Seduction (8 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: Seduction
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happened the other night? You never called me with an update,” Lexington said to Terra. They were having a girls' night out. After a wonderful dinner at Sapa, a French/Vietnamese hot spot in Chelsea, they were having after-dinner drinks at Pravda, a vodka bar in NoLiTa.

“I was wondering when you were going to ask.” Terra chuckled. “You went through an entire meal without interrogating me.”

“Excuse me, but I didn't think asking about a friend's life was considered an interrogation,” Lexington said, slightly irritated.

“Pull the claws back in, I was just kidding. I didn't call you because there's really nothing to tell,” Terra said matter-of-factly.

“What do you mean? I thought you had a big night planned with Sage. How was the concert? Was ‘The Material Girl' dancing her ass off as usual?” Lexington wanted to know.

“I couldn't tell you,” Terra said casually, taking a sip of her chilled Russian vodka.

Lexington looked at her strangely. “What do you mean?”

“We didn't go to the concert.”

“Why?” Lexington pinned her with a questioning stare. “I thought you said you got the tickets.”

“I did get the tickets; spent twenty-five hundred dollars on them as a matter of fact,” Terra said, still upset at wasting money on the unused tickets. “But Sage had to leave as soon as we got to the restaurant because his father had been rushed to the emergency room. So to answer your question, nothing happened because he left before the night got started.”

“How is his father? Hope it wasn't anything serious.” Lexington knew the elder Hirschfield from her childhood and admired his accomplishments.

“I don't know. I called his office yesterday, but his secretary said he was on a conference call, and he hasn't called me back yet. It's not like Sage not to return my call right away. I hope everything's okay,” Terra said, beginning to worry.

“Call him now and find out what's going on,” Lexington suggested.

“Good idea.” Terra took out her phone and called Sage's cell, but after five rings, it went into voice mail. “Hey, it's me. I was calling to find out how your dad is doing. Call me back,” Terra said, leaving him a message.

“Well, let's hope everything's okay,” Lexington said, picking up her vodka rocks and draining the last drop from the glass.

“Yeah, let's hope.”

“Can I get you ladies another round?” asked the handsome, hunky bartender.

“Absolutely!” Lexington winked, flirting with the Terrence Howard look-alike. She glanced around the cozy room with its low ceiling, overstuffed leather chairs, and intimate booths. Pravda drew some of the prettiest people in the city, and was popular with the late-night crowd. “There are some fine men here tonight,” she said, spotting a group of Abercrombie & Fitch–looking models.

Terra swiveled slightly on the bar stool and took a peek. “They're cute, but they look like teenagers. I like my men a bit more seasoned.”

“Like Professor Langston?” Lexington asked, pinning Terra with a knowing look.

In her junior year of college, Terra had an affair with her drama professor. David Langston was just out of graduate school and only a few years older than Terra. He was an aspiring actor himself and had the movie-star good looks to go along with his skills. He was six feet three inches, slim, with Belgian chocolate skin and honey-colored eyes. David was distracted by Terra's beauty the moment she stepped into his class and he tried his best to ignore the attraction he felt for her. He kept his libido in check until the day he had to help her with a love scene. Terra was having a hard time kissing her acting partner passionately. They were portraying star-crossed lovers, but her kiss was lukewarm at best. David stopped the action, stepped on the stage, swept Terra into his arms, and kissed her, tongue and all. He held her tight in his arms until he felt her respond. His mission was to show the class how to deliver a passionate kiss, but he wasn't acting. His kiss was real.

Terra had never been kissed like that before, and his kiss unleashed a desire in her that she never knew existed, and she wanted more. Terra got his address from the department secretary—under the guise of dropping off an overdue paper—and showed up on his doorstep unannounced, but not unwelcomed.

David opened his door and didn't say one word. He just pulled her inside and shut the door. He untied the belt on her trench coat as if he were unwrapping an unexpected gift. He unbuttoned her jeans and slid them past her slim hips. He then got on his knees and kissed her from her ankles to her inner thighs, up to her silk panties. He kissed the front of the panties until they were saturated from his moist mouth. Terra tried to squirm away, but he reached up and grabbed her ass, pulling her in closer. He tore off the panties with his teeth, found her clit, and began sucking it feverishly.

Terra thought she was going to lose her mind. Having been sheltered all of her life, she was still a virgin and had never even had oral sex before, and the sensation felt so good, so good in fact that she began peeing on herself. David sucked the golden liquid out of her pee hole and drank it up as if it were a delicious nectar.

Once she had released a series of orgasms, he got off of his knees, pulled down his sweatpants, took his erect cock, and rubbed it against her clit. He then turned her around and bent her over slightly so that he could enter her from behind. Her pussy was so tight that he reached around with one hand and stuck two fingers inside to loosen her up. He then guided his hard cock into her sacred walls and began to gently rock back and forth. He sensed that she was a virgin because she didn't return his rhythm. He whispered for her to push back against his dick; he then held her by the waist until she found her rhythm. He began to slowly fuck her with long even strokes. David wanted to take his time and show her how to move her body like a pro. He plunged deep on the in stroke, and then pulled out until the rim of his head kissed the opening of her V-spot. She shuttered from the sensation, but quickly caught on and bucked back until they were fucking in sync.

David tutored Terra all night and half the morning on the art of sucking, fucking, licking, and swallowing. He showed her positions only a contortionist could perform, but she managed to twist her body to accommodate his commands. Her sexual appetite was insatiable and he fed her until her pussy ached. David transformed Terra from an inexperienced girl who knew nothing into a woman who knew how to please herself as well as her partner. They continued their affair until David left teaching and moved to L.A. to star in a B-movie.

“David Langston.” Terra smiled and licked her lips. “Now that's a man who knows how to please a woman. I haven't had sex like that since he moved to Hollywood over a year ago.”

“That's a shame.” Lexington shook her head. “Girl, my world isn't right unless I cum on a weekly basis. And speaking of cumming, I'll bet he can suck the hell out of a clit. Look at his mouth.” She motioned to a tall, bald brother with full kissable lips.

Terra turned slightly and looked across the room. She turned back quickly. “I know him,” she whispered.

“How do you know
? He's too fine,” Lexington asked, looking directly at Mason, trying to make eye contact.

“Well, I don't know him know him. I met him at Borders.”

“Really.” Lexington smiled. “What's his name?” she asked, ready for an introduction.

“Well, I didn't really meet him, I—”

Lexington cut her off. “Wait a minute, what's the deal? You don't know him know him, and you don't know his name either? Well, in that case, I'd say he's open prey; every woman for herself,” Lexington said, and smiled in Mason's direction.

“Go for it,” Terra said unresponsively. She was used to Lexington trying to snap up every good-looking man she laid her eyes on, and wasn't in the mood to compete.

“Excuse me, ladies, but the gentleman over there has bought you a bottle of Belvedere,” the bartender said, nodding toward Mason.

Lexington turned back toward Mason and waved him over. While he was making his way through the crowded room, Lexington quickly took out her lip gloss and smeared the shiny goo on her lips. She straightened her posture so that her tits sprang forward in her tight-fitting low-cut top. “Thanks for the vodka.” She batted her eyes as he stood directly in front of Terra's stool. “I'm Lexi”—she extended her hand—“and this is my friend, Terra.”

Mason barely looked at Lexington because his eyes were glued to Terra. “Finally, a proper introduction,” he said to her.

“Not really,” Terra responded glibly, “because I still don't know your name.”

“My bad.” He grinned. “I'm Mason Anthony.” He reached for her hand, and held it in his for a brief second before letting it go.

“So, Mason,” Lexington said, interrupting their vibe, “what do you do?”

“I'm into real estate,” he said, with a ready answer. Trey had schooled him on what to say when that question came up. It was a partial truth, since they were always scouting properties to convert into another Black Door. Though one of his duties at the club was to recruit new members, he had to use his discretion, and Terra didn't look like she belonged at the Black Door.

“Oh, are you an agent?” Lexington asked.

“No,” he said, preferring not to elaborate. “And what about you?” He returned his attention to Terra. “What do you do?”

“I'm an actress,” she said proudly, as if she were already a star.

“Oh, yeah?” His eyes lit up. She was so beautiful that he should have known that she was in the entertainment industry. “Would I have seen you in anything?”

“Not unless you go to auditions,” Lexington butted in. “She's still trying to land the role of a lifetime.” She laughed as if she had just told the funniest joke.

Terra cut Lexi a “don't even go there” look, and said, “It's true, I'm still pounding the pavement, but it's just a matter of time before you see my face on the silver screen.”

I'd love to see your face in my bed,
he thought. “Move over, Halle.” He smiled. “Here comes Terra.”

Terra blushed at the remark. She was warming up to him. Not only was he handsome, he was complimentary as well, and she liked the attention.

Lexington could see that he was totally interested in Terra, and that she didn't have a chance at stealing his attention, so she excused herself and walked over to the group of Abercrombie boys. Within minutes, she was standing in the center of the crowd and chatting up the cutest guy in the bunch.

“She's something else,” he said, watching her mesmerize the youngster.

“That she is,” Terra said, looking at her ego-maniac friend soak up all the attention she was getting.

The bartender kept their glasses full as they traded bits and pieces of their lives. Ironically, they both left out the most important details. Terra didn't mention that her last name was Benson, and Mason failed to mention that he managed a sex club for a living. They had nearly polished off the fifth of vodka, and were feeling no pain. Terra had loosened up considerably, and was now laughing easily at his corny jokes.

“When I was a kid, our apartment was so small that the welcome mat was wall-to-wall carpeting,” he said, mimicking Rodney Dangerfield.

“That's too funny,” she said, laughing, and slapped his thigh.

A charge ran up Mason's leg at her touch. He put his hand on top of hers and held it in place. She didn't pull away, and he was glad.

Terra glanced down at their hands, and then her eyes traveled up to his crotch area. Her eyes lit up when she saw his full package. His legs were cocked open, giving her a complete view of what he had to offer, and the offering was substantial. She was getting wet just thinking about releasing his captive penis, and riding it up and down. She hadn't had sex in so long that she wondered if her pussy still worked.

Mason saw the look of lust in her eyes and said, “Come on, let's get out of here.” He quickly settled the tab, grabbed her hand, and led the way outside. He put one arm over her shoulders and hailed a taxi with the other. While they waited, he whispered another corny joke in her ear, and she broke into a fit of laughter. The combination of the booze and his one-liners had put her totally at ease, and she relaxed back in his arms like they had been dating for years. Once the taxi pulled up to the curb, they hopped inside.

Mason told the driver his address, and then pulled Terra close to him. He searched her eyes for permission to take it to the next level, and they told him to go for it. He leaned in and kissed her deeply, then eased her back on the seat. Mason had tasted her lips; now he wanted to taste her other lips. He quickly unzipped her jeans, pulled them open, and buried his face in her manicured bush. He slipped his tongue in her slit and then sucked her clit.

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