefulness of the moment. The sun had begun its descent in the sky and Tara was pretty certain today marked the laziest day in her entire life.

Cris and Lars had waited on her hand and foot, starting when they woke her up with soft kisses as they dried her skin. Remembering what she’d done with them at the waterfall was enough to bring a blush to her cheeks.

“She’s thinking about this afternoon again.” Cris sat across from her, her feet resting in her lap. He grinned and winked at her.

“We need to think of a way to keep those blushes on her cheeks.” Lars sat next to her, his fingers entwined with hers. “After Zack goes to sleep tonight we’ll see what we can come up with.”

“I’ll make a bonfire so she isn’t too chilly, but her nipples would be nice and hard.”

“We’ll get her to sit in one of these chairs with her legs over the arms so we’ll have a perfect view of her pretty pussy.”

“You two stop it.” Tara laughed and nudged each of them. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Listening to the two of them discuss her like that was embarrassing, but a part of her looked forward to experiencing more between them.

She looked around, concerned Zack might have overheard them. He’d been running around exploring the forest around Lars’s home.

Cris looked around as well. “I saw him wandering along the lake a few minutes ago.”

“I’m sure he’s fine.” Lars patted her hand. “There isn’t anything living around here but me and I told him not to go swimming. It’s too cold.”

“I just want to see him and I’ll feel better.” Tara dropped her feet from Cris’s lap and stood up as both men did the same. She knew she was being a bit paranoid, but she wasn’t used to Zack being out of sight for too long. “Zachery!”

She scanned the edge of the forest looking to see if he popped out from behind a tree.

“Hi, Mom! I’m finding Blavet!”

Her son’s high voice echoed around her and Tara twisted around, trying to find the source. When she did, her knees almost buckled beneath her. Her son was out in the middle of the lake in a small blow-up dinghy. It looked like he had a pair of binoculars up to his face watching her.

“Damn, sorry, Tara. I was fishing a few days ago and forgot I left it out,” Lars said as she stormed out along the long dock that stretched from his deck.

“It’s not your fault.” She didn’t want him to feel bad. The guy didn’t have kids and didn’t know how much something like that would pose a temptation. “Zack knows better than to pull a stunt like this.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him before bellowing in her best angry mom voice, “Zachery Cristopher Brewer! You will come back here right this minute!”

She wanted her tone to let him know she meant business and he was really in trouble, but he jumped up at her order and panicked. The dinghy rocked violently and Zack’s skinny arms waved as he tried to catch his balance.

“Zack! Sit down!” He staggered a couple steps inside the small boat and then it suddenly lurched and shot out from under him. “
!” Tara watched in horror as he tumbled backward over into the water.

“Zachery!” She ran for the end of the dock, panic stealing her breath. “I don’t think he wore a life vest.” She shook so badly she could hardly run. All she could think of was getting to her son. The dock vibrated under her feet and a heavy thumping sounded behind her.

Her legs were swept out from underneath her and she immediately started to thrash in the arms that closed around her. “Let me go!” She didn’t lose sight of the spot where Zack went under. He still hadn’t popped back up. He wasn’t the best swimmer, and he’d been wearing so many clothes.

She watched as Lars threw himself off the end of the dock in a perfect arced dive, but when he hit the water the splash was monstrous. Her brain couldn’t process what she saw with her own eyes. A huge, black, dragon-like thing rolled under the water in the direction of her son. “What…”

“Shh. He’ll find Zack, Tara. I swear to you.”

She continued to point at the water…“But where did Lars go? Did it eat him? Will it eat Zack?”

“No darling, I swear to you that’s Lars and he’s going to get Zack.”

She watched Cris’s mouth move, but the words weren’t making any sense. “No. I saw a dragon.”

“You saw Blavet.”

“If that’s Blavet, where’s Lars?”

“They are one in the same, Tara.” Cris cupped his hands along her jawline and forced her to look up at him. “Lars is a shape-shifter.”


“No, it’s not.” He turned her and pointed out where the small boat slipped under the surface. “Look.”

A large shadow moved along the water’s surface. Zack was perched on something, his little arms wrapped around the neck of…“Oh my god.” Tara felt her legs go rubbery as her brain processed what she was seeing. A huge sea serpent moved through the water toward the shore. Its black scales matched the shimmering water and blended in so well she couldn’t distinguish where the animal ended and the water began.

Her son perched on its back with his arms wrapped around its neck. “Look, Mom, I found him.”

Tara looked up at Cris and then back to her child. “Is he…I don’t know if…” She staggered away from Cris and held on to one of the poles lining the dock edge. Part of her wondered if she was insane. She was sitting here watching a mythical beast swim her Zack back to shore. “I’m going to need some…a lot of time to process this.”


* * * *


Lars swam up to the shore, watching Tara carefully. She’d dropped to her knees on the wooden dock and currently gripped one of the support poles as she stared at him. Cris stood over her looking more than a little concerned. This wasn’t the ideal way he wanted Tara to find out the truth, but it had to happen sooner or later.

When he reached the shoreline he carefully moved onto the beach and then shifted back into his human form. Zack floated along the magic wave for a split second and then Lars settled the boy in his arms. His clothes re-formed back around him as he walked forward.

“Larth!” Zack wrapped his arms around his neck and squeezed tightly. “You’re Blavet! That’th awethome! Mom thaid people can turn into animalth, but I didn’t know thee wath telling the truth.”

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