Seduction (21 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: Seduction
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“I love you, Mason, and don't ever forget it,” Terra said, giving him a deep French kiss.

While they were in the office declaring their love for each other, Trey was having another glass of champagne. He was eyeing all the beautiful women at the party dressed in sexy designer dresses and draped in exquisite diamonds, no doubt on loan from Harry and Jacob. Trey loved people-watching, and was enjoying the sights when his eye caught a familiar face. He hadn't seen her in months, and now she was coming in his direction. He wanted to turn and walk the other way, but she clearly had him in view.
What is she doing here?
he wondered.


you here.”

Trey gave her a polite smile, but didn't really feel like striking up a conversation. “Small world isn't it?” he asked, knowing that trying to avoid her now was futile.

“I haven't seen you since that rigorous interview a few months ago.” Lexi grinned. She had wanted to chat him up when she joined the Black Door, but he was acting so professional during the interview that she couldn't get her flirt on. But now that they were in a party environment, she hoped that his guard was down. “You want to dance?”

“No thanks, I'm not much of a dancer,” he said, taking a sip of his champagne.

Lexi's eyes roamed the full length of his body. He was dressed in a coal black suit, white shirt, and silver tie. She couldn't help but notice how his broad shoulders filled out the suit jacket. He was one fine man, and she wanted to get to know him better.
I bet he's a good lay,
she thought. “Oh, I find that hard to believe. I bet you're good at everything.” She winked suggestively.

Trey pretended not to pick up on her blatant flirtation. She was a beautiful woman; her skin was the color of caramel, and her short brown hair was streaked with blond highlights. She wore a snug black evening gown that hugged her body in all the right places. And her diamond necklace sparkled brightly underneath the glow of the lights. Yes, she was indeed beautiful, but he had gotten into deep trouble before for fucking a client, and wasn't about to go down that road again. “Thanks for the compliment.” He finished the last of his drink and said, “It was nice seeing you again, but I really have to be going.”

She took a pen and a piece of paper out of her purse, wrote down her number, and handed it to him. “Call me sometime; I would love to teach you how to ‘dance,'” she said, putting emphasis on the verb.

Trey quickly turned around and walked away, before she caught him up in her web of seduction. As he was making his escape, he ran smack into another unwanted face.

“Hi, Trey.” She smiled warmly.

Suddenly his heart began to race, and his underarms began to perspire, but he quickly composed himself, leaned in, and kissed her on the cheek. “How have you been?” He did a once-over, and she looked better than the last time he'd seen her.

“Well as can be expected under the circumstances,” she said with a sad tone in her voice.

He nodded because he understood exactly what she meant. The circumstances that she was referring to were dismal at best, and he preferred not to think about the past, but one look into her eyes and all the memories—good and bad—came flooding back. He remembered the first time they had met and the immediate attraction that they felt for each other. He thought that he was over her, but standing in her presence brought back the feelings that he had suppressed for so long. “Do you know Sage Hirschfield?” he asked, changing the subject, trying to get his mind off the heat building in his crotch.

“I don't know him personally. Yates Gilcrest handles all of Hirschfield Multimedia contracts, and Bob, one of the managing partners, invited me tonight, since I'm in town for a few days,” Ariel said.

“So how's Washington treating you?” Ariel had moved to Washington after she had married his father.

“Well, it's not New York, but I'm managing.” She smiled slightly.

“And how's my dad doing? I've been meaning to call him, but the club keeps me busy,” he said, trying to avert his eyes from hers, but he couldn't help but stare into her gorgeous face, a face he couldn't forget.

“Actually, that's one of the reasons why I'm in town. We have to talk,” she said, lowering her voice and looking around to make sure that no one was within earshot. “I was going to stop by the club, but now I don't have to,” she said, fidgeting with her evening bag.

Trey immediately thought back to the last time they were at the Black Door together. It was the night when he fucked her so hard that his mask fell off and she saw his face, and realized that she'd been having an affair with her future stepson. “What's the matter?” he asked, sensing trouble.

“I think Preston is starting to remember.” When his father found out about their deception, he'd had a mild stroke and lost his short-term memory. Trey, Michele (his girlfriend and Preston's assistant), and Ariel decided to keep the truth from him as long as possible. Preston was in the middle of being nominated as a Supreme Court Justice, and they wanted to spare him the devastating deception.

Trey didn't know what to say. He knew that one day he would have to own up to what he'd done, but he didn't think it would be this soon. “What makes you think he's regained his memory?”

“Because he's been treating me extremely coldly, and he doesn't have much to say. Normally, he rushes home and tells me about his day, but lately he's been staying out until one and two in the morning. I think he's trying to avoid me.”

“Maybe he's just busy. After all he is a justice now,” Trey said, trying to calm her fears as well as his own.

“But what if that's not the case and he's remembered everything? Then what? What are we going to do?” she asked with panic in her voice and tears welling up in her eyes.

Trey didn't have any answers. He was just as nervous as she was. He'd committed the ultimate act of betrayal; now it was time to face the music, only he didn't like the tune that was playing. “I don't know, Ariel. I just don't know.”

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